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1、高中英语选修7Unit19LanguageLesson3BodyLanguage高中英语选修7Unit 19 LanguageLesson 3 Body LanguageUnit 19 L3 Module7 Unit19 Lesson3 Body language ( Reading period1) / 进修实验 叶娇 本节课达成的目标是: 知识与技能: 1. 用本课所学的相关的话题词汇说出若干种body language的含义和不同国家的body language的差异。 2. 能运用阅读策略学会归纳段落大意。 情感态度价值观: 通过学习body language增加与人沟通和交往的能力,

2、加强对“body language”文化差异的思考。 教学重点:1. What is body language? 2. Describe each body language and its meaning conveyed. 教学难点:What is the importance of Body language? 步骤 活动 活动过程 活动意图 Warm up 1. How many ways of communication do we often use to communicate our attitudes and feelings? 图片提示 小组讨论 黑板呈现 教师归纳 进入

3、语境引出话题 2. What is body language? In pairs, talk about the various gestures, facial expressions and body movements that you often use to communicate your attitudes and feelings. 3. Do you know what the following body language mean? Fast reading 4. Read the text quickly and answer the two questions. (

4、1) What is body language?-the definition of body language. (2) There is one form of body language that receives universal approval. What is it? 个人活动 通读全文对文章大致有所了解 careful reading(整体) /12 /25. Read paragraph1 and choose a better heading: A. a pat on the back B. introduction 教师指导 学生实践 同伴校对讨论 训练阅读技能 6.

5、 Read para.2 and underline 3-5 of the most important words. Think of a heading to summarize the main idea. 7. Read the text and use the strategies to choose a heading for the rest paragraphs. There is one extra heading. New words: on purpose, unconscious, ambiguous careful reading(细节) /8. According

6、to the text, which of these statements are True and which are False?p11 Ex4 个人活动;俩人校对 理解文章细节 9. Read the text carefully and finish the table. (附件一) 个人活动 进一步理解文章细节及了解课外知识 After reading 10. Act time: Work in pairs. Student A is a Chinese, and B is a foreigner. A will use a Chinese body language and se

7、e if B can understand you. If not, please explain the meaning conveyed. Then take turns. 俩人活动;班级展示 复述课文 11. Discuss the differences and similarities between body language and spoken language in groups of four. 小组活动 文章的深层理解 12. Why do you think we need to study body language? Read the text and summar

8、ize the importance of body language. 小组活动 附件一: Body language Attitudes and feelings/the message conveyed/meanings Opinions supported A pat on the back Body language conveys a message. jumping /UMPINGBody language is _. A raised eyebrow I dont know People use body language _ Feeling uncomfortable or

9、nervous Body language can be _ confident /ONFIDENT_ can be a useful tool Smiling and pointing at what you want Body language can be useful when _ Shaking your head Negotiate the price Making a circle In Germany: Body language can sometimes be _ In America: yes /ESno /OModule7 Unit19 Lesson3 Body lan

10、guage (reading period2) 进修实验 叶娇 本课达成的目标: 运用词汇:congratulate, convey, on purpose, upwards, upper, rigid, tight, resemble, unrest, merely, purchase, negotiate, outline, approval谈论body language这一话题。 情感态度价值观: 通过学习body language增加与人沟通和交往的能力,加强对“body language”文化差异的思考。 教学重点:词汇:congratulate, convey, on purpos

11、e, upwards, upper, rigid, tight, resemble, unrest, merely, purchase, negotiate, outline, approval的用法 教学难点:在运用中恰当使用词汇。 步骤 活动 活动形式 目的 复习导入 Ask some questions on the table(附件一) and explain the following words and phrases: congratulate, convey, on purpose, rigid, tight, resemble, merely, purchase, negot

12、iate, approval. 问答形式 复习 词汇操练 Describe pictures with these words. (1). A foreign athlete congratulated Zou Kai on coming first in the competition. (2). He put his finger to his lips to convey that we shouldnt say anything.(3). I broke the dish on purpose just to show my anger.(4). The man stopped, ri

13、gid with fear and having a tight look on his face.(5). Sometimes your body language resembles your mothers very much.(6). He is negotiating a five percent pay increase with his boss. (7). He showed his approval by smiling broadly. 用几副不同body language 的图片重点操练congratulate, convey, on purpose, rigid, ti

