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冀教版八年级下Unit 2教案.docx

1、冀教版八年级下Unit 2教案Unit 2 : Lessons 9 16Plant a Plant !Functions:Talk about material.Talk about purpose.Grammar:Five types of simple sentences.Structures:carryaway makeintogrowintoput outside /on /intouseto doLesson 9 How does a Plant Grow?Learning aims: 1. The words and language points: plant, water, g

2、row, leaf, cover, itself, seed, poster, bud, stem, sunshine, pot, soil, root2. The important sentences: Would you like some markers? Would you please pass me the green marker? Dont forget to draw the sun.Learning important and difficult points: 1. Would you like to do sth?2. Would you please do sth?

3、3. forget to do sth. /doing sth.Learning method: Listen, say, read and write.Learning steps:Step 1. Talking Talk about planting a plant.Step 2. Show: Learning aims: 1. The words and language points: plant, water, grow, leaf, cover, itself, seed, poster, bud, stem, sunshine, pot, soil, root2. The imp

4、ortant sentences: Would you like some markers? Would you please pass me the green marker? Dont forget to draw the sun.Step 3. Learning Learn the new words, read and write.自学检测 读一读,填一填,看谁读得准确、填的快!pl nt gr w s d w ter p st r b d st m l f s nsh ne p t c ver s l its lf r tStep 4. Ask and answer: Think a

5、bout it !Have you ever planted a seed?How do you plant a seed?What does a plant need to grow? What color does Li Ming use for the laves and stem?Step 5. Listening Listen to the tape and understand the main idea.Step 6. Looking and sayingLook at the pictures and say: How to plant a seed in a pot?Step

6、 7. ReadingRead the dialogue and understand the language points.1. Would you like some markers? 你想要一些水彩笔吗? (1) would like意为“想要”,无人称和数的变化,后面接名词或代词,表示具体想要某样东西。would 在此句型中表示委婉语气,不是will的过去式。如:Id like two sweaters for my daughters. 我想给我的女儿们买两件毛衣。(2) 对于Would you like to .? 提出的建议或要求,肯定回答常用“Yes, please.”或“Y

7、es, I would love / like to.”; 否定回答常用“No, thanks.”。2. The buds grow into flowers. 这些芽已长成花(骨朵)了。grow 当不及物动词时,表示“种植,生长,增长”。当及物动词讲时,意思是“种植,栽培”。如:What do you grow in the field? 在这块地里你们种植什么?My parents grow rice and wheat on our farm. 我父母在农场上种稻子和小麦。3. Do you need a ruler? 你需要一把尺子吗?(1)need 在这里作实义动词,后接名词或动词不

8、定式,即need sth.意为“需要某物”;need to do sth. 意为“需要做某事”。构成否定句和疑问句时,要借助助动词do。如:He doesnt need to see a doctor. 他不必看医生。(2) need也可作情态动词,后接动词原形, 但常用于否定句和疑问句中。如:You neednt write down the words. 你不用写下这些单词。辨析 1. borrow vs. lend这两个词都有“借”的意思,但是二者有区别。(1) borrow是“借来”的意思,构成短语borrow sth. from sb.,常指从别人那借进什么东西。如:I borrow

9、ed a storybook from my friend. 我从朋友那借来一本故事书。(2) lend则是“借出”的意思,把自己所拥有的东西借给别人。构成短语lend sth. to sb.或lend sb. sth.。lend是不规则动词,过去式和过去分词为:lent, lent。如:My classmate lent her storybook to me. 我的同学把她的故事书借给了我。Cover your seed with soil. 用土将种子盖上。2. with vs. in两者都有“用”之意,with强调使用工具,in表示所用的材料或颜料,另外用某种语言说或写用in而不用wi

10、th。Write with a pencil. 用铅笔写。Speak in English. 用英语讲。Put your poster above your pot. 把你的海报挂在盆子上方。3. above, over, onabove 强调高于某物,与below相对。above 也可表示度数及山岳的海拔高度,over与on都不能。There is a light above the table. 在桌子上方有一盏灯。The boys body temperature is above 38.那孩子的体温在摄氏38度以上。over 强调在某物的正上方,两物体之间有一定距离,与under相对。

11、There is a bridge over the river. 河上有座桥。on表示在某物的上面,表示互相接触。There is a book on the desk. 桌上有一本书。Step 8. Exercises I. 根据所给首字母或汉语提示完成下列句子。1. I want to be a doctor when I g_ up.2. After the rain, the l_ of the trees became greener.3. Do you know carrots are the r_ of the plants?4. Please w_ the trees aft

12、er you plant them.5. We can see some _ (海报) on the wall.6. I have no money. Can you _ (借) some to me?7. They _ (覆盖) the tables with clean white cloths yesterday.II. 用所给单词的适当形式填空。1. Dont forget _ (bring) me a stamp. I want to post a letter.2. What are you _ (discuss)? The exciting match.3. Look! The

13、cat is washing _ (it).III. 连词成句。1. will, flowers, in, grow, buds, days, into, few, a_.2. please, you, water, of, pass, would, bottle, a, me_?3. plant, do, seed, you, a, how_?4. your, every, to, remember, plants, day, water_!Step 9. HomeworkRecite the dialogue.The reflection after class:Lesson 10 Pla

14、nt partsLearning aims: 1. Master the new words: feed, sunlight, billion, billions of2. Remember the important sentences: Flowers, leaves and stems grow above ground. Root grow below ground. Plants have flowers because the flowers make seeds. The seeds of the rice plant feed billions of people.Learni

