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1、饮食男女中英台词窗体底端饮食男女 中英字幕EAT DRINK MAN WOMAN片名:EAT DRINK MAN WOMAN喂,吃了没?还没呢!Hello? Have you eaten? Not yet?中午就下碗面凑和着吧!Just throw together some noodlesfor lunch.That fish is excellent.那条鱼挺不错的红烧!Dont roast it. That would be a pity.那鱼拿来红烧可惜了,最好清蒸It just needs to be slightly steamed.不要抹盐,可千万不要抹盐Dont add any

2、 salt!Whatever you do, no salt!Salt dries the fish, and it wont be tender.盐把里面的水份都吸干了鱼肉就不嫩了把盐放在盘边上,大火一蒸Just get a pot of boiling water,and put salt around the plate.那盐哪If not today,then when will we talk about it?今天不说,要等到哪天说呢?Small coke, three chickens?一杯小可跟三块鸡一共是一百元,收你一百Thatll be 100 yuan.我要鸡- I or

3、dered chicken!- That is chicken!家宁,对不起我今天不能帮你代班了I cant cover for you today.Guo-Lun is taking me to the beach.钟国伦要带我去海边不行啦!You have to! Fatherll kill meif Im late for Sunday dinner again.这个星期天晚餐我再迟到我爸要翻脸了你跟钟国伦不是散了吗?And I thought you and Guo-Lun broke up!你不是把他甩了吗? 对啊!我只是想再多折磨他一阵子We did.I just want to

4、torture him a bit more.你要折磨他Then torture himby keeping him waiting an hour.为什么不就让他再多等两个钟头快点,快点- Hurry up!- Great idea!- Hello?- Hows the new boyfriend?新男朋友怎么样?在家Hi, Jia-Chien.Still working on a Sunday afternoon?怎么星期天下午又加班啊!他还好啦,很安静New boyfriends okay, pretty quiet.Especially after Bo-Kang.尤其是接在王伯刚后面

5、蛮好的 好啦Sounds good.Lets get together later?Dont work so hard!别那么卖命,过来聊聊嘛!不了,我跟雷蒙约好了- Thanks, but Im seeing Raymond later.- Raymond?雷蒙?嘿What does that mean?你什么意思?嘿The difference between Christiansand ordinary people.基督徒与世人不同的地方. is not only do we have eternal hope.不仅在于我们有永生的盼望同时在今天,也可以靠着上帝. but we als

6、o rely on God.有能力与智慧来克服困难. to give us wisdomto overcome our difficulties.有喜乐与平安来面对挫折. and to give us joyfulness and peaceto settle our frustrations.You okay?你还好吗?有一点累,工作太多了Yeah. Just a little wound up.Work, you know,and I just closed on the new apartment.刚刚又把新买的房子合约签定所有的积蓄都丢下去了All my savings.but itl

7、l be worth itto get out of that house.不过想到可以离开那个家一切都值得That was wonderful.刚才好棒哦!- Better than when we were together.- Its much easier like this.比我们分手以前还好现在真是轻松多了We were a disaster as a couple.All that shouting and fighting.我们是真的不能做情人在一起就吵,奇怪?You want to come downto my gallery now?要不要到我艺廊来看看A new woma

8、n artist. Youd like her work.现在正在展一个画家的作品我想你会喜欢的I have to get homefor the Sunday dinner torture ritual.我得回家吃星期天晚餐不去不行Punch your time card.要记得打卡对不起,经理- Change my Sunday schedule, please?- Ill see what I can do.那个我星期天的时间我调调看Hi, Guo-Lun.嗨,钟国伦- Hi.- Im Chu Jia-Ning.我是朱家宁Rachel asked me to tell youshell

9、be an hour late.小芝芝她要我告诉你她还要晚一个钟头才下班她非要这样才快乐是不是?Shit! How dare she!Dont be angry!Its just an hour, even less now.不要生气嘛!再等一个钟头而已不到一个钟头了Its not the first timeshes made a fool of me.这不是第一次哦!她在玩我?- Its not serious.- What would you know?没那么严重啦!你懂什么?你有没有爱过一个恨你的人?Have you loved someone who hates you.who hu

