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本文(教育资料四年级上册英语同步拓展M3Unit3Intheshop讲义牛津上海版学习专用.docx)为本站会员(b****8)主动上传,冰豆网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰豆网(发送邮件至service@bdocx.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、教育资料四年级上册英语同步拓展M3Unit3Intheshop讲义牛津上海版学习专用授课日期时间主题学习目标1、 掌握 M3U3 重点词汇短语句型的正确灵活运用2、 能够熟练运用常见的情态动词3、 能够熟练的运用特殊疑问句、一般疑问句进行提问以及回答教学内容1、 上次课后巩固作业复习;2、 互动探索Task 1让 5 个学生把他们的问卷调查结果跟班上的同学分享。 建议模板:S1: * usually go to the library on weekends.S2: * play sports twice a week.然后老师随机问几名学生:1.What does * usually do

2、on weekends?2.How often does * play sports?can/cant、 should/shouldntTask 2 老师把上节课的第二个表格展示给学生们看,让学生们举手示意这些事情是 还是 must/mustnt, 也可以随机抽查几个学生问问他们为什么这么选的原因。(此部分建议时间为 60 分钟,包括讲解 M3U3 单元重点单词以及短语, 完成对于本单元配套练习的讲解; 同 时,通过讲解以及课上训练让学生能够熟练的用一般疑问句以及特殊疑问句进行日常的英语沟通。)Words 单词知识梳理】 1 bowl n碗例句 He had two bowls of nood

3、les in no time. 他很快就吃完了两碗面。记忆链接 plate 盘子 chopsticks 筷子2 chocolate n巧克力例句 She gives out a bar of chocolate to each child. 她分给每个孩子一条巧克力。3 glasses n (pl.) 眼镜例句 Do you have a small glasses? 你有小点的眼镜吗?4 magic adj 有魔力的例句 Can you do magic tricks? 你会变魔术吗?5 noodle n面条例句 He finished off two bowls of chicken so

4、up in no time. 他很快喝完了两碗鸡汤。6 panda n. 熊猫例句 Many goods in China have the trademarks of a panda. 中国的许多商品都带有熊猫的商标。7 section n部分;部门例句 A Reading Practice section is added to each unit in Book Two. 在第二册书里每个单元都加上了阅读练 习部分。8 smoke n烟例句 The house is full of smoke 满屋子都是烟。9 spider n蜘蛛例句 A spider spins a web in w

5、hich it catches insects for its food. 蜘蛛结网,用于捕捉各种昆虫。 10 worry n担心例句 She is always worrying about little things. 她老是为小事烦恼。【例题精讲】1.我想要买一副新的太阳镜。 2.Tom 非常担心他妈妈的安全。 Keys: I want to buy a new pair of sunglasses.2. Tom worries his mother s safety very much. 【巩固练习】1. is the national animal in our country.A.

6、 Tiger B. Dragon C. Panda D. Bird2. Look, there is rising in the house.A. chocolate B. smoke C. section D. noodleKeys: C 熊猫是中国的国宝。Keys: B 那座房子在冒烟 . Daily Expressions 日常用语 1 Dont worry. 别担心。2Can I help you? 你想要点什么?3 A small packet of sweets , please请给我一小袋糖。,please表示 “请 ”,在我们的日常生活中,该句型常用来表达某人想要吃买某物,口语

7、中经常想要)一个冰淇淋。回答时用: Here you are.给你。4 How much is it? 多少钱?How much 可以用来表示不可数名词量的多少、表示价钱的多少以及到了什么程度三层含义。在本单元 中我们所学的 How much 用来表示价钱的多少,用来询问某物的价钱是多少,胸物时的常用语。例如:-How much is the pen? 钢笔多少钱一支?-Ten yuan, please请付十元。在问价格时, be 动词用单数 “is”还是复数 “ are必”须根据购买物品的单复数来决定。例如: How much is thebunch of bananas? 一串香蕉多少钱

8、How much are they? 它们多少钱?特殊疑问词在划线提问中的应用知识梳理 1】特殊疑问词的复习:who问人where问地点how old 问年龄when问时间which问特征how many 问数量what问事情、职业whose问主人how much 问价格why问原因how问方式划线提问中的答题口诀:一代 (用疑问词代替划线部分),二移 (把疑问词移至句首),Are you ),四抄 (照抄其它部分)五改 (出现 some,要考虑是否改为 any。 出现 I 改为 you, 出现 we 改为 you ,出现 my 改为 your,出现 our 改为 your 。最后是加问号)【

