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1、金融英语基础docx 金融英语基础金融英语基础辅导-股票 StockOwnership of a corporation represented by shares usually in the form of certificates.股票股份公司股份的所有权证明,通常为证书形式。Dividend, StockMoney paid on a per share basis to shareholders from a company.红利公司按每股分配给股东的利润。 Stock, CommonA class of stock which gives its holder the right

2、to vote at shareholder meetings but does not guarantee payment of dividends.普通股赋予股东在股东会议上的表决权,但不保证支付红利的股票。 Stock, PreferredPays a fixed dividend and has priority over common stock regarding claims to assets of a corporation in a liquidation or bankruptcy.优先股能够取得固定红利,并在公司破产或被清算时对剩余资产较普通股而言享有优先分配权的股票。

3、 Stock, Cumulative PreferredPreferred stock whose dividends, if not paid for any reason, will accumulate until they are paid.累积优先股如果没有支付红利,那么红利将累计到下次分配时补足的优先股。 Stock, Non-cumulative PreferredPreferred stock whose dividends do not accrue until paid. If a dividend is missed for any reason, it will nev

4、er be paid.非累积优先股如果公司没有分配红利,那么这些红利不会累积到下一次。 Voting RightsThe right of common shareholders to vote for the election of officers of a corporation as well as on other issues regarding its operations.表决权普通股股东就公司管理人员选举和其它事项表决的权利。 Signature Guarantee SealA raised seal affixed to the back of a certificate

5、of stock to verify an endorsement signature when transferring ownership of shares.签名担保印章 转让股份时盖在股票证书背面,用以证明背书签名的凹凸印章。金融英语基础辅导-图表 ChartA graphic illustration of historical trading activity.图表历史交易情况的图形化显示。 Bar Chart A chart on which each periods trading is represented by a vertical bar showing opening

6、, high, low, and closing prices.K线图每一时期的交易由一个垂直的柱形表示,显示开盘价、最高价、最低价和收盘价。 Line ChartA chart on which only the closing price for each period is tracked.连线图只记录每一时期收盘价的图表。 Point and Figure ChartA chart which records price changes in columns using xs for upward moves and os for downward moves in a given p

7、eriod.点数图以柱状记录某一时期内价格变化的图表,用X表示上升变化,O表示下降变化。 Candlesticks ChartJapanese version of a bar chart using a more graphic design. The information is presented to resemble a series of candles with wicks.烛状图更形象化的日本式K线图。显示的信息如同一串带着烛芯的蜡烛。 Head and Shoulders Pattern Chart Chart pattern resembling the head and

8、shoulders of a person. Signals the reversal of a trend.头肩图形类似人的头和肩的图形,显示趋势的改变。 Double Top ChartChart pattern showing a rising price, then a drop, then another rise. Indicates a resistance level.重顶图上升下降然后又上升的图形,显示阻力线。 TrendlineStraight lines drawn on a chart to determine the strength and direction of

9、 a trend or its reversal.趋势线图表上画的直线,确定趋势的力量和方向及其逆转。 金融英语基础辅导-技术分析 Technical AnalysisThe study of markets and securities based on historic price.技术分析根据证券的历史价值研究市场。 Moving AveragePrice average that, for a specific period (e.g., 30 days), picks up the price for the latest day and drops the price for th

10、e earliest day.移动平均数一种价格综合指数,在一定期间(比如30天)选用最近一天的价格,排除最早一天的价格。 Support LevelThe level at which a stock price stops falling due to market demand.支撑线股价由于市场需求停止跌落的一条线。 Resistance LevelThe level beyond which a stock price cannot rise due to selling pressure in the market.阻力线股价由于市场抛售压力停止上涨的一条线。 VolumeTota

11、l number of shares of a security traded in a certain period.成交量一定时期证券交易的总成交额。 BreakoutWhen a stock rises above its resistance level and continues to rise at a rapid pace.突破股价突破阻力线继续快速上涨。 Top OutThe end of a period of increase in a stock price or market level which signals it will begin to fall.上升乏力上

12、涨期间的尾部,显示它将开始回落。 Chart PatternGraphic illustration of price performance using historic data that is used to predict the next price move.技术图形通过使用历史数据预测下一次股价波动的图示。 金融英语基础辅导-证券交易所 Stock ExchangeAn organized market in which various types of securities are traded by members of the exchange.证券交易所各种证券在交易成员

13、间交易的有序市场。 Stock Exchange, New YorkEstablished in 1792, the largest physical stock exchange in the world.纽约证券交易所成立于1792年。世界上最大的证券交易所。 NASDAQThe National Association of Securities Dealers Automatic Quotation system. It is the largest computerized stock exchange in the world.纳斯达克全美证券交易商协会自动报价系统。世界上最大的计

14、算机化交易系统。 OTC Market (Over the Counter)When securities are bought and sold on an exchange other than a registered stock exchange, they trade over the counter.OTC市场(场外市场)当证券在认证证券交易所以外的其它地方交易时,它们被认为是在场外交易。 Auction SystemAn exchange system in which bids and offers are continuously posted on the exchange

15、 during the trading day by its members.拍卖系统在交易日中,买入和卖出信息不间断地由成员刊登在交易所内的交换系统。 Negotiated MarketAn exchange system in which principals and dealers negotiate with each other for the best price.议价市场委托人和交易商互相谈判取得最佳价格的交易系统。 SpecialistA member of a registered stock exchange whose job it is to maintain a fa

