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1、中考英语语法选择广东中考英语语法选择专项训练题型分析:语法选择是2020年广东中考英语的新增题型,文章一般选择记叙文,220词左右,故事性为主。设置为10个空格的语法选择。在考试中占10分。体裁:记叙文为主题材:传统文化,人物传记, 探索太空,故事主要考试点:冠词,代词,名词,数词的,介词, 连词,形容词,副词,情态动词,动词时态,语态,非谓语动词,感叹句,宾语从句,定语从句。解题技巧:1. 上下文推断法 2. 固定搭配 3.句子成分分析(一) Deep in the forest lives David, who loves books, as soon as he reads one bo

2、ok, he brings it home. Soon the house _1_ with books. His wife, Alice, is angry. “You _2_ do something to put away your books!” David thinks hard and has _3_idea. “I can bring my book into the faraway hills and share_4_ I have with kids.”Every week, David goes to faraway villages with his two donkey

3、s. Early _5_ a sunny morning, David and his donkeys stop at a river_6_ water. Then from deep in the shadows, a bandit jumps out! “Please let us pass,” David says. “The children _7_ for me now.” the bandit takes one book and shouts, “Next time I want some money!”They move on until at last, David sees

4、 some houses below. The kids run to meet _8_. David reads them a story first. _9_ the story ends, its time for everyone to choose a book. The children hold their books close as they say goodbye and run home_10_. David and his donkeys go back home, over and around the hills, and into the sunset.At ni

5、ght, instead of sleeping, David picks up his book and reads deep into the night. And far away in the hills, candles and lanterns burn as the children read borrowed books deep into their night, too. 题号ABCD1fillsfilledis filledWas filled2mustcouldwouldmay3aanthe/4whatwhowhyhow5inonatfor6.drinkdrinking

6、drinksto drink7.waitwaitedare waiting have waited8hehishimhimself9.sincewhenIf Because 10. excitedexcitingexcitedly excitingly1.;答案:二) Stephen hawking is a world-famous British scientist. He is one of sciences _1_ stars. On March 14th,2018, he died

7、at the age of 76 in Cambridge, the UK.Hawking _2_ as the greatest scientist in history after Albert Einstein. He came up with the theory that the universe began with the Big Bang and _3_ in black holes. Common people also want to learn about the space. So, he wrote books to help _4_understand the un

8、iverse. His most famous book is A Brief History of Time.Besides his scientific achievement, hawking was also someone who had a strong mind. When Hawking was 21, he was diagnosed with _5_ serious illness that stopped him from walking and talking. But this didnt stop him from living a meaningful and c

9、olorful life. “if one is physically disabled, one_6_ not afford to be psychologically disabled as well,” he once said.Hawking travelled around the world _7_science meetings, visiting many places. He was also a fan of pop culture and appeared _8_TV shows, such as Star Trek and The Big Bang Theory. Ha

10、wking has _9_fans in China. His first message on Sina Weibo was a greeting to his “friends in China.”In 2013, Hawking spoke about how he felt life was unfair_10_ he was first diagnosed with his illness. “But now, 50 years later, I can enjoy my life peacefully,” he said.题号ABCD1brightbrighterbrightest

11、brightly2considerconsideredis consideredconsidering3endwill endendedIs ending4theythemtheirtheirs5/theaan6.mustWill needcan7.attendattendsattendingto attend8infortoat9.millionmillionsMillion ofMillions of10. althoughwhenifbefore1.答案:三)Wuhan is a bea

12、utiful and important city in China. It is _ capital city of Hubei Province. However, a big fight is going on there. Since December 2019, there have been tens of thousands of COVID-19 cases in this city. So far, this illness_ both in and out of China. In order to keep away from the virus, people_ say

13、 no to a handshake, give up high fives, refuse kisses on the cheek and certainly avoid hugging.All around the world, people are changing their daily habits at work and home_ the risk of getting ill. Chinese people have to stay indoors during the COVID-19 outbreak. Thanks_ food deliveries and the peo

14、ple who prepare and deliver them, people can have hot meals. Many people want to make sure that the food is safe to eat, _many restaurants provide a “reassurance guarantee” slip with the temperature of the cooks, food packagers and couriers.“these couriers have become one of _ heroes in China during

15、 the time,” said Shaun Rein, managing director of China Market Research Group. Mei Tuan gives its couriers a card that records their temperature and _ they have done the daily disinfecting of their delivery box or not. Eleme does the same.In Beijing, advice about how to replace handshaking _in diffe

16、rent newspapers. Red billboards tell people to join _own hands together in a sign of greeting. Loudspeakers tell people to hold fist to say hello.题号ABCD1aanthe/2spreadspreadsis spreadinghas spread3couldmaywouldmust4reduce To reduce reducingreduced5fortoofwith6.sincethoughsobecause7.greatgreatergreat

17、estthe greatest8whenwhowhatwhether9.seesawis seenare seen10. theirthemtheytheirs1.答案:四) How do parents in the UK educate their kids? _ I travelled in England, I got to know a little bit about this.Firstly, no matter how wild children are outside the

18、ir home, their parents always tell _ to be very polite in other peoples homes. Once, during Easter, I invited one of my friends to share _Easter egg. After getting her mothers permission, she came to my house. She greeted my family members one by one and asked if she _sit down. I was shocked. _ poli

19、te she was! But when we played outside together, she was very naughty!Whats more, parents in the UK are strict_ their children. Lydia is one of my friends. Her parents dont allow her_ the road between our neighborhood and a little farm. One day. We_ by our friend Megan to play with the horse on the

20、other side of the road. Lydia hesitated at first, but _ to go with us. However, just as we were playing with the horse, Lydias father drove by and saw Lydia. He was angry and made Lydia go home. We can see that family education is very _ in British families. They believe that nothing can be achieved

21、 without rules. 题号ABCD1ifWhen Although Unless 2theytheirthemtheirs3aanthe/4couldmustneedshould5WhatWhat a What anHow6.toaboutinwith7.crosscrossedTo crosscrossing8invitedWere invitedAre invitedinvite9.will decidedecidesHas decideddecided10. importantMore importantMost importantThe most important1.2.3

22、.答案:五) During the ancient times, the Greeks put a high value on swimming. It was after more than a hundred years when people_1_ attention to swimming again and made it a competitive sport. Swimming is a great kind of sport. With the whole body moving ag

23、ainst the water current, it is considered as _2_ excellent form of physical exercise. Doctors also say it is _3_ exercise among other kinds of sports. Thats because in swimming all the muscles of the body _4_. It not only builds the muscles, but also keeps the heart and lungs healthy. Whats more, sw

24、imming brings great pleasure. It is nice to take_5_ ones clothes and jump into the cool water of a river or the sea on a hot day in summer. It _6_ help us reduce stress because it is a relaxing exercise. Some parents think swimming is too dangerous for their children to try. However, we never know _

25、7_ we may be in danger in water. If we can swim, we have a chance_8_ our own lives. Also, we may be able to save_9_ from drowning. How sad it is to see a friend who is drowning while we cannot help just _10_ we can not swim.题号ABCD1paypaidare payingwill pay2aanthe/3goodbetterbestthe best4are usedusedwere useduse5oninoffof6.mustneedcanshould7.whatwhenwhichwho8savesavingsavedto save9.othersotheranotherthe other10. unlessafteruntilbecause1.答案:

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