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2、isunpilotedwhen,indeed,bothpilotsleavethecockpit换句话说,假设每一位飞行员座位下面有一个电子装置,当座位上有人时,其输出电压为V1,当座位上无人时,其输出电压为V2。现在我们用“真”来代表电压V2,从而使电压V1表示“假”。让我们进一步制作一个带有两个输入端和一个输出端的电路,此电路的特性是:只要两个输入,即一个输入同时和另一个输入相与,结果为V2时,输出电压才是V2。否则,输出是V1。最后,让我们把输入和飞行员A 和B 座位下的装置联结起来,并安装一个与输出Z相连的警铃,当输出是V2 (“真”)时响应,否则不响应。这样,我们已创建了一个执行与操

3、作的电路,这个电路能完成当两个驾驶员确实都离开驾驶舱时飞机是无人驾驶的逻辑推断。3: P66Controltheoryitselfhastwocategories:classicalandmodern.Classicalcontroltheory,whichhaditsstartduringWorldWarII,canbecharacterizedbythetransferfunctionconceptwithanalysisanddesignprincipallyintheLaplaceandfrequencydomains.Moderncontroltheoryhasarisenwitht




7、环系统通常是指负反馈系统或简称为反馈系统。5: P83Actual system are also subjected to undesirable inputs, such as noise in command inputs and disturbances arising from changes in the plant parameters or changes in the environment in which the plant is operating. Noise inputs that enter the system with the command input re

8、quire filtering techniques to remove or suppress them without affecting the command input itself. We shall limit our discussion to disturbance inputs which enter the system at the plant rather than at the controller. 实际系统总是容易受到不希望的输入干扰,例如, 命令输入中的噪声以及由于参数改变在被控对象中产生的干扰或者被控对象工作环境变化产生的干扰。随着命令输入进入系统的噪声输入

9、需要滤波器进行驱除或者抑制并不对输入信号产生影响。 我们将限于讨论通过被控对象进行系统的噪声而不讨论通过控制器进入系统的噪声6: P887.Lociaresymmetricalabouttherealaxissincecomplexopenlooppolesandzerosoccurinconjugatepairs.轨迹关于实轴对称,因为复杂的开环极点和零点成对的出现8.Sectionsoftherealaxistotheleftofanoddtotalnumberofopenlooppolesandzerosonthisaxisformpartoftheloci,becauseanytria


11、开环极点(开环零点)之间属于根轨迹,则在其中必定有突破点(汇合点).如果附近没有极点或者零点,则突破点(汇合点)必定在(两个开环极点/开环零点)中间7: P97When the function has no pole or zero inside the right-half s plane, i.e. the function is minimum phase, the Bode plots can be sketched rather rapidly with a knowledge of the four elementary factors that appear in the fu

12、nction.当该函数无零点和极点在 S 平面右半部时, 即系统为最小相位系统, 可以使用函数的四个快速地绘出伯德图8: P99Similarly, the gain margin equals 1 divided by the magnitude at the frequency where the phase angle is -180, the gain margin in dB, is therefore the distance of the magnitude below 0dB at this frequency, as shown in Fig. 2-4A-2.同样,增益裕量等

13、于 1 除以相角为 180时对应频率的幅值。因此,,以 dB 来表示,为如图 Fig. 2-4A-2.所示的频率处,幅值曲线与 0 分贝线的距离。9: P163ROM is usually for the permanent, non-volatile storage of an applications program. Many microcomputers and microcontrollers are intended for high-volume applications and hence the economical manufacture of the device req

14、uires that the contents of the program memory be committed permanently during the manufacture of the chips. Clearly, this implies a rigorous approach to ROM code development since changes cannot be made after manufacture. This development process may involve emulation using a sophisticated developme

15、nt system with a hardware emulation capability as well as the use of powerful software tools. ROM 通常是用于永久的、非易失的应用程序存储。许多的微处理器或者微控制器是大批量生产的, 为了省钱, 要求程序在生产时就永久地固化在存储器中。显然,这就意味着 ROM 代码的开发必须十分精确,因为一旦生产出来就无法更改。 这种开发过程包括使用一个复杂的开发系统, 该系统包括硬件仿真能力以及功能强大的软件工具。10:P180One way to accomplish this objective is by

16、first measuring the temperature T(t), then comparing it to its desired value, and based on this comparison, deciding what to do to correct for any deviation. The flow of steam can be used to correct for the deviation. This is, if the temperature is above its desired value, then the steam valve can b

17、e throttled back to cut the steam flow(energy) to the heat exchanger. If the temperature is below its desired value, then the steam valve could be opened some more to increase the steam flow(energy) to the exchanger. All of these can be done manually by operator, and since the procedure is fairly st

18、raightforward, it should present no problem. However, since in most process plants there are hundreds of variables that must be maintained at some desired value, this correction procedure would required a tremendous number of operator. Consequently, we would like to accomplish this control automatic

