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1、阅读理解翻译阅读理解Unit 1(1)Memory Lane Isnt What It Used to BeAbout this time every year, I get very nostalgic. Walking through my neighborhood on a fall afternoon reminds me of a time not too long ago when sounds of children filled the air, children playing games on a hill, and throwing leaves around in th

2、e street below, I was one of those children, carefree and happy. I live on a street that is only one block long. I have lived on the same street for sixteen years. I love my street. One side has six houses on it, and the other has only two houses, with a small hill in the middle and a huge cottonwoo

3、d tree on one end. When I think of home, I think of my street, only I see it as it was before. Unfortunately, things change. One day, not long ago, I looked around and saw how different everything has become. Life on my street will never be the same because neighbors are quickly growing old, friends

4、 are growing up and leaving, and the city is planning to destroy my precious hill and sell the property to contractors.It is hard for me to accept that many of my wonderful neighbors arc growing old and wont be around much longer. I have fond memories of the couple across the street, who sat togethe

5、r on their porch swing almost every evening, the widow next door who yelled at my brother and me for being too loud, and the crazy old man in a black suit who drove an old car. In contrast to those people, the people I see today are very old neighbors who have seen better days. The man in the black

6、suit says he wants to die, and another neighbor just sold his house and moved into a nursing home. The lady who used to yell at us is too tired to bother anymore, and the couple across the street rarely go out to their front porch these days. It is difficult to watch these precious people as they ne

7、ar the end of their lives because at one time I thought they would live forever. The “comings and goings” of the younger generation of my street are now mostly “going” as friends and peers move on. Once upon a time, my life and the lives of my peers revolve around home. The boundary of our world was

8、 the gutter at the end of the street. We got pleasure from playing night games, or from a breathtaking ride on a bicycle. Things are different now, as my friends become adults and move on. Children who rode tricycles now drive cars. The kids who once played with me now have new interests and values

9、as they go their separate ways. Some have gone away to college, a few got married, two went into the army, and one went to prison. Watching all these people grow up and go away only makes me long for the good old days. Perhaps the biggest change on my street is the fact that the city is going to tur

10、n my precious hill into several lots for new homes. For sixteen years, the view out of my kitchen window has been a view of that hill. The hill was a fundamental part of my childhood life; it was the hub of social activity for the children of my street. We spent hours there building forts, sledding,

11、 and playing tag. The view out of my kitchen window now is very different; it is one of tractors and dump trucks tearing up the hill. When the hill goes, the neighborhood will not be the same. It is a piece of my childhood. It is a visual reminder of being a kid. Without the hill, my street will be

12、just another pea in the pod. There was a time when my street was my world, and I thought my world would never change. But something happened. People grow up, and people grow old. Places change, and with the change comes the heartache of knowing I can never go back to the times I loved. In a year or

13、so, I will be gone just like many of my neighbors. I will always look back to my years as a child, but the place I remember will not be the silent street whose peace is interrupted by the sounds of construction. It will be the happy, noisy, somewhat strange, but wonderful street I knew as a child.St

14、atements1. By saying “nostalgic”, the writer means that he misses his parents very much.2. The writer feels sentimental every time he walks along his street every year when autumn comes. 3. The writer has been living on the same street for sixteen years since he was born.4. The writer finds it hard

15、to accept the fact that many of his good neighbors are moving out. 5. The lady who used to yell at the writer and his brother for being too loud has ceased to live. 6. The writer thinks of the past all the more when he sees those who had grown up with him leave the neighborhood they grew up in. 7. N

16、one of the writers friends and peers still lives on the street now.8. The biggest change on the writers street is removing the hill to make way for residential development.9. When the writer says that his street will be another pea in the pod, he means that his street will have some new attractions.