9、例题精讲】例: 1. She is a nurse. What is she?2.She is my teacher. Who is your teacher?3.He lives in Shanghai. Where does he live?4.It is my coat. Whose coat is it?【巩固练习】1.就画线部分提问1.He is my father.2.They are under the tree.3.I often watch TV after dinner.4.Lily swims in the swimming pool.( 游泳池 )5.Superman

10、flies in the sky.6.I often brush my teeth in the evening.7.Alan likes to play with Bill.8.Joes father plays badminton( 羽毛球 ) every weekend.9.The supermarket is near the school.10.The laptop( 笔记本电脑 ) is on the table.Keys:1.Who is he? 2.Where are they? 3.When do you often watch TV?4. Where does Lily s

11、wim? 5.Where does Superman fly?6.When do you often brush your teeth? 7.What does Alan like to do?8.What does Joes father do every weekend?9.Where is the supermarket?10.What s on the table?【知识梳理 2】情态动词的用法can/can 能t,够 /不能1表示 能、会 ,指脑力或体力方面的 能力 。例如 : Jim can swim but I cant. 吉姆会游泳 ,但我不会。2表示 可能 , 常用于否定句或

12、疑问句中 ,指某种可能性。例如 : Han Mei cant be in the classroom. 韩梅不可能在 教室里。 Can he come here today, please?请问他今天能到这里来吗?3表示 可以 , 常用于口语中 ,指许可或请求做某事。例如 : Can I have a cup of tea, please?请问我可以喝一杯茶 吗? You can go out.你可以出去了?4否定句型为 : 主语+c an not(cant/cannot) +动词原形 +其它。表示某人不能 (不会、不可能 )做 。其中 cant 是 can not 的 缩 略 式 , 英 国

13、 多 写 成 cannot 。 例 如 : You cannot pass the ball like this. 你 不 能 像 这 样 传 球。 I cant ride a motorbike. 我不会骑摩托车。【例题精讲】例 1: Mom, can I play football after finishing my homework? Yes, you can.例 2: The girl can t be Mary, she is in Australia now.【巩固练习】1.我们班只有 Tom 能做出那道数学题。2. What I do for you, sir?I d like

14、 to buy a T-shirt.A.can B. can t C. could D. couldn tOnly Tom can work out the math problem in our class.Amust/mustn 必t,须 /禁止1表示“必须”,此时可用于肯定句或疑问句。例如: You must finish your homework before I come back.2用情态动词 must 提问,肯定回答用 must ;否定回答用 needn。t 例如: -Must I return the book today?-Yes, you must. / -No, you

15、 needn t3用于否定句时, mustn的t意思是“ 一定不要、不能 ”,而不表示“不必” 例如: You mustn t walk your dog on the grass. 你不能在草坪上遛狗。【例题精讲】例 1. You must finish your work before this Friday. 本周周五之前你必须完成作业。 例 2. You mustnt smoke here. 这儿禁止抽烟。【巩固练习】1.Must I clean the house before 5:00?Yes, you . / No, you .must/needntshould/shouldn

16、应该t, /不应该 should 表示义务或责任时意为“应该”:例如: We should learn from each other. 我们应该互相帮助。We should help the aged. 我们应该帮助老人。 should 的否定形式: shouldn t 不应该Students shouldn sptend too much time playing computer games. 学生们不应当花太多的时间玩计算机游戏。【例题精讲】例 1. 你应该快点。 You should hurry up.例 2. 我们不应该说别人的坏话。 We shouldnt say bad wor

17、ds about others.巩固练习】1.We we do when we are having a class.We listen carefully and take some notes.should/should情态动词不能单独使用,必须与其后的 动词原形 构成谓语。 如: You can t wal kyour dog here. (can t+walk)You must finish your homework today. (must+finish)【例题精讲】例 1. 例如: -Must I finish my homework now ?-Yes, you must. /

18、 -No, you needn t【巩固练习】用适当的情态动词填空。1. Must I stand up? No, you .2. I speak something? Yes, you .3. I leave the park now? No, you stay here.4.My grandmother is ill. I stay at home and look after her.5.They take more exercise.6. you tell me the way to the museum?7.The watch tell us the right time.Keys:

