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1、中国文化概览期末题英文文化概略期末考试答疑一、选择题。Multiple Choice (20%1.Which was the dyn asty that first in troduced the imperial exam in ati on system for recruit ing civil service officials in ancient Chi na?An swer: The Sui Dyn asty.2.Of the four religio ns prevaili ng in Chi na: Buddhism, Taoism, Islam and Chri stia

2、nity, which one is the n ative born?An swer: Taoism3.Chin ese people usually worship a nu mber of deities that, they wish, will bring them bless ings in their daily life. They en shri ne and worship various gods in their home to meet their various n eed, They take such a deity just as an i mage of p

3、ower rather tha n a genuine religi on. For example, they put up an imag e of the god of home guard on the door wish ing to keep the security of the fam ily. When they wish to get rich, they usually put up the god of in theirhome?An swer: Cai Shen or the god of wealth.4.What is the n ame of the god t

4、hat people in the coastal regi on of Southeastern China worship and wish him to keep them safe at sea?A.Mazu B. Gua nyin C. BuddhaAn swer: A5.Buddhism was first in troduced to Chi na in the first cen tury A.D. or so, when Emperor Min gdi of the Easter n Han Dyn asty was in rule. The first Buddhist t

5、emple in Chin ese history, built at Luoya ng city, Henan Provin ce, is called An swer: Bai Ma Si (The Temple of White Horse)6.The great con temporary pain ter Qi Baishi was gifted with a fine arts power,being skillful in painting the images of fish, birds, flowers and in sects. The won der of his wo

6、rks lies in somewhere betwee n resembla nee and dissembla nee, vividly and lively. His is widely known in Chi na.A.A cluster of shrimps B. Don key C. Gallopi ng HorsesAn swer: A7.True or False? Is Jasm ine ( 茉莉花)a folk song of Jia ngsu Provin ce?An swer: True.8.Which min ority eth nic groups dwelli

7、ng com mun ity is called the hometow n of peacocks?A.Tujia n ati on alityB.Dai n atio nalityC.Hui n atio nalityD.Shui n ati on alityAn swer: B.9.What is the n ame of the moun ta in where the largest Chin ese Taoist architect ural complex is located?An swer: Wuda ng Mountain. 29. Accord ing to wedd i

8、ng customs in ancient China, a b ride was carried to a bridegrooms home by ?A. Bridal seda n-chair B. a horse C. a carAn swer: Bridal seda n-chair.10.Of all the traditi onal Chin ese festivals, which one is set to mark the fam ous poet Quyua n?A.Drag on-boat FestivalB.Qi ngmi ng FestivalC.Festival o

9、f the 8th of the lunar December.An swer: A. Drago n-boat Festival.11.Choose: 布衣 ” refers to:A. Ordi nary people B. Officials C. SoldiersAn swer: An ordinary people12.The logo adopted for Olympic games in 2008 is a Chi nese seal. When were seals com monly used in China?A. Zhou Dyn asty B. Han Dyn ast

10、y C. Tang Dyn astyAn swer: A13.The Qin Dyn asty first in troduced the official system of using seals or sta mps: The pers onal seal of the emperor was called imperial seal, the coun selor- in-chief used gold seal, and various officials of the court used gold, silveror bronze seals accord ing to thei

11、r differe nt ran ks. Later, follow ing dyn asties in Chin ese history gen erally in herited the same system. What ki nd of material was the imperial seal made of?A.Gold B. Jade. C. Bron ze D. SilverAn swer: B14.Which of the followi ng products were traditi onal exported ones in ancient Chi na?A. Gla

12、ss B.Silk C.Porcelai n D.SugarAn swer: B, C.15.She n Kuo of the Norther n Song Dyn asty wrote a world famous scie ntific work, which gave a detailed descripti on of the movable-type printing, in additi on to the in troduct ion to the assembli ng of a compass. What work is it?Answer: Sketchbook of Dr

13、eam Brook ( 梦溪笔谈)16.Excha nges betwee n China and other coun tries and regi ons in an cie nt times ha d lasted for a long time, and duri ng this long process of excha nge China had l earned various tech no logies from other coun tries. Which of the followi ng tech n ologies was in troduced to Chi na

14、 from other coun tries?A. Glassmak ing tech no logy B. Raisi ng silkworm C. Wine brew ing D Papermaki ng.An swer:A.17.Which of the followi ng fruits does not orig in ate from Chi na?A. Peach. B.apricot C. water mel on D.appleAn swer: C, D.18.Which of the followi ng vegetables are in troduced from ot

15、her coun tries?A.Potato B.Ch in ese cabbage C.sweet potato D. tomatoAn swer: A. C. D.19.Nostalgia seems to be a shallow cha nn el; I am on this side, and the mainl and on the other. Who is the famous poet of Taiwa n?An swer: Yu Guan gzh ong.20.What is the n ame of the archetypal Neolithic cultural s

16、ite discovered in the suburbs of Xia n in Shaa nxi Provin ce?An swer: The Banpo Cultural site.21.In Chin as mythology, who was the hero to separate heave n from earth?An swer: Pan Gu.22.In Chi nas mythology, who created huma n bein gs?An swer: Nvwa.23.I n Chi nas historical lege nds, who was the fir

