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Star Trek《星际迷航11》完整中英文对照剧本.docx

1、Star Trek星际迷航11完整中英文对照剧本-星舰开尔文号♥呼叫星舰基地 -星舰基地收到- USS Kelvin, go for Starfleet base. - Starfleet Base.我们已经发送数据 请确认是否收到We sent you a transmission. Did you receive it?开尔文号♥ 请复核这些数据Kelvin, can you double-check those readings?我们的重力感应器失灵 非常奇怪Our gravitational sensors are going crazy here. You

2、 should see this.看起来像电磁风暴It looks like a lightning storm.你发送的数据看起来似乎不可能What youve sent us doesnt seem possible.是的 长官 我了解 所以我们才发送它Yes mam, I understand. Thats why we sent it.-报告情况 -还有20秒进入目视距离- Report. - Still outta visual range. 20 seconds.报告瑞博舰长 星际舰队建议采取防御行动Alert captain Robau that Starfleet advise

3、d to proceed with caution.分屏显示Polarize the view screen.-这是什么.克林贡人吗 -舰长 已经显示- Whatever this is. Klingon origin? - Captain, we have visual.-重复 会是克林贡吗 -不是 上尉- Repeat. Could this be Klingon? - Negative, lieutenant.你们距离克林贡边境75000英里以外Youre 75000 kilometers from the Klingon border.舰长 你看.Captain, are you se

4、eing this?天啊My God.收到报告 对方武器已经锁定我们I have a reading. Theyve locked weapons on us!红色警戒Red alert!-我们已被鱼雷锁定 方向320度 二号♥位 -准备武器- Torpedo locked on us at 320- 2! - Arm weapons!执行D-5回避方式Evasive pattern delta 5!我们正遭受严重攻击Were being cut like grass.发射所有激光炮 报告损害情况Fire all phasers! Damage report.曲速引擎损坏 从没见

5、过这种情况Warp drives been knocked out. Never seen anything like this.武器系统中断 主动力剩余38Weapons offline. Main power at 38%.-他们正发射另一颗 -所有能量集中到前护盾- Theyre firing another! - All power to forward shields!救救我.Help me.失去机动力Maneuver has been lost.护盾是否启用Are shields even on?已经确认17层和13层甲板的伤亡者Decks 17 and 13, we have c

6、onfirmed casualties.护盾剩余11% 还在下降 10% 9%11% and dropping. 10%. Shields at 9%.所有剩余能量转移到前护盾All remaining power to forward shields.准备撤离用飞船Prepare shuttles for evacuation.你们好Hello.我的司令官要求见你们的舰长My commander requests the presence of your captain.以谈判停火条件In order to negotiate a ceasefire.你必须乘坐飞船到我们舰上来You wil

7、l come aboard our ship via shuttlecraft.你若拒绝 那就太蠢了Your refusal would be unwise.跟我来Walk with me.如果15分钟内我没有消息 全舰撤离If I dont report in 15 minutes evacuate the crew.-长官,我们可以. -在这里我们孤立无援- Sir, we could. - There is no outpost out here.使用自动飞行 然后弃船Use autopilot and get off this ship.明白 舰长Aye captain.你现在是舰长了

8、 柯克先生Youre captain now, Mr. Kirk.他的心跳加快了His heart rate is elevated.看这艘船Look at the ship.-你熟悉这艘船吗 -你的司令官是谁- Are you familiar with this craft? - Who is your commander?-那就是他吗 -我代表尼禄舰长发言- Is that him? - I will speak for captain Nero.那么请问尼罗舰长Then ask captain Nero:谁给他权力肆意攻击联邦星舰的What gives him the right to

9、 attack a Federation vessel.你知道斯波克大使在那里吗Do you know the location of ambassador Spock?我不知道什么斯波克大使Im unfamiliar with ambassador Spock.-现在是星历哪年 -哪一年- What is the current star date? - Star date?2233.042233.04.你们来自哪里Where are you from?已死亡Terminated.长官 他们已经锁定我们的信♥号♥♥ Sir, they have a

10、lock on our signal. 他们准备再次开火Theyre launching again.B-6方案 全方位开火Bravo 6 maneuver fire, full spread!我下达13号♥舰长令 全员撤离Im initiating general order 13, were evacuating!是 长官Sir.所有舰层注意 我是舰长 立即弃船逃生All decks, this is the captain speaking, evacuate the ship immediately.迅速前往指定飞船 开始撤离Get your. to the shuttl

