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1、完整word版大学英语翻译全教程完美版练习与作业翻译理论与实践课作业天津科技大学外语学院 作业一:字词的翻译一、词的理解1.一词多义:wet She had a wet nurse for the infant Elliot. If you think I am for him, you are all wet. She wet her pants at the news.Statestate and revolution, state of the unionthe united states.3.词义引申:抽象化、具体化Every life has its roses and thorns

2、.She stood there chewing over the strange thing. The engine sounds good. At 23, he had first learned what it is to be a Negro. 4.词的褒贬:comment Alice was excited as a child, delighted to be once more the center of the comment.But what a comment, she could not help reflecting, on her own charms.He walk

3、ed around the room. He then stopped and looked around, “comment” ?5.词的轻重:看词类、看场合、看句型、看习惯等等。Through;freeHe slept the night through. There is a through train to Beijing. Through this way, they finished the task. She is free with her money. I made her free of my library. 二、词义的表达1.直译法dark horse Hot dog

4、Forbidden fruit 暴发户 半边天 红卫兵2意译法blue jacket the yellow leaf Wet blanket 炒鱿鱼 下海 白拿 3.直译意译结合法the apple of ones eye as dull as a gooseOnce in a blue moon as cool as a cucumberBlack sheep as timid as a rabbit4.音译法karaoke Guitar Model Coffee Sofa 气功 太极 功夫 狗不理 好利来 5.音译意译结合法KFC 三、词法翻译1.对等译法 直接找到同原文对等的表达。fis

5、h in troubled waters turn up ones nose at sb. turn a deaf ear to, make a fuss about,look before you leapthere is no smoke without fire more haste, less speed, east and west, home is best.2.具体译法3.Class; family; transportation; keep quiet; raise the roof,; oil and vinegar4.抽象译法 eat like a bird ; break

6、 the ice He has many hot potatoes to handle every day.I was practically on my knees but he still refused.The newly employed woman servant was extremely lazy and ate a lot, no more than a white elephant.5.增词译法after the football match, hes got an important meeting. 6.省词译法he is a good friend that speak

7、s well of us behind our backs. 7.合词译法his father is a man who forgives and forgets. 8.转性译法it was a very informative meeting. 9.换形译法。you think she will come if it is fine tomorrow, but I dont think so. 10.褒贬译法ambitious many people think that he is one of the most ambitious politicians of our times. Al

8、though he is very young, he is very ambitious in his research work.课后练习:To make a long story short. It is another story now. He storied about his academic career and his professional career. I dont buy your story. Once the story got abroad, I would never hear the last of it.Of Studies 选段:Studies ser

9、ve for delight, for ornament, and for ability. Their chief use for delight is in privateness and retiring; for ornament, is in discourse; and for ability, is in the judgment and disposition of business.作业二:句子的翻译一、普通句子的翻译1.换序译法 更换原文的词序,使得译文通顺。even the wild animals of his homeland, it seemed to Kunta,

10、 had more dignity than these creatures. 2.断句译法 长而复杂的句子,适当断开翻译。the shark swung over and the old man saw his eye was not alive and then he swung over once again, wrapping himself in two loops of the rope.3.转句译法 原文词语具有丰富含义,需要译文转译成一个句子。a crashing thunderstorm, with thick rain hissing down from skies bla

11、ck as night, stopped Victor Henry from leaving the White House. 4.合句译法 英语句子一般较长,汉语句子较短,所以汉译英时常把几个句子合起来译成一个英语句子。贾琏见他去了,只得回来瞧凤姐。谁知凤姐已醒了,听他和鸳鸯借当。5.缩句译法 将原文的一个句子转换为译文句子的一个部分。her father became the mayor of the city. He was a murderer in the Second World War. 6.转态译法 原译文的主被动语态进行转换。she hadnt been told Bette

12、s other name, or shed forgotten it. 7.正反译法 原文中的否定词译文翻译为肯定词,肯定词翻译为否定词,相反也可以这样。we must never stop taking an optimistic view of life. He seemed to be at a loss for the precise words to elaborate his opinion.二、定语从句的翻译限制性定语从句 前置法。先行词起限制作用,可以翻译成带“的”的定语词组,译成汉语单句。the pupil that had been watching started to

