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1、青少版新概念2A课文文本青少版新概念2A 课文文本 Unit 1-15Unit 1: Linda comes to London 琳达来到伦敦LINDA: Hi, Karen! Where are youKAREN: Im in the coffee bar next to the Arrivals exit. Im waiting for you, and Im having a cup of coffee. KAREN: Where are you, and what are you doingLINDA: Im in the Baggage Hall. Im waiting for my

2、 suitcase.LINDA: Ah, I can see it! Its coming round now! There it is! LINDA: Oh, Karen! Is Paul with youKAREN: Yes, of course he is. Hes standing here beside me. Im giving him my phone now.KAREN: Here you are, Paul! Talk to your mother!PAUL: Hello, Mum!LINDA: Hello, Paul! Ive got my suitcase, and Im

3、 coming out now! 琳达: 嗨,卡伦!你在哪儿卡伦: 我在进港出口旁的咖啡馆。我正在一边等你一边喝咖啡。卡伦: 你在哪儿在做什么琳达: 我在行李领取厅,在等我的皮箱。 琳达: 啊,我看到箱子了!马上就转过来了!到了!琳达: 哦,卡伦!保罗和你在一起吗卡伦: 当 然在。他就站在我身旁。我现在把电话给他。卡伦: 给,保罗!和你妈妈说说话!保罗: 你好,妈妈!琳达: 你好,保罗!我拿到皮箱了,马上就出来!Unit 2:Good luck on Sunday! 祝你周日好运!REPORTER: My names Tom French. Im speaking to you from th

4、e ExCel Centre in Londons Docklands. We are visiting this years Marathon Expo. REPORTER: This is the Trade Fair of the London s very noisy!There are hundreds of exhibitors and thousands of visitors here.REPORTER: This is a big international event. But its like a village!People are talking and laughi

5、ng like old friends.REPORTER: Im standing with one of the me introduce Paul , Paul!PAUL: Hi, Tom!REPORTER: Paul, please tell our listeners. This is your first Marathon, isnt it PAUL: Yes, it is.REPORTER: Are you looking forward to SundayPAUL: Yes, I am.REPORTER: Thats the spirit, Paul!Good luck on S

6、unday!记者: 我是汤姆弗兰奇。我现在在伦敦多克兰的卓着中心为您报道。我们正在参观今年的 马拉松展览。记者: 这是伦敦马拉松贸易博览会。这里人声鼎沸,有几百家参展商和成千上万的参观者。记者: 这是一大国际盛事,但这里却像一个村镇,人们像老朋友一样说说笑笑。记者: 站在我身旁的是一位参赛者,我来介绍一下保罗布鲁斯。你好,保罗!保罗: 你好,汤姆!记者: 保罗,请告诉我们的听众,这是你第一次参加马拉松吗保罗: 是的。记者: 你很期待周日吗保罗: 是的。记者: 这就对了,保罗!祝你周日好运!Unit 3:Is this yours 这是你的吗JACK: Thats s this note in

7、my pocketIt isnt it yours, Daisy DAISY:No, it isnt me , it belongs to handwriting is his.JACK: So why is it in my pocketDAISY:I dont looks like Pauls to-do me read it.Wednesday,18 April. Drive to the airport with Karen.10 . Pick Mum up,and drive to Barnet. Training run. pick Claire up from college.J

8、ACK: Hmm. Give it to me, , it is Pauls, isnt it DAISY: Yes, Jack. Put it back.JACK: But why on earth is it in my pocket杰克:真奇怪,我衣袋里的这张便条是什么这不是我的。是你的吗,黛西黛西:不是我的。让我看看。哦,这是保罗的。是他的笔迹。杰克:那它为什么在我的衣袋里黛西:我不知道。看上去像保罗的工作清单,我来读一下。“4月18日 星期三早上8点 和卡伦开车去机场。早上10点 接妈妈,开车去巴尼特。下午 1点 练习跑步。下午 5点 去学校接克莱尔。”杰克:嗯,给我吧,黛西。是的,

9、这是保罗的,对吧黛西:是的,杰克,把它放回去吧。杰克:可是它究竟为什么会在我的衣袋里呢Unit 4:The top three percent 跑在前面的百分之三VOLUNTEER: Congratulations!Two hours and fifty-nine s fantastic!Whats your namePAUL: Paul. Paul Bruce.VOLUNTEER: Well done, Paul!How are you feelingPAUL: Im OK. Thanks.VOLUNTEER:Good! Now, Paul. Heres your foil jacket.

