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高考英语第一轮复习 学案全集 超强.docx

1、高考英语第一轮复习 学案全集 超强第一讲 人际关系篇【教学材料】Book1 Unit1 Friendship 【教学目标】1、话题语料构建:能记住与人际关系有关的话题语料 (5分钟)2、语法点精讲:能辨认句子主要成分I (15 分钟)3、话题写作提升:能积累相关话题语篇模板中的句型 (10分钟)【学习目标】1、我的困难可能是: (反复播放)2、我计划最重要听讲的内容是: (反复播放)3、我已经掌握的内容是: (跳播)4、我可能有疑问的是: (在线答疑) (在线答疑) (在线答疑)【课堂精讲】第一步 话题语料构建Summary of the passage:Annes family, Jewis

2、h, _ (force) hide away to _ _ the German Nazis in World War II. During that time, Anne made her _ her best friend, and she tried to _ her feelings and thoughts, especially her _ (crazy) about nature. Friendship A friend is someone _. A friend is someone _.A friend is someone _.A friend is someone _.

3、A friend is someone_. A friend _ is a friend _. True friendship should be based on _, not on _. 第二步 语法点精讲 句子主要成分:主语、谓语、宾语一、划出下列句子中的主语。1. We should write letters to express our gratitude to whoever have ever helped us.2. The wounded have already been sent to the hospital.3. To say it is easier than t

4、o do it. 4. Making friends is a happy experience. 5. Whether you can communicate well with each other is of great importance in building up a good relationship. 6. It is possible to fly to the moon by spaceship. 思考:1. 主语一般由什么充当? 2. 第6句是什么现象?二、划出下列句子中的谓语。1. The sun rises in the east. 2. I will apprec

5、iate it if you can give me a hand to solve this problem.3. True friendship should be based on mutual understanding 4. I felt upset about what happened between us. 思考:谓语的构成形式有几种?三、划出下列句子中的宾语。1. We should respect her. 2. We should respect the personalities and characteristics of others. 3. It is impor

6、tant that we should show our parents our gratitude. 4. We both take great interest in listening to music. 5. The writer thinks that teachers should love their students attentively and treat each student fairly. 6. I find it impossible to believe her any longer. 7. We consider it no good to be too co

7、ncerned about what others think of you. 思考:宾语一般由什么充当?第三步 话题写作提升 话题语篇模板学习There was a time when I was upset about some small things. I packed up my things and went to Guangzhou. It was the first time that I had been there. One day I happened to meet Li Hong when I was shopping. I found it enjoyable to

8、 get along with her. Soon we became close friends. It was because I had such a friend that I wasnt upset. I didnt feel lonely any longer. I didnt realize the value of friends until then. 翻译:1. 曾经有段时间我儿子痴迷于电脑游戏。2. 这是我一年半以来第一次目睹夜晚。3. 电话铃响时我正好在做饭。4. 虽然我努力去跟我的同学交谈, 但我依然觉得跟他们成为好朋友是很困难的。5. 直到不得不关窗时, 我才下楼。

9、【课后习题】假设你是李华,准备参加学校举办的主题为“健康成长”的英语作文比赛。请按要求写一篇短文,主要内容包括:1.乐观的人生态度;2.努力学习; 3.参加体育锻炼。 【目标反思】序号预期的学习目标已达到未达到原因分析解决办法12345【互动答疑】问题1:老师的解答:问题2:老师的解答:问题3:老师的解答:问题4:老师的解答:第二讲 语言学习篇【教学材料】English around the world B1U2【教学目标】1、话题语料构建:能记住与语言学习有关的词块 (5 分钟)2、语法点精讲:能辨认句子主要成分II (10 分钟)3、话题写作提升:能用句子表述与语言学习有关的话题内容 (1

10、5分钟)【学习目标】1、我的困难可能是: (反复播放)2、我计划最重要听讲的内容是: (反复播放)3、我已经掌握的内容是: (跳播)4、我可能有疑问的是: (在线答疑) (在线答疑) (在线答疑)【课堂精讲】第一步 话题语料构建1. Peoples view on learning English _ from person to person. 2. Some think in todays world we need to _ with different people in different parts of the world, so it is absolutely necessa

11、ry to learn English.3. There are several reasons _ I like English best. 4. Firstly, English is one of _ languages in the world. 5. Secondly, a _ foundation of English means _. 6. In the _ for a well-paid job, the one who can speak fluent English has _ those who cannot. 7. _ English will greatly bene

12、fit me in my work. 8. From what has been mentioned above, we can _ a conclusion that we should not only learn English but also _ it in the shortest time possible. 第二步 语法点精讲句子主要成分 II一、划出下列句子中的表语My friend is very selfless and considerate. I felt concerned about his safety. The whole trip is boring. My

13、 suggestion is that you should keep in touch with your friends. My suggestion is to share happiness and sorrows with your friends. 思考:系动词有哪些?表语一般由什么充当?二、划出下列句子中的定语The merciful boss later became our close friend. He set down his thoughts about their relation in the diary on the desk. A friend is some

14、one whom you could tell everything to.三、划出下列句子中的状语Once at a weekend I felt badly ill at home. In order to build up real friendship, we should make friends with those who can be trusted and always get ready to help others. You can trust each other and get along well in this way.Students should respec

15、t teachers although they may have different opinions. 四、划出下列句子中的补语。They elected John monitor. We heard her singing a song. He told me to make my own decision. 第三步 话题写作提升最近, 为了提高同学们的听说能力, 三班的英语老师就是否在课前开设课前三分钟的英语演讲在全班同学中做了一个调查, 调查结果如下:65%的同学35%的同学1. 很有帮助, 是训练听说能力的好时机;2. 同学们会因此而查找资料, 也丰富了知识。1. 占用了课堂时间;

