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1、职场交际用语总结一、初见面(1) A: How do you do? Im Charles Hansen.B: How do you do? Im Chris Edwards.翻译 A:你好,我是查尔斯汉森。B:你好,我是克里斯爱德华。(2) A: Nice to meet you. Im Janet Allister from the personnel.B: Nice to meet you. Im Kelly Foster.翻译A:很高兴认识你。我是人事部的珍妮艾力斯特。 B:我也很高兴认识你,我是凯莉福斯特。Its a pleasure to meet you. 见到你很高兴markt

2、ing division 行销部 accounting department 会计部门(3)A: Good morning. Howre you? B: Im doing well. How about you? A: Fine /Ok/Good.翻译A: 早啊,你好吗? B:我很好,你那? A: 我也很好。(4)(打电话)A:Hi,this is Tim Kaufmann from ABC Corp. May I speak to Ms. Emma Brown, please?B: This is Emma speaking.翻译A: 喂,我是ABC公司的提姆考夫曼。我想找艾玛勃朗小姐。 B

3、: 我就是。(5)(主持电话会议)A: Hi, this is Greg. Are you ready for the conference call?B: Yes, were all set.翻译 A:嗨,我是格瑞格。你们都准备好要开电话会议了吗? B:是的,我们都准备好了。(6)(主持会议)A:Good morning everyone. Thank you for attending the meeting today. Im sure you all have a copy of the agenda .So lets start with the issue now.翻译A:大家早安

4、。谢谢你们来参加今天这场会议。我相信你们都已经拿到了一份会议议程。我们现在就开始第一项议题吧。重点句型:(1)Nice to meet/meeting you. 很高兴认识你。 (2)Howre you? 你好吗? (3)How about you?/And you? 你呢? (4)Im/This is 我是/这是 (5)May I speak to? 我可以和说话吗?二、介绍引见(1)A: This is the director of our sales department, Mr. Larry Johnson. B: Hi! I am glad that we finally met.

5、翻译A: 这是我们行销部的主任,赖瑞强森先生。 B:您好!很高兴我们终于碰面了。executive总经理;主管 manager 经理 president 董事长 customer service 客服 foreign affairs office 国际部;外事办(2)A:Allow me to introduce you to my colleague, Simon. B:Hi,nice to meet you. Ive heard a lot about you. 翻译:A:请让我向你介绍我的同事,赛门。 B:嗨!很高兴认识你,久仰大名。(3)A: Mr. Ulrich, Id like t

6、o introduce you our latest product. B: Great! Ive been very looking forward to seeing it.翻译:A:奥瑞驰先生,我想向你介绍我们公司的最新产品。 B:太好了!我已经期待很久了。(4)A: The bottom of the page you are reading now is the contact information for our branches. B: Oh, I see.翻译:A:你正在看的那页最下方是我们公司的联络方式。 B:哦,我知道了。 bottom 底部 contact 联系;联络

7、branch 分公司;分店 headquarters =head office 总公司 supplier 供应商 factory 工厂(5)A: This is what I mentioned to you on the phone. B: Oh, yes, the proposal of your new project.翻译:A:这就是我和你在电话中提到的。 B:哦,是的,你新案子的企划书。(6)A: This is our conference room on the right and library on the left. B: Whats that next to the li

8、brary?翻译:A:在右手边的是我们的会议室,左手边的是图书室。 B:在图书室旁边的是什么呢?bathroom=restroom=ladies/ mens room 洗手间general administration office 总务处(7)A: Here we are. This is where the exhibition takes place. B: Good. Lets have a look at our booth location.翻译:A:我们到了。这就是展览举行的地方。 B:很好。先去看看我们的摊位吧。 meeting 会议 lecture演讲;授课 fair 展览;

9、博览会 parade 游行(8)(会议与简报中)A: In the next session, we will have Frankie from the marketing department develop this topic further.翻译:A:接下来,将由行销部的法兰克来进一步阐释这个主题。 session (会议等的)时间 develop 详细阐述;展开重点句型:(1)Id like to 我想要 (2)This is(where/what)这是 (3)Let me/Lets +V让我(们)三、说明(1)A: We mainly import quality furnitu

10、re from designers in northern Europe. B: No wonder it is quite delicate and expensive.翻译:A:我们主要进口北欧设计师的高级家具。 B:难怪他们挺别致,价格也蛮贵的。import 进口 export 出口 quality 高级的 designer 设计师 no wander 难怪 delicate 别致的;典雅的 expensive 昂贵的(2)A: To apply for the job, please fill in this form first.B: Ive filled in the form o