17、10. The writer will move out of his street like many of his neighbors in a year or so.答案: 1-5 F T N F F 6-10 T F T F T1)记忆里是不是有什么它曾经是 每年这个时候,我非常怀念。走在我家附近的一个秋天下午的时候我想起不久前,当空气中充满了孩子们的声音,孩子们在山上玩游戏,扔在附近的街道叶子,我是其中的一个孩子,无忧无虑的和高兴。我住在一个街道只有一个块长。我住在同一条街上的16年。我爱我的街道。一方有六上的房屋,和其他只有两栋房子,中间用小山丘和一个巨大的三叶树,一端。当我想回家

18、,我想我的街道,只有我看到它,因为它是以前。不幸的是,事情的变化。有一天,不久前,我环顾四周,看到一切都变得不同。我的街头生活永远不会相同,因为是快速成长的老邻居,朋友在成长过程中和离开,这个城市正计划破坏我的珍贵的山和出售该物业给承建商。 这是我很难接受我的邻居有很多精彩的弧线变老,不会被周围更长。我喜欢街对面的情侣,谁坐在一起回忆起来的阳台,几乎每天晚上,隔壁的寡妇谁骂我的兄弟和我的太大声,和黑色西装谁开车1的疯老头旧汽车。相反,对这些人的人,我今天看到谁是很老邻居看到更好的日子。在黑色西装的男子说,他想死,和另一名邻居,卖掉了房子,进入疗养院感动。这位女士用谁骂我们是太累了,麻烦了,和街

19、对面的夫妇很少出去这些天他们的前面门廊。这是很难看着他们接近自己的生命结束这些珍贵的人,因为在同一时间,我以为他们会永远活着。 的“缺憾和我的街头年轻一代戈斯”现在大多是“走出去”作为朋友和同行继续前进。很久很久以前,我的生活和我的同龄人的生活围绕着家庭。我们世界的边界是在街道的尽头水沟。我们从晚上玩游戏,或从上一个骑自行车的惊险乐趣。现在不同了,正如我的朋友们长大成人,继续前进。现在孩子谁骑三轮车驾驶车辆。孩子们谁曾经和我一起玩现在有了新的利益和价值,因为他们分道扬镳。有些人走了上大学,有几个结了婚,两人入军队,一个进了监狱。看着这些人长大了,离开只是让我为过去的好时光长。 也许我的街头最大

20、的变化是,城市是要转化为新的家园我的珍贵的几个地段山。对于16年,认为从我的厨房窗口已经是该山的看法。这座山是我的童年生活的基本组成部分,它是社会活动,我的街头儿童中心。我们花了几个小时有建筑要塞,雪橇,和打标签。从我的厨房窗户认为现在是非常不同的,它是一个拖拉机和自卸卡车撕裂了山。当山上去,邻里会不一样。这是我的童年一块。它是作为一个孩子的视觉提醒。如果没有山,我只是一个街道将在荚豌豆。 曾经有一段时间当我的街道是我的世界,我以为我的世界将永远不会改变。但是很多事情发生了。人长大了,人们变老。地方的变化,并与变化而衍生出来的知道我不能回去的时候,我爱心痛。在1年左右,我将离开我的邻居一样多。

21、我总是会回到我作为一个孩子来,但我记得的地方将不再是沉默的街道是由建设和平的声音打断了。这将是快乐的,嘈杂,有些奇怪,但奇妙的街上,我作为一个孩子知道。 报表 1。说“怀旧”,作者表示,他非常想念他的父母。 2。笔者感到伤感,他沿着他的每一次街头散步时,每年秋天来。 3。笔者一直住在同一条街上的16年以来,他就诞生了。 4。笔者认为难以接受的事实是,有不少是自己的好邻居迁出。 5。这位女士用谁喊在作家和太大已不再是他的哥哥生活。 6。笔者认为,过去,更当他看到那些与他长大谁离开了邻里他们长大英寸 7。作家的朋友和同龄人没有现在仍然生活在街上。 8。对作家的街头最大的变化是取消了山,用来兴建住宅

22、的发展方向。 9。当笔者说,他将是另一个在街头的荚豌豆,他的意思,他的街头将有一些新的景点。 10。笔者将搬出他的街道一样,很多邻居在一年左右。(2)Passage One The world population growth rate is expected to decline in the 2000s, falling from 1.8% currently (in 2000) to1.5% in the year 2010, according to the US Bureau of the Census. However, total population will increas

