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1、广州四年级上英语学科教学计划 养正小学 四 年级 英语 科教学计划 二O一四学年第 一 学期 执教人: 汤冬玲 班级情况分析:三年级共有学生85人。这个年级的学生英语的听、说、读和写的学习习惯初步形成。他们喜欢表演故事内容,喜欢唱英语歌,念英语诗,会运用各种各样的联想和音节进行记忆单词。教材分析:本教材主要有以下的话题内容: Module 1 My bedroom Module 2 I live in a big house there be Module 3 My school Module 4 My class numbers Module 5 Clothes Module 6 Occup

2、ations 六个话题模块 + 一个复习模块 单词:177 个(含三个非课标词) 主要语法内容: 1) there be句型 2)形容词性物主代词:his her 全册教学总目标:1、 能用英语描述物品的位置和房间的摆设。2、 能描述房子的居室和不同居室的常见活动。3、 能在交际中表达欣赏和赞美。4、 能描述学校场室的常见活动和功能。5、 能询问和描述某人拥有物品的数量; 能询问有关学校或班级的数量。6、 能用英语模拟购物情景。能感受英文歌的美。有环境保护的意识。要学会讲究卫生。教学重点:1、 能用英语描述物品的位置和房间的摆设。2、 能询问和描述某人拥有物品的数量; 能询问有关学校或班级的数

3、量。3、 能用英语模拟购物情景。教学难点:1、 能描述房子的居室和不同居室的常见活动。2、 能在交际中表达欣赏和赞美。3、 能描述学校场室的常见活动和功能。教学措施:1、低年段重视拼读规则教学、扎实培养学生的单词拼读能力;2、注重语言的真实性、情境性、完整性;3、让学生尽可能多地阅读;4、突出“用英语做事情”,多给机会学生“用英语”。教学进度安排: 授课完毕:第 16 周 复 习:第 16 周到第 18 周考 试:第 22 周单元课题授课时间单元目标单元重点、难点教学策略Module 1 My bedroom 8节1. 能在听说读写的语言活动中理解和运用本模块单词和词组:2. 能在听说读写的语

4、言活动中理解和运用下列句型结构: Whats in/on/next to. There is/are . in/on/next to. Is/Are there . in/on/next to. . is / are in/on/next to. I want you to . 3. 能用英语描述物品的位置和房间的摆设。4. 能用 I want you to.发指令。5. 知道字母a及组合sh, a_e, ar, ay在单词中的发音,能拼读含有这些字母或字母组合的单音节词;能尝试运用于阅读中。聚焦一个房间,涉及到房间的物品和位置摆设,内容涉及到描述: 某物在某处” The flowers ar

5、e on the window. 某处有某物 There are some flowers on the window. 询问某物是否在某一位置:Are the flowers on the window 询问某处是否有某物:Is there a computer on the desk 询问某处有什么东西:Whats on the desk/in your room注重语言的真实性、情境性、完整性。能感受英文歌的美。Module 2I live in a big house 8节1. 能在听说读写的活动中理解和运用本模块单词和词组:2. 能在听说读写的活动中理解和运用下列句型: I . in

6、 the ., 如:I play with my friends in the garden. I like to ., 如:I like to play computer games there. Where is/are . Its / They are in / on / under. (可移M1进行练习) . The . is .,如:The garden is beautiful. The toilet is clean. 3. 能在听说读写的活动中理解和运用下列日常交际用语: Welcome to . Please come in. Its nice. Here it is. I

7、love sth. 4. 能描述房子的居室和不同居室的常见活动,如:There is a big living-room in my house/ My house has a big living-room.(p15课本词条)The kitchen is big. I watch TV and do my housework in the living-room. 5. 能在交际中表达欣赏和赞美,如:The living-room is nice. I love the big TV. 词汇: 居室单词:house, flat, living-room, bedroom, kitchen,

8、study, toilet, bathroom, garden, 家庭常见活动单词:take a shower, sleep, have meals, do my homework, play computer games, watch TV, grow flowers, read books 描述居室的形容词:big, small, large, clean, beautiful, nice, new 描述居家活动的句子: P17页 (已学) I like to play computer games in the study. I take a shower in the bathroom

9、.注重语言的真实性、情境性、完整性。Module 3My school8节1. 在听说读写的活动中理解和运用本模块的单词和 词组;2. 能在听说读写的活动中理解和运用下列句型: 1)We . in the ., 如:We have PE lessons in the playground. 2) Let 引导的祈使句,如:Let me show you our new school. Lets play music here. 3) How many . are there . 如:How many classrooms are there in your school 4) 能使用or表示选

