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1、民航英语2习题3民航英语2习题3一、短语翻译1.安全间隔距离2.分层盘旋等待3.航路相交的地方4.自动终端情报服务 5.尾部扰动气流6.建造在飞机周围的巨大脚手架7.施展才能 8.长期经营空运业务9.万一遇到不测的顶风 10.序号11.无线电探测定位 12.机场安全检查13.不定期的包机航班14.一分钟的最短间隔时间15.可变式几何图形16.航路相交的地方 二、单选题1.The two pilots decided to work _ turn during this long flight. Aon Bin Cat Dby2.We11 never forget _ in New York l

2、ast year.A. us to meet a few friends B. our meeting a few friendsC. a few friends to meet D. a few friends meeting3.Is there any hope of _the gold medal?A. John to win B. John win C. winning John D. Johns winning4.There is a man at the reception desk who seems very angry and I think he means _ troub

3、le.A. making B. to make C. to have made D. having made5.The government _ up a committee to investigate the air crash. A. get B. let C. put D. set6._ the final examination is over, we can go outside for a picnic.A. Even though B. Now that C. For D. With7.Tom was the only one of the students who _ nam

4、ed Outstanding Student.A. is B. are C. was D. were8.There is something wrong with my car. It will take me one hour to have it _.A. fix B. fixing C. to fix D. fixed9.All the crew members _ satisfactory provision for this flight. Abrought Bworked Cmade Dtook10.One of the wings was lost and nowhere _.A

5、. found B. to find C. had found D. to be found11._ her surprise, Miss Wang found nobody in the classroom.A. At B. To C. For D. With12.Anderson is one of those _ appear friendly but in fact are hard to deal with.A. who B. they C. that D. which13.Such things _ are often discussed by people now are the

6、 rising prices for daily consumer goods. Awhich Bas Cwhat Dlike14.Seldom _ his wife punishes her children for speaking out their own ideas freely.A. I saw B. I have seen C. have I seen D. do I see15.Its high time the government _ some measures to raise peoples awareness of environmental protection.A

7、. will take B. take C. took D. takes16.They decided to train more maintenance engineers _ aircraft.A. overhauling B. overhaul C. to overhaul D. overhauled三、根据上下文,选出与划线单词意思相近的选项1.Ronald Amundsen was a great explorerHe was the first person to reach the South Pole A. a person who works in international

8、 business and travels a lot B. a place that is difficult to find C. something that an airplane carries D. a person who looks for new places and information about them2.Before you buy something,check the quality firstFor example, if it is cheap, it might not be goodAhow good it is Bwhat the color isC

9、what the size isDhow big it is3.Some people like to keep a journalThey write in it every dayThey write about what they did,what happened,and what they thoughtA. a magazine about scientific research B. a textbookC. a sports magazine D. a notebook about their daily activities4.Please give me your reci

10、pe for this cake,so I can make it tooAa dish Bdirections for cookingCa meal Ddirections to your house5.Farmers raise cattle for beef and milkA. pigsB. horses C. sheep D. cows四、阅读理解Passage 1Attention to detail is something everyone can and should do, especially in a tight job market. Bob Crossley, a

11、human-resources expert notices this in the job applications that come cross his desk every day. “Its amazing how many candidates eliminate themselves,” he says. “Resumes arrive with stains (污迹). Some candidates dont bother to spell the companys name correctly. Once I see a mistake, I eliminate the c

12、andidate,” Crossley concludes. “If they cannot take care of these details, why should we trust them with a job?”Can we pay too much attention to details? Absolutely. Perfectionists struggle over little things at the cost of something larger they work toward. “To keep from losing the forest for the t

13、rees,” says Charles Garfield, associate professor at the University of California, San Francisco, “we must constantly ask ourselves how the details were working on fit into the larger picture. If they dont, we should drop them and move to something else.” Garfield compares this process to his work a

14、s a computer scientist at NASA. “The Apollo II moon launch was slightly off-course (偏离路线) 90 percent of the time,” says Garfield. “But a successful landing was still likely because we knew the exact coordinates(坐标)of our goal. This allowed us to make adjustments(调整)as necessary.” Knowing where we wa

15、nt to go helps us judge the importance of every task we undertake. Too often we believe what accounts for others success is some special secret or a lucky break. But rarely is success so mysterious. Again and again, we see that by doing little things within our grasp (能力所及的限度) well, large rewards fo