19、ally. That is, we want to have instruments that control the variable without requiring intervention from the operator. This is what we mean by automatic process control. 完成这个目标的一个方法是首先测量温度, 然后将其与期望值比较, 在比较的基础上再决定如何去做以消除偏差。蒸汽的流量可以用于消除偏差。即, 如果温度高于期望值,将蒸汽阀关小以削减进入热交换器的蒸汽(能量) 。如果温度低于期望值,则蒸汽阀门就会打开大一点以增加蒸汽

20、流量(能量) 。 所有这些都可以由操作员手工完成,而且由于步骤很直观,不会有什么问题。然而。在大多数的生产过程中有数百的变量必须维持在期望值,这就要求有很多的操作员。因此,我们就希望采用自动控制来完成这些工作。即,我们要用仪表来控制这些变量而不需操作员干预。这就是过程的自动控制11:P252伴随着信息处理与通信技术的发展,能完成诸多服务功能的楼宇自动化系统也应运而生。当我们正在走向下一个世纪的时候,一个主要的趋势是开发多样化的通讯技术,包括音频与视频信号的传送,多媒体系统的开发包含了这些特点。我们主要的工作集中在:提供高清晰度和立体图像传输的可视化服务;具有意识、辨识、理解和推理的智能化服务;

21、携带方便的个人移动通讯服务。我们的目标是进一步将信息处理和通讯技术融合在一起。这将导致具有更高集成水平的智能建筑,如图6-2B-1所示。三。段落翻译:25分,两题(现代控制理论状态控制P108与过程控制P182)P108:The concept of state occupies a central position in modern control theory. However, it appear in many other technical and non-technical context as well. In thermodynamics the equations of s

22、tate are prominently used. Binary sequential networks are normally analyzed in term of their state. In everyday life, monthly financial statements are commonplace. The President state of the Union meesage is another familiar example.状态的概念在现代控制理论中占据中心位置。然而其也出现在其他技术和非技术领域。在热力学中状态方程的概念被突出地使用。二进制序列网络通常使

23、用状态的术语进行分析。在日常生活中每月的也使用财政(财务)状况。美国总统的国情咨文也是一个熟悉的例子。In all of these examples the concept of state is essentially the same. It is a complete summary of the status of the system at a particular point in time. Knowledge of the state at some initial time t0 plus knowledge of the system inputs after t0, a

24、llows the determination of the state at a later time t1. As far as the state at t1 is concerned, it makes no difference how the initial state was attained. Thus the state at t0 constitutes a complete history of the system behavior prior to t0, insofar as that history affects future behavior. Knowled

25、ge of the present state allows a sharp separation between the past and the future.在上述所有的例子中,“状态”的概念是基本相同的。“状态”完全就是系统在某个特殊时刻的“状况”的一个总结。状态在某个时刻t0的值再加上t0时刻的输入的知识可以确定以后时刻t1的状态。就t1时刻的状态而言,它与初始状态是如何实现的无关。因此,t0时刻的状态就构成了t0以前行为的历史,这个历史状态在一定程度上影响系统未来的行为。当前状态就将过去与未来作了一个截然的划分。At any fixed time the state of a sy

26、stem can be described by the values of a set of variables xi called state variables. One of the state variables of a thermodynamic system is temperature and its value can arrange over the continuum of real number. In a binary network state variable can take on only two discrete values, 0 or 1. Note

27、that the state of your cheking account at the end of the month can be represented by single number, the balance. The state of the Union can be represented by such things as gross national product, percent unemployment, the balance of trade deficit, ect. For the systems considered in this article the

28、 state variables may take on any scalar value, real or complex. That is . Although some systems require an infinite number of state variables, only system which can be described by a finite number n of state variables will be considered here. Then the state can be represented by an n component state

29、 vector It belongs to an n- dimensional vector space defined over the field C.在任何一个固定的时刻,系统的状态可以用变量集合的值xi来描述,称为状态变量。热力学系统的一个状态变量是温度,其值是在一个实数连续区间R变化。对于一个二进制网络状态变量可以仅仅有两个离散的值,0和1。你在月底帐目的平衡的状态可以用一个数来表示。国情咨文中的状态可以用国民生产总值、失业率、贸易赤字等来表示。对于本文所考虑的系统,状态变量可以用任何一个标量值(实数或复数)来表示。即。虽然有的系统需要用无穷多个状态变量来表示,但是在这里我们仅仅考虑

30、有限个数目状态变量的系统。因此,状态可以表示为n个分量的状态向量。状态向量属于某个域C上的状态空间。For Continuous-time system, the state is defined for all time in some interval, for example, a continually varying temperature or voltage. Discrete-time system have their state defined only at discrete times, as with the monthly financial statement o

31、r the annual State of the Union message. Continuous-time and discrete-time systems can be discussed simultaneously by defining the times of interest as T. For continuous-time system T consists of the set of times . In either case the initial time could be and the final time could be in some circumstances. 对于连续时间系统,状态可以定义某个区间上的所有时间。例如,连续变化的温度或者电压。离散时间系统的状态只定义在离散时刻。例如,每月财务状况或者年度国情咨文。连续时间系统和离散时间系统可以通过定义时间域T来统一讨论。对于连续时间系统,T由的所有实数构成。对于离散时间系统,T由离散时刻集合构成。在任何一种

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