11、ecraft. Begin evacuating.是乔治的声音 发生什么了 Thats Georges voice. Whats happening? 我们得去逃生艇分娩 快Well deliver it in the shuttle. Go!-乔治 -你很好 感谢上帝- George. - Youre OK, thank God.37号♥医疗逃生艇待命中 你现在过去 可以吗I have medical shuttle 37 standing by. Get to it now. Can you do that?可以 Yes.一切都会好的Everythings gonna be

12、OK.照我说的做 去37号♥逃生艇Do exactly as I say, shuttle 37.乔治 快了George, its coming.-我们的孩子快出生了 -我马上到- Our baby. Its coming now. - Im on my way.自动驾驶系统失效 只能人工控制Autopilot function has been destroyed. Manual operation only.清理甲板 赶往逃生艇 快 快 快Clear those decks now! Get to the shuttles! Move! Move! Move!-越来越厉害了

13、-继续呼吸 你会好的- That was a big one! - Just keep breathing. Youll be fine.-宝宝也一样 对吧 -宝宝也会没事的- And the baby too, right? - And the baby too.就在这里Right here.舰长呼叫37号♥逃生艇 我的妻子在吗Captain to shuttle 37. Is my wife on board?-是的长官 她在 -我要你们立刻出发 明白吗- Yes sir, she is. - I need you to go now. Do you hear me?-我们会

14、等您的 长官 -不 你们立即离开- Were waiting on you sir. - No, just go, take off immediately.-这是命令 -明白 长官- Thats an order. - Yes sir.等等 我们还不能出发Wait. Were not going yet.求你停下Please stop.乔治 逃生艇要离开了 你在哪里George, the shuttles leaving. Where are you?亲爱的 听我说 我不能赶过去了Sweetheart, listen to me. Im not gonna be there.-不 -这是让你

15、活下去的唯一方法- No. - This is the only way youll survive.别留在船上 到我身边来Please dont stay on the ship. Come to me here.如果我不打败他们 飞船是逃不掉的The shuttles will never make it if I dont fight them off.乔治 我不能没有你George, I cant do this without you.好的 现在用力OK, I need you to push now!系统失效SYSTEMS FAILING碰撞进程启动COLLISION COURSE

16、 ENGAGED-怎么样 -是个男孩- What is it? - Its a boy.男孩A boy?-跟我说说他 -他很美- Tell me about him. - Hes beautiful.乔治 你应该在这里的George, you should be here.撞击警告Impact alert.我们给他起什么名字 What are we gonna call him? 我们可以起你父亲的名字We can name him after your father.泰比里厄斯 你开玩笑吧 不 那太糟了Tiberius, you kiddin me? No, thats the worst.

17、起你父亲的名字吧 叫他詹姆斯Lets name him after your dad. Lets call him Jim.詹姆斯 好 就叫詹姆斯Jim. OK. Jim it is.-亲爱的 你能听到我吗 -能- Sweetheart can you hear me? - I can hear.我太爱你了I love you so much.我爱你I love you!星际迷航爱荷华州你疯了吗 那车子可是古董Hey, are you out of your mind? That car is an antique.你以为你妈不在地球上你就不会被罚了吗You think you can get

18、 away with this just because your mothers off planet.现在马上滚回家 你住的可是我的房♥子You get your ass back home now! You live in my house buddy.你住我的房♥子 开我的车You live in my house and thats my car.你弄伤一道划痕 我就让你尝尝竹笋肉片.You get one scratch on that car and Im gonna whip your ass.约翰尼Hey Johnny!先生 请靠边停车Citize

19、n, pull over.不Noooo.!有问题吗 警♥察♥先生Is there a problem officer?先生 你叫什么名字Citizen, what is your name?我叫詹姆斯泰比里厄斯柯克My name is James Tiberius Kirk.瓦肯星球的体积公式是什么What is the formula for the volume of a sphere?4/3(R3).4/3 PI times the radius cubed.维度是多少.What is the dimensionality.维度等于n的对数

20、处以.Dimensionality equals the logarithm of n divided by.无排他性及无敌对性.non-excludability and non-rivalry.4/3(R3).4/3 PI times the radius.精神上值得称颂 但实际无此义务.is morally praiseworthy but not morally obligatory.斯波克Spock.我想你已经准备好今天新的侮辱了吧I presume youve prepared new insults for today?不错Affirmative.这是你第35次试图引起我的情绪反

