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1、英语口译笔记法整理常用符号1、数学符号+ 加上,和;另外,除此之外;多(plus,and,in addition to,besides, many, lots of, a great deal of, a good many of)+(+2) 多的比较级:more 减去,缺乏,少(minus,lack,in short of) 错误,不好,坏的(wrong,incorrect,sth.bad,notorious,negative,not) 好的,对的,积极地,赞成(correct,good,positive,affirmative,agree) 多于,超过(bigger/larger/grea

2、ter/more than/better than,superior to,surpass) 少于,低于(less/smaller/fewer/worse than,inferior to) 不少/低于,大于等于(more than,no less than,equal to) 小于等于,不超过,不多于(less than, equal to,no more than)= 同等,相当于,换句话说;一致,公平(means,that is to say,in other words,the same as,be equal to, 表示对手概念:( a match, rival, competit

3、or, counterpart, )/ 大约,大概,左右(about,around,roughly,or so, approximately) 不同于,不等于,不代表,不平衡(be different from,It doesnt mean,imbalance) 无敌(matchless,peerless,) 属于(belong to)( ) 在之间(among,within,in);包括,包含,涉及,组成 在背景下(against this backdrop,background,uner the circumstance) 包含几个方面,注意几点() 并列关系 由于,因为,幸亏(becau

4、se,due to,thanks to,as,owing to) 所以,因而,因此,结果是(so,therefore,as a result,consequently) 在基础上(based on, on the basis of);影响,负担,压力(influence,effect,impact,pressure,stress,burden,load)/ 平行符号,与相一致,相似,大致相当/ 消除,解除,否定(cross out, eliminate) 总额,总数(total amount/number,add up to )2.、标点符号? 问题,疑问,提问,质疑,怀疑(question,

5、issue,doubt,ask,problem,puzzle,confused,mystery,bewildered)! 值得关注的,很重要的,需要重视的(pay attention to,important,attach importance to think much of, value) 位置不同表示的概念不同。d“昨天”,d 明天 ,y 去年,y明年。 1,、表示“人”,放在单词的右上角eg.中国人:中,政客:政,老师:T 2表示“化”放在单词右上角(-ize,-ization)现代化:现,城镇化:urban“” 所谓的,正如所说(so called) 还有许多,等等,大量的(many

6、 other,and so on,a lot of) 继续(carry on,continue,constant): 说,想,认为;表示,证明,显示(view,see,look,observe,notice,scan,skim,perceive,witness,discover,catch sight of; Speak,say,state,tell,announce,maintain,claim,affirm,address,declare,suggest,Show,demonstrate,indicate,imply;reflect,display,mirror,mean,revealUn

7、derstand,comprehend,recognise,feel, Think,consider,regard,reckon,deliberate,)(3)图形符号/ 转折(but,however,although,nevertheless) 结束(end,stop,halt,bring sth to a standstill,stop)* / 重要的,突出的,伟大的,有意义的(important,exemplary(模范的) best,outstanding,brilliant,great,prominent,grandkey, crucial,critical,essential,de

8、cisive,eventful,substaintial;outstanding,distinguished,remakable;chief,main,primary,major,dominant,overwhelming,most 强调,重视(emphasis,stress,focus,underscore,underline,accentuate,highlight,attatch importance to,lay stress on, pay attention to) 城镇地区(urban area) 农村地区(rural area) 国家,民族(county,state,natio

9、n,republic,kingdom);某一个组织(community,organization,) 放在单词的上方,表示“最”的概念。U 酒杯状,表示合同,协议(treaty,agreement,contract)U内填入2,表示双边合同、协议,3即三遍,M即多边;加入“/”表示谈判破裂O 圆圈代表地球,中间加一横线代表赤道。表示国际的,世界的,全球性的(international,worldwide,global,universal) 圈内空白,象征面无表情。表示漠不关心、无动于衷:indifferent, apathetic, unconcern, dont care much, 全部,

10、整体,总数,总值(whole,entire,total,holistic,panoramic,sum) 会议、开会等 (圆圈表示一个圆桌,中间一点表示一盆花):meeting,conference, negotiation,seminar,discussion,symposium 中间的点换成小圆圈表示环境(environment) 集合,统一,团结(pooltogether,converge,solidarity,reunification)¥ 人民币,利益,福利,收益,利润,有利于(benefits,welfare,beneficial,profit, income,) 价值,价格 $ 美

11、元,财富,金钱,投资,投入,花销(investment,expense,cost,input,money,fortune,treasur,estate) 在地方、领域(at)& 和,与(and,together with,along with, accompany,along with,further more) 对抗,对立关系,竞赛,战争(oppose,fight against,combat,battle,war,competition,beating;fight and quarrel: 赞成,表扬(praise,hail,applaud,agree,assent): 批评,否认,谴责(

12、criticize,reproach,deny,disaffirm,condemn)# 仅仅,只是(only,simply,just) 号码(telephone number)# 不仅(not only) 加在动词下表示将来的动作,加在年份或名词下表示“以来”、今后,以后 过去的动作;加在表示时间的数字下表示“过去天、年,“截止时4,、箭头符号 到达、传达,到方向,出口到,提交:go into,arrive at,give to,end to,present to 导致,引发,引导:lead to,cause,result in, in the direction of 屈服:submit t

13、o 来自于,从进口:be/come from,return,receive from,import from 追溯到:come/go/date back to,originate 上升,发展,增加,加强,上涨:up,rise,arise,ascend,boost,bring up,climb to,develop,elevate,enhance,promote,roar,update,improve,nourish,lift 减少,下降,降低,下跌,贬值,减弱,削弱:cut down,decline,decrease,descend,degrade,dropto,fall,go down,lo

