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1、电子备课表格龙集小学电子备课模板 教学内容Unit2 (第二教时)总课时数第( 5 )课时设计人张志鹏备课日期 月 日投放日期月 日教学目标1.能正确地听、说、读、写单词lunch , speak, feel 2.能初步理解并运用句型How do you feel now? I feel. 3.能正确地听、说、读日常用语May I speak to?This is speaking .See you soon 教学重难点1能熟练运用本课的句型。课前准备1本单元单词图片 2两部玩具电话机 3磁带 录音机 教学过程二次备课A. Revision 师生之间以free talk的形式复习句型Whats

2、 wrong with you?和本单元B部分的单词 T: Hello xxx How are you today?(出示图片 要求学生根据图片回答) S: Not so good. T: Whats wrong with you? S: Ive got a stomach ache T: Im sorry to hear that. I hope you get better soon. S: Thank you. 2.生问师答 生问生答 B. Presentation and practice. 1. 师关切地询问刚才回答不舒服的学生:How do you feel now? 帮助学生回答

3、I feel ill/ hot /tied T: I can get a glass of water for you S: Thank you. 2、板书:How do you feel now? I feel. I can get a/somefor you. 生跟读数遍 3、看图编对话,练习并表演(教师逐一出示P7的图片) C Read and say. 1、复习打电话(5A学过)并新授May I speak to May I speak to. T: Hello, Is that Wang Bing? S1: Yes, this is xxx S2: No, this is Yu We

4、njie. T: Sorry, May I speak to Yang Jie? 2学生练习用May I speak to 打电话 教师出示钟面,指针显示12:30 师:Su Yang calls her after lunch.帮助学生理解after lunch 4.听课文录音回答问题 Whats wrong with Helen? a.听录音(P14)二遍 b.指名回答问题 c. Listen and repeat. 5.学习P15对话 6.教师安排学生整体听录音。模仿正确的语音语调学说对话。 D. Assign homework 1.听录音,朗读并表演对话 2.根据所学的对话内容自编或改

5、编对话。 教学反思龙集小学电子备课模板 教学内容Unit 2 (第三教时)总课时数第( 6 )课时设计人张志鹏备课日期 月 日投放日期月 日教学目标1.复习本单元所学的词汇 2.进一步掌握句型How do you feel now ? I feel I can get a/somefor you . 及 Whats wrong with you ? Ive got a 3.能正确地听、说、读、写句子 How do you feel now ? I feel Whats wrong with you ? Ive got 教学重难点能正确地听、说、读、写句子 Whats wrong with yo

6、u ? Ive got a How do you feel , now? I feel 课前准备1.B部分单词卡片 2.录音机和磁带 3.准备一些医生看病用的道具教学过程二次备课A. Say a rhyme 1.用投影片出示英文儿歌 Im ill ,让学生眼看录音机朗读 2.教师逐一出示单词卡片,让学生进行替换朗读。(复习单词) C、 B. Ask and answer 1.Revesien 教师再次出示单词卡片,与学生进行问答。 T:,Whats wrong with you ? S:(根据图片内容)Ive got a T: Im sorry to hear that ? How do yo

7、u feel , now ? S: I feel T: I can get a /some for you . 2. Practise in groups. a. 小组活动,让学生根据图片内容进行同桌自由问答,要求说得正确、流利。 b. 小组比赛。 D、 C. Read and act 1. 教师出示这部分内容的挂图。让学生听录音整体理解对话内容。并回答问题 Whats wrong with the woman ? 从而了解学生对对话的理解。 2. 学生跟读并朗读对话。 3. 在能熟练朗读对话的基础上,让学生两人一组扮演角色扮演对话。 E、 D. Work in pairs 1. 学生自由朗读

8、这部分对话。 2. 教师指名朗读,检查学生掌握情况。 3. 模仿对话,让学生进行游戏。教师把学生分成四人小组,要求其中三人写出一个七位数的电话号码交给老师,并在号码旁注上自己的姓名。没有给出电话号码的学生要记住其中一位同学的电话号码,然后打电话给该同学。注意提示学生别人打错电话时可以说 Sorry ,wrong number . F、 E. Assign homework 1. 朗读并抄写要求四会的单词,词汇和句型。 2. 用句型 Whats wrong with you ? Ive got a 和 How do you feel , now ? I feel 进行笔头编对话各两组。教学反思龙

