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At War with the Planet.docx

1、At War with the PlanetLesson Plan Lesson3At War with the PlanetTime Allocation12hsAims of the Unit1. Master the background information2. Comprehend the theme of the text3. rhetorical devices and writing skills 修辞和写作技巧: 熟悉科普议论文的写作手法及段落发展方法Important & Difficult Points1.Language points like the new wor

2、ds, phrase ,and structure 2. Grasp the main idea of the text, the structure ,and summarize the idea of each part3.Understand the views of the author about the two worldsTeaching Methods and Aids1. Interactive teaching2. Group work3. Reading & discussonTeaching Contents1. Warm up Questions 2. Informa

3、tion about the author3. Detail study of the textStructure of the essayDifficulty sentence and paragraphs Main idea of each part.AssignmentComprehension / Paraphrase Translation exercisesReflectionAt War with the PlanetBrainstorming1.Disasters in Technosphere teknusfi Dust storm, disafforestation ,fr

4、istein 造林, disafforestation dis,fristein 砍伐森林desert dezt desertification desertification ,deztifikein global warming, acid rain, melting glacier gls; gles, storm, drought, flood, mudslide, heat waves, red tides 美国英语【动物学】红潮,赤潮(由于某种产毒双鞭甲藻的聚集而使海岸水面变红)亦作red waterearthquake, tsunami tsunm 海啸, pollutions

5、(air pollution, water pollution, noise pollution, white pollution, Automobile Engine Emission)2.Severe Enviromental Problems Mammals are facing extinctionFreshwater fish淡水鱼 are on the edge of extinctionTree species are facing the danger of extinctionPrimitive forests are seriously damaged People don

6、t have Safe drinking water3. About the Author 美 巴里康芒纳(Barry Commoner)封闭的循环(THE CLOSING CIRCLE )自然、人和技术 (NATURE,MAN ADN TECHNOLOGY)巴里康芒纳生物学家、生态学家和教育家,被时代周刊称为一个拥有千百万人的课堂的教授;是美国60-70年代在维护人类环境问题上最有见识、最有说服力的代言人。 康芒纳1917年出生于布鲁克林,1937年毕业于哥伦比亚大学,先后获得哈佛大学的生物学硕士和博士学位。自1947年起,在圣路易斯市的华盛顿大学任教,现已退休,著述甚丰,除封闭的循环外,还

7、出版过科学和生存等书及数百科科学论文。康芒纳博士享有多种荣誉称号,是美国科学促进会协会指导委员会成员、科学家公共咨询研究会指导委员会主席和圣路易斯环境咨询委员会主席。Barry Commoner (born May 28, 1917) is an American biologist, college professor, and eco-socialist. He ran for president of the United States in the 1980 US presidential election on the Citizens Party ticket. Commoner

8、was born in Brooklyn. He received his bachelors degree in zoology zuld;动物学系 from Columbia University (1937) and his masters and doctoral degrees from Harvard University (1938, 1941). After serving as a lieutenant leftennt 海军上尉in the United States Navy during WWII, Commoner moved to St. Louis ,seintl

9、u:is and became a professor of plant physiology ,fzld生理学;生理机能at Washington University, where he taught for 34 years. In 1966 he founded the Center for the Biology of Natural Systems to study the science of the total environment.During the late 1950s, Commoner became a well-known protester against nu

10、clear testing. He went on to write several books about the negative ecological effects of above-ground nuclear testing地上核测试. In 1970 he received the International Humanist Award from the International Humanist and Ethical UnionHis 1971 book, The Closing Circle, suggested a left-wing, eco-socialist r

11、esponse to the limits to growth thesis, postulating that capitalist technologies were chiefly responsible for environmental degradation, as opposed to population pressures. In 1980, he founded the Citizens Party to serve as a vehicle for his ecological message, and his candidacy for President on the

12、 Citizens Party ticket won 233,052 votes (0.27% of the total). After his unsuccessful bid for President, Commoner returned to New York City, and moved the Center for the Biology of Natural Systems to Queens College. He stepped down from that post in 2000, and is now a senior scientist at Queens. He

13、is a member of the American Association for the Advancement of science and has a star on the St. Louis Walk of Fame. Commoner criticized Ronald Reagan and George Bush for regulating pollution and not preventing it. Four Laws of EcologyOne of Commoners lasting legacies is his four laws of ecology, as

14、 written in The Closing Circle in 1971. The four laws are:1. Everything is Connected to Everything Else. There is one ecosphere for all living organisms and what affects one, affects all. 1)每一种事物都与别的事物相关2. Everything Must Go Somewhere. 一切事物都必然要有其去向 There is no waste in nature and there is no “away”

