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1、从伊丽莎白一世的婚姻看现代爱情观从伊丽莎白一世的婚姻看现代爱情观AbstractIn all ages, love is an eternal subject. The research on it has never ended. As for the definition of love, everyone has his understanding. Someone thinks it is a hope on internal spirit, while others think it is bread, an accessory of money or power. Whatever

2、 their comprehensions are, perfect love is always moving. Many classical love stories make a clear definition of love: love is a sacrifice for each other. However, it is just endowed with a perfect sense, how many people could achieve that? After reading the love story about Elizabeth , this view is

3、 strengthened. Elizabeth refused to marry her lover because of power, and used the marriage as a chip of diplomatic policy, therefore, she is destined to be single for a whole life. In modern society, love is depreciating. It is becoming a tool to get fame, material desire and sexual desire. Althoug

4、h love is great, it is also in the shade in front of some material things. In this dog-eat-dog age, love is just a tool to get selfish desire.Key WordsLove; marriage; diplomatic policy; interests摘 要从古至今,爱情都是一个永恒的主题。人们对于它的研究,也从来没有间断过。对于爱情的定义,每个人都有不同的理解。有人认为爱情是一种心灵的寄托,但也有人认为它不过就是“面包”,是金钱,权力的附属品。不管人们对它


6、政策;利益IntroductionWhat is love? People from generation to generation try their best to define it. In dictionary, love is defined as follows: love, noun. 1. A strong feeling;strong rely;attract based on sex;person who is loved. But people do not want to waste time to look it up. Love is a kind of stro

7、ng experience about life. The definition of love seems to be an imperfect and dull one. What is love? Maybe 100 people have 100 definitions. In fact, love is a kind of strong experience about life. How much the power of love? It is said that the power of love is huge. It can make a person from live

8、to death. However, there is a love in the history that can change the destiny of a country. Whose love is so powerful? It is England queen Elizabeth .It is just because of her marriage that her nation got 13 peace years became the navy overlord. For her people, she was a great monarch; for herself,

9、she was a lonely woman. Because in the name of love, she sacrificed her love to get power.I. Definition of loveA. Different Definition of Love under Different SituationsIn the Indian story Gain Two Kingdoms, a famous prostitute said to a hermit which was attracted by her “love is some happy experien

10、ce of sense of touch between two people.” Of the two people, one is a man, the other is a woman. They are very interested in each other that have the same experience. Her definition of love includes cardinal happiness, which is very suitable for her career. People under different cultures and ages a

11、lso have different understanding about it. In some ages, people believed that love contains the element of sex; while in some other ages, they thought love was a noble and no sexy experience. The hero in The Love Affair in Cholera Days got an answer after suffering from the torture of sided-love. “J

12、ust take love as a favor, it is not a measure to reach any purpose, but a start and end of a matter. Love itself is a purpose”. So his view is that love is a circle. It is a goal about itself; the process of love is a purpose, and it returns to itself at last. But what is perfect love? Love in the s

13、tory means a matter happening once in peoples life. Loves not Existing in Our Present Society Just like food can be used to entice the one you love, it is also used to symbolize love. The metaphor of love not only describes the happiness of sense organ, but also the essential need of lovers. The sto

14、ry of an aboriginal Australia resident named A Dexterous Girl Who Can Make Pretty Handbags. A quiet girl Lawanda loved a hunter whose name is Jodi. When her family went to a place that is very far to attend a ceremony, she was left alone. When Jodi knew that, he went to pick her up. On the way to he

15、r home, he hunted some beasts as her present. When he saw her, she was about to sink in a faint because of hunger and miss. He gave her food and watched her eating them, and then he said he wanted to marry her. He took her to attend the ceremony where her family has been there. The metaphorical mean

16、ing of the story is that if you love a person, you must offer the food for her; if a person offers the food to you, you can love him. So, love can be described as a tool to get food, as well as other things. It had a precedent that love is also a tool. In modern society, the function of love is used

17、 everywhere. We do not marry each other because of love, but money, power and so on. But in history, there was a woman who did not marry her lover because of power, who used her marriage as a chip to win a period of development for her country. Who was the miserable woman? Whose marriage was so powe

