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1、考研英语动词词组大全一、动词be构成的短语动词1be known asbe famous as作为而闻名be known for因而出名be known to为所知be known by凭而知The hill is known for the templeLuXun is known to us as a writerOne can be known by his words and deeds2be married to与结婚She is married to a musician 3be tired ofwith对厌烦 He is tired ofwith this kind of lif

2、e =He is bored with this kind of life4be terrified at被吓一跳 He is terrified at the snake5be burdened with负重 He is burdened with a heavy load6be crowded with挤满 The shop is crowded with people7be dressed in穿着 She is dressed in red8be experienced in对有经验 He is experienced in mending bikes9be equipped with

3、装备 They are equipped with guns and food10be furnished with提供,布置 They are furnished with enough food11be engaged in sth从事,忙于(=be busy with sth) He has been engaged in writing novels12be engaged to与订婚 My daughter is engaged to a nice doctor13be about to do sth正要做I was just about to go swimming when ou

4、r guide saw me and stopped me14be fit to dobe fit for胜任;适合于 He is fit to do the work These books are not fit for children15be worth doing值得做 The film is worth seeing again16be proud of以而自影骄傲 I am proud of being a Chinese17be used to sthdoing sth习惯于 My grandpa is not used to living in the noisy city1

5、8be content to do sthwith 甘愿于干;满足于 I am content with your work this time19be content with对感到满意 You should be content with what you have20be up to应由,轮到 Its up to her to answer the question21be meantintended for打算给,打算用作 Is this valuable painting meant for me?22be connected with与有联系 He was also connect

6、ed with the government23be crazy about对狂热Many young people are crazy about Hip-HopBring动词短语1. bring about 引起,实现,导致What brought about his illness? 他的病是怎样引起的? 2. bring (a)round(1) 使改变观点或看法They tried to bring him round to their views. 他们试图让他改变看法同意他们的意见。(2) 使苏醒。I am sure our doctors will bring him aroun

7、d in no time. 我相信医生会很快把他治好。(3) 顺便把某人带来串门。Why dont you bring your wife around to see us sometime. 为什么不把你妻子哪天带来玩玩 3. bring back (1) 送还,带回。Please bring back the book tomorrow. 请明天送还这本书。(2) 使想起,使恢复The old photo brought back many memories. 这张旧照片引起了许多回忆。4. bring down(1)击落或打落(飞机、飞鸟等)。We managed to bring do

8、wn three of the enemy planes. 我们设法击落了三架敌机。注:有时也表示:使落下。如:The pilot brought his crippled plane down in a field. 飞行员把失灵的飞机降落在田野里。(2)打死或打伤(野兽、动物等)He aimed, fired and brought down the antelope. 他瞄准羚羊射击,把它打倒了。(3)使倒下,推翻The scandal may bring down the government. 这一丑闻有可能使政府垮台。(4)降低(温度、价格、费用等)。The government

9、tried to bring down the price. 政府设法降低价格。5. bring forth 产生,引起,结果。Trees bring forth fruit. 树结果实。6. bring in(1)收获(庄稼等)We brought in a good harvest last year. 我们去年获得了好的收成。(2)获利,(使)得到(收入)The sale of the house only brought in about $45,000. 房子只卖了大约45000美元。(3)介绍,引进He brought in six new members last month.

10、他上个月介绍了六位新会员。(4)聘请Theyve brought in experts to advise on the scheme. 他们已聘请专家对这项计划提出意见。(5)逮捕,抓入警察局Two suspicious characters were brought in. 两个可疑的人被逮捕.7. bring off (1) 从船上救出The lifeboat brought off all the crew. 救生船把船上所有船员都救了出来。(2) 成功,设法做成。It was a difficult task but I brought it off. 那是项困难的工作,但我还是终于

11、把它完成了。8. bring on(1)带来,造成,引起。Dirt often bring on diseases. 脏东西常常引起疾病。(2)促使成长或生长。The hot weather is bringing the wheat on nicely. 因为天气炎热,小麦长势良好。(3)帮助(学习者等)进步或提高。More study can bring on your English. 多花点时间学习可以提高你的英语水平。9. bring out(1)取出,拿出。He brought out his dictionary and looked the word up init. 他拿出词

12、典来查这个词。(2)显示出,揭示出,衬托出,使出来。It brought out the meaning of the poem. 它揭示出了这首诗的意义。(3)出版(书刊等),推出(作品、产品等)。He has brought two new books at the same time. 他同时出版了两本新书.10. bring over 说服,使改变(思想等)。You cant bring me over by such an argument. 你这样的论点不能改变我的看法。11. bring through 使度过(困难,危机等)。They brought him through t

13、he cold winter. 他们帮他度过严冬.12. bring together使和解Im not sure that John and his wife can be brought together. 我不确定约翰妻子能和好如初。13. bring up (1) 提出,提起Why brought that up again? 又提它干吗?(2) 抚养,培养He was brought up in the country. 他在农村长大。(3) 呕吐He was so ill that he brought up everything. 他病得很重,什么都吐了出来。14. bring

14、sb sth 拿某物给某人。Bring me todays paper. 请把今天的报纸给我拿来。注:该结构也可说成 bring sth to sb。也可说成:Bring todays paper to me. 动词break构成的短语动词1break out爆发 The AntiJapanese War broke out in 19372break in打断;闯入 Two robbers broke in and robbed the bank of a lot of money3break into闯入;破门而入 They broke into the uncles bedroom an

