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1、临考冲刺终极压轴卷英语2015高考冲刺终极压轴卷英语第I卷第一节:单项选择(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)1China became the 143rd member of the WTO on December 11, 2001, thus _ its 15year wish to join the global trade body. Arealized Bto realize Chaving realized Drealizing1D。分词作状语,对前面句子起修饰作用,相当于which realized;不定式结果状语,常有only或never修饰。2He had little i

2、dea of what was going on outside after twenty years in prison, _? Adidnt he Bwasnt it Cwas it Ddid he2D。注意主句中的little具有否定意义,因此反意疑问句应使用肯定形式。3When I got home, I found the door openA terrible thought suddenly _ mehad anyone broken into the house? Abeat Bknocked Cattacked Dstruck3D。a thought strikes sb.某

3、人想起一个主意。4The old professor has such a bad memory that he looks for the watch while he is _. Ahaving it on Bhaving on it Cwearing it Dputting it on4C。表示“穿着”、“戴着”这个意思时,如用动词的进行时,应用be wearing sth., have on一般不用于进行时,而put on表动作,所以也排除D项。5If only my grandpa _ this together with us now! Ahad seen Bcould see C

4、must see Dshould see5B。if only表示“要是就好了”、“但愿”,接虚拟语气。与现在事实相反,用一般过去时态。6I didnt know this was a oneway street, officer._ AI dont believe you BHow dare you say that! CSorry, but thats no excuse DThats all right.6C。那不是理由,照章办事,故选C。7Later they discovered, _ was news to him, that Pamela was the headmasters d

5、aughter. Athat Bwhich Cwhat Dwho7C。whatthe thing that,故选C。8_?Well, hes tallHe dresses very nicely. AWhat does your friend look like BIs your friend tall CHow is your friend DCould you meet him8A。从答语分析,这是对朋友身高和穿戴的描述,虽然四个选项中本身都是正确的,但惟有A项才符合这一特定的语境。9It was funny that when _ Mary began to weep sadly. Ap

6、raising Bpraised Cbeing praised Dhaving praised9B。when praised相当于when she was praised,时间状语从句的主语与主句主语一致,且谓语是系动词,这时主谓可以省略。 10Some warned that the step the US government has taken to cope with the current crisis is _ much risk. Aone of Bthe one of Cthe one Dthat one10A。考查代词。语境:有人警告说美国政府为应对当前危机所采取的这一步是充

7、满危险的一步,用one表示泛指。11There _ be any difficulty about winning the speech contest now that youre well prepared for it. Amustnt Bshant Cshouldnt Dneednt11C。因有now that引导的原因状语从句,故知主句表示结果,“不应该有困难”。所以选C项。12Liu Xiangs breaking the world record was an exciting moment, _ all of us will never forget. Athat Bone C

8、it Dwhat12B。这里one指a moment,后跟定语从句,补充说明这个时刻。这里的结构相当于which引导的非限制性定语从句。13_ left before the deadline, it doesnt seem likely that John will finish the job. AThough such a short time BBecause such a short time CWith such a short time DAs such a short time13C。“with名词过去分词”结构作原因状语。14Jane was so _ for the new

9、s of her lost child that she was almost driven _. Aproper; madly Bthirsty; mad Csad; madly Dcurious; mad14B。be driven mad“使发疯”;be thirsty for“渴望得到”。15Dont you feel surprised to see Bruce at the meeting?Yes, I really didnt think _ here. Ahe has been Bhe had been Che would be Dhe would have15C。I didnt

10、 think he would be here意为“我原认为他不会在这儿”。wouldv.,表示过去将来时。第二节: 完形填空 (共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)阅读下面短文,从短文后所给各题的四个选项 (A、B、C、D)中,选出能填入相应空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。Even though it was only October, my students were already whispering about Christmas plansWith each passing day everyone became more _16_ waiting for the fin

