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1、高二英语寒假作业7新课标2016年高二英语寒假作业7第卷 第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分60分)第一节 (共15小题;每小题3分,满分45分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C、和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。AAir traffic controllers in the US have been advised to take 26-minute naps (小睡), after a series of accidents involving workers falling asleep. Now the National Transportation Safe

2、ty Board (NTSB) is calling for “controlled naps” during nightshifts (夜班). NTSB member Mark Rosekind said that a 26-minute nap would improve performance by 34%. He believes that beyond the aviation (航空) industry, other professions, such as motoring and machinery, also carry obvious risks.But other ex

3、perts doubt whether 26 minutes is the appropriate napping time. Its a bit too long and risks you falling into a deep sleep, says Jim Horne, director of the Sleep Research Council. He said, “A nap of about 15 minutes is best; once you get beyond 20 minutes, you risk a deep sleep and you can be much m

4、ore tired when you wake up. Therefore, we suggest that a nap be combined with a cup of coffee so that you can enjoy an effective sleep before the caffeine (咖啡因) takes effect in 20 minutes. However, this method only works on those who have had a poor nights sleep. If you havent had a sleep the night

5、before, this method wont be enough to make you fresh.” Health writer, Linda Wasmer Andrews, also believes that 26 minutes is too long. She says a nap between 10 and 20 minutes is enough, and the timing of the nap is also important. Putting your head down too early means your body may not be ready to

6、 sleep yet, but a nap that is too late in a day might make it harder to fall asleep. Early afternoon is often the best time, between l pm to 3pm, when people experience a post-lunch decrease in energy. 45. What does the text mainly talk about?A. People who need a nap. B. How long a nap should last.C

7、. When people should take a nap. D. The reason why people need a nap.46. Jim Horne thinks that a 26-minute nap is not appropriate because _.A. people risk a deep sleep and may feel more tiredB. the guidelines for drivers can reduce the napping timeC. people who had a poor sleep need some more nappin

8、g timeD. its a little long for people who didnt sleep the night before47. According to Linda Wasmer Andrews, _. A. 2 pm is an appropriate napping timeB. peoples energy will increase after lunchC. your body is ready to sleep at late time in the dayD. a late nap may lead to sleep problems during the n

9、ightB I cheated on a unit test in math class this morning during second period with Mr Burke .Afterward, I was too sick to eat lunch just thinking about it. I came straight home from school, went to my room, and lay on the floor trying to decide whether it would be better to run away from home now o

10、r after supper. Mostly I wished I was dead. It wasnt even an accident that I cheated. Yesterday Mr. Burke announced thered be a unit test and anyone who didnt pass would have to come to school on Saturday, most particularly me, since I didnt pass the last unit test. I did plan to study just to prove

11、 to him that Im plenty smart-which I am mostly- except in math. Anyway, I got my desk ready to study on. Just when I was ready to work, Nicho came into my room with our new rabbit and it jumped on my desk and knocked the flashcards all over the floor. What a mess! Nicho and I finally took the rabbit

12、 outside but then Philip came to my room and also Marty from next door and before long it was dinner. After dinner my father said I could watch a special on television if Id done all my homework. Of course I said I had. That was the beginning. I felt terrible telling my father a lie about the homewo

13、rk. It was nine oclock when I got up to my room and that was too late to study for the unit test so I lay in my bed with the light off and decided what I would do the next day when I was in Mr. Burkes math class not knowing the 8- and 9-times tables. So, you see, the cheating was planned after all.

14、The next day, Id go into class as usual, acting like things were going just great. Id sit down next to Stanley Plummer-he is so smart in math it makes you sick-and from time to time, Id glance over at his paper to copy the answers. Everything was okay except that my stomach was upside down and I wan

15、ted to die. The fact is, I couldnt believe what Id done in cold blood. I began to wonder about myself. Ive never been a wonderful kid that everybody in the world loves. I have a bad temper and I like to have my own way and I argue a lot. Sometimes I can be mean. But most of the time Ive thought of m

16、yself as a pretty decent kid. Mostly I work hard, I care for little kids, and I tell the truth. Now all of a sudden Ive turned into this criminal. Its hard to believe Im just a boy. And all because of one stupid math test. Lying on the floor of my room, I begin to think that probably Ive been bad al

