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1、贯彻落实科学发展观大力发展建筑节能1118英文revisedContinuing the Development of ScienceImplementation on Energy Efficiency for BuildingsThe significance of greater efforts for energy saving in the construction sector ()It is an important field where the national energy conservation strategy applies.China has entered th

2、e rapid development stage of industrialization and urbanization. Similar to most of the developed countries, it will have to go through the rapid increase of energy demands and fast adjustment of the energy mix. Its a huge challenge for China to ensure secure, economy and reliable energy supply and

3、foster a sustainable energy development approach with Chinese characteristics. According to research by relevant agencies, with the same-targeted economic growth, different policies and measures can contribute to different energy structures and energy efficiency. The difference can be as great as ne

4、arly 800 million tons of coal equivalent in terms of primary energy use by the year 2020. In other words, different options of energy development strategies will generate different impacts on energy supply, energy security, environmental protection etc.Meanwhile, the structure of energy demand is bo

5、und to change greatly as the peoples living standard and their consumption structure improve. Its forecasted that the construction and transportation sectors will see higher growth rates of energy demand than the industrial sector. Their growth rates will also be higher than that of the total energy

6、 demand. The energy consumption in those two sectors accounts for 35% of the overall social consumption and will rise to 57% to 75% by the year 2020, becoming the most important driving factor for the increase of energy demand. () Energy saving is required by the sustainable development of the const

7、ruction sector.1. Current development of construction sector(1)Rapid boom of housing and building industry and rapid increase of relevant energy demand. The annual floorage of newly finished houses and buildings totaled 1.8 to 2 billion square meters. It is estimated that this trend of rapid rise wi

8、ll continue for 15 years or so due to accelerating improvement of peoples livelihood and faster urbanization pace. Statistics shows the energy consumed in the construction and use periods of buildings accounts for 44.3% of the overall social energy consumption. In the construction period, the energy

9、 consumed for producing construction materials accounts for 16.7% of the total social energy consumption. In the use period, relevant energy consumption has kept increasing rapidly in the past two decades, up by 5.4% annually, accounting for 27.6% of Chinas total energy consumption in 2003. The figu

10、re was only 10% in 1978. According to experience of developed countries, the energy consumed in the use period of various buildings will gradually go up to 35% of the total social end-consumption of energy, taking the largest share of total social energy use.(2) Low building energy efficiency and hu

11、ge potential for energy conservation. At present, the energy consumed for heating or air-conditioning in area per unit in China is 2 to 3 times that of the developed countries even with similar climate conditions. The thermal property of building enclosures is far from good. Energy conservation in t

12、his regard has become a priority for enhancing the overall social energy-use efficiency. Determination should be made now to step up efforts in construction related energy saving. The design of new buildings should fully observe relevant energy saving standards. The existing buildings should undergo

13、 gradual reforms. Through this move, it is estimated the construction related energy consumption of China could decrease by 335 million tons of coal equivalent annually by 2020, accounting for 42% of that years total energy saving potential, equivalent to the overall energy consumption of the United

14、 Kingdom in 2002.Therefore to push forward energy saving in various buildings is conducive to better energy-use efficiency. Energy saving is an important aspect in ensuring national energy security and building an energy-saving society. We should readjust our key points in energy saving strategy, wi

15、th more emphasis on saving energy use in buildings instead of energy supply cut in the industrial sector. Effective measures should be taken to improve energy conservation policies, laws, regulations, technical standards and assistance to fully explore the potential for energy saving in the construc

16、tion and use periods of various buildings and to push the energy saving work in the field to leap forward. At the same time, we should further our efforts in the “four savings” program by taking the energy saving campaign as the first step to overcome possible difficulties ahead. Energy-efficient an

17、d land-saving buildings for residence and public utilities are encouraged so as to realize a fundamental change of the construction modes in both urban and rural areas and help to achieve the target of building energy-efficient and resource-saving cities and townships. Progress in energy saving in b

18、uildings and existing problems() Progress1. A system of design standards on energy saving in buildings has taken initial shape with the aim to cut 50% of energy consumption. In 2001, 2003 and 2005, the Chinese Ministry of Construction issued and implemented The Energy Saving Design Standards for Res

19、idential Buildings in Areas with Hot Summer and Cold Winter, The Energy Saving Design Standards for Residential Buildings in Areas with Hot Summer and Warm Winter, The Energy Saving Design Standards for Public Works respectively. The system of standards covers residential buildings and public works

20、in all Chinas three climate zones. Economically developed areas such as Beijing, Tianjin etc have set 65% of energy cut as the target in their design standards. 2. Supervision and management of energy saving in buildings have been strengthened. In order to ensure the real implementation of energy-sa

21、ving design standards, existing administrative licensing measures have been fully tapped to enhance administrative supervision and management, including planning licensing, examination of working drawing designs, start licensing, construction supervision, completion acceptance etc. To this end, rele

22、vant documents have also been rolled out, including Notice on Strengthening the Examination of Energy saving in Civilian Construction Projects (Jian Ke2004 No. 174) and Notice on Strict Implementation of Energy Saving Design Standards in New Residential Buildings (Jian Ke2005 No.55), giving detailed

23、 provisions on intensifying supervision and management of new buildings for their compliance with the energy saving design standards. 3. Special plans, relevant policies and regulations have been designed to further clarify the target, approach and planned arrangements for the work of energy conserv

24、ation. 4. The reform of heat supply system has been improved, setting more requirements concerning the replacement of the welfare heat supply system by a commercialized system, the gradual adoption of a system which calculates charges against actual heat use and the active promotion of energy-saving

25、 reforms of current residential buildings and heat supply facilities in urban areas etc. Reform of heat supply system and pilot programs for charging heat supply against actual use have been conducted in urban areas in north, northeast and northwest of China. 5. Research on how to tackle key technic

26、al obstacles and pilot areas for energy saving in buildings have been arranged. Practices show that the pilot energy saving programs (in communities) play a big role in formulating the national target of energy saving ratio at 50%, designing relevant technical standards, promoting the formation of p

27、olicies, regulations, technical standards, collection of standard charts, and technological research, development, popularization and application.6. The international cooperation has contributed greatly to Chinas energy saving in buildings. Foreign concept, technologies and experience have been brou

28、ght into China through cooperation with various countries and international organizations. On the whole, the work mentioned above reflects the progress in energy saving in buildings. Energy saving in this field has gone through the stage featuring piloting programs, technological research and develo

29、pment, experience accumulation in the past and entered the stage of full implementation right now. ()Existing problems1. Low compliance ratio with energy saving design standards among new buildings.(1) Only small number of new buildings carried out the energy saving design standards to the full exte

30、nt. According to latest survey, from 2000 to 2004, the projects designed in compliance with the energy saving standards account for 58.5% of the total number of projects across different climate zones of China, the projects actually constructed in compliance with the standards accounted for 23.3%. T

31、he two figures were 90.1% and 30.6% in cold or extremely cold areas while they were 20% and 14.4% respectively in areas with hot summers and cold winters, both 11.2% in areas with hot summers and warms winters. The survey showed that only a low ratio of buildings reached the energy saving design sta

32、ndards. The situation is not optimistic. (2) The work on energy saving for new buildings develops differently in different climate zones or areas with different levels of economic performance. In the northern part of China where the standards were adopted at an earlier time, the compliance ratio wit

33、h the standards among new buildings is relatively higher, while in southern China or in areas in the middle, the work for energy saving was not in its full swing. It has just started. Even within the same area, the economically developed parts may be making rapid progress in energy saving, and the underdeveloped parts may not perform

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