10、Put it mustnt get cold. PAUL:Yes. Thanks.VOLUNTEER: Just a hundred and seventy-nine minutes!Paul, youre a hero!PAUL: Thanks!VOLUNTEER: NOW, Paul, walk this way. Pick up your medal. Its yours!VOLUNTEER: There are thirty-five thousand runners in this race, and youre in the top three percent! Congratul

11、ations! 志愿者:祝贺你! 2小时59分。太棒了!你叫什么保罗: 保罗。保罗布鲁斯。志愿者:做得好,保罗!你感觉怎么样保罗: 不错。谢谢。志愿者:很好!保罗,这是你的保暖夹克。穿上吧,你可别感冒了。保罗: 好,谢谢。志愿者:只用了179分钟!保罗,你是个英雄!保罗: 谢谢!志愿者:好,保罗,来这边领取你的奖章。这是你的!志愿者:这次比赛有35000名选手参加,而你是跑在最前面的百分之三!祝贺你!Unit 5: All about ants! 关于蚂蚁!ROBERT: Look at this webpage, Mum. Its about ants. KAREN: Ants Why ar

12、e you looking up antsROBERT: Why not Ants are really interesting. They do really interesting things. KAREN: What kind of thingsROBERT: Well, they usually live in dry places. But they can survive under water for two weeks.KAREN: ReallyROBERT: Do they breathe under waterKAREN: It doesnt say.ROBERT: Oh

13、, Mum, how about this Ants always stretch their legs in the morning.KAREN: Youre joking!ROBERT: NO, really!KAREN: DO they usually yawn in the morning, tooROBERT: Well, funnily enough, they do!罗伯特:看这个网页,妈妈。是有关蚂蚁的。卡伦: 蚂蚁你为什么在查蚂蚁的信息罗伯特:为什么不蚂蚁真的很有趣。它们做的事也很有趣。卡伦: 它们都做些什么罗伯特:嗯,它们通常生活在干燥的地方,但能在水中存活两个星期。卡伦:

14、 真的吗卡伦: 它们在水下呼吸吗罗伯特:这儿没说。罗伯特:哦,妈妈,这条信息怎么样蚂蚁总是在早晨伸展腿。卡伦: 你在开玩笑吧!罗伯特:没有,是真的!卡伦: 那它们在早晨也打呵欠吗罗伯: 嗯,有意思的是,它们确实是这样!Unit 6:An elegant size 合适的尺码POLLY: Youre looking very elegant today, Annie!ANNIE: Yes, Im on my way to my accountants. I always put on a nice outfit for him. ANNIE: SO Im going by bus.POLLY:

15、What do you mean, AnnieANNIE: Well, I usually walk into town. But today Im going by bus. Its my shoes, you see.POLLY: Your shoesANNIE: Yes, my shoes. Theyre size six.POLLY: Theyre perfect with your outfit.ANNIE: Thanks. I like them, too.ANNIE: But I cant walk in them in the morning. Theyre fine in t

16、he afternoon. POLLY: What do you meanANNIE: My feet are size five in the morning, and size six in the afternoon. I cant walk in these shoes before lunch. 波莉:安妮,你今天看上去很优雅!安妮:是的,我要去我的会计那里。在他面前我总要穿漂亮的套装。安妮:那我乘公共汽车去。波莉:什么意思,安妮安妮:哦,我通常走着去城里,但今天我要乘公共汽车。你瞧,是因为我的鞋。波莉;你的鞋安妮:是的,我的鞋。是6号的。波莉:这双鞋和你的套装很配。安妮:谢谢,我也

17、喜欢它们。 安妮:但我早上不能穿着它们走路。它们在下午合适。波莉:什么意思安妮:我的脚在早上是5号,下午是6号,午饭前我不能穿着这双鞋走路。Unit 7:A good example 好榜样ROBERT: How about this, DadTwenty-two percent of people in Britain never eat percent eat breakfast at work.WILLIAM: Its assistant has her breakfast at work every s a waste of time, really.KAREN: Poor girl!

18、She works very hard.WILLIAM: She goes out with friends nearly every she gets up late,and rushes to work late. WILLIAM: Then she has breakfast at her desk!It doesnt look good. KAREN: She works late twice a week,too.WILLIAM: Well, we all do , is that the time WILLIAM: I must rush.KAREN: But what about

19、 your breakfastWILLIAM: Thats all can get some breakfast at work.罗伯特:听这个,爸爸。“英国有22% 的人从来不吃早饭,有16%的人在工作时吃早饭。”威廉: 是这样的。我的助手每天都在工作时吃早饭。真是浪费时间。卡伦: 可怜的姑娘!她工作真努力。威廉: 她几乎每天晚上都和朋友出去,然后很晚才起床,很晚才冲去上班。威廉: 然后她在办公桌前吃早饭!这样并不好。卡伦: 她每周也加两次班。威廉: 哦,我们都这样。天啊,几点了威廉: 我得赶快走了。卡伦: 那你的早饭怎么办威廉: 没关系。我可以在上班时吃点东西。Unit 8:A nice

20、quiet afternoon. 一个美好安静的下午MR. FORD: What are you going to do now,PaulPAUL: Im going to take it easy this morning!Then Im going to meet Claire for lunch.MR. FORD: Where Here in BarnetPAUL: No, at an Indian restaurant in Canary mother recommends it.MR. FORD: Very a good a double portion of need the ca

