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1、波兰客户波兰客户 我和我的波兰客户时间:2011-04-20 18:14:04 编辑:ouyanglu 看到那么多人分享自己的经验和经历,让我在这里学到了很多有用的东西。所以,我也借用这个宝地来讲讲我的这一单,和大家分享下我的经历。有几个地方各位可以留意下:1. 让她接受CIF。2. 讨价还价之后,我在辅机上加了USD2000等她还价,然而之后,她并没有再还价。3. 让她接受30T/T,60%T/T,10%T/T的付款方式,然而10T/T却是安装后再付款。这也给公司带来了汇率上以及核销上的问题。4. USD2000,不白要。送她一个辅机,让我们出口的东西更方便好用。5. 多一份责任,多送一个配

2、件,赢得的是信任。6. 客户说C/O或FORM A都OK。C/O,给她办下来了,FORM A却搁浅。几经努力,FORM A终于办下来了。7. 出口马上要3个月了。尚未派人安装,几经努力,摆事实列数据,客户终于同意安装前打尾款10过来。(现已收到1.波兰的询盘 一切事物都是因缘和合而成2008年2月的一天。像往常一样,我收到了一封询盘。因为她询问的是某一个具体型号的设备,所以这是个有效询盘。客户要求报FOB价(后来她也要求用自己的指定货代,因为这样对我们不利,所以后来还是让她选择作了CIF,以后再详细介绍,供大家参考)。通过她的邮箱后缀查到她的公司网站,了解了下她生产的产品。然后,就给她报过去F

3、OB价并附机械参数和真实图片的联接。两天后,收到她的回复。说要对比下其他供应商的价格,再考虑下。(这也让我在后来在和她的讨价还价中费了不少功夫。不过,结果要比我想象的要好很多。)过了些日子,客户又开始询问具体的参数了。对一个机械设备来讲,它的参数很多。而我当时对很多参数依然不清楚。就是现在很多参数,还是模棱两可。 我只好问工程师,一一回复过去。然而,有一项参数,因为大家平时都不注意,问谁谁也无法确定,我只好给客户一个大概。也因为这个大概让客户她又连续发了好几封邮件来让我确定。但最终还是没能让她满意。只好暂时搁置下来。(她可是一直记得的,以致于后来下单生产试机后,她又让我测算了。从这里可见,作什

4、么产品,都要全面的了解你的产品。有时候我们因为条件限制而不能全面了解,确实会给自己带来不少障碍。但,无论如何,不能忽悠人家,不真诚的行为,后果不会是好果子。俗话说,扳起石头砸自己的脚。)2付款方式的转变 22号客户来信问了些问题,前面几个是关于设备参数的,而最后两个是针对付款方式和客户自我宣传自己信誉度的。她说, For me better payment is: 30% TT, 50% when the machine is on the ship (when I have B/L) and 20% after montage.When you are afraid, I can give

5、you contact to our XXX machine suplier (from XXXXXXXXXX) and hell tell you that Im believable client.对于这两点,我们还是希望尽可能多的款在发货前付清(底线是90),所以我回复:30% T/T advance is good. We can only accept 70% balance payment by L/C at sight. 50% after shipment is too dangerous for us. By L/C at sight, it will be good for

6、 both of us. Another payment way is 50% T/T in advance, 40% against copy of B/L, 10% after installation.Thanks for your reference. We are glad to get something from this supplier.在上一封邮件里曾提到安装人员工资的问题,这个是要客户付款的。但她在回复中说,I should tell you, that my XXXX machine wasnt first and only one machine what I or

7、my friends bought in China. And never was like this that we have paid salary for engineers and the rest of costs their trip to Poland. Weve always bought round-tickets, board and lodging. These are your workers and you pay them salary. Everywhere is like this. In this case, maybe these are not your

8、engineers but engineers from another company?(客户这样说,我当然觉得有点受轻伤。一般来说派外安装都是要有工资的,而且我们要的工资并不高,我说As is always the case that installation and commissiong expense shall be paid by the buyers,including round-trip ticket, accomodation,traffic,etc.客户自己给了个价位,然后我们就接受了。用老板的话说,我们是卖设备,别在这上面计较。不过,听说一些公司把设备拆了出口,到对方

9、工厂安装。光安装时间和费用就挺惊人。阿弥陀佛。一般的买方恐怕受不了这个。)Can you send me the sample of XXX made by your machine? If you have, send me the samples of XXXX.(from your machine of course).(客户这样说,还是有点疑虑的。可能是觉得工程师要工资,好像设备不是我们产的。所以这里她用了“your”这个词)对于价格,她说:About final price of machine well talk on the end I hope its

