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1、英语考级必知词汇Useful Phrases and ExpressionsBand FourNotes:(以下n. 代表 noun; v. 代表verb; a. 代表 adj.; adv.代表 adverb )1. This/It is not necessarily the case. 情况未必如此。2. fill in/out填(表格)3. decide on 决定4. set aside留出,空出(时间、钱、精力等)5. assign; assignment 作业;任务6. be aware of sth.; be aware that意识到7. adequate足够的; inadeq

2、uate 不足的 8. enable sb. to do sth.; unable; disable; ability; be unable to do9. attract vt吸引注意力; distract vt分散注意力; attraction n; distraction n.10. concentrate on专注于; concentration n. 11. look over:翻阅,浏览12. organize; organization; 组织13. make full/good use of 充分利用14. regular a. 有规律的; regularly; irregul

3、ar不规则的15. review v.复习; preview v. 预习16. excessively 过多地;ecceedingly非常;get/have access to 有机会17. share sth. with sb.:与某人共享18. help sb. do; help sb. With 在帮助某人; helpful; helpless19. on average平均; above the average平均以上; below the average平均以下20. relax v. ; relaxation n.; 放松21. act; active; activity; act

4、ion; reaction; be active in 在方面积极22. entertain; entertainment:娱乐23. add; addition; additional n. ; in addition另外; in addition to 除之外24. intelligent聪敏的; intelligence n.25. week; weekly; monthly; yearly; daily26. confuse 使混淆; confused27. late; later; last; latest; lately; latter; the formerthe latter

5、前者后者28. top students尖子生29. on the schedule:按计划30. lead to; result in 导致结果; result from 起因于31. be sure to; make sure to;对有把握32. on tests; in exams 在考试方面33. depend on依靠,取决于; dependent on; independent(ly)34. go/sail/travel around;环旅行35. single-handed 单独;独自36. give up doing; 放弃做37. enjoy doing 喜欢做38. be

6、 determined to do; determination决心做retire v.退休; retired workers; retirement n.39. crew船员(单复数相同)40. set off/out for a place出发去41. in spite of=despite; although; though42. attempt to do企图43. dissuade sb. from doing劝阻44. by far+形容词的比较级:得多45. fortune运气,财富; misfortune不幸; (un)fortunate(ly)46. cant help do

7、ing忍不住做47. wake up醒来48. succeed (in) doing成功地做: manage to do; success; (un)successful(ly)49. like; unlike; dislike; likely; be more/most likely to do更(最)有可能做50. doubt; doubtful; undoubtedly:不用怀疑51. proud;be proud of; pride; take pride in以为自豪52. contact sb.; make contact with sb.与某人联系53. experience;

8、experienced有经验的; inexperienced缺乏经验的54. on the occasion在场合; occasional(ly) 偶尔55. the aged老年人; the rich; the poor; the young56. be content with; be/seem content to do 对满意57. arrange for sb. to do安排做; arrange sth.58. choose to do:愿意做; 选择做59. be in +color穿衣服60. round the corner在附近61. at other times平时62.

9、 after all:毕竟63. relative:亲戚;相对的;相关的;relation; relationship关系; the theory of relativity相对论64. minor a.; minority n. 少数; major a. ; majority n.大多数; major in 主修65. operate on; do an operation on; 动手术66. efficient有效率的; efficiency效率; 67. endure v. 忍受; endurance; endurable; unendurable68. disappoint v. 使

10、失望; disappointed; disappointment;69. reluctant a. 不情愿的; reluctance n. ; be reluctant to do 不情愿做70. tremble v. trembling hands/voice 颤抖的71. (im)patient (不)耐心的; (im)patience n.72. bright a; brightness n; brighten v; long; length; lengthen; prolong (延长)73. previous sth. 先前的; precious 珍贵的74. accomplish