13、applaud. I know a place where we can swim. 后置法。句子较长,汉译时前置定语显得太长不符合汉语表达习惯,可以后置,译成并列句。a new teacher will come tomorrow who will teach us French. 融合法。将原文的主语和定语从句融合在一起译成一个独立句子。we have a social and political system which differs in many respects from your own. 非限制性定语从句译成并列分句。Carrie reached home in high g

14、ood spirits, which she could scarcely conceal. 译成独立句。it has long been my wish to encounter one of the oldest civilizations in earth. I have come amidst you from Egypt, on the banks of the Nile, which also has a most ancient civilization. 译成状语从句。these actions, which have aroused universal and unreser

15、ved disapproval, must nevertheless give us a pause. 三、状语从句的翻译1. 句序照译。大多数状语从句可以直接直接置于句首,与原文一致。while she spoke, the tears were running down. I left immediately Id finished my work.The evidence is invalid in that it was obtained through illegal means. 2. 发挥汉语的优势。while one finds company in himself and h

16、is pursuits, he cannot feel old, on matter what his years may be. Where there is a will, there is a way. 课后练习:1.Cheerful, efficient and warm-hearted, they will do everything to make your journey smooth and comfortable.2. Throughout his life, Benjamin Franklin continued his education, learning from h

17、uman contacts as well as from books.3. Americans have a great range of customs and habits that at first may seem puzzling to a visitor.4. The young man was very miserable. He had no money about him. All his savings had been stolen.作业三:长句的翻译(英译汉)顺序法。句子逻辑顺序与原文一致,可以采用顺序法。 he needs to feel challenged, a

18、dmired ,put upon, despised, loved; he needs to feel cornered so he can outperform everyone, almost as though he enjoys overcoming adversity and showing off his brilliance and subtlety. 逆序法。表达次序与习惯优先,逆着原文顺序翻译。 time goes fast for one who has a sense of beauty, when there are pretty children in a pool

19、and a young Diana on the edge, to receive with wonder anything you can catch. 分译法。主从句关系不密切,按汉语多用短句的习惯翻译。on one of the sober and rather melancholy days, in the latter part of autumn, when the shadows of morning and evening almost mingle together, and throw a gloom over the decline of the year, I pass

20、ed several hours in rambling about Westminster Abby. 综合法。部分保留、部分改变原文语序。having just left school or technical institute, where they had their place and a task to fulfill and where they ere known and esteemed by their colleagues, those young people who do not land that first job they were so eagerly lo

21、oking forward to have to face up for the first times to unemployment, a situation for which neither family nor school has prepared them. (汉译英)1、断句。汉语句子太长,内容复杂。接着,他继续设想,鸡又生鸡,用鸡卖钱,钱买母牛,母牛繁殖,卖牛得钱,用钱放债,这么一连串的发财计划,当然也不能算是生产计划。 2、合译。将小句合并。如事虽经纬万端,但纵观全局,合则对国家有利,分则必伤民族元气。3、调整语序。灵活使用语序。如果说白天广州像座翡翠城1,那么当太阳沉没2

22、,广州就成了一颗夜明珠3,灯光如海4,千街闪烁5。作业四:成语翻译1.英译汉:一、平铺直叙,照字面翻译。knit ones brow; laugh in sbs face; Trojan horse; Sphinxs riddle2、直译其比喻义。这类成语较难,主要是文化背景无法按字面翻译。draw blood; hang on ones lips; to be full of beans; bend an ear to.3、找对等成语。这类成语可以猜出其意义,然后找出汉语对等成语。burn the boat; after ones own heart; hang by a hair.2.汉译

23、英:一、平铺直叙,照字面翻译。竭泽而渔; 打草惊蛇; 掌上明珠; 对牛弹琴2、找出内涵,译出其意。粗枝大叶; 无孔不入; 开门见山; 单枪匹马3、找对等成语.绕开文化背景,译出内涵。毛遂自荐; 东施效颦; 初出茅庐3.汉语四字格的使用:言简意赅,顺口悦耳。the mayor of Toledo said in 1932: “I have seen thousands of these defeated, discouraged, hopeless men and women, cringing and dawning as they come to ask for public aid. It

