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1、走遍美国16【走遍美国精讲笔记】第16课:意外的惊喜ACT 1-1 “我当然认识他。”【故事梗概】星期六上午,Robbie和Grandpa (Malcolm Stewart)在厨房里说话。邮递员送来了一些信。夹在一堆帐单和广告中间的是一封Grandpa大学时的室友Pete Waters写来的信。Robbie: The mailman just dropped some mail in our box, Grandpa.Grandpa: Probably a lot of advertising and bills. Why dont you write to me, Robbie, so I

2、can get some interesting mail?Robbie: You were right, Grandpa. Advertising, bills, bills, advertising.Grandpa: Its just like I said, Robbie. Nothing interesting.Robbie: You wont believe it, Grandpa, but theres a letter here addressed to you, Mr. Malcolm Stewart, and it looks like a personal letter.G

3、randpa: Oh, it must be a bill.Robbie: I dont think so. The return name and address is Pete Waters, RFD Number 1, Chesterton.Grandpa: Youre joking. Pete Waters?Robbie: Pete Waters, RFD Number 1, Chesterton. You know him?Grandpa: Do I know Pete Waters? You bet I do! He was my roommate in college. He v

4、isited with Grandma and me in Florida about five years ago.He opens the letter.【语言点精讲】1. The mailman just dropped some mail in our box, Grandpa.爷爷,邮递员刚在我们信箱里投放了一些信件。mailman: 邮递员。近年来由于女权运动者反对含有性别区分的词汇,因此常改称mail carrier。2. Probably a lot of advertising and bills. 可能是许多广告宣传品和帐单。advertising: 广告;促销宣传品。bi

5、lls: 这里指的是账单。3. Why dont you write to me, Robbie, so I can get some interesting mail? 你为什么不给我写几封信,Robbie,好让我也能收到有趣的邮件?so I can get some interesting mail: 这里so是so that的省略,引导目的状语从句。4. You wont believe it, Grandpa, but theres a letter here addressed to you, Mr. Malcolm Stewart, and it looks like a pers

6、onal letter. 你不会相信的,爷爷,真有一封信是寄给你的。Malcolm Stewart先生收,还像是一封私人信件呢。a letter here addressed to you: 一封寄给你的信。a personal letter: 一封私人信件。这是同广告或商业函件相对而言的。5. The return name and address is Pete Waters, RFD Number 1, Chesterton.寄信人的姓名地址是Pete Waters,乡村免费递送,切斯特顿1号。return name and address: 回信用的姓名和地址。通常就是寄信人的姓名、地

7、址。RFD: rural free delivery的缩写,指的是(邮件的)乡村地区免费递送。这是一种为偏远乡村地区免费投递信件、报纸的邮政服务系统。由邮递员开汽车递送邮件,每个邮递员负责一条线路。在美国,这种服务开始于1896年。6. Do I know Pete Waters?反问句,意思是“那还用问,我当然认得他了”。其形式是把对方的问句原句重复一次,稍加重读,有时改用降调。7. You bet I do! 这是美国口语的用法,表示“当然”,“毫无疑问”的意思。在这里Grandpa想要表达的意思是“我当然认识他”。意思相近的表达还有“Of course I do! ”以及“ I cert

8、ainly do!”ACT 1-2 “他为什么一直未结婚呢?”【故事梗概】Grandpa读了老朋友Pete Waters寄给他的信。Pete邀Grandpa到自己的乡间农场小住,与几位老同学聚会。Robbie: What does he say? Is he OK?Grandpa: Yeah, hes fine. Just fine. Hes writing to invite me to spend a weekend with him at his farm. Hes planning a get-together with two or three other college frien

9、ds. Kind of a fifty-year anniversary reunion.Robbie: Sounds like fun. Fifty years? Wow!Grandpa: It sounds like fun to me, too, Robbie.Robbie: What kind of farm does he have?Grandpa: Ive never been there, Robbie, but he has chickens and cows and all. That means fresh eggs and fresh milk.Robbie: Does

10、he have a family?Grandpa: No, he doesnt, Robbie. He never married. Hes not as lucky as I am to have a family and grandchildren. Im a lucky man.Robbie: How come he never got married?Grandpa: Thats a good question, Robbie. A very good question. He never married because the girl he was in love with in

11、college married someone else. As simple as that. He never got over it.【语言点精讲】1. Hes writing to invite me to spend a weekend with him at his farm.他写信请我到他农场上去度周末。invite sb. to do sth.: 邀请某人去做某事。spend a weekend with sb.: 与某人共度周末。2. Hes planning a get-together with two or three other college friends. Ki

