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1、高三英语写作专练应用文全体教师辅导讲义年 级:高三 科 目:英语 课时数:3课 题写作专练:应用文教学目的掌握应用文的写作要点教学内容一、考纲要求要求学生能根据题意正确、连贯、贴切地进行书面表达。写作题旨在测试考生的英语表达能力,要求考生运用英语表达思想、传递信息,是对考生实际运用英语能力的主观性考查,这不仅涉及学过的时态、语态、词组、句型等语法和词汇知识,还涉及组织安排句、段、篇的能力。二、题材要点介绍应用文:应用文是处理日常事务的一种文体。应用文主要包括书信、便条、日记、启事、通知等。应该按照一定的格式,用简洁的文字清楚正确地表达内容。三、典型例题【例1】某日,你在校园里捡到一个电子辞典,

2、为了找到失主,你打算在校园内张贴失物招领启事。请以学生张华的名义撰写一篇失物招领启事,要求内容清晰,目的明确,以便失主与你取得联系,词数120左右。【参考范文】如下【测量目标】能根据题意正确、连贯、贴切地进行书面表达【考查内容】应用文失物招领启事【难度等级】较难【思路解析】失物招领启事是通知的一种形式,目的在于通过客观陈述将特定信息传达至某一人群。因此,信息的全面、准确、顺畅(也就是我们常说的信、达、雅)是衡量一篇通知是否合格的最重要的标准。失物招领启事中需包含以下信息:(1) When and where you found the object通常失主需要较准确的时间(年、月、日,甚至大概

3、的钟点)、地点信息来确定是否可能是自己丢失的物件。(2) The features of the object由于存在某一范围内出现几件同类物件丢失的可能性需要在告示中对于失物进行一些细节描写,如品牌、颜色、尺寸,甚至是产地等具有识别作用的特征。(细节描写也不可过于详尽,以防冒领。)(3) Your contact information为便于失主与你取得联系,姓名、电话、地址等都是失物招领启事的要素。最后,作为针对公众的文章,失物招领启事的语言风格应客观、简洁、易懂。【学生习作】Lost and FoundOn the afternoon of March 22nd, 2011, I fou

4、nd an electronic dictionary in the 3rd Reading Room on the second floor of the library building.The electronic dictionary can be generally described as follows. It is quite new and blue in color. The portable electronic dictionary is as big as a piece of cake and as thin as a regular magazine.If you

5、 re the owner of the electronic dictionary, please contact Zhang Hua as soon as possible at either of these two numbers: 62901188 or 123456178910.【习作点评】百余词的启事中基本包含了必需的信息,段落明晰,层次分明,体现了作者较好的语言功底和逻辑能力。首段说明捡到失物的时间(the afternoon of March 22nd,2011)和地点(the 3rd Reading Room on the second floor of the libra

6、ry building),符合“详尽”的要求。第二段则描述了失物的新旧程度、颜色、大小、厚度等,其中作者用as big as a piece of cake及as及as thin as a regular magazine来描绘该电子辞典的尺寸,更为直观。最后一段提供了两种联系方式,便于失主与自己联系。本文还是有一些可以改进的地方。比如,在介绍时间、地点时可以使用一些特殊句型加以强调。【参考范文】Lost and FoundIt was on March 22nd, 2011 that the electronic dictionary was found on the last roll o

7、f the 3rd Reading Room. I waited until the library building closed for the day, and no one came to claim.It was a Japanese-made Casio electronic dictionary, almost brand new and blue in color. As is estimated, the size of the machine is about half of an A4 paper and its as thin as 1 centimeter at mo

8、st. Whats more, the name Marie was stuck onto the back of it, which I guess may be the name of the owner.The owner of the dictionary can contact Zhang Hua at 6290118 or 12345678910. Once your identity is proved (e.g. check the content stored in it), you will be informed of the address and you are we

9、lcome to pick your dictionary up. An appointment will be preferred.【范文评析】比较原文,本文在文首使用了强调句的结构突出时间和地点。为了避免被强调部分过于冗长,作者介绍了自己等待的过程,顺带点出了library building这一信息。在对失物进行介绍时,作者加入了产地、品牌等信息,并以准确的形状和数字来描绘电子词典的厚度、大小,增加了内容的可信度。附上的姓名也起到了辨误的效果。最后,关于联络方式及后续,笔者采取了分步骤的做法。在介绍了联系方式和联系人之后,又增加了一个身份核对的环节,避免有人冒领。【例2】张华是应届高三毕业