24、 is a spectacle of national degradation.4.英语成语的使用:准确生动。有的小伙子还总结出一条“恋爱经验”:先不能让她知道你是矿工,等把她俘虏了,再亮番号!我一见了妹妹,一心都在他身上,又是喜欢,又是伤心,竟忘了老祖宗。5.谚语的翻译:朗朗上口,便于记忆。out of sight, out of mind; like father, like son 塞翁失马焉知非福 ; 此地无银三百两6.惯用语的翻译:形象生动。走后门; 及时雨; 风凉话; 赔了夫人又折兵; 不到黄河心不死7.歇后语的翻译:诙谐幽默。姨奶奶犯不着来骂我,我又不是姨奶奶家买的。梅香拜把子-

25、都是奴才罢咧!这是何苦来呢!老混蛋,你吃的河水,倒管的宽,这是你说话的地方?8.俚语的翻译:迂回表达。大多都粗俗、禁忌,委婉为好。damn, hell, devil, confound, fuck, bitch. 自己翻译吧。课后练习:1. his face was neither bright nor dark, neither alive nor dead, neither ready nor resigned.2. he got into the shoving and pushing and halting and slow flowing of Broadway.3. then I

26、happened to notice Ethel and saw that her color was high, that her eyes were bright, and that while she was praising Mrs. Newsomes new shoes, her mind was not what she was saying.4.these American staples are beautiful to our eyes, exquisite to our palates ,reviving to our fading physiques.5作业五:否定的翻译

27、一、全部否定在英语中,全部否定是通过一些否定词来表达的。这类否定词常用的有:no,none,not,never, nobody,nothing,nowhere, neithernor等。全部否定的译法一般可直接译成汉语的否定句。(1)Nowadays it is not difficult to go abroad. (2)The boy was nowhere to be found(3)No trickery can fool us. (4) None of these concerns me. 二、部分否定 部分否定指对叙述的内容作部分的、而不是全部的否定。当英语的某些不定代词如 all

28、,both,every,each,某些副词如often,always和否定词连用时,就表示部分否定。在这类否定句中,all, both等词往往是否定的重点,通常译成“不都是”、“并非都”, “并不都”、“不全是”、“不总是”、“几乎不”等。(1)All the novelists detective cases, however, were not successful. (2)Both the instruments are not precision ones. (3)All that glitters is not gold. (4)This train does not stop at

29、 every station. 三、双重否定双重否定指两个否定词并用,否定同一个单词,或者一个否定词否定另一个词,其否定意义互相抵消而取得肯定意义。汉译时通常可译成肯定句。(1)Nothing is impossible to a willing heart(2)There is not any advantage without disadvantage(3)It is none other than zinc. (4)At the close of the party, there were few guests who werent drunk.有时形式否定的句子也可译成汉语的双重否定来

30、强调其肯定的意义。(1)If there were no energy, there would be no force and work. (2)He cannot but agree(3)There is no story without coincidence四、形式上否定,意义上肯定 有些英语句子或短语形式上是否定的,意义上却是肯定的。这类句子一般可译成汉语的肯定句。现分述如下:1“nothing”有时翻译为“零”、“正好”。如:(1)Multiply 6 by nothing,and the result is nothing(2)He is five foot nothing2“c

31、annot be + too + 形容词”意为“怎么也不过分”、“越越好”。如:(1)You cannot be too careful. (2)This point cannot be overemphasized. 3“no,none,nothing + but,like”意为“只有”、“只”、“不过”等。“nothing short of”则有“简直可以说”的意思。(1)There is no man but errs(2)Nothing but a miracle can save him(3)There is no mother but loves her children.五、表示否定的特殊结构、短语和词汇 英语中有一些特殊结构、短语和词汇本身并无否定的意思,但和别的词搭配在一起,便表示否定。1有些动词如:avoid, baffle, decline, defy, disagree, escape, exclude, fail, hate, ignore, lack, miss, overlook, refuse, wo

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