10、to little negotiation 。由于这个时候,国内物价不稳定,所以,我回复她说As the price of steel is rising everyday, so our offer is only effective within one month. (这里面她用了两个笑脸,让我觉得这个客户也挺有意思的。不过,当时,我还不知道她是位女士,一直以为他是Mr.男同胞。)很快,我又收到她的回复,再次提及样品,产品目录以及每个客户都会关心的price。不过,我想先把这个价格冷一冷。所以在回复里就没提。而是跟她要快递的邮寄地址以及和她确认快递方式。同时附上形式发票(我告诉她,我们可

11、以接受30% T/T down payment, 70% L/C at sight.)。不过,因为她没有快递帐号,所以就没法作到付。后来问了下FedEx和DHL的代理。被告知,只有发DHL才可以在没有到付帐号的情况下发件。本来如果预付款40多美元就可以了。没想到DHL到付(客户没有到付帐户的情况下),客户付了250多美元的快递费。(这也是后来问她的时候才知道的,也觉得挺抱歉的。不过,事先我们说了,如果下单,这笔费用会从我们的货款里扣除。)在冷了几天后,对于价格,我写了一个单独的邮件,Due to the price rise of steel, its difficult for us to

12、give discount. However, boss agreed at last to give you a 3% discount for all machines if you agree to pay 70% T/T in advance. This is the best price I can get from my boss. Attached is the proforma invoice for price reference. If you agree with 70% T/T in advance, we will send you a new P/I after d


14、在回复的邮件里好几次让我确认。我也没则,但又不想互弄她。她看出我确实没法给她这个重要的参数,只好无奈的放下了。可她却是一直记得的。后来下单后,她还是让我测算了。因为条件具备了,我就自己去测了也不用东打听西打听了,告诉她,她才放心。在接下来的日子里,她又开始询问辅助设备的问题了。好像她也把价格的问题放一边了。也不知道是接受了还是没接受。反正,并没有对我的付款方式邮件作出回应。转眼到了3月8号了,通过DHL的网站,我查到样品已经顺利的投送了。就发了封邮件过去问她是否收到样品。同时,让她把所付邮费的单据发给我,We noticed that the mail is delivered yesterd

15、ay afternoon. Please send us the payment receipt. If we conclude this deal in the future, the postage will be deducted from our final offer to you.客户当天就作了回复,Yes, really your mail with samples is delivered yesterday. The payment receipt is in office and thats why Ill send it to you on Monday (by fax)

16、. I hope we could make a decision soon.(让人高兴的是,这个 “Soon”确实没有让我们等很久。)我回复告诉她因为时差的原因(我们下班,她可能才上班1个小时。也就是说她在我们下班之前只有一个小时的时间给我们传真。当然了,如果她能想起来,传真也就是几分钟。我就是怕她想不起来这个时差的问题),最好发邮件。把单据扫描了再发邮件过来。因为公司的传真是人工的,而不是自动的。我担心她发传真没人接,就误事了。所以后来,我们一直用Email沟通,没发过传真也没打过电话。过了几天,客户又发来邮件,问了些参数。而且还连上次没有解决的一个重要参数又以另外

17、一种方式提起来了。(这时候,我是挺晕的。为了这一个问题,来来回回已经过招了很多次了。)没办法,只好还是给她说about。这个词或者类似的词被我频繁的使用,实出无奈。3月17号了。今年的钢材涨的很快啊。出于担心客户的问题不断,而钢材以及物价上涨带来的冲击,特别写了封邮件,Dear XXXX:Due to the big price rise of steel and drop of the exchange rate, we have increased the prices for all machines. However, we will keep our offer to you eff

18、ective within one month, namely to April 17.The price of steel and other raw materials rose greatly. After 17, we will never give you the price as we did. Increased by about X% for all.We are sorry for this. (这里我特别把报价的截至日期写上了,以引起她的注意。后来发现,这封信,起到了一个很大的作用,以致于后来客户不再在价格上和我周旋了。我想那时候物价上涨,她是可以通过她在国内的朋友了解到的

19、。)在这封邮件发出去后,客户立即作出了回应(一个好消息:)Dear Frank,1. Weve decided for your XXX machine. …….Thats why you should check it once again and then Ill make a decision. 2. I cant pay you 70% T/T. You should understand me. I dont know your company. Weve never cooperated. I can pay you 30% T/T, 60% L/C or

20、60% T/T after shipment (its very safety for me and for you too) and 10% after montage. T/T for me its easier becouse I can send you money directly from my acount via internet and L/C I have to prepare many papers in my Bank and its longer way. Id like to do it as soon as its possible. 3. If I finish

