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1、牛津英语上海版7A 牛津英语上海版7A Unit 8教学设计 神岗二中学 邝翠玲HobbiesPeriod One教学内容:SB 7A page114,115 (Reading A) 教学目标:培养学生的阅读能力。引导学生认真观察,学会独立发现规律,总结规律,培养学生发现问题,独立解决问题的能力。教学重点:快速阅读,抓住关键信息,培养学生阅读理解能力。教学难点:1、life在文中表示“一生”,my lifes work表示“一生的工作”;当表示“生命”时,其复数形式是lives.2、懂得see sth.用法。3、掌握 It is notbut句型。教学过程:Step 1:Motiv

2、ation (1) Greetings.(2) Have a free talk with the Ss as following.T: Did you have a good time during your holidays?What did you do on your holidays? Did you do some sports ?. Anyone here enjoys playing sports after class?What do you like doing after class? What are your hobbies? Ask Ss turn to page1

3、13 to look at the cartoon.Let them talk about it.Step2:Pre-reading preparationa) Ask Ss if they have ever studied the stars. Ask if anyone knows the names any of stars, groups of stars, or planets. b) Tell Ss they are going to read about an Englishman named Patrick Moore. His hobby was studying the

4、stars and he studied them all of his life.Step3: While-reading 1.Tell the Ss they are going to read the article.Ask the Ss to finish A1.2. Have the Ss finish A3 by writing T or F3.Check the answersStep 4: Post readingHave the Ss talk about their hobbies after reading this article.Step5: Listen to th

5、e tape and follow the tape. Step6:Homework1 Re-read the articles2 Look up the new words, useful phrases & expressions of ReadingA.Period Two教学内容:SB 7A page117,121 (ListeningA & SpeakingA)教学目标:培养学生在听力过程中掌握记笔记的技巧及听说能力。掌握音标的拼读。教学重点:如何有效地指导学生在听的过程中抓住主旨,写出主要的要点。教学难点:听力过程中学法指导。教学过程:Step1:Revision1) Greeti

6、ngs.2) Have several Ss retell AeadingA.Step2:Presentation1) Motivation:(Show a picture about Mid-autumn Festival)T:Do you know what special day it is?Get the Ss talk about Mid-autumn Festival.2)Pre-listingT:Here comes an article about a boys hobby of looking at the moon.Now we listen to the tape. Af

7、ter that, you complete notes.Step3:Completing notes1) Play the recording once straight through, and then play it again if students need to hear it twice to complete ExerciseA1. Check their answers as a class.2) Tell Ss that they are going to answer questions about the recording.Play the recording ag

8、ain and let Ss answer the questions in ExerciseA2. Check their answers as a class.Step4:SpeakingA1) Ask Ss to read aloud the words in the boxes. Check that every Ss knows how to correctly pronounce these words.2) Do A1 and A2. Walk around the classroom to make sure that Ss pronouncing the sounds cor

9、rectly. Step5: Practice Students Book B p.119 Exercise1. Step6:Homework 1 Prepare Reading B on page 115-116. 2 Finish off Book B on page 117 A and B. Period Three教学内容:SB 7A page115, 116 (ReadingB)教学目标:训练学生阅读理解及逻辑推理能力。教学重点:1)通过快速阅读,抓住关键信息,培养阅读理解能力。 2) .初步掌握动名词在句子中作主语的用法。教学难点:指导学生快速阅读,在短时间内既快有准地获取主要信息

10、。教学过程:Step1:Revision1) Greetings.2) Revise SpeakingA.Step2:Presention1) Get Ss say the names of jobs.2) Warming-up:Do B1 to get Ss interested in the topic of hobbies.Put Ss into pairs and ask them to provide possible careers for each of the hobbies.Step3: Reading B21) Pre-readingHave a free talk wit

11、h Ss as the following(Show some photographs and ask )What are these?Do you have a photograph of yourself?When you visit some interesting places, do you like taking photographs?Why (not)?2) Silent-reading:Ss guess the meamings of the new words while reading.3) Checking: Have the Ss tell their answers

12、 in turn, then check their answers.4) Have the Ss read the passage and find out the sentences with the “ing”form as the subject.Step4:Homework1. Finish off Book B page( 120-122) Reading ABCD2. Read the passage. Period Four教学内容:SB 7A page121 ,122 ,119(SpeakingB& LanguageA)教学目标:1.用You could / What abo

13、ut? / How about?等用语有礼貌地给别人提供建议。 2.掌握When引导的时间状语从句。教学重点:掌握When引导的时间状语从句。教学难点:1.在句型What about? / How about?中, about是介词,其后跟动名词。 2.能在模拟情境交际中,进行“提供建议”.的对话操练。教学过程:Step1:Revision1) Greetings2) Get the Ss retell ReadingB.Step2:Presentation1) Warn up Ss.Do you have plans for this weekend ? Any good idea?T:Yo

14、u could go fishing. What about playing basketball? How about reading something? (Write the 3 sentences on the blackboard.)2)Have Ss listen to the conversation B1.Step3: Practice1) Let Ss practise the conversation B1 in pairs.2) Ask Ss to do ExerciseB2. (make new conversations with the prompts) Then

15、have them read out their completed conversations to the class.Step4: SummaryHave the Ss find out the way to make suggestions.Step5: LanguageA以when引导的时间状语从句通常用把两个句子连结起来,表示两个动作同时发生。当以when引导的时间状语位于主句之前时,句子中要加逗号。例 The sky went dark when we arrived. when we arrived, The sky went dark. 从句的时态与主句的时态协调一致。Ste

