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1、广州中医药大学博士口语试题及答案Word版 Questions for PhD students (2014)1. Should a country give free medical care to its citizens?1A government should provide medical care for free because it is the right for all individuals. Everyone has the right to live, to receive help to survive. Imagine the poor people cant a

2、fford even for their food and daily need, what will they able to do save their life when facing disease. Even such small diseases like cold and cough make their life harder, what happens when cancer or some other serious diseases occur? To solve that problem, government is the answer. Some people sa

3、y citizen should take their responsibility not to leave the government with more pressure and difficulty. I remind them that citizen pay taxes to pay government work and spend money for their health insurance, they are obliged to get help through the hard time. The governments responsibility is to i

4、ts people- their education, their safety, especially their health.2. Why is it important to follow proper procedures when performing a medical experiment or examination?2. Before beginning any medical experiment or examination in a lab, the most important thing is to follow proper procedures. Follow

5、ing proper procedures usually has many benefits such as following. First of all, it protects our personal safety against being threated, such as not being infected or not suffering from skin irritation. What more, following the proper procedures always lead to a clear and accuracy experimental resul

6、t than not. Last but not least, almost each of experiments should pass though the ethical review especially studies in human, which becomes a common step must be followed in the procedures nowadays. Not following proper procedures may cause many damage even cant be recognized immediately. Firstly, t

7、hose who do not follow proper procedures usually have more chances to be exposed in danger of contact explosive substance or irritation. Some injuries were immediately appeared, however, some only showed up as late as many years went. Then, without following proper procedures, the experimental resul

8、ts usually cant be identified as coming from the experiment or the error impacts. Finally, such experiments that without passing ethical committee usually cause severe medical disputes. All in all, it is so important to following proper procedures when performing the medical experiment or examinatio

9、n.3. Why are people given vaccinations? How do vaccinations work?3. It is the safest and most effective way of giving protection against many diseases. After given vaccination, people are far less likely to catch diseases if there are many cases around them. The benefits of protection against diseas

10、es far outweigh the very small risks of vaccinations. If enough people in the community are given vaccinations, the infection can no longer be spread from person to person and the disease dies out altogether. When a person is vaccinated, their body produces an immune response in the same way their b

11、ody would after exposure to a disease, but without the person suffering symptoms of the disease. When a person comes in contact with that disease in the future, their immune system will respond fast enough to prevent the person developing the disease.4. Please describe some types of pollution and ho

12、w they affect the body.4. Air pollution is mostly caused by industries that emit gases such as carbon monoxide and sulphur dioxide. Dark smoke from engines and vehicles also exacerbate our atmospheres already worsening condition. If the air around us gets contaminated, the effect can be devastating.

13、 In the short time, it can result to upper respiratory ailment in humans like bronchitis and pneumonia. It also aggravates the condition of those who are already suffering from asthma and emphysema. Water pollution increases when the industrial waste is being thrown in rivers of can lead to

14、some harmful health hazards like heart disease. In worst cases, even damage to vital organs like the brain, liver, kidney, and nerves.5. What are some differences between Western medicine and Traditional Chinese medicine?5. TCM and western medicine, the two systems differ in many ways. I will give t

15、hree examples. First, the definition of health: western medicine frequently attributes sickness to the intrusion of a foreign element such as bacteria, viruses, or cancer cells, while TCM often views illness an imbalance between the various bodily systems. Second, the methodology, western medicine p

16、rides itself on using scientific methodology. It takes precise measurements, performs carefully controlled experiments, and uses clinical trials. In contrast, TCM is largely evidence-based. It was founded on pre-scientific theories of cause and effect, and is deeply rooted in the Oriental notion of

17、opposites: the yin and yang. The last is the diagnosis of disease, among the significant differences in two systems is the method of assessing illness. Western doctors examine bodily fluids and tissues, and they use high-tech instruments such as X-rays and CAT scans to produce precise visual maps of

