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1、爱立信领导力框架 Ericsson Leadership Framework 爱立信的领导力框架备注:1、本稿中文翻译仅供参考。2、仅作内部参考用,请注意保密,勿对外传播。People leadership 管理人员的领导能力Organizational leadership 驾驭组织的领导能力 Thought leadership认识思考的领导能力 Lead by example 以身示范 Simplify 简单明了 See the big picture高瞻远瞩 Generate energy 激发动力 Mobilize动员协调 Challenge善于挑战 Communicate沟通交流

2、Push for excellence追求卓越 Seize opportunities把握机遇 Qualify every day 精采每一天 Get results注重结果 Drive One Ericsson 推动“一个爱立信”People LeadershipLead by example 以身示范 Be consistent 始终如一(保持一贯) Be accountable and demand accountability 负责并要求负责 Create trust and act with integrity 建立信任、办事正直Examples of behaviorsConsis

3、tently act according to stated values and beliefs; communicate consistently 始终按照既定的价值观和信仰办事;交流沟通保持连贯性Have a consistent track record of delivering on commitments有执行承诺的稳定记录Use performance management systems to monitor and ensure performance against commitments通过业绩表现管理系统来监控并确报业绩表现符合承诺。Delegate responsi

4、bility and convey clear expectations to the appropriate staff向恰当的人员委以职责并传达明确的期望Accept responsibility for problems and mistakes in the team-do not blame others对于团队的问题和错误承担责任,不责备他人Make decisions without bias决策时应不存偏见Confront unethical behavior敢于正视不道德的行为Model and inspire high levels of integrity树立高度正直的典

5、范,并不断激励鼓舞Protect the interests of those not present in meetings and discussions保护那些未参与会议或者讨论的人员的利益Have the trust of others across the business在业务交往的过程中信任他人Generate Energy激发动力 Inspire 鼓舞感召 Empower and coach 授权和指导 Build commitment 建立承诺Examples of behaviorsInspire and motivate others to pursue challeng

6、ing goals and high standards of performance鼓舞和激励他人追求挑战性目标和高水准的表现Generate enthusiasm for ideas by tapping into shared values通过共享的价值观去产生思想迸发的激情Identify what drives each person in the team; provide motivation accordingly找出团队中每个人的驱动力,从而因势利导。Create a work environment that encourages others to do their be

7、st 创造鼓励人人“止于至善”的工作环境Empower others to take responsibility and actions进行授权,让授权者承担责任并实施行动Provide feedback, coaching , and guidance where appropriate to enhance others skill development为促进他人的技能发展,在适当处提供反馈、训练和指导Communicate 沟通交流 Listen 聆听 Share information 信息共享 Ensure impact and influence 给予压力和影响Examples

8、 of behaviorsListen and ask questions actively, reflect and summarize others comments to ensures understanding 主动聆听、积极提问,通过对他人意见的反应和总结来确保正确的领会。Demonstrate genuine interest and empathy when listening to others聆听时,应显示实实在在的兴趣所在和用心之处Proactively share timely updates and information with relevant parties将

9、及时更新的资料和信息与相关方提前分享Develop and articulate a compelling position and check for understanding树立起有说服力的立场观点并清晰阐述。同时,应通过检查来确保理解。Tailor communication style and content to the audience对讲诉的对象采用针对性的沟通风格和沟通内容Advocate ideas with confidence, even when faced with resistance倡导观点时充满信心,即使遇到阻力。Build coalitions and al

10、liances to garner support for ideas and create a foundation for future influence进行联合和构建同盟,以积累对观点的支持,并奠定影响未来的基础。Qualify every day 精彩每一天 Develop yourself and encourage development自我进步和鼓励进步 Prepare thoroughly 充分准备 Build capability 培育能力Examples of behaviorsRegularly take stock of own capabilities to ide

11、ntify development priorities经常性运用自己现有的各种能力去识别发展的重点Pursue ways to develop and apply new skills寻找途径去开发和运用新技能Modify self perception and behavior based on feedback from others根据他人反馈修正自己的认知和行为Hold others accountable for developing their people让他人负责其下属的成长Promote sharing of expertise and a free flow of lea

12、rning across the organization促进整个组织的专业共享和自由学习Identify required capabilities and skill gaps within own organizational area在自己的运作领域内识别出能力和技术上的差距Develop successors and talent pools to ensure availability of future talent建立继任者和优秀者的储备库,确保未来杰出人才的供应Organizational leadershipSimplify 简单明了 Work through comple

13、xity在复杂状况下工作 Clarify priorities明确优先顺序 Make things easier化繁为简Examples of behaviorsClearly define and act upon complex issues despite incomplete or ambiguous information对于复杂问题清晰认识、明确行动,即使信息不完整和不确定Advance problems toward resolution, without getting involved in unnecessary detail推动问题的解决,而不陷入不必要的细节之中Tran

14、slate broad objectives into specific objectives, action plans, and metrics将大的目标转化为具体的目标、行动方案和衡量标准Determine and communicate priorities for the team决定和向团队传达工作的轻重缓急Mobilize 动员协调 Build teams建立团队 Leverage diversity运用多样性 Ensure alignment 确保团结Examples of behaviorsFacilitate the development of teams through

15、 the stages of team growth and maturity在团队的发展和成熟阶段,推动团队的建设Negotiate effectively to achieve win-win solutions that meet the interests of all parties有效协商,实现共赢,满足各方利益。Actively build and develop diverse teams across the organization在整个组织内积极组建和发展多样化的团队Invite and build upon the ideas and input of others鼓励

