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本文(经典美剧《老友记》第五季第十集字幕对白中英文对照看美剧学英语.docx)为本站会员(b****8)主动上传,冰豆网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰豆网(发送邮件至service@bdocx.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、经典美剧老友记第五季第十集字幕对白中英文对照看美剧学英语-What are you doing? -I reorganized the fridge. 你在做什么? 我重新整理过冰箱See? Bottom shelf, meats and dairy. 最底下放肉跟奶制品Middle shelf,fruits and vegetables. 中间放水果蔬菜And top shelf,expired products. 最上面放过期食物Why are you doing this? 你吃饱撑着啊?Because Im bored out of my mind. 因为我无聊到快抓狂了Ive alr

2、eady been to the bank, post office and dry cleaners. 我已经去过 银行、邮局、干洗店Dude,you just described seven days worth of stuff. 老兄,你做完我一周的工作Spread it out a little. Havent you ever been unemployed? 你要放轻松一点 难道你从来没失业过?Im not unemployed. Im on sabbatical. 我不是失业 只是进修中(有安息之意)Hey,dont get religious on me,okay? 少跟我传

3、教A guy in your position needs to be better at relaxing. 你应该练习放轻松Thats why we have comfortable chairs. Here,sit down. 不然我们家怎么会有安乐椅? 过来坐下Ready? Watch. 准备好没?仔细看了And then. 然后真好-So,what? We just sit? -Oh,no,no. 就光坐着? 当然不是Were not gonna just sit. Watch. 不只是坐着 看好了-Hello,Chandler Bing. -Hello,Mr. Bing. 我是钱德

4、宾 宾先生I love you. 我爱你All right,whoever this is, stop calling me! 不管你是谁,别再打了Its been 6 months! Its not funny! 你已经骚扰我半年 一点也不好笑I can see you, Mr. Bing. 宾先生,我看得到你You look sexy in your new suit. 你穿新西装真性感Leave me alone! For the love of God, leave me alone! 求你行行好,别再骚扰我了And thats Wednesday. 这只是周三的乐子The One w

5、ith The lnappropriate Sister 本集播出:“情比兄妹深”33 告诉你们The British are coming? 英国人要打来啦?Oh,you and your ways. 你的笑话真冷Since its Christmas, Im going to be collecting donations. 耶诞节快到了 我要负责去乐捐募款I have my bell and later on I get my bucket. 我已经拿到铃铛 过几天就能拿到募捐筒Ill be spreading joy to the people. 我要散播欢乐给大家Last year

6、I spread a little joy, but not enough. 去年散播的不够多So this year Im doing the whole city. 今年一定要让全纽约 都感受到I knew a girl in high school who did that. She was very popular. 我有个高中同学也跟你一样 她很红Its weird,youre starting to sound a lot like Chandler lately. 怪了,你口气跟钱德越来越像That is so not true. 胡说八道So,Phoebe,where are

7、you doing your bell-ringing? 菲比,你要去哪里摇铃?They gave me a great spot right by Macys. 我分到梅西百货旁当红位子They never give a good spot to a rookie. 新人很少分到这位子.but Im the only one who can say Merry Christmas in 25 languages. 可是只有我会用25种语言 说耶诞快乐I lied! 我唬人的Oh,my God. Heres Danny. 天啊,丹尼在那边Just watch this. 你们看See? Sti

8、ll pretending hes not interested. 看见没?还在假装对我没兴趣Hes coming over. Pretend weve forgotten who he is. 他走过来了,大家装不认识他 忘记他是谁-Hey,guys. -Hey,Danny. 你们好 丹尼Oh,Danny! Hey! 丹尼You know Rachel. Shes nice. Shes not bad to look at,right? 丹尼,你认得瑞秋吧 她人很好,长得也不赖吧?Thanks,Mon. 谢了,摩妮卡Of course. 当然啦Do you want to go out on

9、 a date with her? 你要不要跟她约会?Absolutely. Is Friday okay? 好啊,周五可以吗?Friday is perfect. She cant wait. 非常好,她等不及要赴约On the date,Ill be able to talk to her directly? 约会时 我可以直接跟她说话吧?See you Friday. 周五见Okay,what the hell was that? You know what? Dont answer me. 你搞什么? 算了,不用说了I have a date with Danny! 我要跟丹尼约会咯A

10、ll right,its 4:30, I guess my lunch break is over. 已经4点半,午休该结束了-What are you guys gonna do? -lf youre going back to work. 你们等下要干么? 既然你要回去上班.Ill probably just hang out. You know,make some calls. 我们大概一起打几个电话吧 真不错How could I not get the part? 我怎么会落选?The play was about a 29-year-old ltalian actor from Q