17、l along. It just took this math test to clinch it. Ill probably never tell the truth again. I tell my mother Im sick when she calls me to come down for dinner. She doesnt believe me, but puts me to bed anyhow. I lie there in the early winter darkness wondering what terrible thing Ill be doing next w

18、hen my father comes in and sits down on my bed. “Whats the matter?” he asks. “Ive got a stomachache,” I say. Luckily, its too dark to see his face. “Is that all?” “Yeah.” “Mommy says youve been in your room since school.” “I was sick there too,” I say. “She thinks something happened today and youre

19、upset.” Thats the thing that really drives me crazy about my mother. She knows things sitting inside my head the same as if I was turned inside out. “Well,” my father says. I can tell he doesnt believe me. “My stomach is feeling sort of upset.” I hedge(避免做正面答复). “Okay,” he says and he pats my leg an

20、d gets up. Just as he shuts the door to my room I call out to him in a voice I dont even recognize as my own. “How come?” he calls back not surprised or anything. So I tell him I cheated on this math test. To tell the truth, Im pretty much surprised at myself. I didnt plan to tell him anything. He d

21、oesnt say anything at first and that just about kills me. Id be fine if hed spank(打屁股) me or something. And then he says Ill have to call Mr. Burke. Its not what I had in mind. “Now?” I ask surprised. “Now,” he says. He turns on the light and pulls off my covers. “Im not going to,” I say. But I do i

22、t. I call Mr. Burke, and I tell him exactly what happened, even that I decided to cheat the night before the test. He says Ill come on Saturday to take another test, which is okay with me, and I thank him a whole lot for being understanding and all. “Today I thought I was turning into a criminal,” I

23、 tell my father when he turns out my light. Sometimes my father kisses me good night and sometimes he doesnt. I never know. But tonight he does. 73. By saying “ It wasnt even an accident that I cheated” , the author means that_. A. he had planned not to study before the testB. he had planned to chea

24、t with Plummer before the testC. he decided to cheat after he had wasted the whole eveningD. he decided to cheat when he knew there was going to be a test74. Before the cheating, the author thought that_. A. he was a bad boy in everythingB. he always did what he was toldC. he was a boy that everyone

25、 lovedD. he was a decent child but not perfect75. After he was informed of what he had done, the father_. A. scolded the author severely B. didnt say anything and leftC. called Mr. Burke immediately D. let the author make a call to Mr. Burke76. The authors father kissed the author good night because

26、_. A. he had done something unusualB. he promised to study math harderC. he was willing to take a make-up testD. he realized his mistake and had the courage to admit itC Singapore is a country with 42% of its population foreign born. Singaporeans, even those of the same ethnic group (少数民族), have man

27、y different first languages and cultures. For example, within the Singaporean Chinese group, nearly a third speak English as their home language while almost half speak Standard Chinese as their home language and the rest speak various Chinese dialects (方言) as their home language. Due to these reaso

28、ns, the English fluency level of people in Singapore varies vastly from person to person.Most reasonably educated Singaporeans do speak Singapore Standard English, alternatively known as Educated Singapore English, which, grammatically, is not different from standard British English, with changes be

29、ing limited to accent and a few borrowed words, causing few challenges to any native Britons. Singapore English derives (起源) its roots from the 146 years of British colonial rule over Singapore until its independence in 1965. Before 1965, the standard form of English in Singapore had always been Bri

30、tish English. After Singapore declared independence, English in Singapore began to take a life of its own, leading to the development of modern Singapore English.English had been the official language of the colonial government, and when Singapore gained self-government in 1959, the local government

31、 decided to keep English as the main language in order to help develop economy. The use of English as the nations first language serves to bridge the gap between different ethnic groups in Singapore. English is the global language for commerce, technology and science, and improvement of English also

32、 helps to expedite Singapores development and it becomes important part of the global economy.There is an increasing trend of Singaporeans speaking English at home. For children who started primary school in 2009, 60% of Chinese along with 60% Indian pupils and 35% of Malay pupils mainly speak English at home. Because many Singaporeans grew up with English as their first language in school, some Singaporean Chinese may not be able to speak Standard Ch

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