14、ght, resemble, merely, purchase, negotiate, approval 初步运用 3. Discuss what does the quote The body says what words cannot mean? 小组活动 4. Lets read a situation in which The body says what words cannot.-p56 Ex1 个人活动,同伴校对 词汇运用 5. Can you think of a situation in which The body says what words cannot? Use

15、new words as many as possible. 俩人活动,班级展示 运用词汇 补充阅读 附件二 附件二 Body language Body language comprises gesture, stance, and facial expression. These are all the more important when all eyes of an audience are upon you. When you are presenting, strong, positive body language becomes an essential tool in he

16、lping you build credibility, express your emotions, and connect with your listeners. It also helps your listeners focus more intently on you and what youre saying. We start forming impressions of people we meet from the moment we set eyes on them. A large part of the initial impression that you crea

17、te comes from your body language. Your posture, facial expression, eye contact, and gestures speak louder than the words you say. We all interpret body language all the time on a subconscious level.1. face The face is the most expressive part of the body. If you are feeling anxious then your facial

18、expression may lead you to appear aloof, disapproving, or disinterested. You can break this misrepresentation by making a conscious effort to smile. Your smile is one of the strongest tools you have in meeting new people. It will help you appear warm, open, friendly, and confident.2. eyes Our eyes g

19、ive clues to our emotions. A direct stare implies intensity. It may also mean romantic interest, aggression, or fear. Making very little eye contact can either convey shyness or submissiveness. The middle ground of a gaze says that you are interested, secure, and at ease. 3. hands Your hands are als

20、o very expressive. Open gestures tend to make you appear open and honest. By pointing your finger, or moving your hands closer together, you can draw emphasis to what you are saying. Used in moderation, hand gestures can make you seem enthusiastic and committed to your topic. Making too many gesture

21、s can make you appear nervous and uncontrolled. Wringing your hands or touching your sleeves, face, etc. can make you appear tense, nervous, and sometimes dishonest.4. Posture The way you hold yourself, your posture, makes a big contribution to your body language and conveys your level of self-confi

22、dence. By orienting your body towards someone, you show attentiveness. By falling away from them or leaning back, you show a lack of interest and some level of reserve. When we are feeling low in confidence and want to hide away, we hunch our shoulders and keep our heads down. When we are feeling ag

23、gressive or are trying to defend our space, we puff ourselves up. A relaxed body posture will help you to appear and feel more relaxed and confident. Your posture gives signals about your interest in something, your openness, and attentiveness. It also gives clues as to your status within a group. O

24、ur face, eyes, hands (gestures), and posture express what is going on inside of us. They give clues to others and to us as to whether the words we say are consistent with what we are really feeling. Being aware of our body language can allow us to send a consistent message. Smiling, making eye conta

25、ct, using open gestures, and using good posture can bring up our level of self confidence. Body language during a job interview The importance of body language is often mentioned, but doesnt always get the attention it deserves. After all, before a word has even been spoken, your body language will

26、have already given people their first impression of you. What type of person are you? By using words you can explain what type of education you have received and what experience you have gained since then. You can also show through words that you know what youre talking about and you can answer ques

27、tions to clarify matters. At the same time however, your body language will also give out a lot more information. Based on your body language it can be seen if you come across as insecure or self-assured. It can also show if you are a busy or a quiet type and it helps give an impression of whether y

28、ou are speaking truthfully or not. Body language can show if you not prone to stress. It can show how enthusiastic you are and if you are a nice person, someone who will take his work serious, but also someone who has a sense of humour and can enjoy a joke from time to time. The members of the appli

29、cation committee will ask you questions, but your answers wont only be oral. The committee will not only pay attention to what you say, but also to how you say it! Body language will determine first if it clicks, and sometimes all it takes is just a few seconds. Everybody uses body language, but it

30、takes place mostly at a subconscious level. Through becoming more aware of your own body language, but also through recognising the body language of others, you can definitely increase your chances of getting the job. Tune your body posture During your job interview try to adopt a posture that shows

31、 interest but still comes across as being relaxed. You can do this by sitting up straight in your chair at the beginning of the interview, with your back against the back of the chair. If you slouch or hang sideways in your chair, it might give the impression that you are not that interested in the job. However, sitting on the edge of your chair can come across as being a little tense and might give the impression that you feel uncomfortable. You can change yo

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