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1、unit10ahorseandtwogoatsUnit 10 A horse and two goats ObjectivesTopics and functions Talking and about means of communication Showing meaning emotions attitudes through body languagePlaying out a story in a drama1. Brain storming1. Expressions for understanding/conveying messages:understand, know, le

2、arn, acquire (knowledge, information), have an idea of, take/get the message, be well informed about something, get/put the message across, make oneself understood, sth. dawns on somebody, something occurs to someone2. Expressions for failures of communication:be confused about., get sb. wrong, be i

3、gnorant about something, have misconceptions about ., be puzzling/puzzled, be mystifying/mystified3. Expressions for emotional states:satisfied/dissatisfied, hospitable, hostile, enthusiastic, be embarrassed/embarrassing, depressed, low-spirited, moody, cheerful, delighted, overjoyed4. Expressions f

4、or body language:nodding, winking, raise ones eye-brows, stare at somebody, eye contact, avert ones eyes from somebody, pout ones lips, stick out ones tongue, make a face, wave, take . into ones arms, kiss someone on the cheek, his/her eyes speak for herself ., a cloud crosses his/her face ., be red

5、 in the face, blush, beam5. Expressions for differentiating between various meanings:meaning(s), nuances of meaning, (fine) shades of meaning, tell the slight differences between ., capture the delicate meaning of ., actions speak louder than wordspart two The TextWhat is communicationHow do people

6、communicate Work in groups to name as many mediums of communication as possible. Verbal communication (oral, written)Nonverbal communication . signs, tones of voice, volume, speed, pausing, body languages . facial expression, eye movement such as winking, eye contact, foot tapping, cupping the ear,

7、folding arms, proximity, position of the body, etc.)Factors in Successful Communication1 Knowledge of each others background information ., who are they Where are they from )2. Willingness on both parties to negotiate a result from the conversation ., asking for clarification, offering additional in

8、formation, or making efforts in various means such as body language of gestures, or facial expressions, etc., to make ones message easier to understand)3. Being responsive to each other (contributing the required information relevant to the concerns of the other party, not more, not less in quantity

9、)Work in groups to choose five of the situations listed as follows and act them out by using non-verbal communication: can not hear your friends voice. want a child to come to your side.3. You smell something bad when you enter the dormitory. has asked you a question, and you do not know the answer.

10、 want to tell your friend that the lecture is boring. signal to your friend who is talking on the phone to lower his/her voice. beg for some money from your friend. 8. Your friend keeps talking to you but you are already a bit late for class. want to tell your friend that you have forgotten to bring

11、 something. want to tell your friend that everything is OK.Cross-cultural CommunicationLook at the following examples of body language. Do the messages conveyed by them differ among different cultures1. Beckon with index finger -“Come here” in . but insulting in many cultures . the Middle East2. Eye

12、 contact- encouraged in ., but rude in Asia3. Sit with sole of feet or shoes showing - disrespect for others in some cultures . Japan4. The “Ring” or “OK” gesture- “ok” in most cultures but an insult in Greece and “money” in Japan5. Nod ones head- “no” in some parts of India Pre-reading Discussion W

13、hat do you think might cause misunderstanding in communication List possible causes. language, cultural and personal backgrounds, religion (lack of shared information), lack of mutual trust (prejudice), Have you ever experienced some trouble understanding or being understood by other people If any,

14、how did you try to get your meanings acrossQuestions for skimming:1. What are the five Ws in the story (1) Where At the entrance of the small Indian village of Kiritan. (2) When A summer afternoon. (3) Who An old local man and an American tourist. (4) What The tourist wanted to buy the horse-shape s

15、tatue but ended up buying two goats from the old man. (5) Why They failed to understand each other due to language barrier and lack of shared information. 2. Summarize the story: The story is about an encounter between an old Indian villager and an American tourist, neither of whom understand the ot

16、hers language. As a result, the Americans intention of buying the statue of a horse is misunderstood by the Indian as an offer to buy his two goats. Questions for close comprehension: 1. What was the old man doing at the beginning of the story He was drowsing in the shade of a tree and watching a pa

17、ir of goats graze in the pasture. 2. What did the old man take the American tourist for at the beginning The old man took the tourist for a police officer from the government. 3. Why did he think so Because the tourist wore in a Khaki-colored shirt and shorts, like a policeman in uniform. A murder i

18、n the neighborhood. 4. How did the American tourist try to make himself understood He tried to explain everything at length, uttering each syllable carefully; He smiled politely every now and then, trying to be friendly.5. What was the result Those didnt help at all; mutual mystification and misunde