19、1.mustn t 2.can,can 3.must,must 4.must 5.should 6.can/could 7. Can(此部分建议设置时间为 20 分钟,测试时间 10 分钟,讲评时间为 20分钟,对本次课所讲内容进行检测) I. Choose the best answer.1. She can walk quickly.I quickly . ( 改为否定句 )2.They can paint the wall well. (改为一般疑问句) they the wall well?3.Tom must carry the box into the room. (改为否定句)

20、Tom carry the box into the room.4.She should reach the station early. ( 改为否定句 )She reach the station early.Keys: 1.cant walk; 2.can, paint 3. must not 4. should notII.对划线部分提问。1.It is a Saturday evening. ?2.The woman has a city map in her hand. ?3.They know the way. ?4.The cinema is about twenty minu

21、tes wfraolmk here. ?5.They go to the cinema happily. ?Keys:1.When is it ?2.What does the woman have in her hand ?3.Who knows the way ?4.How far is the cinema ?5.How do they go ?III.Read and answer the question(A)It is a Saturday evening, Tom and Jim are on Nanjing Road. They have two tickets( 票 ), b

22、ut they do not know the way to the cinema. They go and ask a man and a woman. The wom an has a city map in her hand, but they don know the way, either.Now, a boy and a girl are coming. They know the way. They tell Tom and Jim the cinema is about twentyminutes walk from here. Its on Guangzhou Road, n

23、ear the History Museum, themy tvhearnyk m tuch and go tothe cinema happily.( )1. Do the man and the woman know the way?A.Yes, they do. B. No, they don t.C. We don t know.( )2. What s in the woman s hand?A. A map. B. A ticket. C. A bag.( )3. How far is the cinema from here?A. Twenty kilometers.B.Twen

24、ty minutes walk.C.Near the History museum.( )4. The cinema is on Road.A. Nanjing B. Guangzhou C. Tianjin ( )5. The story is about Keys: CACBA(B)One day, mother looked at Nicks shoes and said, Nick, look at your shoes. How dirty they are! You must clean them again.I dont want to clean them today. Eve

25、n if ( 即使 ) I clean them today, they will be dirty again tomorrow.Nicks mother thought for a moment ( 想了一会儿 ) and said, All right, dont do it then. In the evening, nick came back from school. He was very hungry. Mother, give me something to eat, please, he said.You had your breakfast in the morning,

26、 Nick, and you had lunch at school, his mother said. I am hungry again, cried the boy.“ Oh, hungry? But if I give you something to eat today, you will be hungry again tomorrow.( ) 1. Mom told Nick to .A. wash hands B. eat food C. clean shoes( ) 2. Nicks words ( 话 )were .A. wrong B. clever C. right(

27、) 3. Nicks mother was A. lazyB. busyC. clever() 4. When Nick came back home he was A. thirstyB. hungryC. tired() 5. I think Nick wash his shoes.A. willB. areC. doesKeys: BABBAIV .用情态动词揣测下列句子的说话语气Look at your shoes. (Can 改为疑问句)You must clean them again. ( must 改为陈述句)They will be dirty again tomorrow.

28、 ( must 改为陈述句)Give me something to eat. ( Can 改为疑问句)1、讲解达标检测部分学生的错题以及涉及到的本单元重点2、特殊疑问词的复习 -划线提问中的答题口诀:一代 二移 三找 四抄 五改3、情态动词表原形过去式否定疑问回答CanCouldCant/ couldn tCan /Could you?Yes, I can/could. No, I can t/couldn t.MustMustMustn tMust you.?Yes, you must. No, you needn t.(Shall)ShouldShouldntShould I ?Yes,

29、 you should. No, you shouldn t(此部分内容包含本次课所学内容相关的练习题以及综合练习题。 围内)I. 请填写正确的情态动词。1、 We pick the flowers in the park.2、 We plant more trees.3、 May I have some coffee? Yes, you 4、 What I do for you?5、 Tom finish the work by himself.6、 I ask you a question? Of course.7、 you tell me how I can get to the bus

30、 station.8、 I clean the dining room at once.9、 My mother is ill. I stay at home.10、 I go to the shopping mall if I finish my homework.II.对划线部分提问。1. I get up at six. 2. I am from Hubei. 3.He is my father. 4.They are under the tree. 5.Lily swims in the swimming pool.( 游泳池 ) 6.Superman flies in the sky. 7.I often brush my teeth in the evening. 8.Joes father plays badminton( 羽毛球 ) every weekend. 9.The supermarket i

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