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1、昂立少儿公开课张然昂立少儿公开课幼儿公开课老师要求:声音要甜美,表情要可爱,动作要夸张.语速要慢.少儿公开课老师的要求:自信、性格活泼,富有热情,瞬间的爆发力,超强的感染力,语言要富有幽默感,抖包袱,操纵学生情绪的能力,控场能力,声音要有张力,1 提前个别沟通公开课前教师要提前20-30分钟到教室,和学生做一下简单的沟通。教师可以问:你叫什么呀?几岁了? 在哪上学?喜欢干什么啊?是嘛,太棒了sally 老师也喜欢这个提前混个脸熟.消除陌生感. 1. 公布公开课注意事项: 对学生及家长的要求: 家长:手机调成震动或关机,不要在上课时间离开教室,以免影响正常教学。/ 学生:没有来得及上厕所的同学请

2、赶紧去。 1.more English ! 2.Speak loudly! 3.obey the rules !4. Follow me!公开课之前和学生互动;你们知道你们今天是来干什么的吗?S: 学英语的T:我们的口号是:follow follow me 玩英语,做游戏,很容易oh-yes!T: 对,我们是来学英语的,但是呢,我们要在快快乐乐(语速放慢,语气加重)当中学好英文。 但是,要跟着老师在快快乐乐中学好英文,必须要遵守老师的三点小小的要求number one : more english . 多说英文。好把手放在左边好慢慢杨起more english:more englishT: n

3、umber two: speak loudly(声音要响亮):Speak loudlyT: number three: obey the rules(body language)S: obey the rules 公开课流程一、 greeting二、 introduction三、 warm up (TPR)四、 important point(word sentence chant text)五、 parents meeting 一、三种不同形式的greeting 第一种为最简单的hello式的greeting (能把最简单的招数练到及至就是不简单)T: Hello老师双手挥起来大生跟小朋友打

4、招乎(可以单跪下,在教室里走动,跳起来)ok everyone raise your hands ,小朋友把手举起来挥一挥大声跟我一起说helloS:HelloT:让我们大声向天空say “hello”S:HelloT:让我们向地面say “hello”S:helloT:look at my finger 看我的手指,当我指到不同的方向时你们要快速说hello(然后老师快速指地方) S:helloT:我现在要大变身小朋友要给我释点魔法先给我吹口气然后一起说magic magic 变变变S:magic magic 变变变T:im an elephant 你们把我变成了一头大象,大象要把你们变成一

5、群小象,看谁变的最快magicmagic 变变变(用手快速点小朋友嘴里发出pusi的声音)S: 小朋友集体变成小象:(用大象的鼻子):第二种greeting:wow (很夸张)so many handsome boys ang pretty girls , I love you everybody,are you ready? when I say are you ready?(body language) You should say yes (body language)follow me yes S:yesT:are you ready?:yes!T:how are you taday?

6、:maybe students will say:fine .T:I know you are very good today 我知道你们今天都非常好,you know why?你们知道为什么吗?S:学生可能会很好奇:because you can see me today因为你们今天见到了我嘛!(很神气!很得意的表情):哈哈哈:见到我就会感觉非常好,非常好用英语怎么说呢?:very good(学生可能会说)T:ok,everyone show me your hands and follow me very good S:very good T:我们一起拍着胸脯说very good S:ve

7、ry good T:你们都使劲的拍反正我也不疼very good S:very good T:换一个动作very good (拍腿):Very good T:手红了没有?没有接着拍very good S:very good T:最后一个动作一般人都学不会,你们是一般人吗?:I belive you can我相信你们能学会,但是我只给你们一秒钟的时间,pay attention to me Very good (快速拍屁股):very good (哈哈哈拍屁股):ok ,now when I ask you “how are you today?你们今天好吗?你们要很开心的(象我这样玩命的满脸笑

8、)用种不同的very good回答我How are you today?S:very good (4遍)第三种greeting T:wow,welcome to here ,do you want to know me ? let me introduce myself to you ,好让我把我自己隆重的介绍给你们,I have three name .my Chinese name is 张然。二、IntroductionT: firstly do you want to know me ?yes or no ?(动作):yesT:Everybody wants to know me ,每

9、个人都想认识我,because Im so famous (body language)Im so beautiful(body language),Im so lovely(body language)so please remember my name now I will introduce myself to you.我要把我自己隆重(body language)的介绍给你们,我呢可是我们昂立外语大名鼎鼎、人见人爱、鬼灵精怪、超级搞笑的super star ,my chinese name is 张然Whats my Chinese name?S:张然:great! 太棒了,一下子就记

10、住了我的中文名字and also I havean English name ,but when you hear my English name ,you should jump and speak out my name loudly(body language).ok?.my English name is (拖长声音)sallyS:sallyT:下面呢跟着sally老师一起读一下sally老师的英文名字。S: sallyT: wow 你们的声音太小了,I cant hear you ,sally老师听不到的。SallyS: sallyT: wow, sally老师都快被你们的声音电晕了