18、rful? It is Elizabeth I whose marriage and diplomatic policy has been studied by historians until now. Elizabeth s Marriage AffairsA. The General Introduction of ElizabethA famous historian and critic Strachey, L in Britain made such a comment:“her story had been studied by politicians until now. Al

19、though her name was used to call the whole age by the descendants, her love life suffered a fatal hurt at the beginning.”As a great monarch Elizabeth established Britains overlord around world. As a famous spinster and an unmarried monarch in the world history Elizabeth I, whose love life is a miser

20、y, is an eternal subject in the western biographic literature. Elizabeth I have been far off the world more than 400years. She was born in 1533, died in 1603, was in charge of Britain for 45 years. For the endless dominative history of feudal Britain, 45 years disappeared in a flash. However, it is

21、just in the 45 years that the destiny of Britain has changed thoroughly. The formation of “on which the sun never sets” is from this delicate woman.The accomplishments of this queen surprised us. In such an age that women were discriminated, how could she be a greatest monarch in the Britain history

22、? Did she have any talent or ability?B. The Growing up of ElizabethElizabeth I was an orphan. When she was less than 3years old, her mother was sentenced to death. In the following turbulent ages, her destiny began to turn around the policy and marriage of her father. From time to time, she was a fa

23、vorite, at that time, she was the successor to the throne; and then she was ignored, so that she was a deserted bastard. From a picture of her 14 years old, we can see the trace of experiences left on her bodyexperiencing the palace of fierce fighting and appearing more sophisticated and stiff to he

24、r age untimely. Nobody can deny she is the person who was kissed by God. She was proficient in languages and versatile. We cannot imagine the brilliance belonging to the girl who lived in an endless terror. In her temperament, she did not avoid the jealousy and hesitation belonging to a woman. Howev

25、er, these are just a skimming over the surface on the part of Elizabeth. After the decline of Spanish armada; after the conceited Scotland queen being put on guillotine, after her lover losing her pardon, who dares to underestimate the iron decisiveness and will hiding behind her indecisive veil. Ju

26、st because of the inherited, combined temperament with man and woman, she could always overcome all the dangers and pull them through. Then growing in the circle of Britain, she was in a complicated situation.Besides those, the generosity of Elizabeth which benefits Britain is a counteraction to her

27、 bloody father and sister. It is such the counteraction that produced a rare peaceful period and varied cultures, and also produced such masters as Shakespeare, Marlowe. But it also ruined her happiness as a womanmarriage is too terrible for her, the tragedy made by her father was a shadow in her lo

28、ve world. She stifled her marriage by herself and swore not to marry for all her life. Her decision is much fashionable. Because it was a time that dominated by men. Even her people agreed that they would feel relieved if she depended on a man. After she ascended throne, parliament pleaded her to ch

29、oose a husband, wishing her leave a successor for British royal family. However the queen did not give them any response. At last, when parliament begged her with the same request again, she put on a ring and said: “I have contributed myself to a husband, his name is Britain.” The intelligent queen

30、took the weakness of female as a chip in her political balance. She asserted that she would keep virginity, but at the same time, she took this trump card out when it is necessary. An American historian Will Duran said the most secret diplomatic methods for Elizabeth are her unmarried life. She ever

31、 said: “I hate the idea about marriage, the reason would not be revealed even to a twin sister.” Yes, she abhorred marriage. Because if she married, she had to share her throne with her husband, so she did not want it to be shared. Another reason for it is that she experienced more in her early year

32、s, she thought nothing could make her feel safe except power.Compared with an ordinary family life, maybe she preferred to hold power in her hands. For her, throne was everything, she could sacrifice everything to strengthen her power, including her marriage. While on the other hand, she treated mar

33、riage as a chip. She put the cover of marriage in front of the covetous men across the worldSpain, France, the dependencies of Britain and so on. All of them could not escape from her diplomatic net. Just as her body was a mysterious axis, the destiny of the whole Europe was turning around it. Because of thes

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