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高中英语book 1 知识复习.docx

1、高中英语book 1 知识复习Unit I language focusWords/phrasesUpset vt make a plan, situation etc, go wrong 打乱;扰乱He arrived an hour late and upset all our arrangement.Ignore/Ignorant/ignoranceBe ignorant ofTo say you were ignorant of the rules is no excuse.Concerning : about sth; involving sth /sb. 关于;涉及 He aske

2、d about some questions concerning the future of the company.Synonym: regarding- ing形式的介词:concerning; regarding; considering; including_ing形式的连词:Considering; supposing; seeing( that);providing-ed形式的介词或连词: given(prep.) provided (conj.)Loose(1)Not strictly organized or controlled 组织不严密的; Loose alliance

3、/coalition(2) Not exactly; not very careful 不精确的;不周密的 A loose translationPower: the ability or opportunity to do sth. 能力;机会It is not within my power to help you.I will do everything in my power to help you.beyond ones powerrecover get back or find sth that you lost.The police eventually recovered th

4、e stolen get back the use of your sense, control your emotions. 恢复;重新控制(情感)To recover your sight/hearing/consciousness.She seemed upset but quickly recovered herself.Swap : give sth in exchange for sth else; substitute sth for sth else 以某物交换他物; 以此物代替彼物: Your book looks more interesting t

5、han mine: do you want to swap (with me)? They swapped stories about their army days. Add upadd up : seem reasonable or consistent; make sense 前后一致; 合理: His story just doesnt add up; he must be lying. 他说的前後不一致-一定撒谎了Add up to = come to; amount to; totalGo throughto look at or examine carefully 仔细查看;仔细

6、检查某物I always start the day by going through my study or consider sth in detail 详细研究 Lets go through the arguments use up or finish sth completely 用完;耗尽 The boys went through the whole loaves of bread.Set downSet sth down 制定(制度/桂章/法律)The standards were set down by the governing body.

7、set sb down (of a vehicle or its driver) stop and allow (a passenger) to get off (指车辆或司机)停下来让(乘客)下车 The bus stopped to set down an old lady. Be grateful to sb. For sth.Show/express ones gratitude to sb. for sthHighlight some patterns/structuresShould have doneCould have done 表推测:Could have done 表虚拟I

8、 wonder if its because that 强调句中的几个问题:Be 动词的确定;对主语进行强调;强调句的特殊疑问句;强调句中的几个特殊句型。It is your efforts, not your intelligence,_(决定) your success. (determine) I dont know _ in the novel that made him burst into tears.(what) 我不知道是小说中的什么东西使他突然泪如泉涌。1. Far too much light a far better solution 好得多的解决办法 He runs f

9、ar faster than his brother. 他远比哥哥跑得快a bit, a little, rather, much, far, by far, many, a lot, lots, a great deal, any, still, even等 可以修饰比较级。2. before they were discovered.Do it before you forget. It may be many years before we meet again. It will be a long time before we finish this dictionary. He ha

10、ng up before I could say a word.其他几个句型比较。It was . Before.It was . WhenIt is. sinceIt was. that 强调句型Not untilUnit 2Words & phrases1. Conquer to succeed in dealing with or control sth (成功地) 对付,克服,控制 The only way to conquer a fear is to face it. You must conquer your fear of driving.2. Come up to appea

11、r above the soil 长出地面;破土而出 The daffodils are just beginning to come up. (of the sun) to rise (太阳) 升起 We watched the sun come happen 发生 Im afraid something urgent has come up.3. identity identify identification identical Her dress is almost identical to mine.4. Recognize: to be aware that sth e

12、xists or is true.意识到 Nobody recognized how urgent the situation was. It was recognized that the solution could only be temporary.5. Block vt 堵塞;堵住;挡住;妨碍 An ugly building blocked the view from the window. Their proposal was blocked by the government.Block out 挡住;忘掉、抹去(不愉快的记忆)6. Over time You will see

13、 change gradually over time.Ahead of time/behind timeAt the same time 然而;不过At a timeAt one timeAt timesBehind the timesFor the time beingFrom time to timeIn (good ) time; on timeIn no timeAt no time 7. Only time can tellTell: to know,see or judge sth correctly 知道;看出;确切地判断I think he is happy.It is ha

14、rd to tell.The only way to tell if you like something is by trying it.8. Make senseIt make sense to do sth.To be easy to understand or explain 表述清楚;易于理解John wasnt making much sense on the phone.9. There is no such thing as standard English.注意such 和不定代词一起修饰名词的语序No suchno/any/some/all/many/other/数词等 +

15、 such + 名词There is no such thing as ghostsSuchas 定语从句I never heard such stories as he tells.The explorer took only such men and things as he really needed in the jungle with him. Unit 3 1. Persuade sb into n/doing= talk sb into n/doingPersuade sb out of n/doing = talk sb. out of n/doingI didnt want

16、to move abroad but Bill talked me into it. Persuade : make sb. believe that sth is trueSyn: convincepersuade sb thatpersuade sb. of sth. I am still not fully persuaded of the plans merits.Persuade of 类似的词: rob; warn; inform; remind; cheat; cure; convince sb of sth Compare:demand/expect sth of sb.Don