15、d found the man lying on the floor。dead4break away from脱离 Lincoln said it was not fight for the south to break away from the union5break down(机器,车辆)坏了;失败了;摧毁;分解 We are sorry to arrive latebut the car broke down6break through突破The marchers broke through the line of the police7break off折断;中断;断绝Lets br

16、eak off for half an hour and have some tea8break up驱散,拆散The police broke up the crowd动词carry构成的短语动词1carry on进行He had learned enough English to carry on a conversation2carry out执行;进行They were carrying out an important experiment3carry away拿走Please carry these desks away4carry off夺走,抢走Some unknown man

17、 carried off the prize动词call构成的短语动词1 call on(1)拜访某人 We will call on MrLi tomorrow(2)号召We are called on to help those in trouble2call at拜访某地 I called at your office yesterday, but you were not in3call for(1)需要;要求; Success called for hard work(2)邀约(人);取(物)call for a doctor去请医生4call in 请来,召集;收回 Mother

18、is badly i11, so call in a doctor at once.5call up(1)打电话I called Tom up and told him the news(2)征召 In most countries men are called up at the age of 18(3)(使)回想起As I grew up in a small town at the foot of a mountain, the visit to the village called up scenes of my childhood 动词catch,hold构成的短语动词1catcht

19、akeget hold of sth抓住某物 CatchGetTake hold of the ropeand Ill pull you up2catch up with赶上 Work hard and I gin sure you are able to catch up with others in class3catch fire着火;烧着 Last night a big building caught fire4catch sight of发现;看到 When the mice caught sight of the cat,the mice run away as quickly

20、as possible动词hold组成的短语1 hold up(1)举起He held up one of his fingers and showed it to the class(2)阻滞(交通等);耽搁In the rush hour the traffic is hold up2hold back阻止;控制 We must hold them back from fighting3hold ones breath憋住气,屏息 How long can you hold your breath under water?4hold out坚持;拿出 We must hold out un

21、til help comes5hold on(1) 抓住He held on to the rock to stop himself slipping.他紧紧抓住岩石以免自己往下滑。(2) 坚持;继续;忍受They managed to hold on until help arrived.他们设法坚持住直到有救援到来。(3) 别挂断Hold on,please. Ill see if hes in his office.请别挂断,我去看看他是否在办公室。动词come构成的短语动词1come into进入状态 come into being(事物、局面等)产生;形成 The custom ca

22、me into being long long ago2come along过来;快点 Come along! Its nearly eight oclock3come out出来;出版 How did the printing come out?4come true实现 I am sure your dream will come true one day5come back to life苏醒过来When the wounded soldier came back to life,he found himself inhospital6come to the point说到要点,触及问题实

23、质7come about发生,造成 The event came about as he had predicted it8come across碰见 Youre the most beautiful woman Ive ever come across 同义词组:run across I came across an old friend in the street9come to an end结束 Your duties here have come to an end10come to light为人所知,显露 The robbery didnt come to light until

24、the next day11come up with提出,想出 He came up with a new suggestion动词do构成的短语动词1do well in在某方面做得好 My cousin is a sailor and he is doing very well in the navy2do good to对有好处 Doing morning exercises will do good to your health3do harm to对有害处 Too much noise does harm to our health4do with处理 What did you do

25、 with our goods?5do sba favour帮某人的忙 Will you do me a favour to carry it upstairs?6do up(1)系纽扣Look,your bottom isnt done up薇薇心语:难道是下面没系扣子的意思?(2)梳理do up ones hair梳理头发动词get构成的短语动词1get in touch with同取得联系2get up起床 He gets up very early every day3get back回来;取回 I will get back next weekend4get on上车You shou

26、ldnt get on the bus until it has stopped completely.5get out of从出来;摆脱 Get out of the car.(从出来)薇薇心语:它与get off的区别在于,前者是从小轿车里出来,后者是从大车里出来,bus之类的He got out of debt.(摆脱)6get over克服;度过Youll soon get over these difficulties7get off下车The bus stopped and the passengers got off8Get together相聚We should go to a

27、 restaurant to get together9get onalong well with与相处融洽I am getting on well with my classmates10get into进人;陷入Dont get into the habit of smoking11get into trouble陷入麻烦12get in a word插话13get rid of除掉 We are doing our best to get rid of pollution14get through通过;接通;完成;经历 He didnt get through the test.(通过)

28、 I tried to telephone you but I couldnt get through(接通) 1 will be with you as soon as I get through this work.(完成)14get to到达 He had to get to the other side of street to attend a meeting15get aboutaroundround传开,传出去The news of the disaster soon get about16get across使理解 The teacher tried to explain th

29、e problem, but the explanation did not get across to the class.17get away离开 1 was in a meeting and couldnt get away18get down to(doing)sth安心做,开始认真干 You must get down to your studies this year动词give构成的短语动词1 give up放弃I persuaded him to give up the foolish plan2 give in屈服;投降He wouldnt give in (to the e

30、nemy)3 give out用完;耗尽Our food and water will give out soon4give away分发;捐赠;泄露 Please help me giving away this posters.(分发)He gave away most of his fortune to the poor work.(捐赠)Please dont give my secret away(泄漏)6give off放出This engine gives off lots of smoke and steam7give back归还;恢复Living here has given me back my health动词go构成的短语动词1go ahead继续;干吧He went ahead with the work and got it done(继续)一May I use your phone? -

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