19、rstanding continued. 6. Summarize the first half of the story from the beginning to Then, he turned to go. The American tried to strike a conversation about the statue of the horse he admired, but the old man mistook him for a police officer investigating a recent murder in the neighbourhood. 7. Wha

20、t was special about the horse statue according to the old man The horse was a sacred image and would appear as the tenth avatar, the Redeemer, at the end of the Yuga to help the good and punish the evil. 8. How did the old man understand the tourists taking out a one-hundred rupee note He thought th

21、at the tourist wanted to change this large note. 9. What did he suggest the tourist to do then To turn to the village headman. 10. Why did the old man look at his goats The village headman goes mad whenever he sees the old man and his two goats.11. What did the tourist do then He stroked the backs o

22、f the goats to please the old man by showing an interest in his pets. 12. What thought occurred to the old man The thought that the tourist in fact wanted to make him an offer for the goats. 13. What had the old been dreaming of all his life His dream of a lifetime was to sell the goats and open a s

23、mall shop with the capital got from the selling. 14. What did the old man mean by pointing at the wagon and what did the American tourist mean by saying “Yes, of course” For the old man: taking the goats away in the wagon;For the tourist: taking the horse statue in the wagon. 15. Why did the tourist

24、 sit down waiting after the old man left He thought the old man must have gone to fetch some help. 16. Summarize the second half of the story. Both parties tried to employ different means of communication to work out the others intention. But the misunderstanding continued and got worse, finally lea

25、ding to a hilarious ending when the American was left alone waiting with two goats. 17. How do you think the story will end Cultural notesIndia Tamil . Tamil; or Tamils member of a Dravidian people of southern India and northern Sri Lanka. 泰米尔人一支居住在印度南部和斯里兰卡北部的德拉威人的成员 Dravidian language of the Tamil

26、.3. or relating to the Tamil or their language or culture.religionsChristianity基督教Buddhism 佛教Islam伊斯兰教Hinduism n. 印度教源于印度的最重要的宗教、哲学和文化习俗的一种复合体特征是信仰轮回和一种具有多种形态或性质的至高无上的神,还认为一切相反的理论都是一种永恒不变的真理的表现,并期望从世俗的罪恶中解脱出来Brahma: 婆罗门创世主Hinduism【印度教】 毗湿奴印度主要神灵之一,作为世界的保护和维持者受到崇拜。印度教保护之神毗湿奴(Vishnu),原来是吠陀太阳神之一,在印度教时代

27、升格为维持宇宙秩序的主神。传说毗湿奴躺在大蛇阿南塔盘绕如床的身上沉睡,在宇宙之海上漂浮。每当宇宙循环的周期一“劫”(相当于人间43亿2千万年)之始,毗湿奴一觉醒来,从他的肚脐里长出的一朵莲花中诞生的梵天就开始创造世界,而一劫之末湿婆又毁灭世界。毗湿奴反复沉睡、苏醒,宇宙不断循环、更新湿婆神印度教的主神之一,作为世界的毁灭者和重建者而被崇拜,它以各种互补的形象出现avatar: The incarnation of a Hindu deity, especially Vishnu, in human or animal form. 降凡.指天神,尤指印度教毗湿奴神下凡为人或动物形象为了拯救世界、


29、了被魔王劫持的妻子悉达公主;8、克里希纳,马图拉地区的牧神和英雄,也是印度史诗摩诃婆罗多)中阿周那王子的御者和军师;9、佛陀,即佛教创始人释迦牟尼(佛陀降格为毗湿奴的化身之一,而且是诱导人误入歧途的化身,说明佛教在印度本土已走向衰微,被印度教吸收同化);10、白马卡尔基,在世界毁灭前夕,毗湿奴本人将骑着白马持剑而来,重建宇宙秩序。Text Organization First half of the storyThe American tried to strike a conversation about the statue of the horse he admired, but the

30、 old man mistook him for a police officer investigating a recent murder in the neighbourhood.Second half of the storyBoth parties tried to employ different means of communicationto work out the others intention. But the misunderstanding continued and got worse, finally leading to a hilarious ending

31、when the American was left alone waiting with two thin goatsStory ReproductionTask 1Work with your partner to act out the dialogue between the old man and the American tourist. Suppose both of them can speak English and then you will see how comical their conversation is, using the clues on page 143

32、.Task 2The American and the old Indian man talked at cross-purposes, . they misunderstood and talked irrelevantly to each other. Suppose you were the son or daughter of the old man and understood English. Now, help your dad to complete the following dialogue (page 144) so that the talk makes sense. Difficult Sentences1. At the entrance of the small Indian village of Kiritan, there stood a massive g

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