16、2. 听不懂演讲的同学会失去学英语的信心。写作内容请根据以上调查结果, 用5个句子写一份简单的调查报告,并发表你自己的观点。【课后巩固】记诵参考范文【目标反思】序号预期的学习目标已达到未达到原因分析解决办法12345【互动答疑】问题1:老师的解答:问题2:老师的解答:问题3:老师的解答:问题4:老师的解答:第三讲 旅游交通篇【教学材料】Travel journal B1U3【教学目标】1、话题语料构建:能记住与旅游交通有关的词块 (5 分钟)2、语法点精讲:能掌握简单句的基本句型 I (10分钟)3、话题写作提升:能写出一个地方的英文介绍 (15分钟)【学习目标】1、我的困难可能是: (反复播

17、放)2、我计划最重要听讲的内容是: (反复播放)3、我已经掌握的内容是: (跳播)4、我可能有疑问的是: (在线答疑) (在线答疑) (在线答疑)【课堂精讲】第一步 话题语料构建1. China is a civilized country _ over 5000 years. 2. _ science and technology, traveling becomes _ than before. 3. _ in means of transportation. 4. Guangzhou _ in South China. 5. Zhuhai is considered as one of

18、_ for people to live in. 6. The city attracts tens of thousands of visitors _. 7. It is a wonderful place for people to _. 8. It becomes an international _ city 9. People can _ the greenway and _ of the city. 10. _, many people prefer to live in a _ countryside rather than in a _ cities. 第二步 语法点精讲 简

19、单句的基本句型 I基本句型一 She felt frustrated. He got annoyed easily思考: 句型归纳:系动词归纳: 基本句型二 Everything works smoothly. He stopped to relax himself. Great changes have taken place in the way people communicate in the past decade. 句型归纳: 基本句型三 You should cut down your daily consumption of salt and sugar. She has re

20、ceived many awards for her writing and translation works. 句型归纳:第三步 话题写作提升你的美笔友Lisa暑假期间将要来中国旅游,请你写根据提示, 写一篇介绍你的家乡广州的短文。 1. 广州地处广东省中部, 面积7434.4平方公里, 人口约1000万, 是广东的省会, 是一座有二千二百多年文明的历史古城;2. 1982年, 广州被选定为全国首批历史名城之一;3. 广州一年四季如春, 繁花似锦, 故有“花城”之美誉;4. 广州正以迷人的风采迎接来自四面八方的海内外游客。 【课后习题】 背诵当天的话题写作范文。【目标反思】序号预期的学习目

21、标已达到未达到原因分析解决办法12345【互动答疑】问题1:老师的解答:问题2:老师的解答:问题3:老师的解答:问题4:老师的解答:第四讲 灾难篇 【教学内容】 Earthquakes B1U4 【教学目标】1、话题语料构建:能记住与灾难有关的词块 ( 5 分钟)2、语法点精讲:能掌握简单句的基本句型 II ( 10 分钟)3、话题写作提升:能写关于在地震种自救的语篇 ( 15 分钟)【学习目标】1、我的困难可能是: (反复播放)2、我计划最重要听讲的内容是: (反复播放)3、我已经掌握的内容是: (跳播)4、我可能有疑问的是: (在线答疑) (在线答疑) (在线答疑)【课堂精讲】第一步 话题

22、语料构建 _ March 5th,2011, the city of Shenyang _ a disaster of snowstorm that had never _ in the past hundred years. The snowstorm _ for a whole day, greatly affecting peoples life. Early in the morning, it snowed _. Many vehicles _ on the roads _, people_ _ to head for their destinations on foot. Not

23、only were all the flights _ but also many trains _ _. The city government _ all the citizens and soldiers to take an active part in the activities of _ snow. Besides, the city government _ all kinds of urgent _ to _ those trapped in the snowstorm to _ that everything _ as soon as possible. It _ that

24、 the heavy rainfall caused rivers to _ their banks, washing away bridges. The _ work is still _. In the meantime, people nationwide are taking an active part in _ for people in the _ areas. It _ that the economic _ were more than 9.7 billion yuan. 第二步 语法点精讲 基本句型四 She showed us her great talent for w

25、riting. He earned himself a good reputation for being hard-working. I convinced him of my honesty. The doctor has cured him of his disease.句型归纳: 基本句型五 He called on us to learn from her. We elected him president. The boss made him work overtime.句型归纳: 基本句型六 There is a book and a few pencils on my desk

26、. There will be a meeting tomorrow.There used to be a well in the village. There exists a rule that students should take at least one hour physical exercise every day. 句型归纳:There be 结构第三步 话题写作提升请用英语写一篇短文, 告诉同学或朋友, 当发生地震时, 为了保护自己, 我们应采取下列防护措施:1.避免无秩序地蜂拥而出;2.躲在结实的家具下边,用手臂或保护着头和颈,注意避开吊灯、电扇等悬挂物;3.跑动寻找庇护处时,用一些较硬的东西保护脑袋;4.杜绝明火,关煤气和电源;5.不要使用电梯;6.在户外时跑到远离树木、建筑、广告牌、电线等的开阔之处。 【课后巩固】背诵参考范文。【目标反思】序号预期的学习目标已达到未达到原因分析解决办法12345【互动答疑】问题1:老师的解答:问题2:老师的解答:问题3:老师的解答:问题4:老师的解答:第五讲 崇拜偶像篇 【教学材料】Nelson Mandelaa modern her

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