10、rts you every day?那个人每天就在想怎么样让你痛苦Its my fault, really.She forgot she was covering for me.她忘记她要替我的班是我逼她不准黄牛的I didnt know Id cause so much suffering.我不知道会让你这么痛苦跟你无关啦,是我自己Youre not to blame. Its me.爱她爱上魔了,想戒又戒不掉I want to end this addiction to love,but Im too weak.对不起,我要走了- Well, Id better be going.- By

11、e.再见!Will you tell Rachel to bring backthe red shirt she borrowed?你会等她吧?你等一下跟小芝芝碰面提醒她把那件红衬衫还我下星期三带到店里来就可以了She can bring it to work.Whatever.好你在看什么书啊?What are you reading?Dostoyevsky.杜斯妥也夫斯基哦!再见!Bye.谢谢你你答应罗- Thank you.- Promise me well go to choir practice?下次要再跟我去团契练唱Ill think about it.再说吧! 你跟我说Broth

12、er Chai is the handsomest manin the congregation.蔡弟兄是我们教会里长得最帅的一个他还跟我说过,很喜欢你的声音.and he loves your voice!Sister Chang,I dont wish to be liked only for my voice!张姐妹我不希望人家喜欢我只是因为我的声音Ill never find a husband for you!哎哟!给你找对象真麻烦那就不要找啊!Then stop trying.如今随风而逝,随风而逝亲爱的上帝Dear God, please bring luck to our fa

13、mily.求你祝福我的爸爸和两个妹妹.we are happy to have God in our hearts.使我们全家人都能认识你现在我要感谢你.and thank you so muchfor this terrific dinner.谢谢你这么丰盛的晚餐.and thank you again for bringingour family together with happiness.再一次的谢谢你让我们一家和乐团聚在一起祷告,感谢In the name of Jesus Christ, thank you.Amen.奉主耶稣的名,阿门These past two days, I

14、.这两天我- Something wrong?- No, its fine.怎么啦?没有,很好啊!Nothing.没有Say it!有话直说The ham was oversmoked.鱼翅的火腿耗了- Its fine.- Father probably forgot to taste it.还好嘛!爸大概是忘了尝了- Or his taste is getting worse.- My taste is fine!还是味觉退化了?我的舌头好得很昨天 我们学校- Yesterday.- Our school.你先说You first.昨天锦凤从美国打电话来Jin-Feng called fr

15、om America.Her mother is coming back.听说她妈妈要回来了- But her green card?- She just cant stand it anymore.她不是在等绿卡吗?是啊,可是等不下去了她在那里成天跟锦凤吵They fight and fight. Even the police came.有一次还吵到连警察都上门了Mrs. Liang is really hell on wheels.异化那个梁伯母真让人受不了老巫婆!She cant live there.她在美国住得惯才有鬼言语不通,又找不到麻将搭子The language,no com

16、panion for mah-jongg.her son-in-law isnt Chinese.Its a miracle she lasted that long.女婿又是个老美能够撑到现在才回来已经是奇迹了It might be a good thing for Jin-Rong.She can help take care of Shan-Shan.这样也好,锦荣姐那么忙她一回来,珊珊有人照顾了- She might cause more stress.- Itll be fine.很难说,也许更忙应该好点吧!And Dad will have someone to chat with

17、.没事来家里坐坐,跟爸聊聊天我就这么闲吗?Like I have time to gossipafter taking care of you three?伺候你们三个人还不够还要陪人家聊天?These past two days, I.我这两天又怎么了?What now?I have a little announcement to make.有件事情跟大家宣布一下Have you seen the TV adsfor Little Paris in the East?最近不是常看到一个电视广告叫东方小巴黎的吗?That new luxury apartment buildingin Hsi

18、n-Den?新店那个豪华大厦我正好有一个朋友A friend, who knows the contractors,told me how well-built it is.认识那个营造商说房子造得蛮实在的He was able to get my bid infor a good price.价钱也给我很好的折扣你要搬出去啊!Youre moving out?大概还要几个月才能交屋吧!Not immediately, of course.It isnt ready yet.I used most of my savings for the deposit.我差不多所有的钱都押到头款去了Tha