11、ueens! 主角就是出身皇后区的 29岁意大利演员Well,Talia Shire suddenly became available. 泰莉雅雪儿突然有空Shes a woman! 她是欧巴桑耶What can I say? She nailed it! 你要我说什么? 人家就是有办法Is there anything else? 好吧,还有什么戏份?Youll just say no again,but. 你一定又会拒绝.gay porn? 同性恋A片?Happy holidays! 佳节快乐Feliz Navidad! 耶诞快乐(西班牙文)Allo and Merry Christma

12、s! 嗨(法文),耶诞快乐Oh,thank you,sir! Heres some joy. 谢谢你,祝你幸福-Hows it going? -Its going okay. 我来看看你做得如何 很顺利Good. Let me help you out. 那好,我顺便捐点钱Oh,thanks! 谢谢 甭客气Is that a new suede jacket? It looks really expensive. 新的鹿皮外套?好像很贵Yeah. I guess. 是不便宜Just get your nails done? 你刚去做指甲?Yes,Phoebe,but this is all I

13、 have,okay? 对,我只剩这些钱了Thanks. Happy holidays! Heres your joy. 谢啦,佳节快乐,祝你幸福Thank you! Happy holidays and Wait. 谢谢,佳节愉快 等等-You cant take money out. -Im making change for the bus. 只能捐钱不能拿 我跟你换零钱搭公车Cant you leave the dollar for the poor? 拿零钱就好 其他钱是要救济穷人的Im poor. I gotta take the bus. 我就是穷人,而且还得搭公车Okay,se

14、asons greetings and everything, but still 佳节愉快,可是你不能Bite me, blondie! 咬我啊,小妞Im going to give him something besides joy. Just 除了祝他幸福,我还要I cant believe I didnt get that part. 那个角色根本就是为我而写 结果我竟然落选Im sorry,man. 很遗憾What you should do. 你知道该怎么做吗?.is make something happen for yourself. 你要自己创造机会You know, lik

15、e write a play. 例如写个电影剧本Or a movie. What about those Good Will Hunting guys? 或者拍部电影 就像“心灵捕手”那两个Be realistic,you know? If I did write something. 罗斯,少作白日梦了 就算我写出剧本.what are the chances I could get those guys to star in it? 哪有办法请到他们?Wait a second. I could star in it! 有了,我可以自己主演Or that. 也可以I cant write.

16、 I mean,Im an actor. 我不会写剧本 我是演员I could act like a writer. Here. 我可以装成编剧But see? Nada. 不过什么也写不出来I dont have the discipline that it takes. I cant do it. 我不像编剧一样有纪律 我办不到Ill help you. 我可以帮你Yeah. Ill make up a schedule and make sure you stick to it. 帮你订出时间表 盯着你乖乖照做Plus,itll give me something to do. 我自己也

17、有事做了Youd do that for me? Thanks. 真的?你愿意帮我?Well start slow. All you have to come up with tonight. 对 谢谢 一开始慢慢来 今晚之前.is the name of your main character. .只要想好主角名字-Done. -And it cant be Joey. 好了 不可以是乔伊-Its not. -Or Joseph. 不是 也不能是约瑟夫Whats up? 你怎么啦?I just saw Danny on the subway with a girl. 我刚看到丹尼跟女生搭地铁

18、.and he had his arm around her. 他还搂着她Honey,Im sorry. 我真为你难过You should be. This is all your fault. 你的确该难过,一切都要怪你You meddled in our relationship! 谁叫你插手我们的感情世界You had no relationship! 你们根本没在一起But I was doing my thing and everything. 不过我已经拟好计划.was going according to the plan! 一切都按部就班进行中Oh, God, stop wit

19、h the plan! 拜托 别再提你的鸟计划So what if you saw him with a girl? 你看到他跟女生在一起又如何That doesnt mean anything. 那不代表什么Youll go out with Danny and be so charming hell forget all about. 你就快跟丹尼约会 到时你可以火力全开.that stupid subway girl. 迷得他忘记地铁那个蠢妞She was kind of stupid. 那女生的确傻里傻气Youre right. Im just going to go on the d

20、ate. 你说得对 好,我就去约会Im just going to go on the date. That is the new plan. 我会去赴约 这就是我的新计划Hurry! 快点-How do you spell suspicious? -Why? “多疑”怎么写? 干嘛?I think this character is going to be suspicious about stuff. 因为这个角色很“多疑”Yes! 帅!Chandler Bing, seven! Chandler Bing, zero! 钱德宾7分,钱德宾0分Youre driving me crazy

21、with that. 看你玩那个都快让我抓狂了-Ill stop. -Dont stop. 我不玩就是了 继续玩Move the bowl further away. Ross could make that shot. 碗拿远一点 连罗斯都投得进Well, you suck. But at least you suck at a mans game now. 真是逊毙了 不过至少你进了成人组-Want to play? -I cant play games. 要不要玩? 我不能跟你玩Rossll be home soon. I have to write five pages to stic