11、al school bellUpon its _17_ everyone would run for their coats and go home, everyone except David.David was a small boy in ragged clothesI had often _18_ what kind of home life David had, and what kind of mother could send her son to school dressed so _19_ for the cold winter months, without a coat,

12、 boots, or glovesBut something made David _20_I can still remember he was always _21_ a smile and willing to helpHe always _22_ after school to straighten chairs and mop the floorWe never talked muchHe _23_ just simply smile and ask what else he could do, then thank me for letting him stay and slowl

13、y _24_ home.Weeks passed and the _25_ over the coming Christmas grew into restlessness until the last day of _26_ before the holiday breakI smiled in _27_ as the last of them hurried out the doorTurning around I saw David _28_ standing by my desk.“I have something for you,” he said and _29_ from beh

14、ind his back a small box_30_ it to me, he said anxiously, “Open it.” I took the box from him, thanked him and slowly unwrapped itI lifted the lid and to my _51_ saw nothingI looked at Davids smiling face and back into the box and said, “The box is nice, David, but its _52_.”“Oh no it isnt,” said Dav

15、id“Its full of loveMy mum told me before she died that love was something you couldnt see or touch unless you know its there.”Tears filled my eyes _53_ I looked at the proud dirty face that I had rarely given _54_ toAfter that Christmas, David and I became good friends and I never forgot the meaning

16、 _55_ the little empty box set on my desk.16Aanxious Bcourageous Cserious Dcautious17Awarning Bringing Ccalling Dyelling18Ascolded Bwondered Crealized Dlearned19Amodestly Bnaturally Cinaccurately Dinappropriately20Apopular Bupset Cspecial Dfunny21Aexpressing Bdelivering Cwearing Dsharing22Apractised

17、 Bwandered Cstudied Dstayed23Awould Bshould Cmight Dcould24Aaim at Bturn to Cput off Dhead for25Aargument Bexcitement Cmovement Djudgment26Aschool Byear Ceducation Dprogram27Arelief Breturn Cvain Dcontrol28Aweakly Bsadly Cquietly Dhelplessly29Asearched Bfound Craised Dpulled 20AHolding BHanding CSen

18、ding DLeaving31Adelight Bexpectation Cappreciation Dsurprise32Acheap Bempty Cuseless Dimproper33Aas Buntil Cbecause Dthough34Aadvice Bsupport Cattention Dcommand35Afrom Bbehind Cover Dtowards完形填空:答案作者通过回忆一个学生送给自己一个盛满爱的盒子的故事来告诉我们:只要你心中有爱,爱就会无处不在。16A。考查形容词。每一天,学生们都急切地等着放学铃声的响起。anxious“渴望的,急切的”,符合语境。co


20、地到学校。inappropriately“不适当,不合适地”符合语境。modestly“谨慎地,适当地”;naturally“天然地,表现自然地”;inaccurately“有错误地,不正确地”。20C。考查形容词。由上下文的转折关系可知这里意为“但是某些东西让David与众不同”。special“特殊的”符合语境。popular“受欢迎的”;upset“难过的”;funny“有趣的”。21C。考查动词搭配。wear a smile“面带笑容”,为固定搭配。express“表达”;deliver“交付,递送”;share“分享”。22D。考查动词。由语境可知,他常常放学以后“留在”教室里整理椅

21、子并用拖把擦地板,故D项符合语境。practise“练习”;wander“漫游,徘徊”;study“学习”,都与语境不符。本段最后一句也有提示。23A。考查情态动词。would可以表示过去经常发生的或反复做的动作,符合句意。他常常只是笑笑,问还能做些什么。24D。考查动词短语。由语境可知他应是回家,故head for合适,意思是“朝进发”。aim at“瞄准”;turn to“(把注意力等)转向,求助于”;put off“延期”。25B。考查名词。孩子们对即将到来的圣诞节的“兴奋感”一直持续到放假前的最后一天,excitement“兴奋”符合语境。argument“争论”;movement“运

