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Computerizationan Opportunity or a Challenge.docx

1、Computerizationan Opportunity or a ChallengeName: Jianhui HuEnglish 102 (Research Paper)Instructor: Katie Hunsberger Date: 11/17/15 Computerization: an Opportunity or a Challenge? With increased access to computerization throughout the globe, companies focused on services, mass production, or utilit

2、ies have to improve the qualities and quantities of their products or services by using computerization. According to Karl Marx, “the value of one product is determined by its socially necessary labor time” (Marx). Because of that, if one mass producing company wants to improve its productivity, its

3、 probably going to replace workforce with robots or other technology. Therefore, it can be said that companies which accept computerization will survive. Due to the circumstance of using computerization, the company can get higher productivity by using robots. Besides, it can also gain the absolute

4、advantage of this product in the market, which means the company can lower the price and other companies may die out because no one wants to purchase their commodity at higher price. As a result, the other companies are committing self-suicides. In an increased awareness and practice about the growi

5、ng benefits of saving time and money, computerization influences the structure of the workforce, the development of social trends, and the challenges to millennial workers, the management of companies, and the rule of governments. As the population of globe tends to get older and older, does compute

6、rization ease the problems, by helping to replace some workforce, or will it create new problems, such as leaking confidential information or raising the unemployment? That is kind of a conflict. There are some other questions I formed about the research paper: Does computerization cause an economic

7、 growth or reach a peak in a third industrial revolution which is leading society to computerization? How susceptible are jobs to computerization? Will this trend of computerization lead to a recession by increasing unemployment, social instability or the imperfections of products or services? Despi

8、te the disadvantages, computerization will cause global changes positively as a whole. Therefore, what I strongly believe is that computerization is going to ease problems of an ageing population rather than create new problems of unemployment for millennials. I will support this argument by examini

9、ng peer-review articles, analyzing the benefits and shortages of computerization, and examining the detrimental effects of computerization. Computerization is the control of processes by computers. Apparently, this definition is too broad. Basically, the computerization that I am going to refer to i

10、s similar to the mechanization, electronization and digitalization. The history of computerization. Its history is basically similar to the industrial revolution both involve replacing human labor with machines. The Industrial Revolution, which took place from the 18th to 19th centuries, was a perio

11、d during which predominantly agrarian, rural societies in Europe and America became industrial and urban. Prior to the Industrial Revolution, which began in Britain in the late 1700s, manufacturing was often done in peoples homes, using hand tools or basic machines. Industrialization marked a shift

12、to powered, special-purpose machinery, factories and mass production. The iron and textile industries, along with the development of the steam engine, played central roles in the Industrial Revolution, which also saw improved systems of transportation, communication and banking. While industrializat

13、ion brought about an increased volume and variety of manufactured goods and an improved standard of living for some, it also resulted in often grim employment and living conditions for the poor and working classes. “In the final third of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th there was the S

14、econd Industrial Revolution, also known as the Technological Revolution, was a phase of the larger Industrial Revolution corresponding to the latter half of the 19th century until World War I. It is considered to have begun with Bessemer steel in the 1860s and culminated in mass production and the p

15、roduction line. It turns out that advancements in manufacturing and production technology enabled the widespread adoption of preexisting technological systems such as the telegraph and railroad networks, gas and water supply, and sewage systems” (Markillie). “Now a third revolution is under way. Man

16、ufacturing is going digital. As this weeks special report argues, this could change not just business, but much else besides A number of remarkable technologies are converging: clever software, novel materials, more dexterous robots, new processes” (Markillie). Therefore, the digitalization is very

17、close to the definition of computerization that I am referring to and it has drawn a huge attention from the whole society. However, the labor market can be very susceptible to that kind of computerization. According to paper “The Future of Employment: How Susceptible Are Jobs to Computerisation”, m

18、ore and more machines will be given jobs the people traditional performed (Frey). Its an estimation but it reflects a trend on social development, which tends to replace human labor with computerization. In terms of their prediction from the research paper “The Future of Employment: How Susceptible

19、Are Jobs to Computerisation,” “robot now work in the food industry and build cars. Other robots can be programmed to welcome people as they arrive at a store or hotel” (Frey 16). It means robots, as a kind of computerization, its not only working on the factory but also gradually transferring to a t

20、ertiary Industry, such as a services industry. I traveled Guangzhou, China a few years ago. There was a restaurant that uses robots to take orders. How incredible is that to the customers. Later, it became one of the best restaurant in Guangzhou. Therefore, robots in the service industry have great

21、potential for development and it can make an unbelievable benefit for the owners of the robots. Besides, the advantages of computerization in the workplace are gigantic. “The workplace has become increasingly dependent one machines, it comes as no surprise that many workers are becoming concerned ab

22、out the future. Among them are majorly millennials- people who became adults since year 2000” (Frey 25). It is predicted that millennials will be worrying about that their job opportunities will be taken by robots. The reason for that is millennials have foreseen that computerization will taking ove

23、r whole society by greatly improving productivity and benefits in the future. It leads that millenials workers will become less and less important to society. It is necessary to popularize the computerization to the whole society because there is an opportunity to maximize productivity and benefits.

24、 There are many examples to prove that computerization has become a social trend which aims to improve the productivity as a whole. The first example is about sugarcane production in China. There is a research paper called “Mechanization Technology: The Key to Sugarcane Production in China” (Ou). As

25、 far as I am concerned, there are billions of people in China. Thus, there is a great demand of sugarcane in China. Moreover, there is a tradition for Chinese people to make sugar by sugarcane. However, can it meet that huge need of producing sugarcane with human labor? “Although a lot of effort in

26、China have gone into sugarcane mechanization since the 1960s, the overall level of mechanization in sugarcane production is still only approximately 30%, which is about 20% lower than that achieved in the other main field crops” (Ou). Besides, “While the experience of Australia, USA, and Brazil in r

27、egard to the kinds of machinery systems they use is relevant, and the economic analyses of their systems are of interest, only about 10% of the current sugarcane area in China could be cultivated with the same large-scale machines used in those countries”(Ou). Therefore, under the serious situation

28、of inefficient sugarcane supply, the article states that the workers in the sugarcane field area could not finish their heavy task even with the assistance with no more than 30% mechanization. However, some researches and development of mechanization change completely with stage of sugarcane mechani

29、zation in China and development process. Since those sugarcane researchers failed to use those large tools such as large-scale machines from other countries, they tried to transfer those machines to suit Chinese situation seriously. Thus, “In 1996, with the help of South China Agricultural Universit

30、y (SCAU), a new phase in the investigation of mechanized sugarcane production was started, again on Guang Qian Farm in the area of Zhanjiang Reclamation Bureau, in cooperation with several foreign companies”(Ou). The cooperation demonstrates that Chinese professors started to find ways to improve it

31、s production and productivity by mechanized sugarcane production. It cant be denied that people tend to improve the productivity no matter how serious the problems are or they have to improve it because of serious situations. Hence, improving production by developing mechanization meets the social t

32、rends which aims to reduce socially necessary labor time and mechanize the producing process. Finally, with improving machines in the sugarcane field, Chinese sugarcane production made a great success. For instance, in according to Ou, improving the lifting ability of whole stalk harvesters in lodge

33、d sugarcane, such as the optimal parameters, results that “up to 90% of the sugarcane stalks could be picked up with the combined lifter”(Ou). In other words, it can be said that the increase of sugarcane produce benefits from the research on mechanization. The second example is focusing on the wide usages of robots Since I was very young, Ive seen robots in man

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