19、ts good.很好啊,现在投资房地产也不错Real estate is a smart investment today.Then Ill movewhen the apartment is ready?那等交屋我就搬出去罗!- Hello?- I need to speak with your dad!喂!哦!爸,你的Dad, its for you.- Hello?- Hurry here, I need your help.喂,什么?噢!好What? Right away!There are crab dumplings in the steamer!蒸笼里还有蟹粉汤包Get them

20、 outwhen youre ready to eat them!要吃的时候再上桌Master Chu, how are you?Master Chu, how are you?Hello, Master Chu.Hello, Master Chu.- Serve the sea cucumbers first! Hurry!- Master Chu is here!先上大乌参,快点啊!朱师傅来了Thank God, youre here!幸亏你来了老温呢?- Wheres Old Wen?- Over here! What a mess!我在这儿,哎呀!一团糟啊!上头一再交代The boss

21、 wanted the banquet to be perfect.Now look at this mess!这一席一定得办好结果呢,你看- The menu?- Here.菜单呢?在这儿Whats going on? Hurry up!Its all right.The last four courses are stews.行了,后四道是炖菜Well make the Whole Shark Fin,and problem solved.翠盖排翅一上就没问题了With you here, I can relax.You can take charge here. Ill be up fr

22、ont.你来我就放心了这儿交给你了那道排翅不成啊!The guy who bought the finsdidnt know anything.采买不知道从哪儿弄来的排翅看上去像真的It looked genuine,but it fell apart when we cooked it.下锅一蒸,全散了Fake fins dont have elasticitywhen boiled in hot water.假翅!发开了之后没弹性久煮则散,怎么也不入味儿Theres no flavor,no matter how long you cook it.那怎么办?总司令娶儿媳妇儿,满天星啊!Wh

23、at will we do now?Its a wedding for the Generals son!这玩意只能做翅This is only good for gravy.The Whole Shark Fin dishwill look like a porcupine.翠盖就变成了刺生了改龙凤呈祥Well make Joy Luck Dragon Phoenix.啊!鲍鱼!那得赔多少钱?- Abalone? Well lose money on this!- Money is not important now.到了这个时候,赔钱也得做先把场面稳下来Well first settle

24、the situation,and Ill explain this to the boss later.回头我再跟上面解释大家快准备龙虾,鲍鱼Lets get ready, everyone!I need lobsters, abalone and jade prawns!鸡蓉,翡翠,鱼翅On the 10th floor,and the windows face south.在十楼,窗子都朝南是不是中央冷气系统Central air conditioning?Of course. Theres also a guest roomfor you to stay when you visit.

25、当然哪,还有一间客房你们随时都可以来睡Whats wrong?姐,怎么啦?Nothing.没有I dont know why Im upset.我不知道为什么会心理不平衡我应该为她高兴才对I should be happy for her.我了解,对不起的应该是我No, I understand.I should be the one apologizing.我不应该把爸爸I shouldnt leave Father in your hands.就这样丢给你们两个.but I just cant live herewith him any more.我只是没办法再跟他住下去了我也晓得Even

26、 though Ill be just a few miles away,its like being in another world.虽然只是搬到几公里外可是就像是搬到另一个世界去了你不平衡,我不点都不能怪你- I dont blame you for being upset.- Why should we be upset?有什么好不平衡的?如果你去结婚Its just a matter of time before youor Jia-Jen gets married and moves out.或者是大姐嫁出去那都是早晚的事Whats the difference?有什么不一样?我不

27、应该有那种反应Im acting upset becauseI worry how Father will take it.我只是不知道爸怎么想He can barely standthe sight of me these days.反正他最近怎么看我都不顺眼We hardly speak to each other.It will be a great relief for everyone.见了面,话也说不了两句我走了对大家都好有时候我觉得爸需要的不是我们Anyhow, Dad doesnt need us around.What he really needsis a companion his own age.而是一个跟他年纪相若的一个伴侣好似梁伯母.like Mrs. Liang.Thats not even funny.不要开玩笑Weve tried setting him up,and its been a disaster.以前不是给爸介绍过吗?结果都不成The only true love in his lifewas our mother.我觉得爸这辈子只爱一次妈走了以后,再也不会去爱了- You call bickering and fighting love?- W

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