15、ng important and difficult points: 1. 区分 on, over, above2. because 与so 不同时存在一个句子中。3. hundred, thousand, million, billion 前加具体数字时,其本身用单数形式。Learning method: Listen, say, read and write.Learning steps:Step 1. Presentation Learning aims: 1. Master the new words: feed, sunlight, billion, billions of2. Re

16、member the important sentences: Flowers, leaves and stems grow above ground. Root grow below ground. Plants have flowers because the flowers make seeds. The seeds of the rice plant feed billions of people.Learning important and difficult points: 1. 区分 on, over, above2. because 与so 不同时存在一个句子中。3. hund

17、red, thousand, million, billion 前加具体数字时,其本身用单数形式。Step 2. LearningLearn the words, read and write. sunlight, feed , billion Step 3. TalkingTalk about : How many plants are there in the world? How many plants can you name? Why do plants have flowers?Step 4. ListeningListen to the tape and understand t

18、he text.Step 5. Self-readingRead the text and try to answer the questions with books closed:What do roots do?What is the stem for? What does a leaf do?Step 6. Read and understand the Language Points1. What is the stem for? 茎起什么作用?What is / are . for? = What is / are . used for? = What is / are . use

19、d to do? 都可用来询问目的,意为“是用来干什么的?”。如:What are leaves for? = What are leaves used for? = What are leaves used to do? 叶子是用来干什么的?【提示】What . for? 句式表示原因时相当于Why .?。如: What do you do that for? = Why do you do that? 你为什么做那件事?2. The seeds of the rice plant feed billions of people. 稻谷植物的种子是数十亿人的粮食。hundred, thous

20、and, million, billion等词表示具体的数目时用单数形式。表示笼统的数目时,这些词必须用复数形式并加of构成词组。hundreds of 意为“数以百计的;成百上千的”; thousands of意为“数以千计的;成千上万的”; millions of意为“数百万的” ; billions of意为“数十亿的”。如:Billions of people need food. 数十亿人需要食物。3. Leaves make food for the plant. 叶为植物制造养料。make vt. 制造,产生。make sb. sth.= make sth. for sb. Ma

21、ke a cake for him. = Make him a cake. 给他做一块蛋糕。make做动词,还有“使变得,使成为”之意,有make sb. do sth.句型。Open the window to make the room bright. 打开窗户,使房间明亮些。They make me wait. 他们叫我等着。辨析:to vs. for在英语中,表示“对于来说”。可用介词to,也可用介词for,to强调主观思想,for强调客观情况。To me, this meeting is very important. 对于我来说,这次会议很重要。(强调主观认为)This dicti

22、onary is very useful for students. 这本词典对学生来说很有用。(客观情况)Step 7. Lets Do It !Talk about plants with your partner. What are the parts of plants for? Fill in the chart.Parts of plantsWhat is it for?Step 8. Exercises I. 根据汉语或首字母提示,完成下列句子。1. How often do you have to _ (喂养) the baby?2. Whats a b _ ? Its 1,0

23、00,000,000.3. What a fine day today! The _ (阳光) is very bright. II. 句型转换,每空一词。1. They go to school on school day. (改为同义句)They go to school _ Monday _ Friday. 2. They built houses for the farmers. (对划线部分提问)_ _ they build houses for?3. I can name some of these animals. (改为一般疑问句)_ _ name _ of these ani

24、mals?III. 单项选择。1. Plants can grow quickly _ the sun.A. in B. on C. at D. from2. The woman was _ the baby in her arms.A. take B. carryingC. bring D. singing3. Whats in the tree?There are _ birds in it.A. hundreds of B. two hundreds C. hundred of D. two hundreds ofStep 9. HomeworkRevise the text, and

25、then finish off the exercise book. The reflection after class:Lesson 11 Look after your plant!Learning aims: 1. Remember the new words and use the phrases: over glass, look after, sprout, desert, in different ways, useto do2. Master the important sentences You need to look after it. Plants use sunli

26、ght to make food. Gardens are full of plants. In spring, people put covers over plants to keep them at night. Windows are made of glass.Learning important and difficult points: 1. use sth. to do sth.2. cover v. 覆盖;用把盖上,coverwith n. 覆盖物;盖子3. keep sb./sth. + adj. keep sb doing sth.4. be made of/fromLe

27、arning method:Listen, say, read and write.Learning steps:Step 1. Presentation Learning aims: 1. Remember the new words and use the phrases: over glass, look after, sprout, desert, in different ways, useto do2. Master the important sentences You need to look after it. Plants use sunlight to make food

28、. Gardens are full of plants. In spring, people put covers over plants to keep them at night. Windows are made of glass.Learning important and difficult points: 1. use sth. to do sth.2. cover v. 覆盖;用把盖上,coverwith n. 覆盖物;盖子3. keep sb./sth. + adj. Keep sb doing sth.4. be made of/fromStep 2. Learning1.

29、 自学竞赛 读一读,比一比,看谁读得准确!有困难,请举手!look after 照顾(看);照料sprout v. 发芽desert n. 沙漠over prep. 在上glass n. 玻璃;玻璃杯2. 自学检测 根据汉语拼读单词,看谁拼读得准确! 照顾(看);照料 v. 发芽 n. 沙漠 prep. 在上 n. 玻璃;玻璃杯Step 3. ListeningListen to the audiotape and understand the text. Step 4. Self-reading Read the text and try to answer the questions wi

30、th books closed:Why do plants need sunlight?Why do plants need water?Why do plants need glass? Step 4. Explanation1. You need to look after it! 你需要去照料它!look after照料,照顾。相当于take care ofLucy is looking after her sick mother at home. 露西在家照顾她生病的妈妈。【拓展】:look at 看 look forward to 希望 look out 当心 look through 仔细检查 look up向上看 look back 回顾 2. Gardens are full of plants! 花园里满是植物!full

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