12、nd of a fifty-year anniversary reunion.他正计划着要同两三位别的大学时期的朋友聚会一下,就算是个毕业50周年纪念重聚会。get-together: 联欢会,聚会。kind of: 在非正式英语中表示“某种, 类似,如同”,可用于单数名词、形容词、动词等的前面。也常说成 “sort of”。reunion: 重聚,同班同学高校毕业后的重聚联欢会。高中和大学时的同班同学在毕业多年后常安排重聚或重聚联欢会。3. How come he never got married? 他为什么一直未结婚呢?How come: 用于一个完整的陈述句前,构成问句,是用来问“Wh

13、y”的非正式说法。意思是“事情是怎么发生的?”,“为什么会有这种情况?”How come,等。这个come无时态或人称变化。又如,How come she doesnt know about it? (为什么她不知道?)Youre back early. How come?(你为什么会回来得这么早?)4. Thats a good question, Robbie. A very good question.这问题问得很好,Robbie。问得很好。Thats a good question. : 说这句话,并不一定是指对方的问题提得好,更经常的情况只是为了给自己争取一点时间来思考一下,或者引出

14、自己的回答。5. He never got over it. 他始终未能释然于怀。get over: 指的是从某种精神状态恢复过来。在这里指从(失恋中)恢复过来,忘却。ACT 1-3 “这是无法预料的。”【故事梗概】Grandpa对Pete提到的将有意外的惊喜之事相报感到很好奇,也对和老朋友们的聚会非常的期待。他决定立刻给Pete回电话,告知Pete他会去参加这个聚会。Robbie: He must have loved her very much.Grandpa: Yes. Very much. Lillian Winters. She was in our class.Robbie: An

15、d what happened?Grandpa: She was in love with Donald McGrath, the quarterback on our football team.Robbie: Football players are always popular with the ladies.Grandpa: She liked Pete, and they went to dances together. But her heart was with Donald.Robbie: Did he ever get over it?Grandpa: No, he neve

16、r did.Robbie: Where is she today?Grandpa: I dont know. Maybe Lillian will be at the reunion.Robbie: You think so?Grandpa: Petes full of surprises.Robbie: I wish I could go there with you, Grandpa. What do you think the surprise will be?Grandpa: With Pete, you never know, Robbie.Robbie: Wont it be ex

17、citing to see all your college friends there again?Grandpa: It is already. Im kind of excited about going now. He thinks aloud. Next weekend sleep over Friday and Saturday night and come back Sunday. I cant wait!Robbie: Dont you think you ought to call Pete and tell him youre coming?Grandpa: Youre r

18、eading my mind, Robbie.【语言点精讲】1. He must have loved her very much. 他(那时)一定是非常爱她。must have loved: 表示说话人主观的推测,因为所指的事发生于过去,所以 must后面用 have+过去分词的形式。2. She was in love with Donald McGrath, the quarterback on our football team. 她爱上了Donald McGrath,我们橄榄球队的四分卫。be in love with sb.: 与某人相爱。quarterback: (橄榄球赛中指挥

19、反攻的)四分卫。3. Football players are always popular with the ladies.橄榄球运动员在女士们面前总是很吃香的。be popular with sb.: 受某人欢迎,受某人的青睐。the ladies: 因为 woman有时显得不够尊重,故美国人更喜欢用 lady。比如说“那位老太太”,通常不用 that old woman,而是说 that old lady。4. I wish I could go there with you. 我要是能去就好了。动词wish后接表示虚拟语气的从句时,意思是“但愿,要是就好了”。从句中的动词用过去时。又如

20、:I wish I were young again.(我要是能返老还童就好了。)We wish he could come. (他要能来就好了。)5. With Pete, you never know, never know: 这是无法预料的。6. Next weekend sleep over Friday and Saturday night and come back Sunday.下一个周末星期五、星期六晚上住在那儿,星期日回来。sleep over: 借宿,在别人家里过夜。7. Youre reading my my mind: 知道我在

21、想什么,看出我在想什么。这里的 read表示能猜出或以某种超人的能力知道别人心里在想什么。有这种能力的人称为 mind reader。ACT 2-1 “你往哪里去?”【故事梗概】在驾车去Pete Waters的农场的路上, Grandpa 在靠近切斯特顿的一个汽车加油站停下来加油,并意外的从加油站的工作人员那里知道了一条去农场的近路。Attendant: Hello. What can I do for you?Grandpa: Hi. Fill er up. I need a full tank.Attendant: Check the hood?Grandpa: No, thanks.At

