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1、八年级下英语第十单元教案授课班级: 备课人: 主备人:任雪瑞 时间: 2014-5-12 课题Unit10 Section A (1a- 2d)教师课型New lesson第 1 节教 学 目 标知识与能力1.Tolearnthekeywords: yard sale,bread maker,century,memory,close to,cent,hold,toy,bear,bread maker,scarf,etc.2. Keep learning present perfect tense.3.Learn how to express present perfect tense过程与方法

2、First the students learn by themselves, then ask some questions and talk about these questions in groups. Then they show their answers.情感态度价值观Dont afraid of difficulties, education students to cultivate students the spirit of never give up.教学重点Said in the past a certain period of time has been conti

3、nued to the present action or state教学难点How long have you had that bike over there? I have had it for three years !教学方法三疑三探教学模式教 学 过 程教学环节问 题 与 情 景时间个 性 设 计设疑自探1.创设情境,导入新课According to the phonetic learning new words, and remember the Chinese meaning.2.问题预设With leader read key words phrase, and pairin

4、g speak Chinese meaning 3.出示自探提示,组织学生自探展示本节课的学习目标即:1.小组讨论1a和2d2.学习和掌握现在完成时的用法。10分钟解疑合探1. 小组合探(5分钟)2. 展示,评价,点拨(15分钟)3. 展示评价分工表:问题展示分工评价分工1G1G62G4G33G6G24G7G55G2G84. 各小组按分工进行展示和评价。20分钟质疑再探问题预设:用所给 词的适当形式填空:1I_ already _(see) the film. I _(see) it last week.2. “_ he _ (finish) his work today?” “Not yet

5、.”3. My father_ just_(come) back from work. ,He is tired now.3分钟拓展运用1. 围绕本课的重点难点等知识内容,自编习题,体材不限,如:自编自演对话、情景剧和叙述故事,其他组员进行补充等。4. 教师预设题1. I _(finish)todays homework already. What about you?2. He _ just _(decide) to join the swimming club.3. - Why dont you buy one of the scarves for your mum? -They are

6、not _. A. beautiful enough B. enough beautiful C. too beautiful D. beautifully enough3. The food in the restaurant is good_ the price is too_. A. and high B. but high C. but expensive D. because low4. I think a dog is a good pet for _ child.A. a 6-year-old B. an 6-year-old C. a 6-year old D. a 6 yea

7、rs-o 10分钟归纳总结学科班长评价本节活动情况。并公布各组得分情况和各个星的得主。2分钟分层作业1. 背诵所学单词和短语。2. 完成练习册。3. 预习Section A 3a- 3c板书设计Unit10 Section A (1a- 2d)Questions:1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 授课班级: 备课人: 主备人: 任雪瑞 时间: 2014-5-12 课题Unit10 Section A (3a-3c)教师课型Reading lesson第 2 节教 学 目 标知识与能力1.Tolearnthekeywords and phrases: board game check out no

8、loger2.Learning to apply now to complete in the article3. 运用for和一段时间的现在完成时过程与方法First the students learn by themselves, then ask some questions and talk about these questions in groups. Then they show their answers.情感态度价值观Develop the spirit of cooperation of students.教学重点present perfect tense.教学难点We

9、have decided to each sell five things we no longer use.教学方法三疑三探教学模式教 学 过 程教学环节问 题 与 情 景时间个 性 设 计设疑自探1. 创设情境,导入新课Read the text2. 问题预设(1) 本课的重点单词有什么?(2) 本课的重点短语和句子有哪些?3. 组织学生自探,形成自探提纲。展示本节课的学习目标:1. 本课的重点单词及短语。2. 跟小组长读3a的句子并讨论完成3b.3c,并结对抽说中文意思。10分钟解疑合探1. 小组合探(5分钟)2. 展示,评价,点拨(15分钟)3. 展示评价分工表:问题展示分工评价分工1

10、G1G62G4G33G6G24G7G55G2G84.各小组按分工进行展示和评价。20分钟质疑再探问题预设:学生角色扮演编对话,这时可以先由其他学生共同解决。学生难以解决的问题,教师点拨或亲自解答。3分钟拓展运用1. 浏览。让学生快速阅读一遍课文后,说出每个段落的大意。2. 细读。让学生逐段阅读课文,并根据每段内容完成相关任务(3b),利用小组合探,共同完成。3. 让学生浏览3c的活动,预估填写内容。利用小组合探,共同完成。4. 教师预设题:1. They have ever been to an English-speaking country. (改为一般疑问句) they ever _to