16、和依靠来自他人思路和投入Address and resolve conflict directly and constructively, focusing on issues rather than people直接地、建设性地对待和解决问题,对事而不对人Align own work plans with core plans and processes of the work group or business使个人工作计划和工作团队、业务的核心计划、程序相一致。Push for excellence 追求卓越 Set high standards建立高标准 Strive for oper

17、ational excellence致力卓越运营 Lead continuous innovation引领持续创新Examples of behaviorsMaintain a consistent, high level of productivity保持一贯的、高水平的生产率Focus efforts on continuously improving work structures and processes that create the most value for unit 集中精力,持续改进工作机构和程序,使之为组织带来最大的价值Identify ways to streamli

18、ne and improve efficiency of work找到使工作流程化和效率提升的方法Define and communicate expectations for high quality outcomes明确和传递对高质量结果的期望Investigate and adopt best practices and lessons learned from within and outside the organization对组织内外的最佳实践和经验进行研究和吸纳Get results 注重结果 Demand and measure performance推崇业绩表现并对之进行测

19、量 Reward and recognize achievements奖励和承认成绩 Demonstrate passion for business success展示成就事业之激情Examples of behaviorsDraw relevant conclusions from various sources of information and make decisions accordingly根据不同来源的信息做出相关结论并进行相应决策Identify and use the key financial indicators necessary to measure busine

20、ss performance发现和运用必需的关键性财务指标去测量业务表现Handle the underperformance of others in productive ways , turning performance around or taking appropriate action promptly通过有效的方式处理他人的不佳表现,扭转颓势或迅速采取行动Address and take action when there is a lack of performance in the team 团队存在欠佳之处时,予以指出并采取对策Drive a performance-ba

21、sed culture推行以业绩为基础的文化Appropriately recognize and reward outstanding performance恰如其分地认可和奖励出色表现Communicate passion for business success beyond the achievement of own goals显示成就事业的激情,不局限于自身目标的达成Foster a sense of urgency for achieving goals培养达成目标的紧迫感Do not easily give up in the face of obstacles; makes

22、efforts to remove them遇到困难不轻易放弃;不遗余力克服困难Thought leadership See the big picture 高瞻远瞩 Put customers first 客户第一 Think strategically 战略性思考 Consider business consequences 考虑商业的因果关系Examples of behaviorsEnsure the removal of barriers to delivering exceptional customer service确保消除为客户提供杰出服务的障碍Ensure that cus

23、tomer issues are resolved确保客户的相关事宜得到解决Seek and respond to customer feedback发现和响应客户反馈Assess long-term impact for Ericsson and customers when making decisions决策时,应评估对于爱立信和客户的长期影响Align the strategic priorities of own area with the direction and strategic priorities of the broader Organization使现有(管理)范围的

24、战略优先顺序与更大组织范围的方向性和战略优先顺序保持一致Make sound decisions on complex functional issues and problems , taking into account broader implications对复杂机能性的事件和问题进行合理决策,并考虑到更广泛的背后联系Contribute to the development of strategies to balance short-term requirements with long-range business plans致力做出决策,平衡短期需求和长期计划Convey a

25、thorough understanding of own areas strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats; draw appropriate conclusions对自己领域的优势、劣势、机会、威胁等情况要清楚传递,正确决策Consider industry, market, and other external business factors when making decisions.决策时,要考虑到行业、市场等外部商业因素。Challenge 善于挑战 be courageous 具备勇气 seek the truth

26、探求真理 question accepted beliefs 质疑陈见Examples of behaviorsTake personal responsibility and assume accountability for decisions and actions决策和行动时应尽职明责Demonstrate the courage to say “no” when necessary, taking stands on important issues需要时应有勇气说“不”,在重大问题上立场鲜明Probe and look past symptoms to determine the

27、underlying causes of problems and issues从以往的迹象中探求和看到在问题和事件背后的原因。Challenge “the way it has always been done” and take action对“向来如此”进行质疑,并采取行动Continually question business assumptions to drive new thinking and change时常对商业假设进行质疑,推动新思维和新变化的产生Seize opportunities 把握机遇 Demonstrate an entrepreneurial spirit

28、 展示企业家精神 Pursue breakthrough approaches 追求突破的方式 Make decisions 做出决策Examples of behaviorsAct on opportunities to capitalize on strengths and market opportunities to counter competitive threats把握时机,利用好实力和市场机会,去应对竞争威胁Communicate a focus on new business opportunities that have significant revenue and pr

29、ofit potential对于可能产生重大收入和利润的商业机会要善于沟通,引起关注Encourage fresh perspectives and new ways of looking at problems processes or solutions鼓励提出处理和解决问题的新观点、新方法Champion new ideas and initiatives from sources inside and outside the company支持来自公司内外的新想法和倡导Encourage and involve others in taking appropriate risks鼓励和

30、促使大家参与适度冒险Make tough , pragmatic decisions when necessary必要时,决策强势执行、维持己见、Make timely, immediate, and independent decisions on issues requiring attention在需要引起关注的事件上,应及时、迅速、独立的决策Drive One Ericsson 推动“一个爱立信” Share the vision 愿景共享 Think and act globally 全球性地思考和行动 Live the Ericsson values 遵从爱立信的价值观Exampl

31、es of behaviorsDevelop and communicate a clear vision for own unit在自己的部门内建立和传递清晰的愿景Help others develop a global mindset when looking at issues and problems帮助他人在看待事情和问题时候采取全球性的思维Stay abreast of important global activities and trends that could potentially affect the business及时了解可能对业务产生重大影响Consider global market needs and deployment capabilities when formulating or executing initiatives在规划和采取举动

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