22、tendant: Whereabouts are you headed?Grandpa: Pete Waters farm, near Chesterton.Attendant: I know it well. Pete Waterss lived around here almost as long as I have.Grandpa: How long is it going to take for me to get here?Attendant: About fifteen minutes. Theres a short cut - if you know it.Grandpa: No

23、, I dont. Could you tell me how to use the short cut?Attendant: Sure. You take the next left turn. Youll see a stop sign. Make a right at the stop sign. Stay on that road, and youll cross a blue bridge. Then youll see a big old red barn. Thats the back of Pete Waters place.Grandpa: Thats quite a dif

24、ference from the directions that Pete sent me.Attendant: Now, if you take that route, its probably a lot simpler, but itll take you ten minutes longer.【语言点精讲】1. Fill er up. I need a full tank.Filler up: 给车加满汽油。是常用的非正式说法。这是美国特有的俗语,专用于在加油站加油时;er是 her的省略音。为了节约人工,现在加油站常设顾客自己动手加油的油泵,这句话的使用频率大为降低了。tank: 汽

25、车上的油箱。2. Check the hood? 要不要检查一下引擎、机油什么的?美国是汽车王国,一般家庭都有两部以上的汽车,各地加油站密布,大部分加油站都分自助区(self service)和全套服务区(full service),前者要顾客自己加油,后者由服务员帮忙加油,并提供擦窗,检查机油等服务,价钱较贵。3. Whereabouts are you headed?你往哪里去?Whereabouts: 哪里,等同于 Where。在美国有些地区习惯于用这个词。be headed (for a place): 是“朝某处去”,其语言略俗。4. You take the next left t

26、urn. Youll see a stop sign. Make a right at the stop sign. Stay on that road, and youll cross a blue bridge. Then youll see a big old red barn. Thats the back of Pete Waters place.这是加油站的工作人员在告诉Grandpa去农场的近路。让我们来看看其中的一些表达。take the next left turn. : 在下一条路口左转。a stop sign:停车标志。在小路与大路交叉的地方,在小路一侧常有写STOP的标

27、记,示意车子到此应先停下,看清大路上没有撞车危险后再前进。make a right : 右转。也可以说“make a right turn”或者 “turn to the right”。Stay on that road, and youll cross a blue bridge. : 在那条路上开,你会经过一座蓝色的桥。barn:是美国农场上的大牲口棚,下层栓大牲口,上层贮饲草。有时旁边还有一圆柱塔形建筑,贮藏饲料。亦指贮谷物的建筑物,谷棚。5. Now, if you take that route, its probably a lot simpler, but itll take y

28、ou ten minutes longer.喏,你要是走那条路线,可能简单得多,可是要多花10分钟的时间。a lot simpler: 简单得多。在比较级上添加表示程度或幅度的状语时,要加在比较级的前面,又如: a little harder(有一点难),much bigger(大得多),an inch longer(长出一英寸),somewhat quicker(多少快一些)。ACT 2-2 “该付你多少钱?”【故事梗概】Grandpa决定走加油站的工作人员告诉他的近路。在结过账之后,他继续向Pete的农场开去。Grandpa: OK. Let me repeat it. I take th

29、e next left turn to the stop sign. Then a right across a blue bridge, and then a big red barn.Attendant: Cant miss it.Grandpa: How much do I owe you?Attendant: Well, thatll be eighteen dollars and seventy cents. No charge for the cleanup. Its on the house.Grandpa takes a twenty-dollar bill from his

30、pocket and hands it to the attendant.Grandpa: Well, heres a twenty.Attendant: Ah. OK. Thats a dollar and thirty cents change. There we go will make twenty. Thanks.Grandpa: Thank you. And thanks for the directions. He gets back into the car and drives away. He thinks aloud as he follows the attendant

31、s directions. This must be Petes barn. Turn right to the house.【语言点精讲】1. OK. Let me repeat it. I take the next left turn to the stop sign. Then a right across a blue bridge, and then a big red barn.好吧,让我来复述一下。在下一个路口向左拐弯,开到停车标志,然后向右拐弯,开过一座蓝色的桥,再后就是一座红色的大牲口棚。Let me repeat it. : 让我来复述一下。问路后可以通过简单重述的方式来确认自己的理解是正确的。2. Cant miss it.你不会找不到的。这是口语中指路时,常用到的说法。3. How much do I owe you?该付你多少钱?这是付款或还钱时常用的说法。4. Well, thatll be eighteen dollars and seventy cents.应付18美元 70美。thatll be: 费用是,应该付。售货员或侍者在售货或提供某项服务之后,要告诉顾客需付的费用,这时,常用这个词语。5. No charge for the cleanup. I

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