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1、青浦区初中英语学科教学基本要求新牛津8B青浦区初中英语学科教学基本要求(新牛津8B)Module1 Unit1 Trees一、 主要内容 重点单词:average, item, product, produce, gas, fighter, fact, scientist, interested, notebook, suppose, breathe, pure, release, alive, natural, warn, protect, chemical, join, communicate, burn, replace, hardly, destroy, exchange, natur

2、e, main, lorry 词组:1. 平均年龄 average age2. 同污染做斗争 fight pollution3. 一个有关污染问题的班级课题 a class project on pollution4. 对感兴趣 be interested in sth./ doing sth.5. 最大最古老的生物 the biggest and oldest living things 6. 在地球上 on the earth7. 别的什么 what else8. 美化街道,降低噪音 make streets more beautiful and less noisy (make +n./

3、pron. + adj.)9. 因做某事而感谢某人 thank sb. for sth./doing sth.10. 1.5 公顷 one and a half hectares (one hectare and a half)11. 喜欢呼吸纯净凉爽的空气 enjoy breathing pure, cool air (enjoy doing sth.)12. 提供(生产)足够的氧气 produce enough oxygen (enough 的用法)13. 从空气中吸掉有害气体 take harmful gases from the air14. 释放氧气到空中 release oxyge

4、n into the air15. 起的作用 do the job of = has the power of16. 使全班同学保持活力和健康 keep the whole class alive and healthy (keep +n./pron. + adj.)17. 几乎一整天 almost all day18. 例如 for example19. 天然的空调 natural air conditioners20. 对非常了解 know a lot about21. 警告它的邻居 warn its neighbour22. 攻击某人/某物 attack sb./ sth.23. 通过做

5、某事保护自己 protect oneself by doing sth. 24. 分泌一种化学药品 produce a chemical25. 使树叶变得难吃 make the leaves taste nasty(make sb./sth. + do : taste + adj.)26. 把结合在一起 join together27. 相互交流 communicate with each other/one another28. 互相传递养料和水分 pass food and water to each other / one another29. 有(很大)危险 in (great) da

6、nger30. 砍伐和燃烧树木 cut down and burn trees (cut-cut-cut, burn- burned/ burnt- burned/ burnt)31. 也,还 as well as32. 代替,补上 replace= take the place of33. 几乎没有 hardly any of = almost none of 34. 破坏,毁灭森林 destroy forests35. 给某人提供某物 provide sb. with sth. / provide sth. for sb.36. 污染卫士 fighters against pollutio

7、n = pollution fighters37. 保护免遭 protect from38. 阻止做某事 stop from doing sth.词性1. fighter (n.) 斗士;战士 - fight (v.) 战斗2. scientist (n.) 科学家 - science (n.) 科学3. breathe (v.) 呼吸 - breath n.) 呼吸4. interest (v./n.) 感兴趣;兴趣 - interested (adj.) 感兴趣的-interesting (adj.) 有趣的5. alive (adj.) 活着的 - living (adj.) 有生命的

8、-live v./n.居住,*现场的-*lively (adj) 活泼的6. main (adj.) 主要的 - mainly (adv.) 主要地;大体上7. nature (n.) 自然界;大自然-natural (adj.) 自然的-naturally (adv.) 自然地8. product (n.) 产品 - produce (v.) 生产;产生- producer (n.) 生产者,制造者9. chemical (n./adj.) 化学物质;化学的-chemistry (n.) 化学10. warn (v.) 警告;使警惕 - warning (n.) 警告;警示11. pollu

9、te (v.) 污染-pollution (n.) 污染-polluted (adj.) 被污染的12. noise (n.) 吵闹声,噪音-noisy (adj.)吵闹的-noisily (adv.) 吵闹地,喧闹地13. really (adv.) 真正地,确实-real (adj.) 真的,真实地 - realize (v.) 实现14. communicate (v.) 交流-communication (n.) 交流15. pure (adj.) 纯净的 - purely (adv.) 纯净地16. harmful (adj.) 有害的 - harmless (adj.) 无害的 -

10、 harm (v./n.) 危害句型1. What good are trees? = What is the good of trees?2. They are the biggest and oldest living things on the earth.= They are bigger and older than any other living thing on the earth.3. Trees cool the air as well as clean it. =Trees clean the air and cool it as well. Trees not only

11、 clean the air but also cool it. Trees both clean the air and cool it.4. We cut down and burn millions of trees every year, but we replace hardly any of them.=We cut down and burn millions of trees every year, but we replace almost none of them.语法:现在进行时 The present continuous tense1、 意义:表示现在正在发生或进行的

