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1、中考英语完形填空真题全真模拟练习带详细答案2019年中考英语完形填空真题精选(名师精选全国真题+实战训练,建议下载练习)一完形填空(共9小题)1(2018真题)When we think of friends, we usually think of those who have been in our life for a long time (1)C, there is another type of friendone that has not been with us for a long period of time but (2)Dour mind at some moment T

2、he first such friend I remember is the little girl with red curly hair She was in the bed next to(3)Cwhen I received an operation on my nose She was about two years older, more(4)Aand braver She would jump out of bed whenever the nurse was gone Her two little feet on the cold floor(5)Dme Without her

3、, I would have been alone and afraid Two years later, I was sent to a nursery school(6)Dmy parents were far too busy There, I met a foreign girl We both were the oldest in that school; the others were babies who were not able to talk with us Our(7)Bstarted with socalled(所谓的) competitions Although we

4、 couldnt speak to each other in the same language, our(8)Bwas made by trying to beat(击败) each otherat drawing, at game, even at eating Our competitions, I think, gave me(9)AI could control And maybe I gave her the same We got through a difficult time together Such friends often support us when our l

5、ife is off balance A word, a smile, even a similar scene can bring back memories about them(10)B, the warmth rises in our heart when we think of them And silently, we thank them and wish them well(1)A In the endB In generalCIn factDIn all(2)AclosesBclearsCtrainsDfills(3)AhisBhersCmineDyours(4)Aactiv

6、eBmodestCcreativeDcareful(5)AremindedBsatisfiedCprotectedDimpressed(6)AunlessBtillCalthoughDbecause(7)AwisdomBfriendshipCdreamDenergy(8)AinvitationBcommunicationCsuggestionDdecision(9)AsomethingBanythingCeverythingDnothing(10)ALuckilyBNaturallyCSurprisinglyDHopefully【解答】1C 考查短语词辨析A最后;B一般;C事实上;D总共;根据

7、When we think of friends, we usually think of those who have been in our life for a long time (1), there is another type of friendone that has not been with us for a long period of time,当我们想到朋友的时候,我们通常会想到那些已经在我们的生活中很长一段时间的人(1)还有一种朋友,一种已经很久没有和我们在一起的朋友了应该是事实上,故答案是C2D 考查动词辨析A关;B扫除;C训练;D充满;根据there is an

8、other type of friendone that has not been with us for a long period of time but () our mind at some moment还有一种朋友,一段时间没有和我们在一起,后面但在某一时刻充满了我们的思想中,故答案是D3C 考查代词辨析A他的;B她的;C我的;D你的;根据 She was in the bed next to(3)when I received an operation on my nose后面当我接受了鼻子手术,应该是挨着我的,故答案是C4A 考查形容词辨析A活泼的;B谦虚的;C有创意的;D小心的

9、;根据后面She would jump out of bed whenever the nurse was gone护士一走,她就会从床上跳起来可知是活泼的,故答案是A5D 考查动词辨析A提醒;B满足,C保护;D印;给以深刻印象;使铭记;根据Her two little feet on the cold floor(5)me她的两只小脚站在冰冷的地板上,应该是给作者留下了很深的印象,故答案是D6D 考查连词辨析A除非;B直到;C尽管;D因为;根据Two years later, I was sent to a nursery school(6)my parents were far too b

10、usy两年后,我被送进了托儿所(6),我的父母太忙了,因果关系,故答案是D7B 考查名词辨析A智慧;B友谊;C梦;D能量;根据下文描述,这里 Our(7)started with socalled competitions应该是我们的友谊从所谓的竞赛开始,故答案是B8B 考查名词辨析A邀请;B交流;C建议;D决定;根据was made by trying to beat(击败) each otherat drawing, at game, even at eating试图击败了彼此在画画,游戏中,甚至在吃中,应该是我们的交流,故答案是B9A 考查代词辨析A一些;B任何;C所有的;D没有什么;根