14、wer,lessen,reduce,sink,weaken 越来越好、高、多:more and more,higher and higher,better an better 越来越坏、差、低:less and less,fewer and fewer,lower and lower,worse and worse 压力:pressure,stress,burden,load 影响,作用于:influence,affect,impact,have bearingon进行英语口译时,大家可能常会用到一些缩略词做一些简单的笔记。这里为大家总结了较全的缩略词,首先为大家介绍的是缩略词ACacc =

15、account, accountant acdg = according acpt = accept ad = advertisement adm = administration ads = address adv = advice agr = agriculture agt = agent alt = altitude a.m. = ante meridiem = before noon AMAP = as much as possible amb = ambassador amt = amount anal = analysis anc = ancient anon = anonymou

16、s ans = answer app = appendix Apr = April apt = apartment arch = architecture arr = arrive; arrival ASAP = as soon as possible ass = assistant; association at = atmosphere; atomic att = attorney; attention Aug = August aux = auxiliary av = average ave = avenue a.w.l. = absent with leave (准假) a.w.o.l

17、. = absent without official leave (无故缺席) B.A. = Bachelor of Arts bal = balance B.C. = before Christ bd = board bdl = bundle bk = bank; book bkts = baskets B/L = bill of lading (提单) BLDG = building bp = birthplace br = branch; brother B.S. = Bachelor of Science bu = bureau C = capacity; century; chap

18、ter; centigrade; cost; city; center cal = calendar; caliber; calories cap = capital; captain cat = catalog cc = carbon copy (复印件;抄送) CEO = chief executive officer cert = certificate CFM = confirm cncl = cancel cp. = compare cit = citizen civ = civil; civilization clk = clerk cml = commercial co. = c

19、ompany c/o = care of(转交) col = college; color com = commentary; common; communication; community comm = commission comp = complete; computer; competition con = conclusion; against cond = condition cont. = continent; continued corp = corporation cust = customer; custom; customs上文我们为大家总结了英语口译缩略词AC的内容,

20、这里为大家总结的英语口译笔记常用缩略词区间段DK的词汇。Dec = December dec = deceased; declaration def = defender; defense deg = degree dep = deposit DEPT = department disc = discount dist = distance; distinguish div = divide; divorced do. = ditto (同上) dorm = dormitory dpt = departure dz = dozen e = east; earth; engineering ec

21、on = economics; economy ed. = education; editor e.g. = exempli gratia = for example encl. = enclosed; enclosure esp. = especially etc. = et cetera = and so on ex. = example; exception; extra exp. = export expln = explain ext = extend; extension FAX = facsimile Feb. = February fem = female; feminine

22、ff. = following fig = figures fin = finance; financial fl = fluid FLT = flight FOB = free on board (船上交货;离岸价格) for = foreign; forestry fp = freezing point fr = frequent Fri. = Friday frt = freight (货物;货运) ft = foot; feet (脚;英寸) fut = future FYR = for your reference (仅供参考) g = gold; grain; guide; gen

23、der; gravity G.A. = General Assembly (联合国大会) gen. = generally gent = gentleman; gentlemen gm = gram; general manager gov = government gs = general secretary (秘书长) h = harbor; hundred; husband; hydrogen hd = head (头部;首脑) hf = half Hon = honorable; honorary H.Q. = headquarters hr = hour ht = height hy

24、poth = hypothesis; hypothetical i.a. = in absence; absent ib. = ibidem = in the same place ID = identity; identity card i.e. = id est = that is imp = import; imperial IMPS = impossible IMPT = important in. = inch; inches ind = industrial; independent indiv = individual info = information ins = insur

25、ance inst. = instant; institute int. = interior; interest (兴趣;利息) I/O = instead of IOU = I owe you = 借据 I.Q. = intelligence quotient IVO = in view of (鉴于,考虑到) is. = island J = judge; justice jour = journal; journalist jr. = junior (大学三年级学生; 年少的; 初级的) kg = kilogram (千克;公斤) km = kilometer (公里)lat. = l

26、atitude lb. = pounds (磅;英镑) L/C = letter of credit (信用证) leg = legal lib = library; librarian liq = liquid lit = literature long. = longitude M.A. = Master of Arts mach = machinery mag = magazine man. = manual; manufacture Mar = March math = mathematics MDL = model (型号;模特) Mdm = Madam med. = medicin

27、e; medical mem = member; memoir (回忆录) memo = memorandum (备忘录) mid = middle min = minute; minimum mkt. = market mod = moderate; modern Mon. = Monday mph = mile per hour (每小时英里数; 车速) Mr. = Mister Mrs. = Mistress MS = manuscripts (手稿) msg = message Mt = Mount; mountain mus = music; museum n = north; no

28、on; name; normal nat = national; native; natural n.d. = no date (无日期) NLT = not later than (不迟于) No. = number Nov. = November nr = near obj = object; objective obs = obsolete(过时的); observe obt = obtain Oct. = October off. = office; official op. = opera; operation; opposite ord = ordinary org = organ

29、ization orig = original oz. = ounce (盎司) p. = page; power; pressure para = paragraph part = particular; partner pass = passive; passenger PAT = patent payt = payment pc = piece; personal computer pd. = paid (钱款)已付 perf = perform; performance Ph.D. = Doctor of Philosophy pk = park; peak (备注:pk这个符号大家可

30、以根据时髦的用语来灵活拓展其含义) pkg = package PLS = please p.m. = post meridiem = afternoon POB = post-office box pop = popular; population pr. = pair; preferred prec = preceding prim = primary; primitive prin. = principle pro = product Prof. = professor pub. = public; publish qr. = quarter qt. = quantity qua = quality r. = radius; railroad; retired rcd = received rcpt = receipt Rd = road re = about (关于) reg = register; region rep = representative rev = revise; reverse; revenue riv = river rm. =

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