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1、商务英语阅读3翻译翻译Unit11.She thought she had a good shot. Wally consistently took the toughest classes she could fit into her schedule, and her grade point average puts her near the top of the class at her well-regarded public high school in Berkeley, Calif.沃莉认为自己被录取的机会很大。她总是在课程安排允许的情况下上难度最大的课程,而且她的平均积分点在口

2、碑甚好的加州伯克利公立高中都名列前茅。2.College counselors say that as schools get choosier, parents have grown more resigned to the realities of kids prospects. 院校咨询人员说由于学校录取越来越慎重,家长们已经比过去更能接受孩子被大学录取几率渺小的事实了。3.College admissions officers are split. On the one hand, they say they dont like being forced to reject so ma

3、ny worthy kids. On the other hand, they are enjoyingand profiting fromthe attention. 校方招生主管对此问题的态度有两个方面。一方面,他们说他们不愿意被迫拒绝这么多优秀的孩子,另一方面,他们享受这种关注,并且从中获利。4.At some colleges the bumper crop of applications is causing crowd-control problems. For years Rutgers University has run a private bus to ferry pros

4、pective students and their parents around its sprawling New Brunswick, N.J. campus.在一些院校,申请者剧增引发了校园过度拥挤的问题。多年来,罗格斯大学正在扩大的的新布朗斯维克校区增开一趟专用车,接送申请本校的学生及其家长。5.By 2015 the number of high-school graduates will begin to drop back out of the stratosphere. 到2015年,高中毕业生的数量将开始回落。6.I know Im one of many, but tha

5、t doesnt mean I am not smart and driven and ready to be a committed student. 我知道我只是许多未被录取的申请者中的一位,但这并不说明我不优秀,我不努力,我不是一名上进的学生。7.After months of researching Northwestern on the Web and grilling friends,teachers and advisers who had gone there,Maxine pinned her hopes on getting accepted.经过数月在网上搜寻并研究西北大

6、学和仔细询问参观过西北大学的朋友、老师和咨询顾问,马克辛最终希望自己能被西北大学录取。8.For students like Maxine who are applying to college for next fall,that dream is turning out to be frustratingly unobtainable.It turns out the odds of getting into a selective college have never been worse. 对于像马克辛一样正在申请秋季入学的学生来说,他们会沮丧地发现这一梦想难以实现。考入一个知名院校的

7、机会从未如此渺茫。9.But admissions directors are already worrying about the shrinking pool of future applicants, especially the sliver of those who can afford to foot the40,000 annual tab. 但是招生人员已经开始担忧申请者数量缩减的问题,尤其是为数不多的每年有能力支付4万美元费用的那部分申请者。10.Those who left private schools in the 1980s and early 1900s can e

8、xpect to earn 35% more in life than the average product of a state school, they found,around half of which can be attributed to education,not background.20世纪80年代和90年代初期,私立中学的毕业生能够期望一生的收入比国立中学的普通毕业生高35%,他们发现这其中大约一半可以归因于他们所接受的教育,而非他们的背景。 11.The researchers also managed to pinpoint the way private scho

9、ols work their magic:through better exam results,rather than through networking opportunities or better teaching of soft skills,such as etiquette or leadership.研究人员也尽量精确地描述私立中学施展魔力的办法:凭借更优秀的考试成绩,而不是凭借关系网带来的各种机会或者质量更高的诸如礼仪和领导方法等软技巧的教学。12. One insider thinks this unlikely:many parents have remortgaged

10、 to pay fees,and with house prices shaky and banks tightening their lending criteria,this route is fast closing off.一位知情人士认为这种做法不太可能:许多父母通过再抵押贷款来支付学费,但是由于不稳定的房价和银行日益紧缩的信贷条件,这条路很快就走不通了。13.For the first time, places in its eight secondary schools will have been allocated randomly within each catchment

11、 area. 八个中学的招生名额首次在每一个学区被随机分配。 14.One reason for their success, the researchers suggest, is that the schools, mindful of their positions in official league tables, were keen to keep these valuable clients. 研究者认为,这些学校成功的一个原因是由于他们很在乎自己的官方排名,所以极力要留着这些重要的学生。15.So parents inclined to take this route must

