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1、人资英语作文第一篇:职位说明书(会计主管)某公司欲招聘一位会计主管(chief accountant),需要人力资源管理部门为其编制一份职位说明书(Job Description),假如公司总经理要求你来完成这项工作,请你用英文完成以下职位说明书。职位说明书岗位_岗位代码_所属部门_上级主管_薪酬等级_工作时间(选项)工作概述与公司的财务总监紧密合作,确保所有的有关会计部门的职责完成。发展和指导财务队伍和专业员工的活动,包括预测、计划、预算、信贷收回、成本核算和财务控制系统的管理。工作职责直接向财务总监报告,对所有会计职能负责。监控业务活动,负责财务控制。及时提供预算分析,财务计划和综合报告支

2、持高级管理层决策。建立、维护内部控制及外部财务报告。与外部审计员接洽;处理所有企业所得税事项。对风险和机会进行效果评估。任职资格博士或以上学位至少有五年会计岗位工作经验在外资、合资公司工作过的优先考虑愿意出差与公司其他人的关系Job DescriptionPosition chief accountant Number 10 Department financial department Accountable to CFO Salary grade 3 Working hours yes 35 40 hrs/wk 20 35 hrs/wk less than 20 hrs/wk Job su

3、mmaryWork closely with CFO of the company, make sure all of the responsibilities related to the accounting department are fulfilled.Develop and guide activities of the financial team and the professional staff including forecasting, planning, budgeting, credit and collections, cost accounting, and f

4、inancial control systems.ResponsibilitiesReport to the CFO directly and be responsible for all accounting functions. Monitor business activities and perform financial control functions.Provide analytical budgetary, financial planning and combined reports support to the judgments of senior management

5、 timely.Establish and maintain internal controls, external financial reports. Interface with external auditors; handle with all corporate tax matters. Conduct performance review in order to identify risk and opportunities.QualificationsMaster degree or aboveAt least 5 years-experience in accounting

6、workWork experience in foreign or JV companies is preferredWilling to travelRelations of the position to others in the company第二篇:录用通知书(销售经理)假设你所在的公司今年从人才市场物色了一位销售经理,经过几轮面试后,公司决定录用,从今年7月1日开始上班,除节假日外每天的工作时间为8:3017:00,起薪为每月4000元,试用期3个月。现在需要你为这位销售经理拟定一份录用通知书(Letter Confirming Employment),请你用英文完成这份录用通知书


8、一同工作。如果你有问题请联系我。姓名头衔Letter Confirming EmploymentDear XXX:I am pleased to inform you that you have accepted the position of sales manager at our company, starting on July 1.You shall perform the following duties and have the following responsibilities:Ensure that the goal of the annual sales plan wil

9、l be fulfilled;Participate in drawing up marketing strategy; Direct and control the sales expenses;Deal with some special sales;Deal with the complaints of customers; Examine the members of the sales team.Please note that these duties and responsibilities are only a part of your job and that you may

10、 be expected to perform other duties and responsibilities if necessary.Besides statutory holidays, your working hours are from 8:30 to 17:00 . Your starting salary/wage is RMB 4000/month . You will be on probation for 3 months during which time we may dismiss you if you have serious fault. Your supe

11、rvisor is XXX . He/she will help you get settled on your first day.I look forward to working with you. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.Yours truly(Name) XXX(Title) XXX第三篇:员工辞退信由于近年来的持续经济衰退,Addison Systems公司打算在年底进行一次裁员,辞退的对象主要是公司去年招聘的临时工(temporary workers),Thomas就是即将被辞

12、退的临时工。根据当初公司与Thomas签订的服务协议,如果公司辞退员工的话,公司须按照每服务满两个月支付员工一个星期薪水的补偿金,Thomas已在公司工作满12个月,将得到一笔相当于6个星期薪水的补偿。假设你是Addison Systems公司的人力资源管理人员,请你为用英文为Thomas写一封员工辞退信(Employee Termination Letter),向他说明辞退的原因以及相关事宜。(你的署名请勿用真实姓名,一律用XXX表示。)员工辞退信亲爱的Thomas:亲爱的托马斯:非常抱歉,我必须告诉你,你在Addison Systems公司的工作将于2013年12月31日终止。你知道,我们

13、公司利益下降,裁员工作小组已决定解雇所有临时就业人员。所以根据工作组的建议你的职位将会自动取消。我想明确的是在过去的12个月您已被视为我们的一个最有生产力的员工。你和其他工作人员的离开只是由于去年地经济衰退。公司已安排会按你每2个月的工作支付一星期的薪水。所以你会收到六周的遣散费,且你的医疗保险继续有效到补偿期的结束。托马斯,我相信以你的能力你会在不久的将来找到另一份工作的。XXX(名字)XXX(头衔)Employee Termination LetterDear Thomas:To our sincere regret I must inform you that your employme

14、nt at Addison Systems Inc. will be terminated as of December 31, 2013.As you know, the profits of our company are suffering, the Downsizing Task Force decided to dismiss all the temporary employees. So your position is automatically terminated as the task force recommendations.I would like to make i

15、t absolutely clear that you have been highly regarded as one of our most productive staff since the last 12 months. You and the other staff that are being let go are simply a reflection of the general economic downturn over the past year.The company has worked out an arrangement that will give you o

16、ne weeks pay for each 2 month you worked. So you will receive six weeks of severance pay, and your medical coverage will remain in effect until the end of the severance period. Thomas, with your abilities, I am confident that you will be able to find another position soon in the future.Sincerely(Nam

