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1、世园会用语西安世园会 英语常用词汇1 Hello! Is it the first time you come to Xian?你好!您是初次来西安吗?2 Good morning afternoon/afternoon /evening! 早晨(下午/晚上)好!3 How are you? 你好吗?4 Excuse me ! 打扰了。5 Sorry, I dont know. 对不起,我不知道。6 Help yourself. 请自便。7 This way please. 请这边走。8 I have to go now. 我必须走了。9 See you tomorrow. 明天见。10See

2、 you later.待会儿见。11Im easy.我随便。12Where are you going? 你去哪里?13Im going to Xian Botanical Garden. 我要去西安植物园。14Its only a ten-minute walk.走路需要十分钟。15Try this ,please. 请试试这个。16Whats up? Im in a hurry.怎么了?我在赶时间。17Ill show you around. 我领你四处看看。18What makes you come here? 是什么吸引你来的?19Hope youll enjoy your stay

3、here.祝你在这儿玩的高兴。20Could you please do me a favor? 来帮我个忙好吗?21Could you please show me the way to the Museum? 请您告诉我去博物馆的路怎么走?22Walk down this street two blocks and turn left(right),then you can see it on the left side. 沿着这条路直走,过了两个街区然后左(右)转产供销 就会看到它在路的左侧。23Where am I on the map of Xian? 我在西安地图上的什么位置?24

4、How far is it from Xian Railway International Horticulture Exposition? 从西安站到世园会有多远的路程?25Shall we take a cab there and come back by bus? 我们乘出租车去,回来乘巴士好吗?26Welcome to Xian China International Horticulture Exposition.欢迎来到西安世园会。27May I know your name? 我可以知道您的名字吗?28I hope it stays fine for the whole day.

5、 我希望整天都是好天气。29The exposition is closed to Xian Botanical Garden. 世博园毗邻西安植物园。31Special bus lines for tourists directly lead to Xian Expo Garden.为游客方便,我们有直达世 博园的特殊公交线路。33What can I do for you? 您需要点什么?34Its too expensive .Can you give me discount? 太贵了,能给我打折吗?35What size do you wear? 你穿多少号?36May I try t

6、his on ? 我能试穿一下吗?38Thank you very much.非常感谢,乐意为您效劳。39Is this small or large size? 这个是小号还是大号的?40The quality of this pair of trousers is very good. Ill take it . 这条裤子质量很好,我买它了。41I d like to pay in cash. 我要付现金。43Excuse me ,is there any hotel available nearby? 打扰您问一下,这附近有旅馆吗?44Do you accept travelers ch

7、ecks? 你们收旅行支票吗?45What would you like to order?请问您需要点什么?46What is the specialty of this restaurant? 本餐厅的特色菜是什么?47Where can I have McDonalds?哪里可以吃到麦当劳?48Where can I exchange my dollars for RMB? 我到哪能将美元兑换成人民币?49The Expo consists of 4main buildings and 3 characteristic scenes. 本届世园会有四大主题建筑,三大特色景观。50Does

8、 the tour include Xian International Horticultural Expo Garden. 这次旅游包括西安世博园吗?53.The Expo consists of 3 main performances and diversified characteristic performances. 本届世园会还有三大主题表演和多项特色表演。54.Where do I get off ? 我需要在哪下车?55.What kind of flower is your favorite? 你最喜欢什么花?56.Are you used to the food here

9、? 你习惯吃这儿的饭菜吗?57.Lady first. 女士优先。58.What impressed you most in Xian? 西安给您留下印象最深的是什么?59.What do you think about the weather here? 你觉得这里的天气怎么样?60.What date is it today? 今天是几号?63.I havent any cash on me and Id like to draw out some money from ATM nearby. 我身上没带现金,想在附近的自动取款机中取些钱。64.May you good luck! 祝你好

10、运!65.Can you speak Chinese? 你会说汉语吗?67.We will visit Xian International Horticultural Expo. 我们要去参观西安国际园艺博览会。67. We are proud of holding china Xian International Horticultural Expo 2006.我们为承办中国西安世园会感到骄傲。68.Its very kind of you! 你真是太好了!69.Is it far from here? 离这儿远吗?70.Yes ,Youd better take a bus ./NO,

11、it s just over there. 远,你最好坐公共汽车去。/不远,就在那里。71.Its a about one kilometre from here. 距这里约一公里。72.Now I will introduce some places of interest in Xian to you. 我将为你们介绍西安的风景名胜。72.How long does it take me to go there by bus ? 做公交车要有多长时间?73.It takes about twenty minutes.大约需要20分钟。75.excuse me ,does the bus n

12、o.262 stop at the Expo Garden? 请问262路公共汽车去世博园吗?76. You speak good Chinese. 你汉语说得很好。77.Is it a long time since you came to shengyang? 你来西安很久了吗?78.When are you off ? 你什么时候走?81.Could you please tell me the time now? 你能告诉我现在的时间吗?82. Safe journey. 祝你一路顺风。83. Im flying back tomorrow. 我明天坐飞机回去。84. Hope to

13、meet you again.希望再一次见到你。85. Did you have a good time today? 今天你玩的高兴吗?86. Im seeing you off at the airport tomorrow. 明天我去机场送你。87. This is a tree-star hotel.这是三星级宾馆。88. Keep well. 保重。89. What is the temperature today? 今天多少度?90.It is 14 degrees centigrade. 今天摄氏14度。91.Shall we do some shopping in Zhongj

