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实用文体翻译英专2 doc.docx

1、实用文体翻译英专2 doc第 一 章英汉句子翻译方法与技巧(复习)教学目的:通过实例,进一步了解英语和汉语在句法结构方面的差异,以及在翻译过程中语言转换的规则与技巧。教学要求:复习英汉翻译的规则与技巧,熟练掌握句子成分转换的方法,主要包括非主语译成主语,非谓语译成谓语,定语译成谓语,主语译成宾语等;句子结构的转换,包括成分分译法和句子变换法以及长句的译法。教学方式:罗列法、比较法、分析法,多媒体一句子成分的转换英汉两种语言,由于表达方式不同,句子结构不同,翻译时往往还需要转换句子的成分,才能使译文通顺易懂,本节专门谈一些常见的句子成分转换。1、 非主语译成主语(1)介词的宾语译成主语。1) T

2、here are four seasons in a year. 一年有四季。2) Now, heat is being added to the substance. 现在这种物质正在加热。3) At least two quarts of water are required daily by a normal individual.一个正常的人每天至少需要两夸脱的水。4) High-quality machines of various types are produced in our country.我国生产各种类型的优质机器。(2)动词宾语译成主语5) An automobile

3、must have a brake with high efficiency. 汽车的煞车必须高度有效。6) Ice is not so dense as water and therefore it floats.冰的密度比水小,因此能浮在水面上。7) Two widely used alloys of copper are brass and bronze.黄铜和青铜是两种广泛使用的铜合金。2、非谓语译成谓语(1)定语译成谓语8) Manganese has the same effect on the strength of steel as silicon.锰对钢的强度的影响和矽相同。

4、9) Solids have a shape independent of the container.固体的形状与容器无关。(2)主语译成谓语10) A glance through his office window offers a panoramic view of the Washington Monument and the Lincoln Memorial. 从他的办公室窗口可以一眼看到华盛顿纪念碑和林肯纪念馆的全景。11) A view of Mt. Fuji can be obtained from here. 从这里可以看到富士山。(3)许多词类可译成谓语英语中的某些形容词

5、、副词、介词、名词及介词短语等在句中作表语时,通常可译成动词谓语。12)The fact that she was able to send a message was a hint. But I had to be cautious.她能够给我带个信儿这件事就是个暗示,但是我必须小心谨慎。(形容词译成谓语)13)As he ran out, he forgot to have his shoes on.他跑出去时,忘记了穿鞋子。(副词译成谓语)14)This explanation is against the natural laws.这种解释违反自然规律。(介词译成谓语)15)We we

6、re on the supposition that they could improve the complex machine.我们认为他们能改进这台复杂的机器。(介词短语译成谓语)16) He was a regular visitor. 他经常来。(名词译成谓语)3、非宾语译成宾语(1)主语译成宾语17)When power is spoken of, time is taken into account.说到功率时,总是把时间计算在内。18)The workers were seen repairing the machine. 看见工人在修理机器。4、非定语译成定语(1)主语译成定

7、语为了强调英语句中某一个成分,把它译成主语,再将英语的主语译作汉语中的定语。19)Various substances differ widely in their magnetic characteristics.各种材料的磁特性有很大的不同。20)Without air, the earth would undergo extreme changes in temperature.没有空气,地球的温度会发生极大变化。(2)状语译成定语英语中位于句首的某些状语(多为地点状语),有时可译成汉语的定语。21)In this world, things are complicated and ar

8、e decided by many factors.世界上的事情是复杂的,是由各方面的因素决定的。22)Throughout the world, oil consumption is growing rapidly.全世界的石油消耗量正在迅速增长。二 句子结构的转换有些词通过引申、词性转换和句子成分的转换还是不能表达原文的真实含义,那就要动大手术,突破原文的形式,改变句子的整个结构,这是翻译中一种必不可缺的手段。1、主语转译法(1)主语是动名词或表示动作意义的名词,作用在说明动作的原因、条件、时间等,因此常把它译成状语从句(或状语),而把它后面处于宾语的名词或代词译成主语。1)Pressur

9、e of work has somewhat delayed my answer. 由于工作很忙,答复稍迟了些。2)The mere sight of it turned ones mind. 只消看它一眼,人们就会动心。如主语是动名词,谓语是make, cause, offer, bring, help, allow, permit, require, give, compel一类动词,可根据句子意义,译成条件结果句。3)Another hours ride will bring us to the village. 只要再行车一小时,我们就可以到达那个小村庄。(2)主语虽不是动名词,但是主

10、语及其修饰词在一起也能够说明动作的原因、条件、时间等作用,这类句子也按上述方法处理。4)The heavy flywheel coupled with the spindle ensures smooth running of the spindle.(由于)主轴装有飞轮,能保证主轴运转平稳。5)Fast modern air planes have made the world seem a smaller space.有了现代化飞机,世界似乎比以前小了。(3)表示时间、地点、范围的名词与某些特定的动词联用,常表示动作发生的时间、地点、场所。翻译时可将主语译成状语。6)The end of