12、 ask themselves two things: what their risk profile is, and whether they are willing to be activist investors. 所以有意采取这种办法的家长必须问自己两个问题:自己的风险预测能力如何以及是否愿意做积极地投资者。16.Class sizes should be limited to a maximum of 20 pupils by 2020 to improve the academic achievements of pupils and give teachers a better

13、work life balance, school leaders are demanding. 为了提高学生的学习成绩并且使老师实现工作与生活的平衡,到2020年班级规模要限制在最多20个学生一个班。17.They are calling on the Government and local authorities to reconsider plans to close down under subscribed schools, suggesting instead that they be reorganized with smaller classes. 他们呼吁政府和地方当局重新

14、考虑关闭招生不足学校的决定,相反,他们建议应该重组这些学校,减少班级人数。18.Since the founding of the Peoples Republic of China in 1949, an important governmental effort has been to eliminate illiteracy and popularize compulsory education. At present, the national net enrollment rate in elementary schools is 98.58 percent, and the gro

15、ss enrollment rate in junior high schools has reached 90 percent. 自1949年中华人民共和国成立时起,政府就做出重大努力,扫除文盲以及普及义务教育。目前,全国小学的净入学率是98.58%,初中的毛入学率已经达到了90%。19.According to a development program of the Ministry of Education, the government will establish an education financial system in line with the public finan

16、cial system, strengthen the responsibility of governments at all levels to invest in education, and ensure that the governments financial allocation education grows faster than their regular revenue. 根据教育部的发展规划,政府将制定一个与公共财政体制相一致的教育财政体制,强化各级政府在教育投入方面的责任,确保政府对教育的财政拨款增长速度高于其固定收入增长速度。20.Meanwhile, to en

17、sure education for students from families with economic difficulties, the Chinese government offers scholarships, work-study programs, subsidies for students with special economic difficulties, reduction of or exemption from tuition, and state student loans. 同时,为了确保经济困难学生也能接受教育,中国政府提供了奖学金,勤工俭学计划,有特殊

18、经济困难的学生的补贴,减免学费,以及国家助学贷款。Unit21.Ideally, CSR policy would function as a built-in, self-regulating mechanism whereby business would monitor and ensure its support to law, ethical standards, and international norms. 理想情况下,企业社会责任策略将作为一个企业内部的、自我调节的机制,即监测并确保企业的业务是法律道德标准和国际标准的反映。2.And it is true that Brit

19、ain, especially London, has been a hive of innovation in CSR since the mid-1990s, thanks to a creative cluster of think-tanks, NGOs, consultancies and inventive bosses.90年代中期以来,由于聚集了一批具有创造力的智库非政府组织、咨询公司和富有创造力的老板,英国,特别是伦敦,已经成为企业社会责任改革创新的中心。3.Think tank: A group or an institution organized for intensi

20、ve research and solving of problems, especially in the areas of technology, social or political strategy, or armament.智囊:尤指为集中研究并解决在技术、社会或政策及军事领域中的问题而组织起来的群体或机构。4.The lead on CSR could even shift from the rich world to the big emerging markets, each with its own traditions and priorities.企业社会这人的领先地位

21、甚至可能从富裕国家转向几个大的新兴市场,每一个新兴市场都有自己的传统和不同的发展重点。5.India has a long tradition of paternalistic philanthropy. Big family-owned firms such as Tata are particularly active in providing basic services, such as schools and health care, for local communities. 印度具有家长式慈善行为的悠久传统。像塔塔那样的大型家族企业非常积极地为当地社区诸如学校和医疗保健等基本服

22、务。6.It has wound up providing them with the tools they need to pursue business opportunities in untapped markets.结果企业社会责任为这些企业提供了它们在未开发的市场抓住商机所需的手段。7.And as more investment flows to developed countries from Russia, China and the Middle East, this may color attitudes in Western boardrooms too. How mu

23、ch will sovereign wealth funds care about corporate responsibility?随着更多的投资从俄罗斯、中国和中东流向发达国家,这可能也会影响西方商界的决策。主权财富基金又会在多大程度上关心企业的社会责任呢.8.With a stroke, Sony joined the tiny club of Janapnese companies with foreign bosses. 此举一出,索尼公司变成了日企中为数不多的由外国老板操控的企业。9.While Toyota is poised to conquer GM in the Ameri