21、 with payment this week, when you will be ready with all of this order?(最后这句,让我看到了下单的希望 :)高兴下。呵呵)对于其他的一一回复。而对于付款方式,则作了进一步的争取,而且我希望是CIF条款,我说,30%T/T in advance and 10% after montage is ok. However, 60% after shipment is not good for us. So,we suggest you to inspect the goods in our company after the g

22、oods is ready for you. When you see, you can pay.According to our current orders from others and arrangement, our delivery time for all machines is 45days. Plus 10 days for booking space, and 45 transit time. The total days from China to Poland will be about 100days.Second, please tell us the port o

23、f destination, so that we can offer you the CIF price.If we can agree on everything, we will send you the final Proforma Invoice.客户回复的很快,虽然感觉字里行间有些无奈,但,客户和我都在寻找对于双方来说都比较稳妥的方式,她说:I agree with you. Maybe it will be the best and the most safety visit your company when the goods will be ready. If it wil

24、l be not possible Ill make L/C in my Bank. Send me new Proforma Invoice(她想作L/C,对于这个,我们一直没操作过,不了解。所以,我们还是想转到T/T上来。也许以后熟悉L/C了,就会同意吧。)根据客户的要求,我发了P/I。并且附机上每台加价USD1000。这个加价是为了讨价还价用的。不过,她并没有表示异议。可能是因为物价上涨她也知道吧。不过,付款方式,我写的是,1). 30% T/T in advance 2).60% T/T before shipment3). 10% Balance after installation

25、. 客户对这一点提出了自己的想法,Id like to have written: 60%T/T before shipment (if I visit your company) or 60%L/C (paid by Bank after shipment, when they will have Bill of Letter and another documents).(她是想过来验厂后确定60%T/T before shipment的条款。当然如果不过来了,就是L/C。所以在回复里,我提议,we suggest 60%T/T before shipment (if you visit

26、us, this is better, just inspect the machine by yourself.) or 60%T/T against copy of B/L by fax(after shipment, if you dont come. This is not good, but I persuade my boss to agree). By L/C, the procedure is complex as you told me.)同时,在邮件里,我特别提示这个价格是FOB价,CIF价在知道目的港后给出。实际上,我就是希望她能接受CIF价,放弃使用自己的货代。当天,客

27、户作出了回复,告诉了她的目的港。在得知她的目的港名称时,我就觉得CIF交易有戏了。虽然几经周折,她最后还是同意了CIF交货方式。在她回复的邮件中确定了设备的价格以及支付条款,并且最终确定了下来:60% T/T before shipment or 60%T/T against copy of B/L by fax.3客户是位女士 阿弥陀佛保佑您和您的宝宝在联系了将近一个半月的时候。我一直以为他是位男士。但客户坚持要指定货代,我们觉得指定货代风险太大,所以我回复说:Dear XXX:If you appoint your own freight forwarder to book space a

28、nd carry the goods to Poland. It will be your freight forwarder to send you the B/L, but not us. So, on the FOB basis, we will not accept the payment term: 60%T/T against copy of B/L by fax……………(这里我是担心指定货代和客户出现不良行为,所以故此回复。)她的回复也很坚持,Dear Frank,I bought in China not only

29、my XXX machine. Always my suppliers gave me FOB prieces (freight was by my side of course). Always the same company (XXXX from XXXX) contacted with suppliers and gave them empty container. But always documents (original Invoice, original B/L, Certificate of origin) my supplier sent me after shipment

30、 by DHL. Ive never had it from this company! I dont understand you. I should tell you, I really want visit China and Ill try to do it. My only one problem is that on the beginning of April Ill have second child! I should visit you with my husband (we run our company together). I think itll be possib

31、le to stay my mother with my new born child for 3-4 days. But Im not sure. Only thats why Id like to have this point about payment on PI. 看到这封邮件,我才晓得客户原来是位女士。而且要有第二个Baby了。所以在回复的时候,我就注意了一下用语,Dear XXX:You are right. For freight forwarder with good reputation, they can send the B/L original to the sell

32、er. Thats no problem. But, we dont know him before. What you can not understand is that, sometimes the appointed freight forwarder will send the B/L to the client directly. That will be very bad for the seller. For our current order from XXX, we agreed on CIF XXX. And, this client paid 90%T/T down payment. And, we are arranging everything for him, including Original Commercial Invoice, Certificate or origin, B/L, packing list. And, yesterday, our export agent has applied for shipping space for his order(4

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