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1、第五单元教案文档白马初中 九 年级 英语 教案备课人:李鲜丽课题:Unit 5 What were you doing when the rainstorm came?总第 17 课时教材解读:Teach the students to make polite requests and ask for permission.教 学目 标A类:Key Vocabularyrainstorm, suddenly, alarm , go off , pick up , strange, report, area, wood, light, window, match, beat, heavily,

2、against, asleep, fall asleep, die down, rise, apart, passageB类:Target Language1. What were you doing at eight last night? I was taking a shower. 2. What was she doing at the time of the rainstorm?She was doing her homework. 3. What was he doing when the rainstorm came?He was reading in the library w

3、hen the rainstorm came.C类:Describe past things.重 点1.Key Vocabularyclean up, hunger, homeless, cheer up, give up2.Target LanguageHow to express offering to help with target language.难 点Make polite requestsAsk for permission预 习作 业New words and expressions.教 学 板 块个体学习清单一、 创设情景,导入新课Greet the students an

4、d say: I was very busy doing housework last Sunday.Can you guess what I did?Answer.二、揭示目标1. Watch the photos and talk about them “What does he do every day? and learn these phrases: do chores, do the dishes, make the bed, take out the rubbish, fold the clothes, do the laundry, clean the living room.

5、2. Look these phrases and practice the conversation: Could you please take out the rubbish? Sure. / Sorry, I cant. I have to finish homework first.Listen.三、指导自学1、Who can explain this sentence in your own, words?Ask one student to explain the sentence.Then say to the class. Who can make more sentence

6、s with clean up?Ask several students to share their sentences to the class.2、Do the same with the other phrasal verbs.Some sample sentences1.clean upmake a place clean and tidy, put things in orderWe should always clean up the dirty parts of the sea.2.cheer upmake someone feel happyThe good news che

7、ers everyone up.3.give outhand out, distributeLin Tao helped the teacher give out the new textbook.Read and translate.四、点拨、交流与探究 1、1b This activity gives students practice in understanding the target language in spoken conversation.2、1c This activity provides guided oral practice using the target la

8、nguage. Read the instructions with the class.Call their attention to the example in the speech bubbles in Activity la. Ask a pair of students to read this conversation to a class. Then let them practice in pairs.Do them in your groups.五、当堂训练 完成句子:1、你不应该推迟去看病。You shouldnt _ _ _ to see the doctor .2、他

9、不仅唱歌好,舞跳得也不错_ _ _ he sing well, _ _ he dances well.3、那个可怜的孩子死于饥饿。The poor child died of _.4、你认为他将去哪?Where _ _ _he will go ?Do it by your selves.六、课堂小结 In this class, weve learned how to express offering help. And weve learned several phrasal verbs. At last, we did some oral practice using target lan

10、guage.Answer.七、布置作业 Make up one sentence with each of the following phrasal verbs: clean up, cheer up, give outListen.教学反思:白马初中 九 年级 英语 教案备课人:李鲜丽课题:Unit 5 What were you doing when the rainstorm came?总第18课时教材解读:Make communictions with target language. 教 学目 标A类:(1) Key Vocabulary: in the library at th

11、e time of go to work wait for the bus walk home on the street play basketball 2. Key sentencesWhile I was doing, WhenB类: Learn to talk about past events.C类:. Help students learn how to ask for permission politely with the target language. 重 点While ,When, was, were难 点While ,When, was, were预 习作 业New w

12、ords and phrases教 学 板 块个体学习清单一、创设情景,导入新课1. Ask students to talk about what they were doing last night in groups of four then give a report.Ss listen and answer.二、揭示目标This activity introduces several phrasal verbs.Recite.三、指导自学3a Read the passage quickly and answer the following questions1) What was

13、the weather like before the heavy ran started?2)What was the neighborhood like after the storm?Keys: 1. Black clouds were making the sky very dark. With no light outside, it felt like midnight.2. The neighborhood was in a mess.3b Read the passage again and complete the sentences using information fr

14、om the passage. 1) When the news on TV was reported, strong winds were _ outside. 2)While Bens mom was making sure the radio was working, his dad_. 3) Ben _ when the heavy rain finally started.4) When Ben _at 3:00 a.m., the wind _.Keys: 1) were blowing 2) was putting pieces of wood over the windows

15、3) was helping his mom make dinner 4) fell asleep: was dying downStep 4 Speaking3c Discuss the questions with a partner. “Although the storm broke many things apart, it brought families and neighbors closer together.” What other can bring people closer together? How can we help each other in times o

16、f difficulty?Do and recite.四、点拨、交流与探究1. With no light outside, it felt like midnight. 2. Bens dad while his mom was making sure the flashlights and radio were working. 3. It was hard to have fun with a serious storm happening outside.4. He finally fell asleep when the wind was dying down at around 3

