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1、松江少儿外教英语优学英语口语训练序言“优学教育”成立于2006年,松江区教育局注册办学单位为“上海平成商务培训中心”, 主要培训大类中小学生语文、数学、英语同步辅导与提高,年培训学生约1200人。“优学教育”依法办学、规范办学、并注重教学质量。从学员报名、课程安排、老师聘任、教学管理、考试考查等各方面注重教学的全过程管理,得到学员和有关高校的好评。“优学教育”加强自身建设。建立建全的学校教学规章:教职工的工作月报,每季度的工作考核,半年工作小结,每月一次教学业务学习、工作例会等一系列教学管理制度,有效的促进了学校的发展。现有教职工16名,从事教学教务管理的教职工本科以上学历达到100,其中50

2、%还获得了教师资格证书。在过去的两年中,我们先后与“上师大外国语附中”、“松江九峰中学”、“松江农林学院”、“松江第二实验小学”成为合作伙伴,将我们的优秀教师以及课程带入学校中,在合作过程中得到各校领导的表扬和认可,以及学生的欢迎,充分证明了我们的办学实力。也成为松江唯一一所与公办学校成为合作伙伴的民办学校。 松江区教育局社会力量办学先进集体 松江区A级办学单位 国家文教专家聘用单位 松江区优秀民办非企业单位 松江区九峰中学合作单位 松江区外国语附中合作单位 松江区农林学院合作单位 松江区第二实验小学合作单位目录Lesson 1 Vacation Plans Lesson 2 The Summ

3、er Rental Lesson 3 At the Supermarket Lesson 4 Date and Tim Lesson 5 Objects and Animals Lesson 6 Adjectives Lesson 7 Numbers and Letters LESSON 1 VACATION PLANSA. SELF-INTRODUCTION B. WARM-UP 1. VocabularySelect some words from the following and ask students to make a sentence to demonstrate they k

4、now the meaning and proper usage. DO NOT SHOW the card to the student, in order to test their listening comprehension.Lesson 1 Vacation Plans - Vocab Card (1)To goCanadaTo stayTo packAustraliaOne weekSouvenirTo travelJulyHolidayTo sleepTo watchVillaTo clean2. Key Grammar The Future TenseThe key gram

5、mar in this unit is the future tense. Quickly explain that there are two main ways of describing the future one being using the phrase “to be + going to + verb” and the other being “will + verb”. Explain the word “resolutions” to the students and have the students give at least three resolutions the

6、y have for this year.For Example:A: So, what are you going to do this year?B: Well, Im going to improve my English.A: Anything else?B: Well, also, Im going to learn to play the piano.A: Cool. What about you?C: Well, Im going to learn English and Japanese this yearC. DRILLS (15 Minutes)1. “There is /

7、 There are”Using items in the classroom, get students to tell you what things are in the classroom.For Example:A: Well, theres a pen on the table.B: Good. What else?A: There are five chairs.B: Excellent. What about in your bookbag?A: Oh, well there are lots of books and pens.2. The Future TenseFor t

8、he situations on the cards, have the students tell you what they think the people are going to do using the future tense.For Example:Fred is packing his bag.Fred is going on holiday.Fred is helping his wife to pack her suitcase.Fred is leaving his wife and not going to tell her!Lesson 1 Vacation Pla

9、ns Activity Card (2)Fred is packing his bag.Sally is very happy today.Monica looks very nervous today.Charlie is getting his haircut today and buying a new suit.D. ROLE PLAYS/DISCUSSION (20 minutes)1. Discussion The Future TenseLead a class discussion on the students next vacation plans. Possible qu

10、estions include:Where are you going to go?Who are you going to go with?Where are you going to stay?What places are you going to visit?Etc.?2. Role Plays Advice / Imperatives / “Can” / “There are” / The Future TenseHand out the appropriate activity card and give students several minutes to prepare so

11、me ideas for the role play. Help students with vocabulary and ideas when necessary. Emphasize the use of the grammar points in their dialogue.For Example:A: “So, Im going to Hang Zhou next week. What should I do there?”B: “”Theres the West Lake and there are a lot of beautiful temples there.”A: “Wha

12、t else?”B: “Well, see the mountains”Lesson 1 Vacation PlansActivity Card (3)Lesson 1 Vacation PlansActivity Card (3)Student A Friend AStudent B Friend BYour friend is going on vacation to Lhasa, Tibet (Xizang) and want you to give you some advice.What good advice can you give?You are going away on h

13、oliday to Lhasa, Tibet (Xizang).Ask your friend for some good advice for your holiday.Lesson 1 Vacation PlansActivity Card (4)Lesson 1 Vacation PlansActivity Card (4)Student A Friend AStudent B Friend BYou are a foreigner who has just come to Shanghai.Ask your partner about the interesting things to

14、 do in Shanghai.Your foreign friend has just come to Shanghai.Give advice about the fun things to do and see in Shanghai.F. WRITING Have students write sentences using the words in the box and using the phrases, “how much?” and “how many?”For Example:Books / room - How many books are in the room?Les