17、e) XXX(Title) XXX第四篇:招聘广告(管理咨询总监)(此篇无标题)上海China-mc管理咨询公司是全国十大管理咨询公司之一,专注于组织智慧技术(organization wisdom technology(OWT))和组织绩效方面的咨询服务,已有8年以上的咨询经验,并为10多家上市公司提供过咨询服务。公司的业务范围包括战略咨询、公司文化建设、知识管理、学习型组织创建、人力资源管理和IT管理咨询等。由于公司业务的发展需要,现需要从人才市场招聘一位管理咨询总监(Chief management consultant)。假设公司老总让你制作一份招聘广告,请你用英文完成这份招聘广告,内


19、任职资格:不少于五年的工作经验;不少于2年著名的咨询公司咨询经验(有国际咨询公司工作经验的优先考虑);MBA或类似的教育背景;良好的管理能力和决策能力优秀的人际交往和沟通能力外向、主动能承受压力善于说服他人熟练使用Word, Excel, PowerPoint电邮简历及近照至adminchina-Shanghai China-mc consulting management Co,.LTD,is a top-ten management consulting company of China , specializing in organization wisdom technology an

20、d organization performance. We have over 8 years consulting experience and serve for more than tens of listing companies! Our services include strategy consulting, company culture building, knowledge, management, learning organization building, human resource management, marketing and IT Management

21、basing on OWT.For more information, please see our website: www.china-. We are looking for talents for China-mc Management Consulting .With these opportunities we are offering you an exciting career! Chief management consultant (one person)Responsibilities:Taking charge for the whole work of company

22、 consulting service;Developing new service;Developing and Training the new consultant;Project management, team management;Qualifications:No less five-years working experience;No less than 2-year experience of consulting within famous consulting firms (working experience in international consulting c

23、ompanies is preferred);MBA or similar educational background;Good management ability and judgment ability;Excellent interpersonal and communication skillsOutgoing and positive;Enjoying pressure;Be good at persuade others;Familiar with Word, Excel, PowerPoint; EmailyourCVincludingrecentphototoadminch

24、ina-第五篇:保密协议某外资公司是一家专门从事财务软件开发的公司,为了保护公司的商业秘密(business secrets)不被公司员工泄露,公司打算与每一位员工签订一份保密协议(Secrecy and Noncompetition Covenant),规定员工必须保守公司的商业秘密,在任职期间以及离职后,均不能向任何第三方泄露;离职后3年内,不得自己经营或帮助别人经营相同或类似业务;以及公司认为必要且正当的其他条款。公司请你为其用英文拟订一份保密协议。保密协议本人特此承诺雇主:1. 保守雇主的商业秘密,包括但不限于客户,金融,研发的信息,在就业期间与离职后不透露雇主的商业秘密给任何第三方;

25、2. 无论因任何理由终止雇佣关系,员工不会在离职后_(时间段)经营_(业务类型)业务或以任何方式帮助他人经营这种业务。3.无论因任何理由终止雇佣关系,员工不会在离职后_(时间段)征求任何雇主的客户或与客户相关的信息,或以任何方式帮助其他人征求任何客户或信息。如这些承诺的任何部分因任何原因而无效,签字人承认它可以被剔除且不影响的承诺的有效性或可执行性。密封于_(日期)。(见证人签字) (员工签名)Secrecy and Noncompetition CovenantThe undersigned Employee hereby promises the Employer:1. To keep t

26、he Employers business secrets, including but not limited to customer, financial, research information, not to disclose the Employers business secrets to any third party during and after the term of the employment;2. On the termination of the employment for any reason, the Employee will not operate a

27、 _ (type of business) business or in any way aid and assist any other person to operate such a business for_ (time period) from the date of termination of the employment.3. On the termination of the employment for any reason, the Employee will not solicit any customer of the Employer or the knowledg

28、e of the customer, or in any way aid and assist any other person to solicit any such customer or knowledge for _ (time period) from the date of termination of the employment.If any part of these promises is void for any reason, the undersigned accepts that it may be picked out without affecting the

29、effectiveness or enforceability of the promises.Given under seal on _ (date).(Signature of Witness) (Signature of Employee)第六篇:兼职合同某外语培训学校(用xxx(china)表示)计划招聘一名兼职外籍英语教师,任职期间从2003年9月1日至2004年6月30日。报酬按课时计算,每节课45分钟,每课时150元人民币,于授课后的次周一支付,个人所得税自负。假设该学校让你为其拟订一份兼职合同(part-time contract),请你用英文完成这份合同,合同格式自拟,合同条

30、款至少包括Employment period、Payment、Duties等内容。兼职合同此合同为xxx(china)和_签订:姓名:_岗位:_合同条款:1. 雇佣期限本合同从2003年9月1日到2004年6月30日。2. 支付款项a. 小时工资你将于每两周得到工资,每课时150元人民币。每节课45分钟的时间,你应该至少花15分钟在课程意义的准备工作上。b. 工资于工作后的第二个星期一发放。c. 你必须按照中国政府的法律法规缴纳个人所得税。3. 工作职责a. 制作课用多媒体课件,并提供英语培训。b. 负责考试并记录学生的成绩。c. 在任何时候都应表现专业风度。d. 教师直接由xxx(china

31、)的主任(DOS)负责。e. 在任何时候都须遵守中华人民共和国的法律法规。教师签字:_DOS签字:_日期:_Part-time ContractThis is a contract between xxx(china)and:Name: _Position: _Terms and Conditions1. Employment periodThis contract is fromSeptember1, 2003 to June 30, 2004.2. Paymenta. Hourly RateYou will be paid fortnightly at the rate of RMB 15

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