11、v.; accomplishment n:完成;实现75. spend(in) doing sth.在花钱/时间; spend with sb. 与一起度过.76. education; educator; educational; qualities education; higher education;高等教育77. would like to do; feel like doing 愿意做78. prohibit sb. from doing sth.禁止79. reason; reasonable合理的; unreasonable不合理的80. Its well known that

12、众所周知81. generation gap代沟; divorce rate离婚率; birth rate; death rate;82. come up with sth.相出;提出83. take a ride 骑; watch the sunset/sunrise看日出/落84. have a close/good look at仔细看85. It is/has been a long time since + past tense/time 自以来有时间了86. have a ball: have a good time玩得开心87. worth; worthy; worthwhile

13、 a. 值得的; be worth doing; be worthy of doing; 值得做88. socialism社会主义; socialist社会主义者; society; social 社会的89. propose v.; proposal n. 建议90. emotion; (un)emotional 情感的91. pastime n 消遣,娱乐92. literate a. 有文化的 ; illiterate 文盲的; legal 合法的; illegal不合法的; literature n93. be involved in卷入/进; involve doing sth.包含

14、做94. invent; invention; inventor发明; discover; discovery发现; cover95. bring together: 使相聚96. at first glance咋一看97. honest; dishonest不诚实的; honesty n.; dishonesty n.98. accept; acceptance; accepted; acceptable能够接受的;unexpectedly 以外地99. child; childhood 儿童时期; childish a孩子气的; childishly100. communicate; co

15、mmunication 交流 通信101. nothing but: only 102. stick to doing/sth.坚持103. On Christmas Eve 圣诞前夕104. It hang limp (soft); The dog lay there dead. He stood there asleep.(形容词作壮语,说明主语状态)105. misery n; miserable a.悲惨的106. indignant: angry at sth.非常气愤的107. comfort n. v.安慰;舒适 ; discomfort n. v.; comfortable a

16、. un/discomfortable108. wrong vt. sb.冤枉109. catch sight of:see suddenly or for a moment110. stand sth./sb. bear sth. endure; put up with忍受111. break/burst into tears/laughter; burst out crying/laughing:突然112. anxious a急切的; anxiety n.焦虑113. a teacher or something (like)类似教师之类 He is a teacher or somet

17、hing like.114. draw near接近115. in place; out of place; in place of; take the place of; 代表displace替换116. ought to do; ought not to do; ought to have done117. safe; safety; 118. permit; permission; admit; admission; commit; commission119. broad a; broaden v;扩宽120. happen to do sth.: do sth. by chance碰

18、巧; sth. happens to sb. 发生在身上121. be amazed at对.惊奇; amazement n.122. as a result; as a result of; 123. except; except for(肯定整体排除不足)124. relieve v; relief n减轻 缓解; believe; belief; brief a; in brief简言之125. boring a.; bored a.: dull 令人厌倦的126. work flow工作流程; quality control质量控制; assembly line装配线127. beyo

19、nd ones understanding/knowledge超越128. high a; height n. heighten v.129. inspect v. inspection n. 检测inspector130. hold up 阻挡;拦截131. design; redesign重新设计132. achieve; achievement成就133. increase提高;增加; decrease下降,减少134. produce v 出示. n. (农产品); product; production; productive; productivity135. promote; p

20、romotion促进; manage; manager; management(管理,资方)136. incentive n. 刺激(物)137. frequent(ly); frequency频率; infrequent不频繁138. talk over:详谈139. suggest; suggestion140. keep up with:保持同步,跟上; catch up with赶上141. industry;industrial 工业的; industrious勤劳的; agriculture; agricultural农业的; commerce; commercial 商业的142

21、. found; foundation成立143. boss; bossy a.爱指挥人的;专横的144. curious a.; curiosity n. 好奇心145. absent a.缺席的; absence n. ; present a. 在场的; presence n.146. observe; observer; observation 观察147. beautiful; beautify v. 美化; beauty n148. compliments贺词;问候149. strong; strength; strengthen v. 150. a number of; the n