17、:00 a.m.Talk and do五、当堂训练 1. 在街上踢球很危险。It is _ soccer on the street.2. 每天早上读书对你来说很有必要。It is _ for you _ in the morning.3. 对他来说完成作业很容易It is _ for him _.Do them by yourselves.六、课堂小结1. New vocabularyfeel like, at first ,fall asleep, die down, make sure,wake up in a mess, clean up ,help each other,in tim

18、es of difficulty Listen.七、布置作业Read the text and remember the language points.Preview next lesson. Listen.教学反思:白马初中九 年级 英语 教案备课人:李鲜丽课题:Unit 5 What were you doing when the rainstorm came?总第 19时教材解读:Tell a story.教 学目 标A类: (1) Key Vocabulary: (2) Target Language B类:Speaking skillsC类:Writing skills重 点Wri

19、ting skills难 点Writing skills预 习作 业Guide students to read the article .教 学 板 块个体学习清单一、 创设情景,导入新课Look at the pictures and make up the sentences.Listen and answer.二、揭示目标 This activity provides reading practice using the target language.Recite.三、指导自学Grammar Focus 读下列句子,能否总结出句子中包含的语法? 1. What were you do

20、ing at eight last night?I was taking a shower. 2. What was she doing at the time of the rainstorm?She was doing her homework. 3. What was he doing when the rainstorm came?He was reading in the library when the rainstorm came.4. What was Ben doing when it began to rain heavily?When it began to rain,

21、Ben was helping his mom make dinner. 5. What was Jenny doing while Linda was sleeping?While Linda was sleeping, Jenny was helping Mary with her homework.Listen and do them.四、点拨、交流与探究过去进行时1. 基本概念:过去进行时表示在过去某一时刻或一段时间内正在进行的动作。这一特定的过去时间除有上下文暗示以外, 一般用时间状语来表示。2. 结构 was / were ( not ) + 动词-ing 3. 句式 肯定式:I/

22、He/She/It was working.We/You/They/ were working. 否定式:I/He/She/It was not working.We/You/They/ were not working. 疑问式和简略回答:Was I working?Yes, you were.No, you were not.Were you working?Yes, I was.No, I was not.Was he/she/it working?Yes, he/she/it was.No, he/she/it was not.Were we/you/they working?Yes,

23、 you/we/they were.No, you/we/they were not.注:1) was not常缩略为wasnt; were not常缩略为werent。2) 一般过去时与过去进行时用法的比较: 一般过去时表示在过去某个时间发生过的动作或存在的状态, 而过去进行时则表示在过去某一时刻或某一段时间正在进行的动作。例如:David wrote a letter to his friend last night. 大卫昨晚给他的朋友写了封信。(信写完了。)David was writing a letter to his friend last night. 大卫昨晚一直在给他的朋友

24、写信。(信不一定写完。)Practice: Look at the picture and make up the dialogues.Talk about this questions and answers.五 当堂训练Look at the table and write sentences with both while and when. John Mary take photos buy a drink play the piano leave the house clean his room turn on the radio shop take the car to the c

25、ar washDo them.六、课堂小结In this class, weve learned more new words and phrases.Talk and listen.七、布置作业After class, please make some dialogues with the phrases and sentences in 4c.Listen.教学反思:白马初中 九年级 英语 教案备课人:李鲜丽课题:Unit 5 What were you doing when the rainstorm came?总第 20 课时教材解读:Talk about past events an

26、d tell storys教 学目 标A类:(1) Key Vocabulary: B类:Train studentsability of identify main idea.Train studentsability of understanding words in context.C类:Help your family and friends to solve the lifes big or smallproblems with the ways you have learnt.重 点Read the text to understand words in context.Read

27、the text for special information.难 点Train studentsreading skill and writing skill.预 习作 业Match the sentences with similar meanings.教 学 板 块个体学习清单一、创设情景,导入新课Make notes about an event you remember well. What was the event?When did it happen?Where did it happen?What were you doing?What were your friends

28、doing?Why was it important?Why do you remember this event?Practice.二、揭示目标 Read the text to identify main idea.Listen.三、指导自学1a Think of a time when you were late for or couldnt go to an event. What was the event? What was the reason why you were late or couldnt go? Tell your partner the story.1b. Lis

29、ten and write short answers to the questions. 1. What event happened at the school yesterday?2. Who missed the event?3. Which team won at the event? 1c Listen again. Number the events 1-6 in the order they happened.Read and translate.四、点拨、交流与探究1. passage n. 章节,段落e.g. The teacher spent an hour in exp

30、laining this passage2. My parents were completely shocked!3. My parents did not talk after that, and we finished the rest of our dinner in silence.4. I didnt believe him at first.Do them in your groups.五、当堂训练 能力提升:. Write a short article about the important event in 3a. Try to write three paragraphs.Do it by your selves.六、课堂小结 In this class, weve learned how to use some new phrasal verbs first. And weve done much listening practice on the target languag

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