11、 an English-speaking country?2. We need to have a good rest. (改为否定句)We _ _ to have a good rest.3. She has been a flight attendant for two years. (划线提问)_ _ _ she _ a flight attendant?4. His father has been to America twice. (划线提问)_ _ _ has his father _ to America?5. Linda is taller than any other gir

12、l in her class. (改为同义句)Linda is _ _ girl in her class.10分钟归纳总结让学生对本节课的内容进行回放,归纳成网络。2分钟分层作业1.背诵本节课所学单词及短语。2完成练习册。3.预习下一课。板书设计Unit10 Section A (3a- 3c)Questions:1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 授课班级: 备课人: 主备人: 薛晓东 时间: 2014-5-12 课题Unit10 Section A (Grammar 4c)教师课型Grammar lesson第 3 节教 学 目 标知识与能力1.To read and remember the

13、 sentences of Grammar Focus by themselves.2. 运用现在完成时完成P76过程与方法First the students learn by themselves, then ask some questions and talk about these questions in groups. Then they show their answers.情感态度价值观Teach students to cherish.教学重点现在完成时的运用尤其是for 和 since。教学难点Be able to understand the fairy story a

14、nd tell their favorite story with their own words.教学方法三疑三探教学模式教 学 过 程教学环节问 题 与 情 景时间个 性 设 计设疑自探1. 创设情境,导入新课(1).根据音标学习新单词,并记住中文意思。 (2).组内讨论4a.4b和4c的题。(3)跟小组长读重点单词短语及grammar focus ,并结对抽说中文意思。2. 问题预设:a. words:学生未解之词。b. phrases:yard sale ,bread maker,check out等短语的含义。c.for since在现在完成时中的用法。3.出示自探提示,组织学生自探

15、。展示本节课的学习目标:(1)叙述课文中的主要句式。(2)现在完成时的用法。10分钟解疑合探1. 小组合探(5分钟)2. 展示,评价,点拨(15分钟)3. 展示评价分工表:问题展示分工评价分工1G1G62G4G33G6G24G7G55G2G84. 各小组按分工进行展示和评价。20分钟质疑再探问题预设:让学生结合自己的生活实际和想象力,尝试用现在完成时造句子编对话。3分钟运用拓展1. 齐读并记住Grammar Focus中的句子。2. 学生小组合作探究共同完成书中习题。3. 学生自编习题。4. 教师预设题:学以致用,用正确的动词形式填空,每空一词 。(不规则动词过去时,过去分词在题后给出)1.A

16、: Hello! Have you_(see) my pen? I cant _(find) it.B: Im afraid I havent. (see-saw-seen, find-found-found)2.A: Excuse me. Have you _(see) my pen? I _(put) it on the shelf a moment ago. (put-put-put) B: Oh, yes, I have. Im sorry I forgot to _(give) it back to you. (give-gave-given)3.A:Mary, Ive_(lose)

17、 my cap. Have you _(see) it anywhere?B:Look! Its over there. I_(see) you put it there.( lose-lost-lost)4.A: Have you _(find) your knife yet?B: Not yet. (find-found-found)10分钟归纳总结学科班长总结本课的内容,并对本节课学生的活动情况给予点评。2分钟分层作业1. 熟记本课重点单词,短语及语法。2. 完成本课习题并预习下一课时内容。板书设计Unit10 Section A (Grammar- 4c)Questions:1. 2.

18、 3. 4. 5. 授课班级: 备课人: 主备人: 薛晓东 时间: 2014-5-12 课题Unit10 Section B (1a- 1d)教师课型New lesson第 4 节教 学 目 标知识与能力1. Master thenewwords:century,shame,no longer,own,railway,part,part with,certain,as for,honest2.Improve their reading ability3.Mater the usage of Adverbialclause.过程与方法First the students learn by the

19、mselves, then ask some questions and talk about these questions in groups. Then they show their answers.情感态度价值观Teach students to cherish教学重点1.Learnandunderstandtheimportant words and phrases:century,shame, etc.2.Learn the usage of Adverbialclause.教学难点1. 现在完成时。2. Mater the usage of Adverbialclause.3.