9、集小学电子备课模板 教学内容牛津小学英语5BUnit 3 Hobbies(第一课时)总课时数第( 7 )课时设计人张志鹏备课日期 月 日投放日期月 日教学目标1 能正确地理解、掌握对话内容,并能朗读、初步表演对话。 2 能正确地听、说、读、写单词:collect, a stamp, beautiful, a classmate, a ship, an animal。 3 能正确地运用对话中的词组和日常交际用语:take photos, Show us his stamps, please.教学重难点1 能比较流畅地朗读对话,并能在掌握对话的基础上分角色表演对话。 2 能初步理解主语为第三人称单

10、数时动词的变化形式。 课前准备1、一本有中国发行的船类和动物类邮票。 2、一架照相机。 3、Read and say 部分的投影片。教学过程二次备课A Free talk Eg: Good morning./How are you?/What day is it today?/What lessons do you have in the morning/afternoon?/What subject do you like? Do you like? B Presentation and practice 1 T:(出示一张印有花卉的邮票)Whats this? Its a stamp. D

11、rill: stamp T: Look at this stamp. Whats this? Ss: Its a flower. T: Yes, its beautiful. Drill: beautiful 2 T(出示一张印有船的邮票)Look. Theres a ship on the stamp. Its a ship stamp. Drill: ship T: Yes, the dog is an animal. Its an animal stamp. (出示一张印有其他动物,如熊猫的照片,重复以上的对话) T: They are animal stamps. Drill: ani

12、mal 3T:(拿出一本相册)I like collecting photos. (拿出照相机拍照)I like taking photos, too. Drill: photo/take a photo. Practise: The students say and do.(take a photo) 4 T:(请一男生和一女生到班前,教师指着女生对男生说)Shes your classmate. (指全班学生)They are your classmates. Drill: a classmate 5 Teaching of the sentence patterns. 1) T:(做游泳

13、的动作)I like swimming. Do you like swimming?引导学生用Yes, I do./No, I dont. I like来回答。 2) 请一学生用I like句型说出自己喜欢做的运动,教师逐一想全班:He/She likes领说句型,学生跟读。 C Read and say 1、 The students look at the picture and listen to the tape. 2、 The students listen to the tape and read after the tape. 3、 The students read the d

14、ialogue themselves and the teacher gives some help. D Listen to a song: Hobbies E Assign homework 1 Listen to the tape, read the dialogue and act out the dialogue. 2 Make a new dialogue according to the dialogue of the text. 教学反思龙集小学电子备课模板 教学内容Unit 3 (第二教时)总课时数第( 8 )课时设计人张志鹏备课日期 月 日投放日期月 日教学目标1、 能正确

15、地听、说、读、写单词a coin和词组take photos, go shopping. 2、 能正确地听、说、读词组make model ships, collect stamps, collect coins, grow flowers, keep goldfish, make clothes. 教学重难点1、 能正确地听、说、读、写单词a coin和词组take photos, go shopping. 2、 能正确地听、说、读词组make model ships, collect stamps collect coins, grow flowers, keep goldfish, ma

16、ke clothes. 课前准备1、 画有动作的多媒体课件 2、 B部分词组的动作图片和挂图 3、 录音机和磁带 教学过程二次备课A Free talk and motivation 1 Eg: Good morning!/How are you?/Nice to see you./Do you like?Does he/she like? 2 The students act out the dialogues. 3 Listen to the song: Hobbies, and sing after the song. B Presentation 1 Present the pictu

17、res and say the phrases: take photos, make clothes, collect stamps. 2 T:(教师根据多媒体课件或动作图片提问)Whats he doing? Hes going shopping.通过教师自问自答引出make model ships, collect coins, keep goldfish,grow flowers等词组。 3 The students listen to the tape and read after the tape. C Practice 1 把所有词组的图片贴在黑板上,教师说出一个词组并请一位学生指

18、出黑板上相对的图片。 2 师生根据动作或图片进行问答练习,如Do you like going shopping?No,I dont. Do you like keeping goldfish? Yes, I do. 3 教师引导学生看图,并用主语为第三人称单数的一般现在时叙述图片内容,如He likes making model ships. She likes making clothes. 4 学生同桌看图说话,自由操练词组。 D Consolidation 1 Listen and act or look and say. (一学生发令,全班同学做动作,或一个学生演示一个动作,其他同学

19、说出动作名称。) 2 Play the game: Whats missing? (教师出示本单元所学的所有动词词组的图片,以最快的速度抽出一张,问学生Whats missing?学生说出被抽出图片的动词词组。) 3 Play the game: Chinese Whisper (把学生分成小组,教师在每组第一位学生的耳边悄悄说出不同的单词或句子,让学生依次在下一位学生耳边轻声说出。然后请每组最后一位学生大声说出他/她所听到的单词或句子,说对的小组为优胜组。)nextpage E Assign homework 1 read the phrases and copy the phrases.