12、动作,通常与now, at present, these days等时间状语或Look! Listen! Be careful! 等暗示语连用。2、 基本结构:主语+be (am/is/are) +动词现在分词(V-ing)+其他. (肯定句、否定句和一般疑问句的结构)3、 动词现在分词的构成方法:a. 一般在动词原形末尾加-ing working, playing b. 以不发音的字母e 结尾的动词,去e 加-ing. coming, dancing c. 末尾只有一个辅音字母的重读闭音节词,双写该辅音字母,再加-ing stopping, beginning d. 以ie 结尾的重读开音节

13、动词,变ie 为y, 再加-ing. lielying, tietying, diedying拓展词汇:Oxygen, hectare, nasty, air conditioner, best-known, sweet-smelling, Tree-planting Day, urban areas, exchange information, make a difference, remove dust, reduce pollution, add beauty to cities, provide sth for sb. = provide sb with sth., 人文教育1、 通过

14、对课文pollution fighters 一课的学习,让学生懂得环境保护的重要性以及如何以自己的实际行动去保护环境,关爱生活。2、 结合3月植树节,让学生懂得爱护树木的重要性,并提出倡议搞好植树活动。二、 教学建议1、单词和课文分三课时教授(第一课时从cartoon talk What do you know about? 引出并理解生词,对课文有个初步的整体感知;第二课时为课文整体理解,深入理解课文主要内容并树立护树意识;第三课时引导学生复述课文,或用自己的话简要谈谈对树的认识,并对课文重点词汇和句型的讲解和操练)2、为帮助学生对课文内容的理解,教师可以把握好几个关键问题,What do

15、you know about trees? What good are trees? Is there anything interesting about trees? Are trees in danger? Who has made trees in danger? What should we do to protect trees from being destroyed?3、结合More practice Trees for Life,让学生谈谈有什么保护树木的方法,并鼓励学生从思想上成为一名Trees for Life的成员,从行动上来做一名护树天使。4、建议让学生以 “Tree

16、s are important living things”为题写一篇小作文Suggested outline What good are trees? What do people do to trees? What should we do to protect trees?8B Module 1 Unit 2 Water一、主要内容 重点单词daily, amount, increase, remain, symbol, flow, washbasin, obey, float, comfortably, relax, treatment, works, thorough, cleani

17、ng, pipe, until, pump, rest, ordinary, equipment, tool, chart 词组1、 保持不变 remain the same2、 被覆盖 be covered with3、 流入大海 flow into the sea4、 刷牙 brush ones teeth5、 开着/关了 be on/ off6、 倒入;流进 pour into7、 关掉/打开 turn off / turn on 8、 向四周看 look around9、 听上去不耐烦 sound impatient (sound 作为联系动词)10、 微弱的声音 a faint vo

18、ice11、 欣赏()风景 enjoy the view (of)12、 舒服地漂浮在云中 float comfortably in a cloud13、 快速下滑 speed down (sped-sped)14、 把带到 carry / take to.15、 休息了几天 relax /rest for a few days16、 长途跋涉 travel a long way17、 净化 clean up18、 被净化 get cleaned up19、 自来水厂 a water treatment works20、 一家污水处理工厂 a sewage plant21、 旅程的终点 the

19、 end of ones journey22、 用完;不再需要 finish with 23、 给一次彻底的清洗 give a thorough cleaning24、 记得(不要)去做某事 remember (not) to do sth. (与remember doing sth. 的区别)25、 珍贵的,宝贵的 precious = valuable26、 液体黄金 liquid gold27、 给加入. add . to .28、 一些化学物质 a few chemicals29、 污染水 pollute water30、 浪费水 waste water31、 等一下 wait a m

20、inute32、 与谈话 talk to / with sb. 33、 一滴水 a drop of water34、 从卫生间里出来 come out of the bathroom35、 奇怪的 strange = *weird 词性1. day (n.) 白天,一天 - daily (adj.) 每日的2. obey (v.) 遵守;服从 - disobey (v.) 不服从;违背3. float (v.) 浮;飘动 - floating (adj.) 漂浮的4. thorough (adj.) 彻底的;完全的- thoroughly (adv.) 彻底地5. treatment (n.)