16、ir and orderly market.专业交易员登记证券交易所的工作人员,其工作是维持公平和有序的市场。 Market MakerA dealer whose job it is to maintain a fair and orderly market on the NASDAQ and OTC markets.市场创造者在NASDAQ和OTC市场上维持公平有序市场的交易商。 金融英语基础辅导-股票指数和平均指数 Stock Indices and Averages股票指数和平均指数 IndexA collection of statistics that measures, from

17、 a base, changes in an economy or market.指数一系列按照某个基数记录经济或市场变化的统计数据。 AverageA type of index reflecting the weighted performance of a small number of components.平均指数反映一小批成分加权表现的一类指数。 Base PeriodA standard value, usually set at the establishment of an index, from which its current level is calculated.基

18、准期标准值,通常在指数建立时确定,以当时的状况计算。 Standard and PoorsAn American corporation which publishes a wide range of market information including ratings, indexes, and listings.标准普尔指数公布各种排名、指数和列表等市场信息的一家美国公司。 S&P 500A measure of the performance of 500 widely-held common stocks.标准普尔500指数记录500种普遍持有的常见股票的指数。 Weighted

19、(Average or Index)An average or index in which the performance of more heavily capitalized components have a greater influence.加权(平均指数或指数)资本化更大的成分具有更大影响力的综合指数或指数。 Relative StrengthStrength or weakness of a particular stock when measured against a broader index or market.相对强度当对照更广泛指数或市场时某一股票的的力量或缺陷。

20、SPXBasic option symbol for S&P 500 index options.标准500指数期权标准普尔500指数期权的基本期权标志。 金融英语基础辅导-市场理论 Market TheoryAn attempt to explain the price movement of securities and the performance of the markets in which they are traded.市场理论试图解释证券价格运动和交易市场表现的理论。 TrendThe general direction of momentum of a market or

21、a security price.趋势市场或证券价格的一般趋势。 DOW TheoryA long-established technical market theory which considers, among other things, stock index averages.道氏理论一项历史悠久的技术市场理论,考虑股票平均指数。 Random Walk TheoryProposes that past prices are no indication of future market activity.随机漫步理论认为过去的价格不影响将来的市场行为。 Odd Lot TheoryT

22、heorizes that the trading decisions of small investors trading fewer than 100 shares are usually wrong and is a contrary indicator.零股理论认为低于100股的小投资者的决策通常是错误的,是相反的指示计。 Elliot Wave TheoryA market theory based on number sequences suggesting market trends occur in predictable patterns.埃略特波浪理论基于被认为是可预测波中

23、的市场趋势的数字序列的理论。 Bull MarketA prolonged upward trend in market prices represented by the image of a bull.牛市以牛的轮廓来代表的股价上升趋势。 Bear MarketA prolonged downward trend in market prices represented by the image of a bear.熊市品 味 人 生1、 很多时候,看的太透反而不快乐,还不如幼稚的没心没肺。2、 睡吧,合上双眼,世界就与我无关。顾城生命幻想曲3、 你来人间一趟,你要看看太阳,和你的心上人,

24、一起走在街上。4、 我不唱声嘶力竭的情歌,不表示没有心碎的时刻。我不曾摊开伤口任宰割,愈合就无人晓得我内心挫折。5、 永远不要隔着屏幕说分手,最大的遗憾是连离开都不能当面说清。6、 最先道歉的人最勇敢,最先原谅的人最坚强,最先释怀的人最幸福。7、 好像每次都是这样,没有例外。在我们最需要有一个人去依靠的时候,往往到最后都是自己一个人挺过去。8、 对我不满意,请直接来给我说,别到别人那里去宣泄你无处安放的情绪。9、 有些事,你把它藏到心里,也许还更好,等时间长了,也就变成了故事。10、 不要对自己太过苛刻,对自己太苛刻的人只会消耗掉更多让自己幸福的能力。11、 人,相互帮扶才感到温暖;事,共同努

25、力才知道简单;路,有人同行才不觉漫长;爱情,要相互记挂才体味情深。12、 只有当痛苦在可以承受的时候,我们会自怨自艾。当痛苦无法承受,我们就只会一笑置之。13、 爱情是一颗心找到另一颗心,而不是一张脸找到另一张脸。为了找到那颗心,我们要学会不要脸。14、 比失去你更令我伤心的事是,你都没有为了和我在一起而努力过。15、 这世上有一条路无论如何也不能走,那就是歧途,只要走错一步结果都会是粉身碎骨。千与千寻16、 保持一份自信,做最好的自己,宁可高傲地发霉,不要低调地恋爱。17、 亲爱的,我在这座陌生的城市,流浪流浪。灯火阑珊或是烟火灿烂,我总是愣在某个角落,静静的等你走来。18、 其实爱情里处得

26、好不好,标准就两个字:不累。因为,对的人,不会让你觉得累。19、 明知是错的,也要去坚持,因为不甘心;有些人,明知是爱的,也要去放弃,因为没结局;有时候,明知没路了,却还在前行,因为习惯了。20、 如果曾有那么一个人,跟我说只要心里想一想我,就会铺天盖地地难受。那么不管是拿前程作赌也好,还是拿幸福下注也好,我都会心甘情愿。做学问要花功夫,持之以恒,日积月累。21、我们最大的弱点在于放弃。成功的必然之路就是不断的重来一次。托马斯爱迪生22、点点滴滴的藏,集成了一大仓。德国谚语23、成大事不在于力量的大小,而在于能坚持多久。24、喷泉的高度不会超过它的源头;一个人的成就不会超过他的信念。美国25、生活真象这杯浓酒,不经三番五次的提炼呵,就不会这样可口!郭小川26、一个在奋斗途径上努力的人,要是不把步骤分清楚,等于你旅行一个地方,不先规定睡眠和行程一般。分清步骤,是十分重要的。戴尔卡耐基

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