22、k to his schedule. 罗斯就快回来了 按照他的时间表 我应该写完5页So play for 30 minutes, then write until he gets home. 你可以先玩30分钟 再继续用功到他回家All right. 好吧But listen,what do you say we. 不过.crank it up a notch? 规则应该更困难Im intrigued. 愿闻其详All right. All we need is a little lighter fluid. 要先找到可燃性液体But be careful. I want our secur

23、ity deposit back. 好,不过你小心点 我还想拿回房租押金We said goodbye to that when we invented hammer darts. 我们发明铁锤标枪时 就拿不回来了Do you even remember which part of the wall is not spackle? 你记得哪面墙壁没补过吗? 记得,这里Thank you! Happy holiday. 谢谢,佳节愉快No,thats trash,young lady. You cant 小姐,那可是垃圾,不可以Stop that young lady! She donated

24、trash! 别这样,小姐,她竟然捐垃圾The charitys on fire! 乐捐筒着火了Help! Thank you. I need that! 来人啊 谢谢,我正需要What is this? 那是什么鬼东西?Its 9:00 in the morning! 现在才早上9点耶All right. A room. 我看看,场景,房间A man enters. He looks suspicious. 一名男子满脸狐疑地走进来Thats it? 就这样?Youre supposed to have five pages done by now. 乔伊,你今天应该写5页.includin

25、g an exciting incident. 还包括一个高潮What is all this? The Official Rulebook of Fireball. 这是什么垃圾? 大火球游戏规则Thats the game we played. 我们刚在玩这游戏Its great. You take a tennis ball,a bowl and lighter 很好玩,道具就是一颗网球 一个碗、可燃液体This is helping your career? You wanted to be an actor. 这对你的事业有帮助吗?我还以为你想当演员Not the creator o

26、f Crazy Lawsuit Game. 不是发明危险游戏被人告Youre right. Ill get back to work. 你说得对,我该工作了Shame on you! You should know better! Joey needs to work. 你真不应该,还带坏他 明知道乔伊应该要工作Now come on. 振作点You can have this back when the five pages are done. 等你写完5页才还你-I had a nice time tonight. -So did l. 我今晚很开心 我也是Im really glad M

27、onica asked us out. 幸好摩妮卡约我们出来Id love to ask you in, but my sisters visiting. 我很想请你进去 不过我妹来住我家-I think shes asleep on the couch. -Your sister? 她可能睡在沙发上了 你妹妹?Your sisters asleep on the couch? 睡在沙发上?I saw you with her on the subway and now shes asleep on the couch! 我上次看到你们搭地铁 现在她还睡在你沙发-I thought I hea

28、rd you. -Hey,great,youre up. 我就猜是你 太好了,你起床了Rachel,my sister Krista. 瑞秋,这是我妹妹克莉丝塔Nice to meet you. 很高兴认识你I wish youd warned me. Id have fixed myself up. 你应该告诉我要带朋友回来 害我穿得邋里邋遢-Like it would help. -You are so bad. 有差吗? 你真恶劣-You are. -You are. 你才是 是你-You are. -You are! 是你 是你You are so dead. 你完蛋了Im gonna

29、 get you. Come here! 我要教训你一顿Its very nice to meet you. 很高兴认识你Nobody! Nobody respects the bucket! 没有人,没一个人尊重募捐筒You wouldnt believe what people put in here! 大家都丢些莫名其妙的东西Does this look like a garbage can to you? 你觉得这像垃圾桶吗?Does it look like an ashtray? 不像 像烟灰缸吗?Does it look like a urinal? 不像 像尿桶吗?-So yo

30、u going back out there? -Yeah, but I wont take any more crap. 菲比,你还要回去募捐吗? 当然,不过我受够了No more Mrs. Nice Bucket. 再也不当募捐好好小姐Good. Youre tough. You lived on the street. 加油,你在街上流浪过,够悍Ill go back to being Street Phoebe. 我要当回强人菲比But not totally back. Street Phoebe wouldnt be friends with you guys. 不过也不能一模一样

31、 否则才不会鸟你们 抱歉啦Can I ask you guys something? 可以问个问题吗? 当然I dont have brothers,so I dont know, but did you guys wrestle? 我没有兄弟,实在不暸解 你们会打来打去吗?-Oh,yeah. -All the time. 当然会 常常In fact,I was undefeated. 而且我从没输过Well,you weighed 200 pounds. 因为你以前90多公斤Still,I was quick as a cat. 不过我还是跟猫咪一样矫捷I met Dannys sister yesterday. 我昨天碰到丹尼的妹妹-That was the girl on the subway. -Youre kidding. 就是跟他一起搭地铁的那个 真的假的?They were very,you know.

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