20、 终止性动词与延续性动词的用法区别教学方法三疑三探教学模式教 学 过 程教学环节问 题 与 情 景时间个 性 设 计设疑自探1. 创设情境,导入新课(1).以小组为单位记文中的新单词。(2).归纳总结文中短语和句子。(3)讨论完成文中的提问。2. 问题预设(1)本课有哪些新单词?(2)本课的重点短语有哪些?(3)现在完成时的用法。3. 出示自探提示,组织学生自探。展示本节课的学习目标:现在完成时态使用的注意事项:表示过去发生的动作或存在状态,一直持续到现在,也许还将继续下去,可以和for+时间段,since+时间点/从句及how long 连用,谓语动词只可用延续性动词。常见的终止性动词与延续

21、性动词之间的对应关系如下:come/go/ arrive/reach/get /move to -be in /at die - be dead open -be open close -be closed become-be fall asleep -be asleep borrow -keep buy-have begin ,start - be on put on -wear leave -be away from join the army -be in the army /be a soldier join the Party -be in the Party / be in the

22、 Party10分钟解疑合探1. 小组合探(5分钟)2. 展示,评价,点拨(15分钟)3. 展示评价分工表:问题展示分工评价分工1G1G62G4G33G6G24G7G55G2G84. 各小组组长归纳总结。20分钟质疑再探问题预设:( )1.There are two books on the desk, but_of them is interesting。( )2.Have you ever _ to the Summer Palace, Lily?No, I _.A.gone,hasnt B.gone,havent C.been,havent D.been,hasnt ( ) 3.I ha

23、ve _ the book for three days.Aborrowed Blent Cbought Dkept ( ) 4.Neither her brother nor she _ a dictionary.Ahas Bhave Cget Dneed ( )5 Alice is an American a German. She is an Australia.A. both; and B. either; or C. neither; nor D. not; but3分钟运用拓展5. 学生自编习题。教师预设题:1.Nice to meet you. I _ you for a lon

24、g time.A. hadnt seen B. havent seen C. didnt see D.will not see2.Last night he had a bed to sleep_,but I had only a chair to sit,on B./,/ C.on,in,to3.About _ of the workers in the factory were born in the _.A.two-thirds,1970 B.two-thirds,1970sC.two-third,1970 D.two-third,1970s10分钟归纳总结学科班

25、长总结本课内容及评价本节活动情况。2分钟分层作业1.背诵本节课所学单词和短语。3.预习下一课板书设计Unit10 Section B (1a- 2c)Questions:1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 教学反思授课班级: 备课人: 主备人: 于湘萍 时间: 2014-5-12 课题Unit10 Section B (2a- 2e)教师课型Reading lesson第 5 节教 学 目 标知识与能力1.Learn some news words and phrases: opposite,especially,childhoodconsider, etc.2. Improve the stude

26、nts readingand writing ability.过程与方法First the students learn by themselves, then ask some questions and talk about these questions in groups. Then they show their answers.情感态度价值观To cultivate students when they encounter problems multi-angle, multi-channel to see problems, solve the problem教学重点1. Mas

27、terthekeyvocabularyandexpressions.2. Improve the students readingand writing ability.教学难点Understand the passage accurately.教学方法三疑三探教学模式教 学 过 程教学环节问 题 与 情 景时间个 性 设 计设 疑 自 探1. 创设情境,导入新课(1)根据音标学习新单词,并记意思。(2)继续读2a完成2b,2c.(3).完成P79-80页,小组合作讨论。(4)和组长一起复习。 2. 问题预设(1)本课的重点单词有什么?(2)本课的重点短语和词组有哪些?3. 让学生快速浏览课文,提出问题。4. 出示自探提示,组织学生自探。5. 让学科组长在黑板上写出自探提纲。6.学科组长写完后,师生进行梳理、补充,形成具有层次性、针对性和探究性的自探提纲。10分钟解疑合探1.小组合探(5分钟)2.展示,评价,点拨(15分钟)3.展示评价分工表:问题展示分工评价分工1G1G62G4G33G6G24G7G55G8G44.各小组按分工进行展示和评价。10分钟质疑再探问题预设:1.look for, go back, across from, in my opinion.eplete the sen

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