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本文(北京市朝阳区届高三英语下学期学业水平等级性考试练习一模试题.docx)为本站会员(b****7)主动上传,冰豆网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰豆网(发送邮件至service@bdocx.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、北京市朝阳区届高三英语下学期学业水平等级性考试练习一模试题北京市朝阳区2021届高三英语下学期学业水平等级(dngj)性考试练习一模试题第一(dy)局部:知识运用共两节,45 分第一节语法(yf)填空共10小题;每题1.5分,共15分阅读以下短文,根据短文内容填空。在未给提示(tsh)词的空白处仅填写1个适当的单词(dnc),在给出提示词的空白处用括号内所给词的正确形式填空。AWith our graduation day around the corner, I was busy preparing presents for my friends. As usual, I walked in

2、to the classroom, only 1 (find) a big box standing there. Approaching, I saw my name 2 (write) on it. I was quite shocked when the box 3 (open) and I saw “myself, a vivid statue, sitting inside smiling up at me. I was at a complete loss for words. It was the most unique, unconventional present in my

3、 life.BAnalysis finds Earths magnetic(有磁性的) field was in place by at least 3.7 billion years ago, as early life arose.Scientists think that having a magnetic field 4 (make) Earth more friendly to life. The field, 5 is generated by liquid iron moving about in the planets core, protects Earth 6 energe

4、tic particles(粒子) flowing from the Sun. It helps the planet hold on to its atmosphere and maintain liquid water on its surface.CDo you have a mentor(导师) helping you make decisions in your life? If you do, then you are a very lucky person. 7 if not, then read the book Tuesdays with Morrie.It tells th

5、e true story of the author, Mitch Albom, and his dying former professor, Morrie Schwartz. 8 you read this book, you will learn some very meaningful lessons from a professor dying from Lou Gehrigs disease. When Mitch visits Morrie every Tuesday, the 78-year-old professor shares words of 9 (wise) abou

6、t love, life, communication, values, and openness with his former student. As a beautiful tale 10 (deliver) many powerful lessons about life, this book should be high on everyones reading list.第二节 完形填空共 20 小题;每题 1.5 分,共 30 分 阅读(yud)下面短文,掌握其大意,从每题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出最正确(zhngqu)选项,并在答题卡上将(shngjing)该项涂

7、黑。Giddas TeamThe door closed behind Malik, making Mama look up from the hot meal. “Just in time for dinner. Will you 11 Gidda, please?Gidda was staying in Maliks bedroom. He didnt 12 giving up his room for his 82-year-old grandmother at first. But then she didnt leave. Malik 13 over her suitcase on

8、the floor. “Sorry, Gidda said. “Im just a nuisance(讨厌(to yn)的人) here. Im 14 . Malik didnt answer as he helped her up from her chair.At dinner, Mama asked Malik, “Hows your 15 with the coach?Malik was captain of school soccer team, and he had to discuss a fundraiser with the coach. Theyd have to rais

9、e hundreds of dollars to 16 their old shirts, and that seemed unlikely unless Malik came up with a(n) 17 plan.Unwillingly, Malik said, “Its just team stuff. Changing the 18 , Malik turned to Gidda. “Do you want to go sit outside after dinner?Gidda agreed. In the soft warmth of the evening, Gidda set

10、tled herself beneath the enormous fig(无花果) tree. “Feels like home, she said. But Malik 19 , “It drops figs everywhere. Right then, a fig landed on his head. Gidda laughed, picked it up, and took a 20 . “Perfect. Pick me a bunch. Ill make fig cakes.The next morning, Malik found Gidda making fig cakes

11、 in the kitchen. She offered him one. Malik, hoping it wasnt too awful, put it in his mouth. His eyes 21 as he chewed. It was delicious. He eyed the tree in the backyard. How many fig cakes could it 22 ?Malik grabbed his phone and started 23 in a rush of excitement. An hour later, most of the soccer

12、 team gathered in the kitchen, and ate up fig cakes.“Giddas Fabulous(极好(j ho)的) Fig Cakes! Malik said. “Well 24 them! Gidda said they were easy to make; shell 25 us how.At dinner that night, Gidda shared their plan with Mama, smiling 26 as she repeated the title Malik gave on her, “Team Grandmother.

