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1、经典英语的励志美文 经典英语的励志美文 多阅读一些优美励志的英文美文,对于我们英语能力的提高也会有所帮助,下面内容由小编为大家分享经典英语的励志美文,一起来看看吧! 篇一:A fib 小小的谎言 I was six years old, my sister, Sally Kay, was a submissive three-year-old girl. For some reasons, I thought we needed to earn some money. I decided we should “hire out” as maids. We visited the neighbo

2、rs, offering to clean houses for them for a quater cents. Reasonable as our offer was, there were no takers. But one neighbor telephoned my mother to let her know what Mary Alice and Sally Kay were doing. Mother had just hung up the phone when we came first into the back door into the kitchen of our

3、 apartement. “Girls,” mother asked, “why were you two going around the neighborhood telling people you would clean their houses?” Mother wasnt angry with us. In fact, we learned afterwards she was amused that we had came up with such an idea. But, for some reason, we both denied having done any such

4、 thing. Shocked and terribly hurt that her dear little girls could be such “boldfaced (厚颜无耻的) liars” . Mother then told us that Mrs. Jones had just called and told her we had been to her house and said we would clean it for a quater cents . Faced with the truth, we admitted what we had done. Mother

5、said we have fibed, we have not told the truth. She was sure that we knew better. She tried to explain why a fib (小谎) hurt, but she didnt feel that we really understood. Years later, she told us that the lesson she came up with for trying to teach us to be truthful would probably have been found upo

6、n by child psychologists. The idea came to her in a flash, and a tender-hearted mother told us it was the most difficult lesson she ever taught us. It was a lesson we never forgot. After admonishing(警告,劝告) us, mother cheerfully begain preparing for lunch. As we monching on sandwhiches, she asked:” W

7、ould you two like to go to see the movies this afternoon?” ”Wow, would we ever?” We wondered what movie would be playing. Mother said:”The Matinee”. ”Oh, fatastic! We would be going to see The Matinee, would we lucky?” We got bathed and all dressed up. It was like getting ready for a birthday party.

8、 We hurried outside the apartment, not wanting to miss the bus that would take us downtown. On the landing, Mom stunned (使震惊) us by saying, “Girls, we are not going to the movies today.” We didnt hear her right. ”What?” we objected. “What do you mean? Arent we going to The Matinee? Mommy, you said t

9、hat we are going to the Matinee. “ Mother stooped and gathered us in her arms. I couldnt understand why there were tears in her eyes. We still had the time to get the bus, but hugging us, she gently explained this is a fib felt like. “It is important that what we say is true ,” Mom said. “I fibbed t

10、o you just now and it felt awful to me. I dont ever want to fib again and Im sure you dont want to fib again either. People must be able to believe each others. Do you understand? “ We assured her that we understood. We would never forget. And since we had learned a lesson, why not go to the movie t

11、o see The Matinee. There were still time. Not today. Mother told us. We would go another time. That is how over fifty years ago, my sister and I learned to be truthful. We have never forgotten how much a fib can be hurt. 篇二:人生如诗 I think that, from a biological standpoint, human life almost reads lik

12、e a poem. 我以为,从生物学角度看,人的一生恰如诗歌。 It has its own rhythm and beat, its internal cycles of growth and decay. 人生自有其韵律和节奏,自有内在的生成与衰亡。 No one can say that a life with childhood, manhood and old age is not a beautiful arrangement; 人生有童年、少年和老年,谁也不能否认这是一种美好的安排, the day has its morning, noon and sunset, and th

13、e year has its seasons, and it is good 一天要有清晨、正午和日落,一年要有四季之分,如此才好。 that it is so. There is no good or bad in life, except what is good according to its own season. 人生本无好坏之分,只是各个季节有各自的好处。 And if we take this biological view of life and try to live according to the seasons, no one but a conceited fool

14、 or an impossible idealist can deny that human life can be lived like a poem. 如若我们持此种生物学的观点,并循着季节去生活,除了狂妄自大的傻瓜和无可救药的理想主义者,谁能说人生不能像诗一般度过呢。 Lin Yutang 篇三:人在旅途 Wherever you are, and whoever you maybe, there is one thing in which you and I are just alike at this moment, and in all the moments of our exi

15、stence. We are not at rest; we are on a journey, our life is a movement, a tendency, a steady, ceaseless progress towards an unseen goal. We are gaining something, or losing something, everyday. Even when our position and our character seem to remain precisely the same, they are changing. For the me

16、re advance of time is a change. It is not the same thing to have a bare field in January and in July, the season makes the difference. The limitations that are childlike in the child are childish in the man. 无论你在何处,无论你是何人,此刻,而且在我们生命的每时每刻,你与我有一点是类似的。我们不是在休息,我们在旅途中。生命是一种运动,一种趋势,一个稳步、持续的通往一个未知目标的过程。每天,

17、我们都在获得,或失去。尽管我们的地位和性格看起来好像一点都没变,但是它们在变化。因为时光的流逝本身是一种变化。在一月和七月拥有一片贫瘠的土地是不同的,是季节本身带来了变化。孩童时可爱的缺点到了成人时便成了幼稚。 Everything that we do is a step in one direction or another, even the failure to do something is in itself a deed. It sets us forward or backward. The action of the negative pole of a magnetic n

18、eedle is just as real as the action of the positive pole. To decline is to accept the other alternative. 我们做的每件事都是迈向一个或另外一个方向,甚至“什么都没做”本身也是一种行为,它让我们前进或倒退。一棵磁针的阴极的作用与阳极是一样的。拒绝即接受?接受反面。 Are you nearer to your port today than you were yesterday? Yes, - you must be a little nearer to some port or other;