22、umber of(注意单复数)151. lay out 陈立;规划152. to ones taste合的胃口153. come to a decision(作出决定)come/draw/reach a conclusion得出结论154. intention; intent(不怀好意的目的)155. purchase vt; make a purchase; purchase order订单156. for instance/for example例如157. and whats more而且;更重要的是158. break off: stop suddenly; end the relat

23、ionship between中断159. It is evident that 显而易见; 不言而喻; evidence n.160. come down in the world家庭衰落161. favorite(无比较级/最高级)162. prosper v.使繁荣; prosperity n.; prosperous a.163. figure out揣摩; 算出; 领会到164. It is a pity (n.) 可怜; pitiful a.165. do sb. a favor: do sth. kind for sb.给以恩惠166. sting; stung; stung 刺

24、167. rush to/into a place 冲向168. mistake A for B将误认为是169. long for sth.; long to do sth.渴望;极想170. unsay收回所说的话; undo解开; untie松开; unlock开锁; unpack解开包裹; unfold展开(为动词的反义词)171. privilege特权172. suspect v.; suspicion n 怀疑173. eager a. eagerness n. eagerly; be eager to do 急切的做174. sincere a. sincerely ad. S

25、incerity n.真诚; Sincerely yours,175. dignity尊严;高贵176. tact n. 机智;tactless; tactful A.177. begbeggar; lielyingliar178. survive sb.: live longer than; survive sth. 在幸存; survival n. survivor179. imply vt. 意味着implication n.含义180. crime; criminal罪犯; innocent a.无罪的;清白的; innocence n. 181. apologize to sb. f

26、or sth.向.道歉; apology n.182. starve v starvation n.挨饿183. She had nothing in the world to fear. 世上无害怕的事184. interrupt vt. interruption n.打断185. nervous a. nervousness n.紧张186. stoop弯腰; smooth out排除;弄平187. grace体面; disgrace 不体面; graceful188. hold oneself in: control ones feelings控制住.189. get to ones f

27、eet: stand up站起来190. It was not a long time before:不久又191. be based/ built in 建立在192. It was not untilthat(notuntil 的强调句)193. complex a.复杂的 complexity n. complicate v. complication n. complicated a.复杂的194. put to use 投入使用195. make notes; take notes 做笔记196. findings; writings; teachings; savings; ear

28、nings:表示这些动作的结果197. body n. embody vt.体现198. board a bus/plane/ship:登机/上车/上船 199. dream of sb./ones future 梦想200. vanish: disappear suddenly and completely突然消失201. pass through:途经(不停留)202. pull into: arrive at a station(pull in); pull out:离站203. He sat rooted in his seat.坐在那儿像生了根204. wonder about:对好

29、奇205. She is a woman, really something有价值,重要的人(或事)206. come through:经历;如期到来207. be caught up in: be very interested in 208. take over占据,接管; talk over详谈209. make ones way to; make for; head for; leave for向走去210. mystery n. mysterious a.神秘的; misery n. miserable a.悲惨的211. dusty; stormy; cloudy; moony;

30、rainy; snowy; foggy; sunny; smoky; noisy; healthy; smelly; muddy; dirty;(名次后加y构成形容词)212. sell; sold; sale; sales value; salespeople Band Two1. excite v.使兴奋 excitement n. exciting a. excited a.2. ever since (then): from then to now打那以后3. name after:继命名4. be known as/for作为而著名/以而著名5. as to: about;6. fe

31、asible a. 可行的;feasibility n.7. based on: on the basis of 以为根据/基础8. for one thingfor another: 首先再次9. indicate v.表明,显示 indication n. indicator n. indicative a. There are indications that迹象表明10. so far as sb./sth. be concerned:就而言11. emit v.: send out; give off放出; emission n. crash:猛撞; smash挤碎12. Set back::阻碍13. proceed to do sth.; proceed with 继续14. conference; press conference记者招待会15. compose; be composed of; consi

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