21、映This is your 35th attempt to illicit an emotional response from me.你既非人也非瓦肯人 在宇宙没有立足之地Youre neither Human nor Vulcan and therefore have no place in this universe.看 他的人眼 那是哀伤 不是吗Look, his Human eyes. They look sad. Dont they.或许需要一些肉体上的刺♥激♥才能让你生气Perhaps an emotional response requires ph

22、ysical stimulate.你的父亲是个叛徒Hes a traitor you know? Your father.他娶了那个人类娼妓For marrying her. That Human whore.他们说您是叛徒They called you a traitor.我们的种族情感深沉Emotions run deep within our race.许多方面来说 远比人类更为深邃In many ways more deeply than in humans.逻辑能提供给镇定者难得的体验Logic offers a serenity humans seldom experience.控

23、制住情感 你才不会受它们控制The control of feelings. So that they do not control you.您建议我应该彻底成为瓦肯人You suggest that I should be completely Vulcan?但你却娶了一个人类女性And yet you married a Human.作为地球大使 我的职责就是观察As ambassador to Earth it is my duty to observe并理解人类的行为And understand Human behavior.娶了你的母亲.很符合逻辑Marrying your moth

24、er was. logical.斯波克Spock.你完全能够决定自己的命运You are fully capable of deciding your own destiny.问题是 你会选择哪条路The question you face is:Which path will you choose?有些事只有你自己才能决定This is something only you can decide.斯波克 过来 让妈看看你Spock. Come here, let me see you.-不 -斯波克- No. - Spock.不用担心 你会好的Theres no need to be anx

25、ious. Youll do fine.我不担心 妈妈I am hardly anxious, mother.好的定义太多了 好无法令人接受And fine has variable definitions, fine is unacceptable.好吧Okay.-我能问个私人问题吗 -当然可以- May I ask a personal query? - Anything.我应该完成瓦肯的柯里纳训练Should I choose to complete the Vulcan discipline of Kolinahr.去除所有情感吗And purge all emotion?我相信您不会

26、以为 这是针对你的I trust you will not feel it reflects judgment upon you.斯波克Oh Spock.一如以往 无论你选择什么 妈妈以你为荣As always, whatever you choose to be, you will have a proud mother.你的成绩远胜导师的预期You have surpassed the expectations of your instructors.你的记录完美无瑕 除了一点Your final record is flawless. With one exception.我注意到你也申

27、请了联邦星舰I see that you have applied to Starfleet as well.为自己准备多项选择 完全符合逻辑It was logical to cultivate more options.合乎逻辑 但不必要Logical, but unnecessary.兹宣布 你已被瓦肯科学研究院接受You are hereby accepted to the Vulcan Science Academy.斯波克 你很优秀 虽有劣势It is truly remarkable Spock that you have achieved so much.却能获得如此多的成就d

28、espite your disadvantage.起立All rise.议长先生 你能说明你指的什么短处吗If you would clarify, minister? To what disadvantage are you referring?你的人类母亲Your Human mother.议会 议长们 我必须谢绝Council, ministers, I must decline.从来没有瓦肯人曾经拒绝进入这所学院No Vulcan has ever declined admission to this Academy.既然我是半人类 您的记录将依旧无瑕But as I am half-

29、human, your record remains untarnished.斯波克 你承诺过会遵循瓦肯方式的Spock, you have made a commitment to honor the Vulcan way.你今日为何还要走到议会面前Why did you come before this council today?为了让你的叛逆情绪得到满足吗Was it to satisfy your emotional need to rebel?我唯一想表达的情感就是感谢The only emotion I wish to convey is gratitude.谢谢议会和议长们对我

30、的关心Thank you, ministers, for your consideration.生生不息 繁荣昌盛Live long and prosper.-你好 -好- Hi. - Hey there.你好 我要一杯星鳗火茶 三杯经典百威Hi. Id like a Clabmin fire tea. 3 Budweiser Classics,两杯卡达西恩日落和.2 Cardassian sunrises and.-试试莎休酒 不错的 -一杯莎休调酒 谢谢- Try the Slusho, its good. - A Slusho mix, thank you.作为女人 喝得可真够多的Thats a lot of drinks for a woman.-还有一杯不加冰的杰克 -双份 算在我账上- And a shot of Jack, straight up. - Make that two. Her shots on me

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