17、st of the Five Emperors?An swer: Huan gdi ( and the others were Zhua nxu, Diku, Yao, Shun).24.I n Chi nas historical lege nds, who was the first to teach people to fish a nd raise livestock?An swer: Fu Xi.25.I n Chi nas historical lege nds, who was the first to teach people farmi ng a nd to taste an

18、d experime nt with various types of herbal medici nes?An swer: Yan di.26.Which two an tiquate cities of Chi na have bee n listed as World Cultural He ritage Sites?An swer: Lijia ng in Yunnan, and Pin gyao in Shan xi. (Picture: Lijia ng and Pin gya o)27.The main architectural structure in ancient Chi

19、 na was .A. A woode n framework B. A stone frameworkAn swer: A.28.One of the characteristics of Chi nas an tiquate architecture is A. The disti nguished differe nee of ranks in society B. No differe neeAn swer: A29.The Grand Canal was first ope ned duri ng the Dyn asty.An swer: Sui.30.Which province

20、 has the largest nu mber of min ority eth nic group in China?A. Guan gzhou B. Shaa nxi C. Sichua n D.YunnanAn swer: D.31.The smallest eth nic group in China has only a populati on of about 2300. Wh at is this mi nority eth nic group called ?A. Shui B. Deru ng C. Lhoba D. PrimiAn swer: C.32.The first

21、 Chin ese editio n of The Bible was published in Malacca in 1823. The tran slator of this editi on was a famous British missi on ary. What is his name?An swer: Robert Morris on.33.The In dia n Monk Bodhidharma came to China and in a temple he had kept still in meditati on facing the wall for ten yea

22、rs, thus creat ing the Chin ese Buddhist school Cha n or Zen Buddhism. What is the n ame of the temple?An swer: Henans Shaoli n Temple.二、判断题。True or False? (20%34.True or False: The Mid-Autu mn Festival falls on the 15th of the lunar August, just in the middle of autu mn, hence the n ame.An swer: Tr

23、ue.35.True or False: In Chi na, wine has a Ion ger history tha n tea. I n 1986, a pot of wine un earthed in Henan Province was made more tha n 3,000 years before. M aotai liquor, Five-Gra in Liquor, Fenjiu, Zhuyeq ing, Luzhou Laojiao, Gujin Gong jiu are all brand-n ame liquors produced in China.An s

24、wer: True.36.True or False: Cloth prin ted with Batik and soaked-i ndigo tech niq ues are i mported from overseas.An swer: False. Batik and soaked-i ndigo tech niq ues are inven ted by Chin ese peop le, which are used in traditi onal Chin ese textile desig n and dye ing to produce art and han dicraf

25、t products.37.True or False: The paper-cutt ing art of China has bee n listed as one of th e worlds cultural legacies.An swer: True.38.True or False: There is gen erally a pair of ide ntical stone lio ns placed in front of Chin ese palaces, officials mansions and houses in order to ward o ff evil sp

26、irits.An swer: False. Gen erally speak ing, on the left side of the gate is a male lionwith its right foot stamp ing on a silk ball, suggesti ng the symbol of power;on the right side of the gate is a lion ess with her left foot caress ing a cub lion, symboliz ing procreati on of more desce ndan ts.3

27、9.Judge: Both sun dial and copper clepsydra were hour meters used for coun ti n g time in an cie nt Chi na. Sun dial had bee n popular in Qin and Han Dyn asties.An swer: Right.40.Judge: The main source of traditi onal Chin ese medici ne is herbage, in addi tion to some ani mals and mi nerals.An swer

28、: Right.41 True or False? Oracle-b one in scripti ons ( 甲骨文)are so called because theywere in scribed on tortoise shells or ani mal bon es.An swer: True.42.True or False? Most Chin ese characters may be writte n either in the complex form with more strokes or in a simplified versi on with less strok

29、es. A chara cter with more strokes is called an orig inal complex character; and its simpli fied versi on is called a simplified character.An swer: True.43.True or False? The simplified Chin ese characters are one of the worki ng lan guages used in the Un ited Nati ons.An swer: True.44.True or False

30、? In Chi na, a Buddhist Temple is called 庙, while a Taoistmon astery is called 观.An swer: Correct.45.True or False? The sta ndard Ian guage of moder n Chin ese is Put on ghua.An swer: True.46.True or False? Lu Xun is a famous comtemporary Chin ese writer and thi nker, whose sur name is Lu and give n

31、 n ame is Xun.An swer: False. His real n ame is Zhou Shure n, and Lu Xun is his pen n ame.47.True or False? Chin ese poetry had see n its prime stage in the Tang Dyn asty. Accord ing to the Qua n Tang Shi,(Complete Poetry of Tan g), about 50,000 poems were writte n by over 2,300 poets in this period

32、.An swer: True.48.True or False? Chin ese characters are not on ly the oldest Ian guage in the world, but also are used by the largest nu mber of people in the world. The num ber of Chin ese characters totals about 60,000, with about 6,000 in daily use.An swer: True.49.True or False? In China, brick was first used for con structi on duri ng theQin Dyn asty, 2,300 years ago.

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