11、(夸张的body languge)。Now sally 老师用英文和大家打一声招呼 I will say : hello everybody. You should say :hello, sally. ok, come on, everybody. Raise your hands, 举起你的双手,啊,挥一挥,很壮观。太棒了,Ok, hello , everybody.S: hello, sallyT: wow, cool, 很厉害。 Now, I will devide you into three groups,sally 老师把你们分成三队。Chua, bing , this is a

12、 knife, 一把刀。Ciciciccicicccici, (用刀砍的声音)S: hahaha T: ok, you are spiderman(.亮出你们最酷的动作body languge) you are superman(亮出你们最酷的动作body languge) . you are automan(亮出你们最酷的动作body languge) 比赛一下看谁的声音大。spiderman group, come on , raise your hands, 举起双手hello spiderman spiderman: hello,sallyT: 很厉害,下面superman group

13、,有没有信心超过他们,superman: 有T: hello, supermansuperman : hello, sallyT:wonderful!太棒了Its your turn automan! hello automanAutoman: hello sally!T:我又被电晕了!我知道了,你们今天不是来学英语的,你们今天是来吓唬我的!:哈哈哈T: wow, great. Spiderman superman automan, You are so cool. 你们都很厉害ok lets praise us,让我们来鼓励一下自己,sally老师的鼓励方法很特别哦!你会感觉自己超牛!ok

14、show me your hands and follow me 我是真的很不错!我是真的很不错!我是真的真的真的真的很不错!:我是真的很不错!我是真的很不错!我是真的真的真的真的很不错!:Wonderful wonderful 棒棒棒!:Wonderful wonderful 棒棒棒!三、warm up 篇(任选) 热身运动在公开课上运用的目的、建立团队精神,现场气氛整齐、热烈、自然而然的学英语、消除紧张的情绪,让学生都有机会去练习,都有机会去参与4、learning from playing 玩中学,学中玩让学生在很放松没有压力很快乐的心情下喜欢上学英语。1、 兔子舞 left left

15、right right go turn aroud go go go rabbit rabbit jump jump jump rabbit rabbit jump jump jump shake your body up up down down down 2、 clap clap clap your hands as slowly as you can clap clap clap your hands as quickly as you can stamp stamp stamp your feet as slowly as you can stamp stamp stamp your

16、feet as quickly as you can shake shake shake your body as slowly as you can shake shake shake your body as slowly as you can3、 拍手歌:if you are happy and you know clap your hands (pia pia)if you are happy and you know clap your hands (pia pia)if you are happy and you know and you really want to show i

17、f you are happy and you know clap your hands (pia pia)if you are happy and you know tap your foot (dong dong)if you are happy and you know tap your foot (dong dong)if you are happy and you know and you really want to show if you are happy and you know tap your foot (dong dong)if you are happy and yo

18、u know do all three (body languge)if you are happy and you know do all three (body languge)if you are happy and you know and you really want to show if you are happy and you know do all three (body languge)4 up down 数来宝up up down downupdownup downT: ok now everybody lets do the warming up together.

19、跟着sally老师一起来做热身运动吧!firstly look at sally please!(按照TPR4步教学法把warm up 串下来 teacher does , students seeteacher does, students follow 3 do it slowly together 4 do it quickly together T: ok, now class begins: follow me do action , up(做手势,食指和中指并拢伸直,指向上面)S: up( 跟着sally做动作)T:jiujiujiujiujiujiu, down( jiu 是拟声

20、词)S: jiujiujijiujiujiumiu, downT: upS: upT: jiuS: jiuT: downS: downT: up jiu downS: up jiu downT:ok,now,look at sally, sally sit down, sallystand up. sally sit down, sally stand up. sally sit down, sally stand up. stand up, sit down ,stand up ,sit down ( 一边说一边做动作)最后很夸张的累的倒在椅子上,喘气,伸舌头突然一伸手指并说哼哼哼its y

21、our turn T: ok, now, everybody, stand up, ( 如果此时,没有人知道这句话的意思,没有人站起来,教师应走到一个小朋友跟前帮他站起来,这时,其他同学会纷纷效仿,全体站起来)T: good, now , everybody, sit down. ( 如果此时,没有人知道这句话的意思,没有人坐下来,教师应走到一个小朋友跟前帮他坐下去,这时,其他同学会纷纷效仿,全体坐下)T: stand upS: ( 做动作)T: sit down.S: ( 做动作)T: stand up, sit down, stand up, sit down, ( 语速越来越快)S: (