22、动”;judgment“判断”。26A。考查语境。根据句意和上下文可知此处说的是学生们假期前在“学校”的最后一天,故A合适。year“年”;education“教育”;program“程序,计划”。27A。考查名词和逻辑。当最后一个学生走出(教室)门时,我放松地笑了。故选A,in relief表示“放松”。in return“作为回报”;in vain“白费地,无用地”;in control“在控制之下”。28C。考查副词和语境。转过头,作者发现David站在桌子旁,而作者之前并没意识到David的存在,所以C项最为合适,表示“静静地”。weakly“软弱地,无力地”;sadly“悲哀地,令人

23、惋惜地”;helplessly“无能为力地,无助地”。29D。考查动词。从句意可知,他从背后拿出了一个小盒子。search“搜查”;find“找到”;raise“提高,举起”;pull“把拉(过来),把扯(过来)”。显然只有D项符合句意。30B。考查动词。由语境可知,他应该是一边把盒子“递给”作者一边急切地说,故选B,意思是“把递给”,符合语境。hold“抱”,send“送,寄,派”,leave“留下,遗留”,都与所给语境不符。31D。考查名词和语境。看到盒子里什么都没有,“我”当然应该是“惊讶”了,故D项surprise合适。to ones surprise表示“令人惊讶的是

24、”。delight“快乐,高兴”;expectation“预料,期望”;appreciation“欣赏,赞赏”。32B。考查形容词和语境。显然,“我”说的是“盒子很好,但它是空的”,也与上文的“saw nothing”相照应,故答案为B,empty表示“空的”。cheap“便宜的”;useless“无用的”;improper“不适当的”。文章最后一句也有提示。33A。考查连词。句意为“当我看着那张我很少给予关注的自豪的脏兮兮的小脸时,泪水充满了我的眼睛”。此处as引导时间状语从句,表示“当时”。until表示动作一直持续到某个时间;because引导原因状语从句;though引导让步状语从句,

25、与句意不符。34C。考查名词和搭配。由句意可知,作者在说自己原来很少关注他。give attention to“注意,留心”符合语境。advice“建议”;support“支持”;command“命令,指挥”。35B。考查介词。“我”永远忘不了隐藏在我桌子上的这个小空盒子背后的意思。behind“被遮挡,隐藏在后面;(喻)在幕后,在背后”,符合语境。第三部分 阅读理解(共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项中,选出最佳选项。AThousands of people began pouring into Pennsylvania from other states

26、They wanted to buy lottery tickets(彩票)The tickets cost only $0.9 eachBut that small spending could bring them a reward of $90 millionThat was the second largest lottery jackpot(积累奖金) in history.More than 87 million tickets were bought for the Pennsylvania lottery drawingThose who bought tickets had

27、to choose seven numbers from 1 to 80The chance of winning was one in 9.6 million, but that little chance certainly didnt affect ticket salesIn the last few days before the drawing, tickets were selling at the unbelievable rate of 500 per second.Experts say many people buy lottery tickets because the

28、y just want to have a piece of the actionOthers say the lottery is a stock market for poor peopleIt allows them to dream about wealth theyll probably never have.But many people believe lotteries are no better than legalized(合法化的) gamblingSome critics note that most people who play are poor and may n

29、ot be able to afford the ticketsThere are also many addicts who take the game seriouslyThey may pour their life savings into lottery ticketsSome clubs have been formed to help them kick the habit.Politicians like lotteries because they provide money that would otherwise have to come from new taxesTh

30、e profits from lotteries are usually used to pay for education or programs for senior citizensBut critics say this arrangement just allows states to legalize vice(恶习), under the name of social progressNo matter whether you regard state lotteries right or not, you cannot refuse to accept their extreme popularity with many Americans.36The main idea of the passage is that _. Alotteries are of great benefit to everyone who buys them Bplaying a lottery is just like investing in the stock market C

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