21、 处理加工;治疗-treat (v.) 对待;治疗6. cleaning (n.) 打扫;清洁-clean (v.) 打扫-cleaner (n.) 清洁工7. comfortably (adv.) 舒服地-comfortable (adj.)舒服的-uncomfortable (adj.) 不舒服的8. relax (v.) 放松;休息-relaxed (adj.) 感到放松的-relaxing (adj.) 轻松的-relaxation (n.)娱乐9. impatient (adj.) 不耐烦的-patient (adj.) 耐心的-patiently (adv.) 耐心地-patien

22、ce (n.) 耐心10. freeze (v.) 结冰;凝固-freezing (adj.) 极冷的-frozen (adj.) 冰冻的;冷冻的11. * puzzle (v.) 使困惑 - *puzzled (adj.) 困惑的;茫然的-*puzzling (adj.) 令人迷惑不解的12. chemical (n./adj.) 化学物质;化学的-chemistry (n.) 化学13. pollute (v.) 污染-pollution (n.) 污染-polluted (adj.) 被污染的14. loud (adj.) 大声的;响亮的 - loudly (adv.) 大声地- alo

23、ud (adv.) 出声的15. bath (n.) 洗澡 - bathe (v.) 洗澡 - bathroom (n. ) 盥洗室16. drink (v./ n.) 饮用/饮料 - drinking (adj.) 饮用的 - drinkable (adj.) 可饮用的 句型1. Daisy looked around, but saw no one. = Daisy looked around, but didnt see anyone.2. She was brushing her teeth and the tap was on. = She was brushing her teet

24、h with the tap on.3. From the tap, I suppose.I suppose you also enjoy breathing pure, cool air.(可加入讲解think, suppose, believe, 等否定词的转移和反义疑问句的表达)Eg. I dont think you are right, are you? She thinks the boss will ask another person to do the job, doesnt she?4. Do you know where Im from? (宾语从句语序用陈述) 5. I

25、t was time to get cleaned up. (It is time to do sth. = It is time for sth. )6. It is not easy for me to get here. (It is + adj. + for sb. + to do sth. )7. I waited there until you called me. (until 和 not until 的用法)8. Here I am. 倒装句 9. What do you mean by? = What is the meaning of? = What does mean?

26、语法:表示数量的词1、 只修饰可数名词的词:many, a few , few, a large number of , how many 2、 只修饰不可数名词的词:much, a little, little, a huge amount of, how much.3、 既可修饰可数名词又可修饰不可数名词:some, a lot of, lots of, plenty of, enough, 4、 few, a few, little , a little 的区别和用法5、 a little / not much , a few / not many 和 none, no 6、 too m

27、uch, too many, too little, too few, 和 enough 的用法 拓展词汇 decrease, liquid, solid, gas, the chemical symbol for water, vanish, drain, impatient, faint, puzzled, sewage, precious, a dripping tap, a running tap, manufacture二、人文教育1、 通过对课文water talk的学习,让学生了解水的流程图,知道水是来之不易的2、 3月22日是世界水日,结合现在水资源的缺乏,倡导学生要节约用水,

28、保护水资源三、教学建议1、单词和课文分三课时教授(第一课时从cartoon talk What do you know about? -引出并理解生词,对课文有初步的理解;第二课时为课文整体理解,深入理解课文主要内容,能较流畅地说出水循环过程,并树立节水珍爱水质的意识;第三课时让学生说说水循环的过程和对水的认识并对课文重要词汇和句型做讲解和操练)2、为帮助学生对课文内容的理解,教师可以引导学生一边阅读课文一边来画水循环图,并在旁边注明一些提示词, 以便于学生记忆和为复述做铺垫。3、让学生查阅并收集有关水的信息并互相交流对水的认识,必要时老师可以补充一些资料,从而让学生知道水的重要性,同时水短缺

29、和水污染的严重问题,向学生征询建议和方法,鼓励学生从自身做起做一名节水护水好公民。4、结合世界水日的契机,让学生以 “The importance of water”为题写一篇小作文Suggested outline: How much do you know about water? (some facts about water) What good is water? What problems about water do we have? What should we do to do with the problems?Module 1 Unit 3 A dangerous ser

30、vant 主要内容 重点单词: servant, electricity, trick, foolish, measure, bill, monthly, explanation, careful, contain, clear, iron, lock, test, politely, connect, encourage, behave, polite, staff, customer, 词组:1. heat/light/ sound/moving energy2. a packet of sweets3. trick sb. = fool sb. = play a trick on sb4

31、. at last =finally=in the end5. look foolish 6. flow through 7. measure the amount of electricity 8. in a way 9. get a bill for 10. a bad explanation 11. a good/ dangerous servant 12. be careful with 13. scratch ones head14. change /turn into 15. different forms of energy 16. think of 17. produce (=make) electricity 18. switch off =turn off 19. be connected to 20.

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