11、the last journey saw me upon a chair, perspiring, flaccid, aching-excellent.在最后一段的行程,我坐在椅子上,淌着汗,四肢无力,浑身酸痛,可是兴高采烈。7)The world has witnessed different roads to modernization. 世界上已有了不同的现代化道路。2、成分分译法分译法的要领是把原文中较长的句子成分,或不易安排的句子成分分出来另作处理,一般译成汉语短语或独立句,下面着重介绍一些常见的分译法。(1)主语分译主语分译是指带定语的主语分译成一句,通常把主语的定语移作谓语。8)

12、Lower temperature is associated with lower growth rates.温度一低,生长速率就慢下来。9)The very short wavelengths of ultrasound make a great difference in what ordinary sound waves can do.超声波的波长极短,其功能与普通声波相比大不相同。(2)谓语分译谓语分译是翻译带形式主语 it 的主语从句的一种常用法。翻译时,先把主句的谓语分译成一个独立语,然后再译从句。10)It is obvious that she is a very good

13、saleswoman. 显然,她是一个很好的售货员。11)It is clear that he means well. 很清楚,他的用意是好的。12)It is common knowledge that weight is a pull exerted on an object by the earth.众所周知,重量是地球作用在物体上的引力。(3)定语分译英语的定语与汉语不同,它可以位于名词之后,因此其长度不受限制,可以扩展得很长,汉语只有前置定语,一般不宜过长,所以对原文中较长的后置定语的翻译,往往采取分析法13)Fossils are early plants or animals

14、once buried in the earth, now hardened like rock.化石是过去埋在地下,现在已像岩石一样硬化了的植物和动物。(化石是过去埋在地下而现在已像岩石一样硬化了的早期植物或动物。)14)He was a tall, thin, elegant man with the air of thoroughbred.他身材修长,温文尔雅,风度翩翩。( 汉语不习惯在名词前面用过多的定语,尤其是在口语里,所以要拆开来译。)(4)状语分译下面着重介绍副词、介词短语和不定式短语作状语时的分译情况。15)Illogically, she had expected some

15、kind of miracle solution.她满以为会有某些奇迹般的解决办法,这是不合情理的事。(副词译成句子)16)Their power increased with their number.他们人数增加了,力量也随之增加。(介词短语译成句子)17)Heat is required to change ice to water.冰变成水,就需要热。(不定式译成句)3句子变换法翻译时,有时为了通顺、易懂、紧凑和生动起见,改变原文句子结构。(1)把原文中两个或两个以上的简单句译成一个单句1)He was very clean. His mind was open. 他为人单纯而坦率。2

16、)Then we came to the grasslands. Marshes everywhere. No birds! No trees! No houses! Not a soul to be seen.然后,我们来到草地,到处是沼泽,没有飞鸟,没有树木,没有房舍,没有人烟(2)把原文中的主从复合句(complex sentence)译成单句。3)When I negotiate, I get nervous. 我在谈判时总是有些紧张。4)One must study hard before one could succeed in mastering a foreign langua

17、ge.一个人必须勤学苦练,才能精通一种外国语。5)Be a pupil before you become a teacher.先做学生,再做先生。(3)定语从句(attributive clause)译成状语从句(adverbial clause)有些英语定语从句,兼有状语从句的职能,在意义上与主句有状语关系,说明原因、结果、目的、让步、假设等。翻译时应善于从原文的字里行间发现这些逻辑上的关系,然后译成汉语各种相应的偏正复句。6)Chinese trade delegations have been sent to Asian-African countries who will negot

18、iate trade agreements with the respective governments.中国派了贸易代表团前往亚非各国,以便与各国政府商谈贸易协定。(表示目的)7) There was something original, independent, and heroic about the plan that pleased all of them.这方案富于创造性,独出心裁,很有气势,所以他们都很喜欢。(表示结果)8) He insisted on building another house, which he had no use for.他坚持要再造一幢房子,尽管

19、他并无此需要。(表示不让步)9) A man is nothing who yields his purpose.如果一个人放弃自己的目的,就会成为一个不堪造就的人。(表示假设)10) The engine has given a consistently good performance.这台发动机一直工作很好。11) Heat from the sun comes to us by radiation.太阳通过辐射给我们热量。12) The rest of the day was anti-climactic.高潮过去了,这一天余下来的时间所发生的事就是尾声了。(原文字面上的意思是“这一天

20、余下来的时间是反高潮的”很费解。用“高潮”和“尾声”,前后对应,含义立即明朗)。13)As relations between China and Australia develop, the continuing importance of expanding trade will be balanced by the development of close contact over a broad range of political issues.随着中澳关系的发展,扩大贸易仍将是重要的,相应地还要在一系列广泛的政治问题上展开密切的联系。(把动词“balance”译成汉语状语“相应地”