11、据Our competitions, I think, gave me(9)I could control And maybe I gave her the same We got through a difficult time together我认为我们的比赛给了我,应该是一些可以控制的东西,我也给了她一样的,故答案是A10B 考查副词辨析A幸运地;B自然地;C惊奇地;D有希望地;根据 the warmth rises in our heart when we think of them当我们想到它们时,温暖就在我们心中升起,应该是很自然地,故答案是B2(2017真题)As a kid,

12、I used to spend my summers with my grandparents on their farm in Texas I helped them with farming at times Luckily, they (16)B a caravan, a kind of car designed for people to live in while travelling Every few summers, wed travel together around the US and CanadaOn one trip, I was about 10years old

13、I was playing around in the back of the car (17)C my grandfather was driving My grandmother had the passenger seat She smoked through the trip, and I hated the(18)D, which made me cough a lot I read about smoking in an article It says that every puff(吸) of a cigarette takes two minutes off your life

14、 I(19)B the number of cigarettes per day and the puffs per cigarette When I came up with a reasonable(合理的) number, I was(20)C Then I moved my head into the front of the car and proudly (21)D, So far, youve taken nine years off your life! Hearing this, my grandmother began to cry and it was not what

15、I(22)D I did not know what to do My grandfather, who had been driving (23)B, stopped the car, got out of it and opened my door He looked at me calmly, and said(24)A, See, grandmother is crying! One day, youll understand that its harder to be kind than cleverAs I grow up, I realize that cleverness is

16、 a gift and kindness is a choice Gifts are easy they are given (25)B Choices can be hard, so it seems more difficult to be kind16A: producedB: ownedC: requiredD: returned17A: asB: whenC: whileD: though18A: dustB: tasteC: noiseD: smell19A: guessedB: countedC: collectedD: received20A: afraidB: relaxed

17、C: satisfiedD: worried21A: repliedB: explainedC: presentedD: announced22A: dreamedB: enjoyedC: supportedD: expected23A: in fearB: in silenceC: with prideD: with sadness24A: gentlyB: loudlyC: powerfullyD: confidently25A: in allB: after allC: above allD: first of all【解答】1620 BCDBC 2125 DDBAB16B 考查动词辨析

18、A生产;B拥有;C要求;D返回;根据后面wed travel together around the US and Canada我们会一起在美国和加拿大旅行,可知前面是拥有一辆房车,故答案是B17C 考查介词辨析A当.时;B当.时;C在期间;D虽然;根据I was playing around in the back of the car (17)my grandfather was driving我的祖父开车时,我在玩耍,while引导的时间状语从句,表示两个动作同时发生,故答案是C18D 考查名词辨析A灰尘;B味道;C噪声;D气味;根据前面She smoked through the tr

19、ip她整个旅程都在吸烟,应该是讨厌这个气味,故答案是D19B 考查动词辨析A猜;B数;C收集;D收到;根据后面the number of cigarettes per day and the puffs per cigarette每天香烟数,应该数着每天吸多少烟,故答案是B20C 考查动词辨析A害怕;B放松;C满意;D担心;根据前面 When I came up with a reasonable number当我想出一个合理的数字,和后面 Then I moved my head into the front of the car and proudly 然后我骄傲地把头伸到车的前部,可知是

20、满意的得到合理的数字后,故答案是C21D 考查动词辨析A回复:B解释;C存在,出现;D宣布;根据后面 So far, youve taken nine years off your life!到目前为止,你已经减少了九年的生命!可知是宣布的结果,故答案是D22D 考查动词辨析A梦想;B享受;C支持;D期望;根据后面 my grandmother began to cry 我的奶奶开始哭,这个结合上文,应该不是我所期望的,故答案是D23B 考查短语辨析A害怕;B安静;C骄傲地;C难过的;根据 I did not know what to do My grandfather, who had be

21、en driving我不知道该怎么办我的祖父,他一直在,应该是默默地开车,故答案是B24A 考查副词辨析A轻轻地;B大声地;C有力量地;D自信地;根据后面See, grandmother is crying! One day, youll understand that its harder to be kind than clever看,奶奶哭了!总有一天,你会明白善良比聪明更难,结合答案应该是轻轻地说,故答案是A25B 考查短语辨析A总共;B毕竟;C首要的是;D首先,第一;根据Gifts are easy they are given 拥有天赋很容易的;后面应该是天生的,应该是毕竟是天生的