15、son 1 Vacation Plans Activity Card (5)Books / roomWater / glassPeople / classroomMoney / walletFood / tableChairs / kitchenG. ASSESSMENT/EVALUATION/WRAP UP (5 minutes)LESSON 2 THE SUMMER RENTALA. SELF-INTRODUCTION B. WARM-UP 1. VocabularySelect some words from the following and ask students to make

16、a sentence to demonstrate they know the meaning and proper usage. DO NOT SHOW the card to the student, in order to test their listening comprehension.Lesson 2 Grocery Shopping Vocab Card (1)ViewLiving roomBedLaterTo playBathroomT.V.Tennis courtTo have funTo relax2. Key Grammar The ImperativesThe key

17、 grammar in this unit is the use of positive and negative imperatives. Introduce imperatives by giving the students some simple commands such as “stand up!”, “sit down!”, “close the door!”, “open your book!”, etc. Use the prompts below to have students use imperatives to give to advice/commands on w

18、hat to do.Example Prompts:Your friend is always playing computer games at home and never studiesyour friend is playing football and you see a snake beside your friends footD. DRILLS 1. “There is / There are”Ask students questions about things in different places in their homes:What things are there

19、in:a) your bedroom?b) your parents bedroom?c) your living room?d) your bathroomFor Example:A: Can you tell about some things in your bedroom?B: Well, there is a big bed and a big window.A: Cool! Anything else?B: Yes, and there are lots of little stuffed animals2. Imperatives / Negative ImperativesFo

20、r the situations on the activity card, have student give advice using the negative imperative.For Example:A student is writing an SMS to his girlfriend in classDont send messages in class!Pay attention in class!Listen to the teacher!Lesson 2 The Summer Rental Activity Card (2)A student is standing o

21、n their chair in class.Someone is speaking loudly in the library.Two people are fighting in a swimming pool.3. InterrogativesFor the following situations, get students to ask the teacher as many questions as possible. You can reply with suitable answer of your own.Example: The lamp is broken.Who bro

22、ke the lamp?Why did they break it?How did they break it?What are they going to do about it?Etc.?Lesson 2 The Summer Rental Activity Card (3)The lamp is broken.The floor is wet in the bathroom.Your mobile phone is missing from your room.The apple pie was stolen from the kitchen.My heart was broken by

23、 a girl.D. ROLE PLAYS/DISCUSSION (20 minutes)3. Role Plays Advice / Imperatives / “Can” / “There are”Hand out the appropriate activity card and give students several minutes to prepare some ideas for the role play. Help students with vocabulary and ideas when necessary.Lesson 2 The Summer RentalActi

24、vity Card (3)Lesson 2 The Summer RentalActivity Card (3)Student A Friend AStudent B Friend BYou are going away for the summer and will let your friend use your house.Think of 4 things they can and cannot do while you are away.Your friend will go away for the summer and let you use their house.Ask th

25、em what you can and cannot do while they are away.Lesson 2 The Summer RentalActivity Card (4)Lesson 2 The Summer RentalActivity Card (4)Student A House RenterStudent B House SellerYou want to rent a house and are now looking at a one. Ask the owner what things come with the house and what the rules

26、are for living there.You own a house but want to rent it out. Tell your partner what things are in the house and what they can and cannot do it the house.F. ASSESSMENT/EVALUATION/WRAP UP (5 minutes)LESSON 3 THE SUPERMARKETA. SELF-INTRODUCTION (5 minutes)B. WARM-UP (10 minutes)1. Vocabularya. Vocab c

27、ardSelect some words from the following and ask students to make a sentence to demonstrate they know the meaning and proper usage. DO NOT SHOW the card to the student, in order to test their listening comprehension.Lesson 3 The Supermarket Vocab Card (1)AppleBeerBasketBottleDifferentEnoughHungryIn l

28、ineTo putShopping bagShopping listGrocery Storeb. OppositesCall out a word and have students identify its oppositeTo sell - To buyExpensive - CheapFirst - LastLove - HateLike - Dislike2. Key Grammar ReactionsThe key grammar in this unit is expressing reactions using verbs such as to enjoy, to resent

29、, to miss, to object to, to be able to stand, to like, to love, , to dislike, to hate, etc.Have students use verbs in the box below to assess their ability to use the verbs in their proper context.Lesson 3 The Supermarket Vocab Card (2)To likeTo dislikeTo loveTo hateTo preferTo be able to standTo re

30、sentTo mindE. DRILLS (15 Minutes)1. “One / Ones” and “Reactions”Prepare an arrangement of items (pens, book, cell phones, watches, etc.) on the table and ask which one or ones they like and why?For Example:A: Which cell phone do you like?B: I like the black one.A: Why?B: I like it because it is good-looking.2. “Too / Too Much” and “Reactions”Give students the appropriate activity card and get students to ask each other about how they feel about the six topics. If the students do not like something, they

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