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1、星火英语专业考研考点精梳与精炼英汉互译节选一东南大学题11、Pause now for a moment,and consider how much more solicitous we are about our private interests than the Rhodians(洛迪安人)have been about their welfare.If any one of us foresees a possible injury to his private interests,he struggles might and main to avert it.Yet the Rhod

2、ians have patiently submitted to such a possible injury to their welfareIt certainly is not proper that a man should be held in esteem merely because he says he has had a disposition to do good when in fact he has not done so.Shall the Rhodians then be in a wrong position,not because they have actua

3、lly done wrong,but because they are said to have the desire to do so?2、The fact this term finds its way into pop culture suggests how pervasive the mind-set of literary theory has become in our time.I have even heard a basketball coach say that his team had learned to deconstruct a zone defense.Lite

4、rary theory has permeated our thinking to the point that it has defined for our times how discourse about literature,as well as about culture in general,shall proceed.Literary theory has arrived,and no student of literature can afford not to come to terms with it.参考译文1.让我们停下来,思考一下,相比洛迪安人对福利的热情,我们队私利

5、的热情要有多么高。我们一旦发觉自己的个人利益可能会受到损害,就会尽全力去避免。而洛迪安人却以福利大局为重,耐心地忍受着这种可能的损害 如果一个人仅因声称自己要行善但未付诸实施就受到尊重,那一定是不妥的。那么,是不是就意味着洛迪安人错了呢?倒不是因为他们真的做错了,而是因为他们有这么做的想法。2.这一术语在流行文化中能找到一席之地,足以显示文学理论的思维模式在我们的时代里已经极具渗透力。我曾听一个篮球教练说他的球队已学会解构区域防守。文学理论渗透我们思想的程度,已经达到帮我们界定这个时代的文学话语和整个文化话语的走向问题。文学理论已经到来,任何学文学的学生都必须接受这个事实。采分点分析1、It

6、certainly is not proper that a man should be held in esteem merely because he says he has had a disposition to do good when in fact he has not done so. 分析:采用融合法将when状语从句译为because状语从句的谓语;将原因状语从句增词以表达出“如果”的条件关系;再译It形式主语部分 ,体现出汉语后重心(不妥)、英语前重心(not proper)的特点。2、The fact this term finds its way into pop c

7、ulture suggests how pervasive the mind-set of literary theory has become in our time.分析:涉及到英文同位语从句的翻译;本句中同位语从句修饰主语,可采用先译同位语,再译主句的方法,使语序更符合汉语习惯。find way to:“找到入口/出路”,引申为“占有一席之地”。mind-set of literary theory意为“文学理论的思维模式”。题21、An infant has to learn the meaning of the information which its senses convey

8、to it,and this seems to be its employment.It fancies all that the eye presents to it to be close to it,till it actually learns the contrary and thus by practice does it ascertain the relations and uses of those first elements of knowledge which are necessary for its animal existence.A parallel teach

9、ing is necessary for our social beings,and it is secured by a large school or a college,and this effect may be fairly called in its own department an enlargement of mindHere then is a real teaching,whatever be its standards and principles,true or false;and it at least tends towards cultivation of th

10、e intellect;it at least recognizes that knowledge is something more than a sort of passive reception of scraps and details;it is a something,and it does a something,which never will issue from the most strenuous efforts of a set of teachers,with no mutual sympathies and no intercommunication,of a se

11、t of examiners with no opinions which they dare profess,and with no common principles,who are teaching or questioning a set of youths who do not know them,and do not know each other,on a large number of subjects,different in kind,and connected by no wide philosophy,three times a week,or three times

12、a year,or once in three years,in chill lecture-rooms or on a pompous anniversaryHow much more profitable for the independent mind,after the mere rudiments of education,to range through a library at random,taking down books as they meet him,and pursuing the trains of thought which his mother wit sugg

13、ests!How much healthier to wander into the fields,and there with the exiled prince to findtongues in the trees,and books in the running brooks!参考译文婴儿必须弄明白它感觉到的信息所传达的意思,这似乎是它的本能。它以为眼睛所见的东西都离自己很近,直到它真正明白其中的对比。这样,它就通过实践懂得了它最初学到的生存所必需的基本知识的联系和用处。我们在社会上生存也需要类似的教育,这些教育是由大型的学校或者大学提供。它的作用在自己的范围内可以称之为拓宽思维。不管


15、,与被流放的王子一起欣赏“树儿的低语,奔流的溪水中的美文”,又该是一种多么健康的学习啊!采分点分析How much healthier to wander into the fields,and there with the exiled prince to findtongues in the trees,and books in the running brooks!分析:这句话中带有引号的部分,如果直译的话,将会非常滑稽。所以像这样的诗歌语言一定要意译处理。所以,要展开想象,可以译为:“树儿的低语,奔流的溪水中的美文”。背景链接 本文选自The Idea of a University(

16、关于大学的概念),作者John Henry,Cardinal Newman(1801-1890),就读于牛津大学,1854年都柏林成立天主教大学,约翰亨利任校长。为准备该校成立,约翰亨利发表了一系列演说。2、Of all the memorials which are offered to a university by the gratitude of her sons,there are none which serve so closely and fully the purposes of her life as those monuments which commemorate he

17、r dead heroes.The most important part of teaching of a place like Yale is found in the lessons of public spirit and devotion to high ideas which it gives.These things can in some measure be learned in books of poetry and of history.They can in some measure be learned from daily life of the college a