20、2 Make some sentences with the phrases.教学反思龙集小学电子备课模板 教学内容Unit 3 Hobbies(第三教时)总课时数第( 9 )课时设计人张志鹏备课日期 月 日投放日期月 日教学目标1、 能熟练掌握本单元所学的有关兴趣爱好词汇。 2、 能熟练掌握句型Do you have any hobbies?及其答语Yes,I do. 3、 能用句型I like和He/She likes,too.描述自己或他人的爱好和活动。 教学重难点能正确地听、说、读、写句子Do you have any hobbies?及其答语Yes,I do.和I like及He/S

21、he likes ,too.等句型。 课前准备1、 有关活动方面的多媒体课件或图片 2、 录音机和磁带 3、 学生自带一些有关自己兴趣爱好或活动的照片。教学过程二次备课A Sing a song The students sing after the tape. B Revision 1 Present the pictures of Part B with the CAI, the students say the eight phrases. 2 The teacher present the picture of Part B, the students talk about their

22、 hobbies with the sentence pattern: I like. 3 Play a game 教师课前准备一些动作图片,一学生到讲台前挑选一种喜欢的动作图片,做图片上动作,其他学生猜他或她喜欢的活动:He/She likes C Ask and answer 1 Revision Present the CAI and talk with the students. Eg: S1: Do you have any hobbies? T: Yes, I do. I like collecting stamps. 2 Practise in groups 1) Work in

23、 groups. Eg: S1: Do you have any hobbies? S2: Yes, I do. I like collecting/ 2) Compete in groups. The students make sentences: Do you have any hobbies? Yes, I do. I likeHe/She likes,too.(The group which makes the most sentences is the winner.) 3) Make an interview. The student interview his classmat

24、es with the topic: Hobbies. Eg:S1: Do you have any hobbies? S2:Yes, I do. I like making model ships/ S1:(Point to another student) He likes making model ships, too. Right? S2: Yes, he does./ No, he doesnt. He likes taking photos/ D Look,read and complete 1 The teacher present the pictures of PartD:

25、This is a picture of Su Hais family. Su Hai and her family have some hobbies. The talk about the picture with the students, make the students know the meaning of the picture. 2 The students do the exercise. 3 Check the answer. F Assign homework 1 Read and copy the words and sentences. 2 Make out a n

26、ew dialogue. 教学反思龙集小学电子备课模板 教学内容Unit 4 An English friend总课时数第( 10 )课时设计人张志鹏备课日期 月 日投放日期月 日教学目标1. Four skills: fast high ,Does he/she? Yes, he does. No, he doesnt. 2. Three skills: speak loudly, run fast, jump high, dance beautifully, walk carefully, sit quietly 教学重难点Require the Ss to use v. and adv.

27、 properly in a certain situation课前准备1、 有关活动方面的多媒体课件或图片 2、 录音机和磁带 教学过程二次备课A. Warming up 1. Sing a song. 2. Free talk B. Preparation 1. Greetings 2. Sing a song “Come on and join into the games” C. Presentation and practice 1. jump high a. Now, lets do some exercise. Sun rise. Wave your arms. Shake yo

28、ur body. Stand up. Jump high etc. Run fast. b. Ask a student to jump high. (put “jump high” on the Bb) c. Read in pairs. 2. run fast a. Lets act! Run fast! (Put “run fast” on the Bb.) b. Read in pairs! 3. speak loudly a. I say you do. fastrun loudlyspeak b. Put “speak loudly” on the Bb. and read lou

29、dly. c. You say s. do. cry loudly sing loudly 4. Teach dance beautifully, walk carefully, sit quietly in the same way 5. Listen to the tape and read after the tape 6. Hand out the cards to some students, ask the others to guess. 7. Show Ss some photos and talk about them. Does he run fast? Yes, he does. No, he doesnt .Ask Ss try to say “Does he ?” 8. Talk about the picture in pair. 9. Make a dialogue and act it. D. Consolidation Do a survey 教学反思龙集小学电子备课模板 教学内容Unit 4 An English friend总课时数第( 11 )课时设计人张志鹏备课日期 月 日投放日期月 日教学目标

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