11、n line and printed it out. May I use that instead?翻译:A:要申请这份工作,请先填写这份表格。 B:我已经在网络上填写并打印出来了,可以用那份吗? application form 申请表 questionnaire 问卷(3)A: In this section, please use capital letters to fill in the information. B: Ok. I will.翻译:A:这个部分请用大写字母填写资料。 B:好,我会的。 For this part 这个部分 block letters 正体 (4)A:

12、To make an outside call, you need to dial 0 first. B: Oh, I see. Thanks.翻译:A:要打外线电话你需要先拨0。 B:哦,我知道了。谢谢。 dial 拨打(电话) an international call 拨打国际电话 a national call 拨打国内电话 an extension number 拨打分机号码a phone call on a cell phone 拨打手机号码(5)(使用电话) A: As soon as you get through, you can skip the recording by

13、directly dialing the extension number. B: Wow, Thats convenient. Thanks. 翻译:A:只要电话已接通,你可以直接拨分机号码以略过语音。 B:哇,这真方便,谢谢。 get through 接通电话 directly 直接 skip 略过;跳过(6)(使用复印机) A:Hi, I need to make several copies of this document. B: Let me show you. Heres the key to select the size, and theres the one to adju

14、st the darkness of your copies. 翻译:A:嗨,我需要把这份文件复印好几份。 B:让我告诉你。你可以按这个键选择纸张的尺寸,按那个键调整深浅。 enlarge 放大 downsize 缩小(7)(使用传真机) A: I think this fax machine is broken. Its not working. B: Let me see. Oh, its just out of paper.翻译:A:我想这部传真机坏了。一点动静都没有。 B:让我看看。哦,只是没纸了。 copy machine 复印机 (laser)printer (激光)打印机 out

15、 of ink 没墨水 paper jammed 卡纸(8)(说明会议流程) A: This meeting will go through the issues according to the agenda.If therere other issues you wish to bring up, please wait until the end of the meeting. Thank you.翻译:A:这场会议将根据议程进行。如果你们希望提出其他议题,请留在会议最后,谢谢。(9)(说明简报流程) A: Id like to begin the presentation by bri

16、efing you on the topic fortoday. The first session will be an introduction of the presentmarket. Secondly, well be discussing how the new product canfit in the market. Finally, we will give you some insights intoour marketing strategy.翻译:A:我想先从简述今天的主题作为报告的开始。第一阶段是当前市场的介绍。接着我们会讨论新产品将如何打入市场。最后,我们会在行销策

17、略上给予建议。 brief 简报;做提要 introduction 介绍;引言 present 现在的 discuss 讨论 fit 适合 insight 深入;洞察 strategy 策略重点句型:(1)To V/ For N, 要的话, (2)As soon as, 一就 (3)The first + N,Secondly,Finally, 第一个,再来是,最后,四、开展对话(1)A: I am really interested in what you just mentioned about yourcompany. B: Great! Would you like me to go

18、into further detail?翻译:A:我对你刚才所提关于贵公司的部分很感兴趣。 B:太好了!你要我进一步详述吗?(2)A: It sounds like your company provides exactly what we need.B: Im glad to hear that, Mr. Johnson.翻译:A:听起来你的公司完全提供了我们所需要的。 B:我很高兴听到你这么说,强森先生。(3)A: I drank too much last night, and I have a headache. B: Right, I almost forgot. How was y

19、our data last night? Tell me!翻译:A:我昨晚和太多啦,现在头好痛。 B:对,我差点都忘了。你昨晚的约会如何?快告诉我! party 派对 business trip 商务旅行 interview 面试(4)A:I heard Jason is going to be promoted to the director of our department . B: Yeah, I heard about that too. What do you think about that?翻译:A:我听说杰森将要晋升我们部门的主管。 B:对呀,我也听说了。你认为如何?(5)A

20、: It is said that you are very experienced in this business. B: Thank you. Ive been working here for 5 years.翻译:A:听说你在这行很有经验。 B:谢谢。我在这工作已有五年时间了。(6)A: What you said reminds me of what happened to me before. B: Really? What was that about?翻译:A:你所说的让我想起了曾经发生在我身上的事。 B:是吗?是什么事?(7)A: I am really looking f

21、orward to this coming weekend. B: Me, too. By the way, have you finished your part of the report that we have to send out by Friday?翻译:A:我真是期待这个周末的来临。 B:我也是。对了,我们周五前要交出去的报告,你的那部分完成了吗?(8)A: If youve got a minute, Id like to talk to you about the layout of our proposal today. B: Ill be available in an