16、llow.1. According to the passage, some job applicants were rejected _. A. because of their carelessness as shown in their failure to present a clean copy of a resume B. because of their inadequate education as shown in their poor spelling in writing a resume C. because they failed to give a detailed

17、 description of their background in their applications D. because they eliminated their names from the applicants list themselves2. The word “perfectionists” (Line 1, Para. 3) refers to those who _. A. demand others to get everything absolutely right B. know how to adjust their goals according to th

18、e circumstances C. pay too much attention to details only to lose their major objectives D. are capable of achieving perfect results in whatever they do3. Which of the following is the authors advice to the reader? A. Although too much attention to details may be costly, they should not be overlooke

19、d. B. Dont forget details when drawing pictures. C. Be aware of the importance of a task before undertaking it. D. Careless applicants are not to be trusted.Passage 2The Boeing 747-400 airplane has reached its cruising altitude of 10,000 meters and cruising speed of 900 km per hour on its way from L

20、ondon to Beijing. The Purser(乘务长) has announced that the passengers are now free to unfasten their seat belts and move around the cabin; however passengers should keep their seat belt fastened when seated.The passenger cabin layout consists of three sections. The 747-400 is unique in having two deck

21、s(舱板); on the upper deck, behind the flight crew there is the first class section. On the lower deck, at the front, the business class section, for passengers who pay the full fare: while behind is the much larger economy section for passengers who have special cheap rate tickets.The stewards and st

22、ewardesses14 in allare now busy around the galleys(飞机上的厨房). A choice of drinks, followed by dinner, video entertainment including a film and finally breakfast in the morning is the order of service. Individual headphones are distributed, and these, when plugged in to the arm of the seatgive a variet

23、y of in-flight musical programs. Also in the arm of the seat are the controls for a personal reading light, fresh air control and call button.Dinner is served on specially prepared trays, perhaps prawn cocktail, followed by a choice of roast chicken or braised(炖的) steak with chocolate mousse to fini

24、sh. The chicken and beef has been heated in the special microwave ovens in the galleys. It is hard to believe that a hot, three-course meal can be served while the plane is flying at this altitude and speed.Dinner over, the cabin lights are dimmed, the blinds by the windows are drawn, the screens un

25、fold and the film begins. Now, for the first time the cabin crew take it in turns to have a rest while the passengers watch the film or snooze dreaming of arriving in Beijing in the morning.4. When the plane is flying, the passengers _when seated.A. are free to walk B. are free to come into the flig

26、ht deckC. are advised to fasten their seatbelts D. must unfasten the seatbelts5. The passenger cabin layout consists of three sections. They are the followings except _. A. the first class B. the cockpitC. the business class D. the economy class6. During the flight, the cabin attendants should do th

27、e following except _.A. collect the passengers passports B. serve the drinksC. serve the meals D. give out headsets7. Before the meal, the cabin attendants should heat _ in the ovens in the galley. A. the chocolate mousse B. the saladC. the chicken and beef D. the snack8. During the film, the cabin

28、attendants will _. A. wake up the passengers so they dont miss the filmB. watch the film with the passengersC. have a chat in the cabinD. have a rest in turn五、单词填空题,请将下列10个单词/词组填入空格处。A.smiling B. liking C. concern D. friendly E. toF. with G. service H. qualifications I. exciting J. enjoyCabin attend

29、ants make face-to-face contact _1_ passengers. Cabin attendants should possess essential _2_ for their work. The quality of the cabin _3_is judged on the friendliness,courtesy and appearance of the cabin attendants. They should _4_ their work. They are doing an _5_ and challenging job. They should b

30、e _6_ and helpful _7_ passengers. They must keep _8_during their work. A warm _9_for other people is a necessary qualification for passenger service work. Dignity, warmth and a sincere _10_ for people are the best qualities.六、汉译英1.我们大家都相信地球本身也是由物质组成的。2.万一下雪的话,我们就推迟比赛。3.空中旅行与任何其他旅行一样安全,一样舒服。4.航空公司更希望机票尽可能早被提前取走。5.业务员必须清楚是否需要检查护照。6.我看上去强壮,实际上我的体质很差。7.区域管制员在巨大的雷达荧光屏上同时监视数十架飞机。民航英语2习题3答案 一、短语翻译题1.a safe separation distance2.holding stacks3.where airways

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