18、nd the sentiments which it inculcates. But they are most solemnly and vividly brought home by visible signs,such as this gateway furnishes,that the sipirit of ancient heroism is not dead,and that its highest lessons are not lost.参考译文 在所有这些为感谢地的儿子们所提供的大学纪念馆里,相比于其他纪念她的已故英雄的碑文,没有一个如此充分而完整地将其生活目的呈现出来,在一

19、个像耶鲁这样的地方,教学撮重要的部分体现在公共精神和为崇高理想奉献的课程上。这些东两在一定程度上可以从关于诗歌和历史的书籍中学到;它们在一定程度上可以从学院的日常生活及其所教授的情感中学到。但它们最多地是由那些可见的标志庄严生动地带回家的,如这个方法所提供的,古代英雄主义精神没有消亡,而且就最高的教训不会丢失。南京理工大学What is leadership?Its qualities are difficult to define.But they are not so difficult to identify.Leaders dont force other people to go a

20、long with them.They bring them along.Leaders get commitment from others by giving it themselves,by building an environment that encourges creativity,and by operating with honesty and fairness.Leaders demand much of others,but also give much of themselves.They are ambitious-not only for themselves,bu

21、t also for those who work with them.They seek to attract,retain and develop other people to their full abilities.Good leaders arent lone ranges.They recognize that an organizations strategies for success require the combined talents and efforts of many people.Leadership is the catalyst for transform

22、ing those talents into results.Leaders know that when there are two opinions on an issue,one is not bound to be wrong.They recognize that hustle and rush are the allies of superficiality.They are open to new ideas,but they explore their ramifications thoroughly.Successful leaders are emotionally and

23、 intellectually oriented to the future-not wedded to the past.They have a hunger to take responsibility,to innovate,and no initiate.They are not content with merely taking care of whats already there.They want to move forward to create something new. Leaders provide answers as well as direction,offe

24、r strength as well as dedication,and speak from experience as well as understanding of the problems they face and the people they work with.Leaders are flexible rather than dogmatic.They believe in unity rather than conformity.And they strive to achieve consensus out of conflict.Leadership is all ab

25、out getting people consistently to give their best,helping them to grow to their fullest potential,and motivating them to work toward a common good.Leaders make the right things happen when theyre supposed to.A good leader,an effective leader,is one who has respect.Respect is something you have to h

26、ave in order to get.A leader who has respect for other people at all levels of an organization,for the work they do,and for thier abilities,aspirations and needs,will find that respect is returned.And all concerned will be motivated to work together.参考译文什么是领导艺术?要下个确切的定义很不容易,但描述其特点并不难。领导者不强求别人对自己赞同符合


28、不眷恋过去。他们敢于负责、渴望改革、勇于开拓。他们不仅仅满足于守城,他们还要前进、要创新。领导者不仅给予方向性的指导,也对具体问题给予解答,不仅示以献身精神,而且给予力量。他们说话既根据经验 ,也根据对问题的认识和对同事的了解。领导者处事灵活而不武断。他们认为与其循规蹈矩不如协调统一。他们力图在矛盾冲突中求得意见一致。领导艺术全在于使下级工作人员不断发挥所长,帮助他们最大限度地发掘潜力,激励他们为共同事业而奋斗。领导者会把该办的事情办成。好的领导者,卓有成效的领导者,善于关心和尊重别人。欲受人尊敬必先尊重人。如果领导者对本组织各级人员都很尊重,对他们的工作、能力、希望与要求都很关心,他就会发现

29、别人也在尊重自己、关心自己。这样,所有相关人员都将会群策群力共同奋斗。采分点分析Leaders provide answers as well as direction,offer strength as well as dedication,and speak from experience as well as understanding of the problems they face and the people they work with.分析:本句如果直译的话,比较啰嗦 ,用“不但而且”句式简洁明了,因此本句顺序翻译,译成:领导者不仅给予方向性的指导,也对具体问题给予解答,不仅

30、示以献身精神,而且给予力量。他们说话既根据经验 ,也根据对问题的认识和对同事的了解。背景链接本文节选自论领导。河海大学题1 In the house a door shuts with a bang,curains billow into the room.I rush to close the windows,empty the clothesline,secure the patio furnishings.Thunder begins to grumble in the distance.The first drops of rain are huge.They splash into

31、the dust and imprint the windows with individual signatures.They plink on the vent pipe and plunk on the patio roof.Leaves shudder under their weight before rebounding and the sidewalk wears a coat of shiny spots.The rhythm accelerates;plink follows plunk faster and faster until the sound is a roll

32、of drums and the individual drops become an army marchingover fields and rooftops.Now the first bolt of lightning stabs the earth.It is heavens exclamation point.The storm is here!参考译文“砰”的一声,门被风刮得关上了,窗帘随风扬起,向屋内翻飞。我急忙跑过去关窗户,收下晒衣绳上的衣物,安顿好院子里的家具。这时,天边开始响起隆隆的雷声。起先的雨点非常大。偌大的雨点儿吧嗒吧嗒地砸在地上,噗噗地激起点点尘烟,当当当地打在窗玻璃上,留下各式各样的印记。敲得排风管叮当乱响,落在凉棚上噼啪声不断,抽得树叶震颤不已,直不起身来。雨点儿落在人行道上熠熠闪亮,好像给人行道披上了意见亮丽的外衣。雨点儿越来越急,雨声一阵紧似一阵,像是在擂鼓。不一会儿,田野里和屋顶上的雨声汇成了一片,仿佛有千军万马在急行。突然,一道闪电劈了下来,苍天在怒吼,暴风雨来了!采分点分析分析:本文采用了大量的象声词和摹状词对描写对象的细节进行具体入微的描写,从而生动地展现了暴风雨来临时的情况。所以要注意把握“细描”与“白描”的区

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