16、p6:Practice1) Have Ss do Exercise LanguageA.2) Check the answers.Step7:Homework1) Have Ss practise SpeakingB.2) Have Ss finish off the exercise in BookB page 114-115 and page 119 .B/CPeriod Five教学内容:SB 7A page120 (LanguageB)教学目标:掌握 used to /did not use to 的用法。教学重点:学习used to /did not use to 的含义与用法。教学

17、难点:used to /did not use to 的用法.教学过程:Step1:Revision1) Greetings2) Review adverbial clauses of time (when) by checking students homework.Step2:LanguageB Used to do表示过去常常做某事,现在不做了; did not use to是它的否定形式, Did Sb. use to是它的疑问形式.它总是用一般过去时来表示。Step3:Practice1) Have Ss do Language B then check the answers.2)

18、 Do Exercises:一. 根据下列英文说明用 “used to”的适当形式写句子。Example: Ben often got up early in the past, but now he doesnt. Ben used to get up early.1. Jack often visited his uncle in the past, but now he doesnt do that any longer. Jack _ _ _ his uncle in the past.2. My father often went to work by bike, but now h

19、e goes to work by underground. My father _ _ _ to work by bike.3. Mr Sun didnt go to bed early, but now he goes to bed at 9:00 at night. Mr Sun _ _ _ _ _ to bed early.4. Candy didnt play guitar in the past, but now she plays often. Candy _ _ _ _ guitar in the past.5. Mrs Green wasnt rich in the past

20、, but now she is the richest woman in the town. Mrs Green _ _ _ _ rich in the past.二、句子改写。1. I always used to try to stay awake on Christmas Eve. (改为一般疑问句) _ try to stay awake on Christmas Eve?2. We always used to get our presents on 6th December. (改为否定句)_ our presents on 6th December.Step4: Homewor

21、kFinish off BookB page 115-116(B).Period Six教学内容:SB 7A page122 ,123 (Writing)教学目标:指导学生运用不同句式来表达同一内容,完成有关本课主题的写作。教学重点:运用不同句式来表达同一内容。教学难点:如何改变句子开头巧用连接词及长短句交错来表达同一内容。教学过程:Step1:Revision1)Greetings2)Review : “used to do / did not use to do” by checking students homework.Step2:Have Ss finish Writing(A).P

22、oint out to Ss how the two sentences expand on the personshobby .Tell Ss to complete Exercise A individually by following two examples, and then check the answers. (运用动名词作主语及一般现在时来改写句子)Step3: Writing B1)Get Ss write a short article about their favourite hobby or sport.2)Encourage them to answer in f

23、ull sentences and to vary their language when talking about their hobbies 3)Encourage Ss to give as many examples as possible . Some examples are included below.I like becauseI usuallyI enjoy The best part of is I first started in /at My favourite I meet with my friends about once /twice a week/mont

24、h to4)Then check their articles.Step4:Homework1) Students BookA WritingC.2) Students BookB page 123-124.Period Seven 教学内容:SB 7A page118 ,124 (ListeningB & More PracticeA)教学目标:让学生在听力过程中掌握记笔记的技巧,同时对本单元主题“业余爱好”进行巩固,并操练本单元的语法。教学重点:学法指导教学难点:掌握记笔记的技巧。教学过程:Step1:Motivation1)Greetings2)Ask some Ss to talk a

25、bout their hobbies or sports.3)Ask Ss to look at the pictures on page 118. Let them talk about the pictures.Step2:Pre-listeningIntroduce the task and tell Ss that they will be listening to three students talk about their hobbies.Step3:ListeningB1) Play the recording twice.2) Check the answers on pag

26、e118.3) Have Ss fill in the chart while listening .PeopleHobbiesReasonsChen Yu_Fun and_Zhen Hui_Fun;you can make_Wang Gang_I_ things;it teaches me a lot _.Step4:Post-listeningAsk if any Ss have these hobbies and ask them to tell the class about them.Step5:Pre-reading1) Have a free talk with the Ss.T

27、:I think most of you like sports ,dont you? Do you have any favourite players?Step6:Reading1) Ask Ss to read the conversation and answer the questions , the check the answers.2) Have the Ss read the conversation aloud.Step7:HomeworkStudents Book B page 125 A/B.Period Eight教学内容:SB 7A page125-128 (Mor

28、e PracticeB/C ,Project and Learning Focus)教学目标:通过听一篇文章和阅读一段手工制作的说明书顺序,利用拓展练习来全面提高学生的听、说、读、写的能力,拓展学生的思维,提高创造力。教学重点:听、说、读、写教学难点: 听和说教学过程;Step 1 Pre-listeningT:When do we often held our sports meeting?What sports did you take part in last time?Did you win the match?How did you feel?Step2:Listening1. Ha

29、ve the Ss read the statements on page 125.2. Play the tape twice / three times then check the answer one by one 3.Play the tape again and have the Ss listen & repeat.Step3:More Practice( C)T:Can you make a paper boat? Liu Meis hobby is paper folding.1).Ask Ss to match each picture with the correct i

30、nstructions below.2).Let Ss make a paper boat and ask some Ss to show their boats to the class.Step4:ProjectA):Get Ss tocomplete the exercise by themselves and then share their hobbies with a partner.B):Play the game among whole class.Tell Ss that you read your rhyme one of them should then stand up and continue the rhyme ,starting with the last hobby in your rhyme.C):Making conversationsDivide Ss

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