10、生,繁重的学业压力使他有些不堪重负。李华是他的好友,得知此事决定写信给予帮助。请以李华的身份,写一封信给张华。要求按书信格式写作。词数不少于120。【参考范文】如下【测量目标】能根据题意正确、连贯、贴切地进行书面表达【考查内容】应用文写信【难度等级】较难【思路解析】书信格式可以分为以下六个部分:信头(Heading),是寄信人的地址及发信日期,写在信纸的右上角。收信人姓名及地址(Inside Address),写在左上方(沿信端低一行写)(以上两部分主要出现在正式信件中。)称呼(Salutation),如:Dear lane/Professor Smith,末尾用逗号,需左对齐。正文(Body

11、 of the Letter),书信的主要部分,每段第一行缩进3-4个字母,其它行与称呼并列。结束语(Complimentary Close),相当于中文书信中的“此致敬礼”,写在正文最后一行下方,结尾需加逗号。签名(Signature),寄信人的签名写在结束语下面一至两行处。 有时需补充内容,则以P.S.(Postscript,附注)形式添加在信件末尾。如有附件,则写Encl(Enclosure)。这两项内容都写在信纸的左下方。另外,本题要求写作的主要内容是帮助好友缓解压力,因此信的主体部分需具有议论文的特征。【词汇准备】书信开头常用的寒暄语:Its been a long time sin

12、ceTime flies.How is everything going?Not having heard from you for so long, I feelI have been missing you since可用于书信结尾的表达:Please reply soon./ I am looking forward to hearing from you.Take care of yourselfBest wishes.Best regards.Send my best regards toWish you every success in常用的签名:YoursYours sincer

13、elyYours trulyYours faithfully【学生习作】Dear Zhang Hua,Hello. Its been a long time since I last saw you. I know you are in the most crucial year of your 3-year march through high school. I can understand your need to work and concerns.Pressures have sources. They may have come from your teachers and par

14、ents, your rivals and tests, and possibly, yourself. Wherever they have come from, you will be the final stop to hold those travelers. Then the choice is yoursto accumulate all the negative emotions to an end or find a way to handle them.Playing basketball may help. I still remember how good a playe

15、r you were when we played together on the court. A game or a film can also serve as an excellent stress reliever. When facing problems that you cant handle on your own, dont just put on a brave face; try working things out with friends, parents and teachers.May you recover from the depression soon!Y

16、ours,Li Hua【习作点评】本文基本达到了书信写作的要求。 从信的主体来看,文章分为分析原因和提出解决方法两个方面,条理比较清晰。本文也有一些不足之处。作者花费了一些笔墨来分析压力来源虽然做到了长短句结合,并用了比喻的手法,但是内容本身不够丰富。如果把写作的重心放到“如何解决压力问题”,这将会是一篇更好的习作。【参考范文】这是经修改后的另一篇学生习作。Dear Zhang Hua,Time has wings. Its been months since we last met.Im sorry to hear that youre under great pressure recent

17、ly as a Senior Three student. I really hope you can balance your school life.Stress is actually a mixed blessing. It can motivate you to study harder. Or, pressure can build up and problems creep inoverstress may lead to a breakdown.Try to release your stress before it leads to anything big. One pos

18、sible solution is to talk with your teachers or friends. Another thing that may work is to appreciate nature, enjoying the bird song, feeling the velvety texture of a flower, or bathe in the sunlight which filters through leaves. Put your burdens down for a while and go back with a lighter heart.The

19、 saying goes that one should always let his eyes rest upon the journey not the destination. And remember, I, as your friend, will always be with you on this road.I wish you every success in the coming challenges!Yours,Li Hua【范文评赏】本文结构严谨,符合书信格式此外,在主体部分的处理上也有值得借鉴之处。 作者在第二段就提出解决压力的方法在于balance your scho

20、ol life。下文分析什么是压力(Stress is actually a mixed blessing.),并提出两种不同的solution显得顺理成章。比较前一篇习作,本文把主要精力用在solution上也是明智的做法。 此外,文中有些不错的句子和表述,比如:pressure can build up and problems creep in; one should always let his eyes rest upon the journey not the destination这些都源自阅读时的积累。多阅读多积累,并且做到“活学活用”,有助于提高写作水平。【例3】去年十一月的

21、胶州路火灾以残酷的方式提醒我们:消防安全,警钟长鸣。新学期伊始,校园消防安全警钟再次敲响,许多学校的学生都在各自的校园内自发地关注起消防安全,学生组织在其中起到了组织和宣传的作用。请以学生会的名义向全体同学发出倡议,杜绝火灾隐患,共同维护校园安全。要求倡议内容明确,并以通知形式呈现,发出时间为2011年3月5日,词数不少于120。【参考范文】如下【测量目标】能根据题意正确、连贯、贴切地进行书面表达【考查内容】应用文倡议书【难度等级】较难【思路解析】 本文要求写一篇通知(Notice)。这一文体的格式要求包括:1、正文上方正中写Notice(或NOTICE);2、在正文的右下角要写明发通知的单位