14、ie Street?我们去中街购物好吗?92. May I beg your pardon?请您再说一遍。93. The Expo will take place from May to October ,2010, altogether 183 days.本次展会于2010年4月开幕,10月闭幕,为期183天。95.Whats the weather today? 今天天气怎么样?96.Its fine. 天气很好。97.I hope you will come to Xian again.希望你能再次来西安做客。98.We are looking forward to seeing you

15、 next time.我们期待下次再见到你99.Xian is a beautiful city. 西安是一座美丽的城市。100.The people in Xian are very friendly.西安人非常热情Xian, located in central-northwest China, records the great changes of the country just like a living history book. Called Changan (meaning the eternal city) in ancient times, Xian is one of

16、the birthplaces of the ancient Chinese civilization in the Yellow River Basin area. As the eastern terminal of the Silk Road and the site of the famous Terracotta Warriors of the Qin Dynasty, Xianhas won areputation all over the world. More than 3,000 years of history including over 1,100 yearsas th

17、e capital city of ancient dynasties, haveendowed Xian with an amazing historical heritage. Tourists marvel at the numerous historical sites and cultural relics in and around the city.Known as the leading city of Chinas Western Development Drive Program since 1990s, Xian is an important economic, cul

18、tural, industrial and educational center of the central-northwest region, providing visitors with modern and convenient facilities.Historically known as Changan, it was home to the ruling house of 13 dynasties, notably, the Qin (221 BC 207 BC), Han (206 BC 220 AD), Sui (581 AD 618 AD) and Tang (618A

19、D 908AD) Dynasties. The Emperor Qin Shihuang united China for the first time and left Xian and the world one of the most extraordinary archeological finds in history- the Terracotta Warriors, which attracts hundreds of thousands of visitors a year. The city reached its peak in the Tang dynasty, boas

20、ting 2 million taxable inhabitants and the largest, most cosmopolitan, settlement in the world during the reign of Xuanzong (712 AD 756 AD).Together with Athens, Cairo and Rome, Xian is among the four major ancient civilization capitals of the world. Xian is on the natural westward land route out of

21、 China into Central Asia, the starting point and terminus of the Silk Road, which brought the city material wealth as well as religious and cultural melting for over a thousand years.Surviving monuments open a window to this ancient city. The short-lived totalitarian state of Qin Shihuang is mirrore

22、d in the awe-inspiring massed terra-cotta armies of the Terracotta Warriors. The influence of Buddhism is clear from the Wild Goose Pagoda, a chamber for the translation of the Buddhist scriptures by then widely renowned Master Xuan Zang, who returned to China in 645 after 15 years of travel across

23、India and central Asia. Evidence of the flourishing trade along the Silk Routes may be found in the Shaanxi History Museum and Famen Temple. Another reminder of the enduring legacy of the Silk Road is the Great Mosque of Xian, presenting a strong Muslim minority, whose faith remains unchanged althou

24、gh their architecture is a mixture of Chinese design and western Islamic tradition. Today, despite the searing summer heat and freezing winters, Xian is a joy to visit. The central city is pleasantly compact and its grid layout within the city wall makes it easy to navigate. The Bell Tower is the ge

25、ographical center of Xian, from which four main business streets radiating, North Avenue, South Avenue, West Avenue and East Avenue. With many universities around, Xiao Zhai is popular with youth and students and thus isone of the busiest commercial areas. The ancient streets ofShuyuanmen and Luomas

26、hi commercial area are two must-visit places. Actually, sightseeing in and around Xian can keep even the most energetic visitors busy for a week or two.The cuisine of Xian is not among the eight great cuisines of China, but it enjoys enormous popularity. If you visit one of the local cuisine restaur

27、ants and taste local favorites like Yang Rou Pao mo, you will find out why. After dinner, you can either enjoy a traditional form of entertainment, like the Qin Opera and the Tang Dynasty Music and Dance Show, or indulge in modern bars and karaoke places. Feel like shopping? Just go for traditional

28、arts and crafts, folk handicrafts or replicas of antiquities. Xian is famous for good imitations of arts and crafts of the Qin and Tang dynasties, such as tri-colored glazed pottery and imitations of ancient bronze ware. Beyond that, tourists can also find replica Qin Dynasty embroidery, artistic po

29、rcelain ware, jade, carvings, paper cuttings, and paintings by the farmers of Huxian County which features strong Chinese traditions and local characteristics.Locals are easygoing, yet shake their heads in regret that their ancestors fell behind their richer cousins in Beijing. However, tens of thou

30、sands of worldwide visitors, together with plenty of upscale new malls full of well-dressed shoppers, tell you that Xian is not that far behind.Terracotta Warriors - The amazing Qin Terracotta Warriors have indeed attracted public attention. People may wonder who made them. They are the intelligent

31、Chinese ancient laboring people. Endowed with unmatched skills, they miraculously created these exquisite works. Today you can find many artisans names cut or printed on the surface of the figures. It is interesting that the warriors who look fierce and stable were probably made by the artisans from the central government, and those who look fresh and vivid may created by folk artisans who had rich life experience.Big Wild Goose Pagoda - The Big Wild Goose Pagoda stands upright in the Da Cien Temple with a history of thousands

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