10、择,如Is your classroom big or small 3. 能描述学校场室的位置,如:The classroom building is over there, next to the library. 4. 能描述学校场室的常见活动和功能,如:We have computer lessons in the computer room. We eat in the dining hall. 5. 能询问和表述学校设备数量,如:How many computers are there in our school1. 词汇 学校场室单词:classroom, library, swi

11、mming pool, playground, teachers room, computer room, classroom building, music room, dining hall, gym 学校不同场室常见活动单词:have PE/music/. lessons, work, play games, eat, read, draw, play music, have lunch, 描述位置的词:over there, opposite, in front of, next to, behind, beside, under, near 数量词十几和几十,如thirteen, t

12、hirty。2. 描述学校活动的句子, 如: We eat in the dining room. The teachers work in the teachers room. 3. 用介词描述学校场室的位置,如: The swimming pool is opposite the playground. 突出“用英语做事情”,多给机会学生“用英语”。注重语言的真实性、情境性、完整性。能感受英文歌的美。Module 4My class8节1. 能在听说读写的活动中理解和运用本模块的单词和词组: 2. 能在听说读写的活动中理解和运用下列句型: 1) How many . does . have

13、 . has . How many . do you have I/We have . 2)How many . are there in your class/school There are . (P41) 3) Whats your favourite . My favourite . is . 4) I like . best. 3. 能在听说读写的活动中理解和运用下列日常交际用语: Let me see. What about you And you Great! 4. 知道字母和字母组合c, o_e, o, or, oa, ow, ou在单词中的常见发音。5. 能询问和描述某人拥有

14、物品的数量; 能询问有关学校或班级的数量5. 能讲述自己最喜欢的科目及并给出理由,如:My favourite subject is music. I like to sing. 1) 词汇: 数词:sixty, seventy, eighty, ninety 学校科目及常见活动:Chinese, English, maths, art, music, PE, use numbers, draw pictures, write stories, read English books, sing songs, play sports 2) 询问某人拥有物品的数量及回答: How many . d

15、oes . have / How many . do you have . has . / We/I have .3)表示喜好的句子: I like / love to . 重视拼读规则教学、扎实培养学生的单词拼读能力。Module 5Clothes8节1. 能在听说读写的活动中理解和运用本模块单词和词组:2. 能在听说读写的活动中理解和运用下列购物用语:1) Can I help you Yes, please. 2) I want to buy 3) I want 4) How much is/are Its/Theyre 5) Ill take it/them. 6) Thats too

16、 expensive. I wont take it/them. 7) Do you want anything else No, thanks. 8) Here you are. 3. 知道字母和字母组合wh, wh, u_e, u, ur在单词中的常见发音。4. 能用英语模拟购物情景。1) 词汇: 数词:百位数的表达。如325three hundred and twenty-five, 287two hundred and eighty-seven 服装名词:clothes, T-shirt, blouse, cap, jacket, coat, shirt, dress, skirt,

17、sweater, shoe, jeans, sock, trousers, shorts 2) 前述购物用语:3) 购物中所涉及名词的单复数及相应的代词形式。如: 单数: 复数: How much is the T-shirt How much are the shoes Its 35 yuan. They are 70 yuan. Ill take it. Ill take them. 注意观察对比例子中的划线部分。让学生尽可能多地表演;有环境保护的意识。Module 6Occupations8节1. 能在听、说、读、写的活动中理解和运用本模块的单词和词组;2. 能在听、说、读、写的活动中理

18、解和运用下列购物用语: (1) What do you want to be when you grow up (2) I want to be a (3) I like/want to (4) Whats s job Hes / Shes a/an (5) Is . a . 如Is your sister a teacher (6) Do you want to (1) 词汇: 职业名词:cook, painter, nurse, writer, builder, doctor, policeman, farmer, reporter, driver, factory worker 动词词组

19、:build houses, help sick people, tell people stories, cook nice food, get news for people, drive school bus, grow foods, make machines, help children learn (2) 表示喜好的句子: I like/love to I love very much. (3) 表示愿望的句子: I want to (4) 表示特长的句子: be good at , 如:My cousin is good at sports. Im good at English. (5) 英文中的代词: I 我 you你;你们 he他 she她 we我们 my 我们的 your你的;你们的 his他的 her她的 our我们的让学生尽可能多地表演;有环境保护的意识。突出“用英语做事情”,多给机会学生“用英语”。

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