24、can market, Sony is getting trounced there by Apply in the hot digital-music-player market.正当丰田公司准备在美国市场政府通用汽车公司时,索尼公司在热门的数字音乐播放器市场被苹果公司打得一败涂地。10.Even so, a field that was just a curiosity in 1993 is now poised to change the world-all because we invested in basic research. 尽管这样,这个在1993年还是件新奇事物的领域现在将

25、要改变世界这都是因为我们花精力进行了基础研究。 11.Japan looked poised to come back in one way or another. 看上去日本想以这种或那种方式重新发展。12. The fading glory of Sonys brand name has become a Catch-22, analysts say: if Sony doesnt compete on price, it will lose market share even faster, and if it does, it undermines the 50 percent pri

26、ce premium that it can still attach to many of its products.索尼渐渐消失的品牌效应使企业进退两难,分析人士认为,如果不搞价格战,索尼公司丢失市场份额的速度就会更快;如果打价格战,索尼公司许多产品仍然具有的50%的价格溢价就会减少。13.The same slippage is happening worldwide; in the most famous cases, Sony failed to spot the potential of flat-panel TVs, ceding leadership to Samsung an

27、d Sharp, and fumbled the lead in digital music players to Apple.同样市场份额下滑的事实正在世界范围内出现:在一些最有名的案例中,索尼公司没有看准平板电视的市场潜力,把市场领导地位拱手让给了三星和下铺,又失手把数字音乐播放器市场的领导权转交给了苹果公司。14.Thats why Sony bought into American movie and music companies, which was an early disaster until Stringer came in, slashed 9000jobs and tur

28、ned things around with megahits like “Spider-Man”。那就是索尼公司买进美国电影和音乐公司的原因,这是斯丁格加入索尼公司之前发生的灾难,而斯丁格才见了9000个岗位,通过一些像蜘蛛侠那样的卖座电影扭转了局势。15.Yet he still talks like a true believer in Ideis vision, which was to deliver Sony content through exclusive Sony gizmos and services. 斯丁格谈吐间仍然透露着对出井伸之构想的新年,即算计公司出品的媒体内同只

29、能通过索尼产品和服务投放市场。16.Still, Stringer should not be underestimated. Idei has suggested he passed over Kutaragi for a “good listener”, so perhaps Stringer will listen to his investors.尽管如此,我们也不应低估斯丁格。出井伸之认为,任命斯丁格而非久多良木是因为斯丁格是一位出色的倾听者,所以也需斯丁格会倾听投资者的意见。17. So long the leader among the harmful of elite mult

30、inationals that define Japan Inc.,the Sony name is riding the fading momentum of past successes that defined quality in consumer electronics,from the Trinitron TV to the Walkman.在为数不多的出类拔萃、堪称日本企业典范的跨国公司中,索尼一直居于领导者的地位,但这个品牌正随着过去成功势头的消退而日渐衰落,那些成功代表了电子消费品的品质,从特丽珑电视到索尼随身听。18. Ideis decision to depart a

31、year ahead of schedule is a sign that company may be even worse off than previously thought,that his goal of resorting profit margins to 10% by 2007 is now beyond reach.出井伸之提前一年理智的决定表明公司可能比预想的还要糟糕,而他定下的2007年利润恢复至10%的目标更是遥不可及。19. Over time,growth bred slow -footed gigantism, and Sony became a case st

32、udy of the lingering stagnation in corporate Japan.年复一年,扩张酿成了行动缓慢的大型化趋向,并且索尼公司也成了日本企业界停滞不前的案例。20. Corporate social responsibility comes from its social power. 企业的社会责任来源于它的社会权力。21. Enterprises should be a two-way open system, that is open to accept the information of society, and help public understanding its operation. 企业应该是一个双向开放的系统,即开放的接受社会的信息,也要让社会公开的了解它的经营。 22. Each activity, product and service of enterprises, must consider the social costs and benefits at the same time of considering cost-effectiveness.

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