22、做动作也越来越快)T: haha, 我发现刚才有个同学臀部上长了一根弹簧。S: hahahahahaT: ok, now, I will choose one student to come here and do action, and other students will say.下面呢sally老师会选一名学生上来做动作,其他学生来说,看谁说得快。 Ok?S: ok!T: ok, lets count from one to ten. ( 老师闭上眼睛,一边和学生数数,一边用手指学生)S: one two three four five six seven eight nine ten

23、T: oh, you, please ( 老师故意指到一个家长,邀请家长上来,配合做动作。此招绝对经典,屡试不爽。气氛绝对又领向了另一个高潮,根据以往的经验,家长都会配合,并且他的孩子都会报名)T: 你只需要坐下去站起来,做下去站起来,孩子们就会说stand up, sit down. ( 老师搬一张凳子,附在家长耳边悄声地说)家长:(做动作, 站起坐下,站起坐下。)S: stand up, sit down. Stand up,sit downT:做的快一点 (附在家长耳边悄声地说)家长:(动作做得快一点)S: stand up, sit down. (越说越快) ( 气氛再一次高涨)T:

24、wow, perfect. 太棒了,请大家给这位家长,掌声鼓励一下。家长和s: (掌声四起)t: ok, now, please follow me , ok?S; okT: up up pia pia ( 击掌 ) S: up up pia pia (击掌)T: down down pia pia ( 击掌 )S: down down pia pia ( 击掌 ) T: up pia down pia (击掌)S: up pia down pia ( 击掌 ) T: up down pia pia ( 击掌 ) S: up down pia pia (击掌)T: ok, now, follo

25、w me , do it quickly. 快一点T: up up pia pia ( 击掌 ) S: up up pia pia (击掌)T: down down pia pia ( 击掌 )S: down down pia pia ( 击掌 ) T: up pia down pia (击掌)S: up pia down pia ( 击掌 ) T: up down pia pia ( 击掌 ) S: up down pia pia (击掌)T:now, lets do it together. 一起来,ok?S: ok!T: ready, go!Tand s : up up pia pia

26、( 击掌 ) Tand s : down down pia pia ( 击掌 )Tand s : up pia down pia (击掌)Tand s : up down pia pia (击掌)T: ok, now , lets have a match. 下面呢,让我们做一下比赛,看谁做得快 ok?S: okT: ready.( 拉长声音 ) goTand s : up up pia pia ( 击掌 ) Tand s : down down pia pia ( 击掌 )Tand s : up pia down pia (击掌)Tand s : up down pia pia (击掌)S:

27、 hahahaha ( 因为毕竟还是老师做得快)T: you are so wonderful 你们太棒了!lets praise us ,鼓励一下自己,我是真的很不错,我是真的很不错,我是真的真的真的真的真的很不错Wonderful wonderful 棒棒棒! T: ok, look at the blackboard ( 黑板上画两个苹果,一个大,一个小)T: follow me, big apple ( 手指着那个大苹果,说big apple 时速度放慢,并且要夸张)S: big appleT: little appleS: little appleT: big S: bigT: li

28、ttleS:littleT: pig (老师做动作)S: pigT: follow me , do action pig (老师做动作)S: pig (做动作)T: little pig ( 做动作 )S: little pig ( 做动作 ) T: big pig ( 做动作 )S: big pig ( 做动作 )T: wolf ( 作动作 )S: wolf ( 做动作 )T: big wolf ( 动作 )S: big wolf ( 动作 )T: little wolf ( 动作 )S:little wolf ( 动作 )T: ok, I say and you do action, 老师

29、做动作, 你们说。 Ok?S: okT: little wolf S: ( 做小狼的动作 )T: big pigS: ( 做大猪的动作 )T: little pigS: ( 作小猪的动作 )T: big wolfS: ( 做大狼的动作 )T: ok, now, I do action . and you say. Ok?S: ok T: ( 做小狼的动作 )S: little wolfT: ( 做大猪的动作 )S: big pigT: ( 作小猪的动作 )S: little pigT: ( 做大狼的动作 )S: big wolfT: ok, now, I will choose three s

30、tudents to be three little pigs , and I will be the wolf, 下面呢,sally老师会选三个学生扮演三只小猪,sally老师会扮演大灰狼。 You, please; you, please and you please. S: ( 三个学生上台 )T: your name is yuyu, follow me , yuyuS: yuyu T: say , hello , everybodySyuyu: hello , everybodyS: hello , yuyu T: your name is lulu, follow me , lul

31、uS: lulu T: say , hello , everybodySlulu: hello , everybodyS: hello , lulu T: your name is gugu, follow me , guguS: gugu T: say , hello , everybodySgugu: hello , everybodyS: hello , gugu T: ok, good, 下面呢,你们三个藏在门后,当老师说little pigs, little pigs, let me in, let me in, 小猪,小猪,让我进来,让我进来。你们就把门打开,让老师进去。Ok?S: okT: little pigs, little pigs, le

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