21、rbohydrate.MR. FORD: And have a not have two dessertsBut no alcohol, of course!Have a nice quiet afternoon.PAUL: Were going to walk along the river.MR. FORD: Make it a short walk todaydont run!PAUL: Claires going to like that. She hates running, especially after a big lunch.福特先生:保罗,你现在要干什么保罗: 今天早上我要

22、放松一下,然后去和克莱尔吃午饭。福特先生:在哪儿在这儿,巴尼特保罗: 不是,在金丝雀码头的一家印度餐厅。她妈妈推荐的。福特先生:很好。祝你们午餐愉快。吃两份米饭,你需要补充碳水化合物。福特先生:吃一份甜点。为什么不吃两份甜点但你当然不能喝酒。祝你过一个美好安静的下午。保罗: 我们会沿着河散步。福特先生:别走太久。今天要走不要跑!保罗: 克莱尔会喜欢的。她不喜欢跑,特别是在丰盛的午餐后。 Unit 9: Do your own things 做你自己的事PAUL: Its going to be a very early start on Sunday morning, re going to

23、leave home at about .CLAIRL: ! That is early!PAUL: SO what do you want to doDo you want to come with us, or notCLAIRE: Im not sure, do you want me to do PAUL: I want you to do your own can come to the National Stadium with the what are you going to do there PAUL: YOU cant come with us into the Red I

24、 dont want you to get bored,on your own all day. CLAIRE: But its obvious, Paul!The National Athletics Championships are a photographers dream! What am I going to doIm going to take hundreds of photographs, of course!保罗: 周日早上的比赛开始得很早,克莱尔。我们大约5点半就要从家里出发。克莱尔:5点半!是很早!保罗: 那你想做什么,你想不想和我们一起去克莱尔:我不知道,保罗。你想让

25、我做什么保罗: 我想让你做自己的事。你可以和我们队一起去国家体育馆,但你打算在那里做什么保罗: 你不能和我们一起进入红区,我可不想让你整天一个人无聊地呆着。克莱尔:可是保罗,这很明显!国家田径锦标赛是摄影师的梦想!我想做什么我当然要照很多很多照片!Unit 10: Tomorrows another day! 明天再说吧!Do you remember NinaShes a fashion usually works with Daisy,but she works with other photographers, too. Her jobs take her all over the of

26、ten stays in expensive life seems very she often feels lonely.Nina isnt feeling lonely this s sitting in a bar in Central London with some friends. They are all old friends,and theyre having a good bar is becoming very is laughing. Shes having a really good cant things be like this every eveningThat

27、s an interesting question!This idea is a new one. Nina must think about her life. Shes going to think about it in the morning.But just now, shes having a good s going to make a decision tomorrow but tomorrows another day.你还记得尼娜吗她是一名时装模特。她通常和黛西一起工作,但也会和其他摄影师一起工作。她的工作让她走遍世界,而且她经常住高级宾馆。她的生活似乎十分吸引人,但她经常

28、感到孤独。尼娜今晚可不觉得孤单。她正和一些朋友在伦敦中区的酒吧里。她们都是老朋友,聊得很开心。酒吧开始喧闹起来。尼娜在笑,她确实过得很愉快。为什么不能每天晚上都这样呢这是个有趣的问题!这是个新想法。尼娜必须思考她的生活。她打算在早上考虑。但她现在过得很开心。明天尼娜要做个决定但还是明天再说吧。Unit 11 We all have our troubles 家家有本难念的经JACK: Anna, I want you to call Pierre in m going to Paris first thing want to meet with him at 8 o you set it up

29、, pleaseAnd can you get me some coffee ANNA: Yes, sir. Straight ! Again!He was in Paris last week! JANEY: Wasnt he in Washington last weekANNA: No, he was in Washington the week before last. JANEY: Some people have all the luck!ANNA: Yes, I want to travel,but Im always here at my was here was here t

30、he day before yesterday.ANEY: Were going to be here tomorrow,and the day after tomorrow .ANNA: And next week, and next month!JACK: Anna, Janey, IM sorry for you we all have our troubles in Im looking forward to my coffee杰克:安娜,我想让你给巴黎的皮埃尔打电话。我准备明天一早去巴黎,想在8点钟见他。你 能安排一下吗还有,你能给我拿些咖啡吗安娜:好的,先生,马上。巴黎!又是巴黎!他上周就在巴黎。詹妮:他上周不是在华盛顿吗安娜:不,他上上周在华盛顿。詹妮:有些人真幸运!安娜:我知道。我想旅游,可我要一直在这儿,坐在办公桌前。我昨天在这儿,前天也在这儿。詹妮:我们明天还会在这儿,后天也在安娜:还有下周,下个月!杰克:安娜,詹妮,我真为你们感到难过。但是家家有本难念的经。我在等我的咖啡。Unit 12: The London bus 伦敦的公共汽车 The new buses in London are just buses.They arent London buses. The real London bus was the old Routemaster.

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