21、同时把主句译成汉语的并列句)。(4)换序1) Send us a message in case you have any difficulty. 万一有什么困难,请给我们一个信。(状语从句换序)2) 发生了这样的事不是你的错。Its not your fault that this has happen.(主语从句换序)3) 一直在一旁观看的小学生开始鼓起掌来。The pupils that had been watching started to applaud.(定语从句换序)(5)断句1) It is certain that the man will eventually solve

22、 the riddle of UFO.人类最后必将解开不明飞行物之谜。这一点是肯定的。(拆开名词从句) 2)Just then the fish gave a sudden lurch that pulled the old man down onto the bow.正在这时,那条大鱼突然把船扯得晃荡了一下,老头儿给拖得倒向船头那边去。(拆开定语从句)3)Three rains had passed, and it was that lean season when the villages store of grain and other dried foods from the last

23、 harvest was almost gone.三个月的雨季已经过去,到了青黄不接的时节。村里上一季收成之后贮藏的粮食和其他干果杂品差不多已食用一空。(同上)4)After singing a concert in this city, he said he wanted to greet his admirers backstage as he always does. 他在那个城市演唱了一场音乐会。音乐会结束后,他提出要像往常那样到后台去见见他的崇拜者。(拆开状语从句)(6)转句 1)He had a sound feeling that idiom was the backbone o

24、f a language and he was all for the vivid phrases.他感到习语是语言的主要支柱,因此特别主张生动的短语,他的想法是非常正确的。(定语转句)2)I tried vainly to put the pieces together. 我想把这些碎片拼在一起,可是拼不起来。(状语转句)3)Spring has so much more than speech in its unfolding flowers and leavers, and the coursing of its streams, and in its sweet restless se

25、eking.春花怒放,春水奔流,春天欢腾地无休无止地追逐着,这一切都比言语要丰富得多。(状语转句)(7)合句1)The young man was very miserable. He had no money about him. All his savings had been stolen . 这个年轻人很惨,已落到了身无分文的地步,因为他所有的积蓄被窃。2) Darkness fell. An explosion shook the earth. It did not shake his will to go to the front.夜幕降落时,一声爆炸震动了大地,可并没有动摇他上前

26、线的决心。3)That day, the President had an interview with her father. Her father was going to the moon by space shuttle.那天,总统会见了她的父亲,因为她的父亲将乘航天飞机去登月。4)She is very busy at home. She has to take care of the children and does the kitchen work.她在家很忙,又要看好孩子,又要下厨。5) 天还是热,心里可镇定多了。凉风,即使是一点点,也给了人们许多希望。It was stil

27、l hot,but everyone felt much better, for the breeze, though slight, brought them hope.4. 长句的译法1) if amount involved is huge, or if there are other serious circumstances, he shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not less than five years but not more than ten years and shall also be fined n

28、ot less than 5 percent but not more than 30 percent of the amount of foreign exchange fraudulently(具有欺诈性地)purchased.数额巨大或有其他严重情节的,处5年以上10年以下有期徒刑,并处骗购外汇5%以上30%以下罚金。(顺译法)2) In Africa I met a boy, who was crying as if his heart would break and said, when I spoke to him, that he was hungry because he ha

29、d had no food for two days.在非洲,我遇到一个小孩,他哭的非常伤心,我问他时,他说他饿了,两天没吃饭了。(顺译法)3) The reason why air makes fire burn more intensely was learned only about two hundred years ago, when several scientists finally proved that oxygen, one of the gases air contains, can combine with certain other elements like car

30、bon to release much heat.空气为什么能使火燃烧得更旺?约在200年前才搞清其原因。当时有几位科学家最终证明了空气中有一种气体是氧,它能够和其它像碳的一些元素化合并释放出大量的热。 (顺译法)4) There are many wonderful stories to tell about the places I visited and the people I met.我访问了一些地方,遇到过不少人,要是说起来,奇妙的事可多着呢。(逆序法)5) We were very much disappointed to learn that our favorite foot

31、ball team was beaten by the South Korean team once again.听说我们最喜欢的足球队又输给了韩国队,大家都感到非常失望。(逆序法)6) There is no doubt that the present movement to bring modern health services to the millions of peasants, which is daily gaining in momentum, is no temporary expedient but a long-term policy which serves the needs of today and of tomorrow.目前,这场为了使亿万农民能享受到现代保健服务的运动正方兴未艾。毫无疑问,这不是权宜之计,而是一项能满足现在和将来需要的长远政策。(分译法)7) I was on my way home from tramping about the streets, my drawing under my arm, when I found myself in front of the Mathews Gallery.我挟着画稿在街上兜了一番,在回家的路上不知不觉地发现自己逛到了马修画

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