17、t expect too much of him.2. ScheduleA tight scheduleOn schedule 如期Ahead of/behind schedule 提前/迟于计划(工期)Be scheduled for 安排在何时Be scheduled to do 计划干某事The meeting is scheduled for Friday afternoon.Im scheduled to arrive in LA at 5 oclock.Determine : make sth happen in a particular way决定;形成;支配;影响It is y

18、our efforts, not your intelligence that determine your success.Upbringing plays an important role in determining a persons character.Altitude at an altitude ofAttitude towards/toWe are flying at an altitude of 6000 meters.Pace n. 速度,步速;节奏;(迈出的)一步At a steady/gentle/leisurely pace 以稳定的/徐缓的/悠闲的步子At one

19、s own pace 以自己的节奏The pace of life 生活节奏Keep pace with 与并驾齐驱;与步调一致She found it hard to keep pace with him as he strode off.Pace vi/vt to walk up and down in a small many times,esp. because you are feeling nervous or angry. 来回踱步;走来走去He paced up and down outside the room.Beneath: not worthy of sb; not s

20、uitable for sb.对(某人)来说不值得They decided she was marrying beneath her. Many people find themselves having to take jobs far beneath them.Book P 18.Dreamed about takingWhen I was at your age, I often dreamed _ to become an interpreter. ( there)当我在你们这个年龄时, 我经常梦想有机会当翻译。 The key: about/of there being a chan

21、ceOnce she has made up her mind, nothing can change itOnce :引导的含有条件意味的时间状语从句。含义为“一旦就”。once引导的从句不能用将来时,如果谓语动词是将来发生的动作,动词常用一般现在时来代替将来时。如果强调从句的动作在主句之前完成,也可用现在完成时.Once you see/have seen the film, you will never forget it.“Once + 过去分词”结构The research is so designed that once begun, nothing can be done to

22、change it.P 21. We are taking out insurance to cover any problems. Take out insurance 办理保险 Compare: Insure/ ensure Insure: 投保;给投保 Insurance : 保险;保险业;保险费 The painting is insured for 1 million $. Ensure : make sure that sth happens or is definite 保证;确保Exercises ensured his success.Point out different

23、meanings of cover in the following sentencesShe covered her face with her hands. He laughed to cover his nervousness.The reserve covers an area of some 1 140 square kilometres.The survey covers all aspects of the business. Do the rules cover a case like this?$100 should cover your expenses. They wal

24、ked for a long time and covered a good deal of ground.The BBC will cover all the major games of the tournament.P22.Water bottle frozeFreeze (froze/frozen)To stop moving suddenly because of fear. (因害怕)不动,停住;惊呆;吓呆The smile froze on her lips.I froze with terror as the door slowly opened.Can not /hardly

25、 wait to do sth. I can hardly wait to see him again.Afford 承担得起(后果) Cant afford sth/to do sth 不敢/不能/不应该做I mustnt annoy my boss because I cant afford to lose my job.我可得罪不起老板, 因为我舍不得丢掉这份工作. You can not afford to criticize others when you behave so badly yourself. 本身行为不正, 则不宜批评别人.Unit 4Burst ( burst; b

26、urst)归纳过去式、过去分词和原形一致的动词。Broadcast; cast; cost; cut; forecast; hit; hurt; let; put; read; set; shut; split; spreadBurst into sth 突然爆发Burst into laughter/burst into flames/burst into tearsBurst out doing 突然开始做某事Burst out laughingAt an end 结束The war was finally at an end.In the end 最后;终于On end 1. 竖立;直立

27、着 ( in a row)I was so frightened that my hair stood on end.2. He would disappear for weeks on end. Ruin ones fame/reputation/ the chance to do sth.Extreme/ extremely 常考的一些程度和频率副词:Extremely/completely/entirely/totally/thoroughly/narrowly/Approximately/slightly/roughly/sharply/gradually/regularly/freq

28、uently/constantlydig out 挖掘(事实/真相等)It took him weeks to dig out the truth from the conflicting evidence.BuryShe has learnt to bury her feelings. 掩盖她的情感Bury oneself in sth/ be buried in sthSince she left, he has buried in his work._ his work, he didnt notice me come in. (bury)专注于他的工作,他没有注意到我进来。Key: B

29、uried in Burying himself inP25. It is always calm before a storm.Calm 1. ( of the sea)Without large waves 风平浪静的. 2. ( of the weather) without wind 无风的P26. The number of people who were killed reached more than 400,000. 复习 reach 的一些重要词义。1. (水平、速度、数量)增加到,提升到 Daytime temperatures can reach 40 C.2. 达到,进

30、入(某阶段) The negotiations have reached deadlock.3. 实现,达到 To reach a conclusion/decision/compromise /agreement.4. 伸,伸手Reach out forReach forHe reached out his hand to touch her.She reached inside her bag for a pen.5. 能伸到;够得着Can you reach the light switch from where you are sitting?6. 联系,与取得联系 Do you know where I can reach him?Water, food, and electricity were hard to get.复习用不定式主动表被动的一些情况1. S (主语)+ be/seems/remains+adj. + to do.句型。中句子的主语是不定式的逻辑宾语。The poem is hard to understand.The air is fresh to breathe.2. 句型 find/make/keep sth +

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