22、,故答案是B3(2016真题)Dear children,How time flies!As your teacher,Id like to talk aboutbehaving like a grownupwith you before you leave schoolDuring our lives,we need the strength of other people to achieve our goals(16)Aof us can make it on our ownIn an(17)Bworld,we would all have thoughtful,helpful peop

23、le to guide us in lifeImagine having a (18)Dwho is devoted to keeping you healthyOr imagine having a boss who wants you to enjoy your job and make progress in your(19)BBut many of us have difficulty dealing with(打交道)grownups who seem(20)Ain their changeable moodsIf we have immature(不成熟的)adults(21)Ct

24、rustworthy adults around us,we will certainly get into real troubleWhats more,if we are always(22)Cthat were right all the time,while others are wrong,then we are like those immature adultsOur own personalities could be the(23)AA mature adult is someone who makes problems better,not worseWhen this t

25、ype of people face a bad(24)D,they try to find ways to be calm and in controlThey keep practicing solving problems(25)Cthey become members of mature adultsMaybe youre now too young to behave like a mature adultWhen you run across a problem,try to stay calm and think more about before taking actions,

26、then youre really on the way to be grownupYours faithfully,Vivien16ANoneBMostCAnyDMany17AancientBidealCunknownDequal18AdirectorBteacherCpolicemanDdoctor19AdreamBcareerCstudyDhabit20AtrappedBsurprisedCboredDfrightened21Ain front ofBas well asCinstead ofDalong with 22AreportingBguessingCthinkingDdiscu

27、ssing23AproblemBprojectCpurposeDpower24AproductionBsuggestionCinstructionDsituation25AunlessBasCuntilDwhen【解答】16、A 考查代词 根据上文During our lives,we need the strength of other people to achieve our goals可知在我们的生活中,我们需要其他人的力量实现我们的目标结合题干(16)of us can make it on our own可推知我们没有人能够独立地达成目标,故填none可与of短语连用表示没有人或东

28、西,故选A17、B 考查形容词 根据题干In an(17)world,we would all have thoughtful,helpful people to guide us in life中缺少形容词作定语修饰world,结合意思我们有考虑周到的、乐于助人的人们在生活中指导我们可推知这是一个理想的世界,故填ideal理想的,故选B18、D 考查名词 根据题干Imagine having a (18)who is devoted to keeping you healthy想象一位致力于保持你的身体健康结合选项可推知医生能保持你的身体健康,故选D19、B 考查名词 根据题干 Or ima

29、gine having a boss who wants you to enjoy your job and make progress in your者想象有一个老板让你享受你的工作,并让你的取得进步结合选项,可推知老板能帮助你在事业上取得成功,故填career职业,事业故选B20、A 考查形容词 根据题干But many of us have difficulty dealing with(打交道)grownups who seem(20)in their changeable moods中的关键词changeable moods多变的情绪可推知陷在多变的情绪里故填trpped意为陷入困境

30、的,故选A21、C 考查介词短语 根据题干If we have immature(不成熟的)adults(21)Ctrustworthy adults around us,we will certainly get into real trouble中的主句意思我们肯定会遇到真正的麻烦可推知如果我们周围是不成熟的成人,而不是值得信赖的成人,我们会遇到麻烦故填instead of而不,故选C22、C 考查动词 根据题干Whats more,if we are always(22)Cthat were right all the time,while others are wrong,then we are like those immature adults此外,如果我们总是我们是正确的,而别人是错误的,那么我们就像那些不成熟的成人一样了可推知认为自己对,别人错是不成熟的表现,故填thinking,故选C23、A 考查名词 根据上文可知我们总是认为我们是正确的,而别人是错误的,那么我们就像那些不成熟的成人一样了结合题干Our own personalities could be the(23)可推知如果这样认为的话我们的个性可能会是问题故填problem常指存在的需要解决的

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