22、名称,其大小写与“notice”的大小写一致:3、发出通知的日期一般写在左下角。在内容上,本文是一个倡议,和旨在告知具体事项的通知有所不同,其重点应放在倡导同学们如何“作为”上,就此而言,文章具有“议论”的特点。【词汇准备】accident analysis; accident at work(操作事故); compensation(损失赔偿);due to negligence(过失责任);explosion; accompanying fire(伴随性火灾);active fire controll / precaution(主动火险控制预防);alarm buzzer(警报器);blas

23、t wind(爆炸气浪);burning area(过火面积);burning intensity(燃烧强度);construction material(建筑材料);death by suffocation(窒息而死);death toll死亡人数)【学生习作】NoticeBecause of the big fire on November 15th, 2010, in Shanghai, the issue of fire safety has been in the limelight.In dry weather, the risks of fire on campus increa

24、se dramatically. Once such disasters happen, losses of life and property will be inevitable.With all the warning signs in sight, we strongly feel the necessity of taking fire precautions. Here we appeal to everyone on campus to take action and get fully involved. To begin with, every student should

25、have some basic knowledge of fire prevention, which may save your life whenever and wherever fire pays a fatal visit. Then we suggest making Fire Safety Regulations in class to enhance everyone s awareness of potential risks. Next, we also advise you to find out an exit route thats most convenient f

26、or you on campus. Last but not least, DO NOT PLAY WITH FIRE. Although this is common knowledge, we still consider it necessary to stress it again.All in all, it s time for us to take steps. Precautions are worth millions of times of regrets.March 15th, 2011The Students Union【习作点评】 本文最大的优点在于思路明确,脉络清晰

27、。文章开头简单说明发该通知的起因,随后顺理成章地向同学们发出号召。文末,作者又稍作补充,引发读者的思考。文中粗体为语言亮点。本文也存在一些可改进之处。比如,对于题目中涉及的火灾事件可以稍加分析,为下文的建议提供更充分的依据。文末的总结也可以使用更符合“学生会”身份特点的语句。本文是在前文的基础上加以修改而成。【参考范文】NoticeThe tragedy of November 15th in Shanghai took dozens of lives, brought agony to dozens more and pushed the problem of fire prevention

28、 into the limelight.Negligence, slow reaction, lack of proper strategy, both technical and human, are factors which contributed to the fatal accident.Alarmed by the accident, we feel its time we looked around on campus for any hidden risks: with highly-populated school buildings and dormitories arou

29、nd, we are not 100 percent safe. Once such disasters happen, losses of life and property will be inevitable.Thus, fire control precautions should be taken. In the first place, fire alarms and basic knowledge of fire safety can save your life and those around. According to statistics, 7 out of 10 peo

30、ple killed in fires die of suffocation. Knowing how to protect yourself from that is a must. What s more, regulations and awareness are to be enhanced so that no heaters or other risky appliances are allowed in the dorm.For any further information, you can contact extension 1115. The Students Union

31、is ready to offer any technical and human support and our joint effort will build all of us a safer campus.March 15th, 2011The Students Union【范文评析】 与原文相比,本文加入了对于胶州路火灾事故原因的简要分析:negligence, slow reaction, lack of proper strategy, 并进一步说明了在”校园”这一特定环境下发生火灾事故的危害性。呼吁同学们响应的措施减少至两个,内容却更加具体。最后,文章末段留下了学生会的“热线电

32、话”,符合通知这一文体的内容特征。【例4】张华决定参加班长竞选,明天需要在同学面前进行演讲,以争取同学支持。请以张华的名义写作一篇演讲稿,内容需包括:1.你认为自己具备哪些胜任班长所必需的条件?2.假如你当选班长会为本班同学做些什么?要求字数不少于120。【参考范文】如下【测量目标】能根据题意正确、连贯、贴切地进行书面表达【考查内容】应用文演讲稿【难度等级】较难【思路解析】从内容而言,本文为介绍“施政纲领”和个人特点的说明文体。写作要求中已经点明主要内容,但在下笔时仍需适当的取舍和合理的组织。 通常,说明文的写作顺序有三种。首先是时间顺序,适用于写How to Prepare Tea这类题目。其次为空间顺序,新世纪英语教材中的The Sydney Harbor Bridge就是典型例子最后是逻辑顺序,本题也正属于这一类别,

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