15、to which things can be thrown. )3. Nature Knows Best. 自然界所懂得的是最好的Humankind has fashioned technology to improve upon nature, but such change in a natural system is, says Commoner, “likely to be detrimental to that system.”4.There Is No Such Thing as a Free Lunch. 没有免费的午餐Everything comes from somethin

16、g. Theres no such thing as spontaneous existence.His WritingsScience and Survival. New York : Viking, 1966. The Closing Circle: Nature, Man, and Technology. New York : Knopf, 1971. The Poverty of Power: Energy and the Economic Crisis. New York : Random House, 1976. The Politics of Energy. New York :

17、 Knopf, 1979. Making Peace with the Planet . New York : Pantheon, 1990.Earth keeper Hero: BARRY COMMONER In the 1960s, he became involved in other environmental issues; these included pollution and energy sources. He gave speeches and wrote numerous books: Science and Survival (1967), The Closing Ci

18、rcle (1971), Energy and Human Welfare (1975), The Poverty of Power (1976), The Politics of Energy (1979), and Making Peace with the Planet (1990). Among his views, Commoner believes that industrial methods, especially those involving fossil fuels, are causing environmental pollution. He feels strong

19、ly that the quest for maximum profit currently takes priority over environmental reasoning. Commoner also believes that it is pointless to try to undo the environmental damage we have caused; this is a losing battle. We should instead focus on preventing future destruction; for the most part, the so

20、lution to environmental problems lies in not destroying the environment in the first place.Commoners solutions for many problems are considered radical. He is a strong advocate of renewable energy sources, specifically solar energy, which would decentralize(分散) electric utilities and use sunlight as

21、 an alternative power source for most energy consumers. To make the transition from one to the other, Commoner suggests that we use moderates such as methane mien; (沼气) and make the switch a little at a time. Commoner also has strong views on social causes of the present environmental situation. He

22、argues, for example, that eliminating Third World debt payments would lessen the economic gap between developed and less developed countries and end the desperation desprein that usually results in desperation that usually results in overpopulation.This debt forgiveness could also compensate for pre

23、vious decades of damage inflicted on such countries. Commoner also calls for redistribution of the worlds wealth. Commoner combined his socialist and environmental beliefs in a brief Citizens Party presidential campaign in 1980. For the past nearly twenty years, he has directed the Center for the Bi

24、ology of Natural Systems at Queens College in New York City.Barry Commoner was a hero in many eyes. He was an environmentalist who alerted the world about some of earths problems. He was also called an Environmental Activist.Barry Commoner was born in 1917, in Brooklyn, NY were he was interested sci

25、ence and plants. Later he went to Columbia College, where he studied ecology, then went to Harvard for graduate school. Now he is 88 years old and still considered the “Paul Revere of Ecology.” Barry Commoner did many things in his life for one he realized the problems caused by nuclear activities a

26、nd its influences on the environment and humans. He found that radio activity “builds up” in people until they get sick and usually die. His helpful research was rewarded by the nuclear test-band treaty. Barry Commoner wrote many books about the environment his latest called “Making Peace with the P

27、lanet” is about the problems caused by people and how to help the earth. Many years after Mr. Commoner did all of his research on the planet he realized something horrible, unless people did not help make the world a better place it would be unsuitable for human life in several years. His statement

28、changed peoples ways and many people took action that is why we are still all alive. Although not all of our problems have been solved yet we need to keep working to stay alive on our home planet.Guide to reading1.abridge 1. V to reduce the length of (a written work) by condensing or rewriting (删节)书

29、面作品 abridged 删节的;削减的2.watershed CET6+ TEM4(watersheds) If something such as an event is a watershed in the history or development of something, it is very important because it represents the beginning of a new stage in it. 分水岭; 转折点3. profit margin(profit margins) A profit margin is the difference be

30、tween the selling price of a product and the cost of producing and marketing it. 利润空间商业例:The group had a net profit margin of 30% last year.该集团去年的净利润空间为30%。4.remedy If you remedy something that is wrong or harmful, you correct it or improve it. 补救; 纠正; 改善例:A great deal has been done internally to re

31、medy the situation.内部已经采取了很多措施来挽救局面。instigate TEM8(instigating, instigated, instigates) 1. V-TSomeone who instigates an event causes it to happen. 发起例:He did not instigate the coup or even know of it beforehand.他没有发起政变,甚至事先都不知道。General Structure:Part I (Para.1) This is the introductory intrdktri 介绍的

32、,引导的,开始的 part in which the author raises the theme that people live in two worlds. Like in lesson one, the author comes to the point right way. Part II (Paras.2-5) In this part, the author explains why the two worlds are at war.Part III (Paras.6-9) The first law of the ecosphere and the law governing the relationship between man-made objects and the su

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