22、 hour. Is that all right?翻译:A:如果你有时间,我想今天跟你讨论一下企划案的编排。 B:我一个小时后会有空。可以吗? in 20 minutes 在20分钟以后 at 3 this afternoon 今天下午3点during the lunch break 在午休休息时间(9)A: Since you mentioned the budget, Id like to have a closer look at the figures. B: Sure, no problem.翻译:A:既然你提到了预算,我想更仔细的看看数据。 B:好的,没问题。重点句型:(1)be

23、interested in 对感兴趣 (2)It sounds like(that)/N听起来 (3)Speaking of说道 (4)By the way,顺便一提, (5)Since you mentioned,Id like to既然你提到了,我想五、询问(1)A: Robert, may I borrow your ruler? B: Sure. Here you are.翻译:A:罗伯特,我可以跟你借尺子吗? B:当然可以。拿去吧。 eraser 橡皮擦 (ball-point)pen 圆珠笔 mouse pad 鼠标垫 calculator 计算器(2)A: Do you mind

24、 my using your stapler? B: No, not at all.翻译:A:你介意我用你的订书机吗? B:不,一点都不介意。 puncher 打孔机 shedder 碎纸机 scotch tape 透明胶带 post-it 便签贴 ink pad 印台(3)A: Yvonne, have you seen the yellow file that was on my desk? B: No, I havent. Is it the one on the file cabinet over there?翻译:A:伊凡,你看到我桌上黄色的文件夹吗? B:没有耶。是那个在那边档案柜

25、上的吗? file 文件夹;档案;卷宗 personal organizer 个人日志 clip board 写字夹板(4)A: Peggy, how do I download the document you mentioned? B: You have to log on the intranet first.翻译:A:佩姬,我要怎么下载你说的那份档案? B:你必须先登录进入公司的内部网络。 download 下载 log on 登入 intranet 企业内部的网络系统(5)A: Im sorry . I dont quite get what you mean. Would you

26、please explain it?B: Sure. Im just wondering if we can get a cheaper price with the quantity we are ordering.翻译:A:抱歉,我不太懂你的意思。可以请你解释吗? B:好的。我只是想知道依这订购的数量,我们是否可以获得较便宜的价格。(6)A: Frank, hows the construction project going now? B: Its going well, and everythings on schedule.翻译:A:法兰克,建设案现在进行得如何? B:进行得很顺利,

27、一切都按照我们预计的进度。(7)A: Since next Friday is a national holiday for us, is it possible to arrange another date for delivery? B: Sure, I believe it can be arranged.翻译:A:由于下星期五是我们的法定假日,是否可以安排其他的运送日期哪呢? B:没问题,我相信这是可以安排的。(8)A: How do you want us to ship the merchandise? B: How about sending it by sea?翻译:A:你希

28、望我们如何运送货物? B:海运如何? ship 运送 merchandise 货品 by air 空运(9)(打电话) A: Hi, this is Vicky calling for William. B: Im sorry. Hes not here at the moment. Hes in a meeting right now. Would you like to leave a message? A: I see. May I speak to Marilyn instead, please?翻译:A:嗨,我是维奇,请找威廉。 B:很抱歉,他现在不在。他正在开会。你要留言吗? A:

29、这样啊,那请帮我找玛丽莲好吗?重点句型:(1)Do you mind?你介意? (2)How do I/you V?我/你要如何? (3)Would you please V?可否请你? (4)Hows going?进行的如何? (5)Is it possible (for sb.) to V? 有没有可能?六、表达需求(1)A: Mr. Jefferson, Ill need you to send us the specifications by Monday. B: Though its kind of short notice, Ill try my best.翻译:A:杰弗森先生,我

30、需要你将明细表寄给我们。 B:虽然这很赶,但我会尽力的。(2)A: Well need to have the quotation before the meeting tomorrow. B: I will have it sent to you as soon as possible.翻译:A:我们需要在明天的会议前拿到报价单。 B:我会尽快把它寄给你。(3)A: Sharon, I need further assistance in the marketing survey. Can you help? B: Im afraid I cant. I have to finish thi

31、s report today.翻译:A:雪伦,我在市场调查方面需要进一步的协助。你能帮我吗? B:恐怕不行。我必须在今天完成这份报告。(4)A: Sally, would you do me a favor and pass this form to Mark? B: Sure, Im just going to see him.翻译:A:莎莉,可以帮我把这份表格拿给马克吗? B:好啊,我正要去找他。(5)A:Jenny,can you give me a hand with this? I need 20 copies for the conference. B: Sure, would you like blank-and-whit

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