19、 for since your ship was first lunched upon the sea of life, you have never been still for a single moment; the sea is too deep, you could not find an anchorage if you would. There can be no pause until you come into port. 你今天比昨天更加接近你的目标了吗?是的,你肯定是离一个或另一个码头或更近一些了。因为自从你的小船从生命的海洋上启航时,你没有哪一刻是停止的。大海是这样深,

20、你想抛锚时找不到地方。在你驶入码头之前,你不可能停留。 篇四:The True Nobility By Ernest Hemingway In a calm sea every man is a all sunshine without shade, all pleasure without pain, is not life at all. Take the lot of the happiest - it is a tangled yarn. Bereavements and blessings, one following another, make us sad and blessed

21、 by turns. Even death itself makes life more loving. Men come closest to their true selves in the sober moments of life, under the shadows of sorrow and loss. 在风平浪静的大海上,每个人都是领航员。但只有阳光没有阴影,只有快乐没有痛苦,根本不是真正的生活。就拿最幸福的人来说,他的生活也是一团缠结在一起的乱麻。痛苦与幸福交替出现,使得我们一会悲伤一会高兴。甚至死亡本身都使得生命更加可爱。在人生清醒的时刻,在悲伤与失落的阴影之下,人们与真实的

22、自我最为接近。 In the affairs of life or of business, it is not intellect that tells so much as character, not brains so much as heart, not genius so much as self-control, patience, and discipline, regulated by have always believed that the man who has begun to live more seriously within begins to live mor

23、e simply without. In an age of extravagance and waste, I wish I could show to the world how few the real wants of humanity regret ones errors to the point of not repeating them is true repentance. There is nothing noble in being superior to some other man. The true nobility is in being superior to y

24、our previous self. 在生活和事业的种种事务之中,性格比才智更能指导我们,心灵比头脑更能引导我们,而由判断获得的克制、耐心和教养比天分更能让我们受益。我一向认为,内心生活开始更为严谨的人,他的外在生活也会变得更为简朴。在物欲横流的年代,但愿我能向世人表明:人类的真正需求少得多么可怜。反思自己的过错不至于重蹈覆辙才是真正的悔悟。高人一等并没有什么值得夸耀的。真正的高贵是优于过去的自己。 篇五:感恩生活 Once President Roosevelts house was broken into and lots of things were stolen. Hearing th

25、is, one of Roosevelts friends wrote to him and advised him not to take it to his heart so much. 美国总统罗斯福的家曾经失窃,财物损失严重。朋友闻此消息,就写信来安慰他,劝他不必把这件事放在心上。 President Roosevelt wrote back immediately, saying,”Dear friend, thank you for your letter to comfort me. Im all right now. I think I should thank God. Th

26、is is because of the following three reasons: firstly, the thief only stole things from me but did not hurt me at all; secondly, the thief has stolen some of my things instead of all my things; thirdly, most luckily for me, it was the man rather than me who became a thief” 罗斯福总统很快回信说:“亲爱的朋友,谢谢你来信安慰我

27、,我一切都很好。我想我应该感谢上帝,因为:第一,我损失的只是财物,而人却毫发未损;第二,我只损失了部分财物,而非所有财产;第三,最幸运的是,做小偷的是那个人,而不是我” It was quite unlucky for anyone to be stolen from. However, President Roosevelt had such three reasons to be so grateful. This story tells us how we can learn to be grateful in our life. 对任何人来说,家中失窃绝非幸事。但是,罗斯福总统却能找到

28、三个感恩的理由。这个故事告诉我们,生活中,我们应该学会感恩。 Being grateful is an important philosophy of life and a GREat wisdom. . It is impossible for anyone to be lucky and successful all the time so long as he lives in the world. smile and so will it when you cry to it. ” If you are grateful to life, it will bring you shini

29、ng sunlight. 感恩是一项重要的处世哲学,是生活的大智慧。人生在世,不可能事事顺通。对于各种失败和不幸,我们要豁达大度,勇敢地面对,并想办法解决。 We should learn how to face failure or misfortune bravely and generously and to try to deal with it. If so, should we complain about our life and become frustrated and disappointed ever since then or should we be grateful

30、 for our life, rise again ourselves after a fall? William Thackeray, a famous British writer, said, “Life is a mirror. When you smile in front of it , it will also 面对困难,我们是懊恼抱怨、沮丧气馁,陷入绝望,还是对生活满怀感恩之心,跌倒后再爬起来呢?英国著名作家威廉萨克雷说过,“生活是一面镜子,你对它笑,它也会对你笑;你对他哭,它也会对你哭。” If you always complain about everything, yo

31、u may own nothing in the end. When we are successful, we can surely have many reasons for being grateful, but we have only one excuse to show ungratefulness if we fail. 如果对生活感恩,你的生命将充满灿烂的阳光;如果一味怨恨,终将一无所获。我们成功时,有千万个理由感恩生活,而失败时,只要一个借口就会表现出忘恩负义。 I think we should even be grateful to life whenever we ar

32、e unsuccessful or unlucky. Only by doing this can we find our weakness and shortcomings when we fail. We can also get relief and warmth when we are unlucky. This can help us find our courage to overcome the difficulties we may face, and receive great impetus to move on. We should treat our frustration and misfortune in our life in the other way just as President Roosevelt did. We should be grateful all the time and keep having a healthy attitude to our life for

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