13、The next day, the kitchen was full of 27 . Walking slowly among the excited boys, Gidda taught them to make fig cakes. Soon the fig cakes piled up.As Malik 28 , Giddas Fabulous Fig Cakes were a huge hit and they were quickly sold out.When the new 29 arrived just in time for the opening game, Coach G

14、arcia invitedGidda to watch. She arrived early, and waved at Malik. Then she turned 30 to show off her shirt. On the back were the words Team Grandmother.11Awatch Bfetch Cvisit Dserve 12Aallow Benjoy Cconsider Dmind 13Alooked Bhanded Ctripped Dturned 14Auseless Bunlucky Cscared Dnervous 15Atraining

15、Bappointment Cnegotiation Dmeeting 16Abuy Breplace Ciron Dabandon 17Abrilliant Brandom Coriginal Dpersonal 18Aplan Battitude Csubject Dway 19Arepeated Breported Cexplained Dcomplained 20Apicture Btest Cbite Dbreak 21Awidened Bmoved Cfocused Dopened 22Aproduce Bdonate Cdeliver Dexchange 23Arunning Bt

16、exting Cshouting Dthinking 24Apresent Bsend Csell Dreserve 25Aprepare Bshow Cchoose Dwrite 26Aproudly Bpolitely Cshyly Dbitterly 27Atension Bhope Cpraise Denergy 28Apromised Bpredicted Cannounced Didentified 29Asocks Bboots Cuniforms Dgloves 30Aback Baway Cdown Daround第二局部:阅读(yud)理解共两节,40 分第一节共 15 小

17、题;每题 2 分,共 30 分阅读(yud)以下短文,从每题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出最正确(zhngqu)选项,并在答题卡 上将(shngjing)该项涂黑。AMusic for Life Learning music is important for the educational and personal development of young people!Learning an instrument: how do pupils choose?All our teachers are highly qualified and experienced musicians

18、,and pupils can learn to play a wide range of instruments, from the keyboard to the drums(鼓). We have open days when new pupils who are unsure which instrument to choose can come to the centre. They are able to speak to teachers about which instrument might be best for them, and they can also see an

19、d hear classes in action.Who is responsible for buying the instruments?Parents usually have to provide instruments. But parents of beginners are advised not to buy an instrument until they are told that a place is available. They should also find out from the teacher the most suitable type of instru

20、ment to get.When and where do lessons take place?Lessons are available in many schools, usually during the day. If there is no lesson available for a particular instrument in a particular school, other arrangements can be made at one of our music centres for lessons on Saturday afternoons or weekday

21、 evenings.How are pupils taught?Pupils can learn in small groups, in classes or individually, depending on their needs. Small groups of three pupils have lessons that last thirty minutes. Class lessons last forty-five minutes and have at least ten pupils. Individual lessons are offered only to pupil

22、s who have some experience.Starting young: when can pupils begin?Children are never too young to become interested in music. We have special “Musical Youth classes for children from the age of 3 to 8. These are designed to encourage young children to enjoy music through a variety of activities inclu

23、ding singing, musical games, listening and movement. “Musical Youth classes take place on Saturday mornings with groups of about 18 children. A parent or other adult must attend each session, and they are encouraged to sit with their children and help them with the activities.31. What can we learn f

24、rom the passage?A. New pupils can see classes on an open day.B. Pupils can learn special instruments on Sundays.C. Parents must accompany pupils during the learning process.D. Teachers at the centre can provide the right instruments for pupils.32. What is the best choice for children with some exper

25、ience?A. Lessons for groups of ten. B. Individual lessons.C. Lessons for small groups of three. D. Special “Musical Youth classes.33. The passage is intended for _.A. teachers B. parents C. musicians D. pupilsBNenad Sestan was working in his office one afternoon in 2021, when he heard his lab member

26、s whispering with excitement over a microscope. He realized something beyond their expectations was happening.The researchers, at Yale School of Medicine in New Haven, Connecticut, had found electrical activity in brains taken from dead pigs. With that shocking result, Sestan realized what had start

27、ed as a side project to find ways to better preserve brain tissue for research had changed into a discovery that could redefine our understanding of life and death.The excitement soon turned to concern, when the researchers thought they saw widespread, consistent electrical activity which can indica

28、te consciousness( 意识(y sh) ). Sestan brought in a neurologist, who determined the readout was actually an error, but the possibility had frightened them.Sestan kept his cool and immediately did two things: he shut down the experiment and contacted the US National Institutes of Health (NIH), as well

29、as a Yale bioethicist(生物(shngw)伦理学家). Over the next few months, experts discussed the potential ethical implications, such as whether the brains could become conscious and whether physicians needed to reconsider the definition of brain death.They submitted the work to Nature. But before the final pa

30、per was published, Sestan met sharp criticism from the press. Some even suggested that the researchers were engineering immortality(永生(yngshng), or maintaining a room full of living brains in jars. Neither he nor his team wanted to discuss the results until the paper was out, but as their inboxes fi

31、lled with concerns and anger from animal rights activists and futurists, Sestan became depressed. He felt all they could do, however, was to hold off on correcting public misunderstandings until the expert review process had run its course.Since the paper was published in April, 2021, the team has been so busy fielding questions from the media and scientists that it hasnt performed any further experiments. Sestan wants to focus on his original questions and explore how long the brains can be maintained and whether the technology can preserve other organs.“We want to get ou

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