23、e by one billion during each of the next three decades.“Global population was estimated at 5.3 billion people in1994. 75% of the earths inhabitants lived in developing nations, and that proportion is going to reach over 80% by the year 2020,” says the Census Bureau.“Even with a reduced growth rate,

24、population increases continue to be large because the population itself is so large,” points out the Population Reference Bureau (PRB). The United Nations high, medium, and low forecasts for the worlds population are based on specific assumptions about fertility and mortality (死亡率). For instance, if

25、 mortality continues to decline and current family-planning programs and other socioeconomic policies continue to lower fertility, the worlds population could stop growing after reaching about 10-11 billion people in the latter half of the next century. If fertility declines at a faster pace, world

26、population could stop growing in 2040 at 8 bi1lion. But if fertility declines at a slower pace, the population will grow until 2130 to 14 billion according to PRB.Rural-to-urban migration, combined with natural increase, is leading to a disproportionate (不成比例的) growth in urban population, especially

27、 in developing nations, says PRB. In 1950, only three cities had populations over 10 million. Now there are 11 such cities, and that number is growing.Currently, 41% of the worlds populations live in urban areas. In 2020, this proportion is expected to increase to 60%. Urban populations in developin

28、g countries are growing at twice the rural rate, according to the Census Bureau. But rural populations in the Third World are still growing faster than urban populations in industrialized nations.Statements1. It is estimated that the world population growth rate between 2000and 2010is going to decre

29、ase.2. According to Paragraph 2, by the year 2020 there will be over 80% of the world population living in developed nations.3. A large population base is the cause of the increase of the world population.4. There are 11 cities with populations over 10 million in developing nations.5. In 2020, 60% o

30、f the worlds population is thought to live in urban area.世界人口增长速度预计将在2000年代下降,下降1.8,目前(2000年)在2010年最大宽度为1.5,根据美国人口普查局。然而,总人口将增加1在未来30年的每亿美元。 “全球人口估计为5.3亿人于1994。地球75的居民生活在发展中国家,这个比例将达到超过2020年的80,说:“人口普查局。 “即使有经济增长速度放缓,人口增长仍然是很大,因为人口本身是如此之大,”指出,人口资料局(pRB的)。联合国的高,中,低为世界人口的预测是基于对生育率和死亡率(死亡率)的具体设想。例如,如果死

31、亡率继续下降,目前的计划生育方案和其他社会经济政策继续降低生育率,世界人口可能会停止生长后达到约10-11亿元,到下个世纪后半期的人。如果以更快的步伐生育率下降,世界人口可能会停止在2040年增长8 bi1lion。但是,如果以较慢的速度生育率下降,人口将增长到140亿至2130根据pRB的。 农村向城市迁移,增加与自然相结合,是导致不相称(不成比例的)在城市的人口增长,特别是在发展中国家,说pRB的。 1950年,只有三个城市有人口超过1000万美元。现在有11个这样的城市,而且这个数字正在增加。目前,41的世界人口生活在城市地区。2020年,这一比例预计将增长到60。发展中国家的城市人口增

32、长速度的两倍,农村,根据人口普查局。但在第三世界农村人口增长速度仍然比工业化国家的城市人口。 报表 1。据估计,世界人口将减少至2000and 2010is增长率。 2。根据第2款在2020年之前,将有超过80的世界人口居住在发达国家。 3。人口基数大,是世界人口增长的原因。 4。有11个城市,人口超过1000万在发展中国家。 5。 2020年,世界60的人口被认为是居住在城市地区。Passage TwoIn Africa and Asia there is a very serious disease called schistosomiasis (血吸虫病 ). It is caused by a tiny worm which can penetrate the skin of a human being and cause a potentially serious illness. The larvae ( 幼虫) of these worms live in certain types of snails (蜗牛). When they are ready, the larvae (幼虫) leave the snails and enter the bodies of m

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