18、 the internal organs. TCM assesses illness with altogether different kinds of measurements, namely “looking”, ”listening and smelling”, “asking” and “touching”.6. Do you believe music can have healing effects on patients? If yes, what type of effects can it have?6. I believe that music can have heal

19、ing effects on patients. Music Therapy is an established healthcare profession that uses music to address physical, emotional and social needs of individuals of all ages. Many researches have shown that music has a profound effect on our body and psyche .Music Therapist use music to work on promotin

20、g wellness, managing stress, alleviating pain, enhancing memory, improving communication, promoting physical rehabilitation. Those who practice music therapy are finding a benefit in using music to help cancer patients, children with ADD, and others. Even some hospitals are beginning to use music an

21、d music therapy to help with pain management, to help ward off depression, to promote movement, to calm patients, to ease muscle tension, and for many other benefits that music and music therapy can bring.7. Do you think ancient doctors and philosophers understand nature and man better than modern d

22、octors and philosophers?7. To most people, modern doctors and philosophers are known as scientists more widely accepted and forms the stream toward nature and man. While I have utmost respect for the advancement modern doctors and philosophers have made until today, I have come across enough cases t

23、hat makes me convinced that ancient doctors and philosophers is the superior choice to modern doctors and philosophers when it comes to understand nature and man. Fist of all, ancient doctors and philosophers addressed the question of how human beings should secure the good life and how to live well

24、, that is, the capacity to live as well as one may in ways that are appropriate for rational and conscientious beings. Whats more, ”philosophy” for the ancients encompassed a wider range of intellectual activities and approaches than those nowadays. Last but not least, modern doctors and philosopher

25、s dont seem to have such ability above, most of them are more likely to rely on instrument examination. All in all, ancient doctors and philosophers understand nature and man better than modern doctors and philosophers.8. How many hours should a person sleep on average every night? What time should

26、a person go to sleep and rise?8. A person functions best should sleep 7-8 hours on average every night. And the sleep requirement is relevant to persons age. In other words, it is important to consider how much sleep you need on an individual basis, and this varies based upon many factors such as th

27、e quality of sleep obtained, state of general health, levels of stress, or fatigue due to prolonged exertion. However, a recent research study found that sleeping less than 6 hours or more than 9 hours a day had an increased incidence of diabetes, compared to those who slept 7-8 hours. What time sho

28、uld a person go to sleep and rise? Western medicine suggests early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy. There are numerous reasons for that saying , such as going to sleep early is very important for the livers health, is good for our antibody system. However, traditional Chinese medicine e

29、mphasize that the time to go to sleep and rise should be adjusted to follow the change of different seasons. For example, people should go to sleep early in the evening and rise late in the morning in winter in order to store energy in our physical body. 9. What organs are affected by smoking and wh

30、ich diseases can be caused?9. The effects of smoking are serious. It can harm nearly every organ of body. The chemical in tobacco smoke harm our blood cells and damage the function of our heart. This damage increases our risk for atherosclerosis, coronary heart disease (CHD), heart attack, stroke. C

31、igarette could damage our breathing and scars our lungs. Smoking causes: chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), emphysema, chronic bronchitis, pneumonia. Smoking is as bad for our eyes. Research has linked smoking to an increased risk of developing age-related macular degeneration, cataract a

32、nd optic nerve damage, all of which can lead to blindness. Smoking is one of many factors that increase our risk for osteoporosis. Smoking cigarette is the number one risk factor for lung cancer, and is known to cause: bladder cancer, blood and bone marrow cancer, cervical cancer, kidney and uretera

33、l cancers, esophageal cancer, laryngeal cancer, tracheal cancer, mouth, nose, and throat cancer, stomach cancer, pancreatic cancer and so on.10. What organs are affected by drinking alcohol and which diseases can be caused?10. The alcohol can harm nearly every organ of the body such as brain, heart, liver, pancreas, stomach, and so on. A

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