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1、中学英语教案Unit 1 The first period (Date: )教学内容Unit 1 Public signs (A Listen read and say)教学目标知识和能力1 能正确地听、说、读、写词汇 always, question, ask, mean, must, should. public, sign, cousin, danger, away, bird, cage.2能正确地听、说、读、写句型 What does mean? It means3 能听懂、会说和会读日常交际用语 There are a lot of sings here. They mean di

2、fferent things.过程和方法演示法、游戏比赛、归纳法。情感态度与价值观通过学习,培养学生大胆地开口说英语的习惯。能运用本课所学语言与朋友交流公共场合标志的意义。教学重难点教学重点:能正确地理解、掌握对话内容,并能朗读、初步表演对话。教学难点:能比较流畅的朗读对话,并在掌握对话的基础上,运用本课所学语言与朋友交流公共场合标志的意义。教学准备英语单词卡片,录音机、图片教学过程:Step1. Free talkT: What are we doing now?S: We are having an English lesson.T: What should we do? Look at

3、the public sign. What does it mean?S: It means be quiet.T: So we shouldnt make noise here.Step2. Presentation and practice 1 T: Now I want to ask you some questions. Can you answer me? TEACH: ask questions 2 呈现教室场景,引出no littering ,师生对话。 T: Where are you now? T: What does this sign mean? 3 呈现医院和危楼,同桌

4、操练对话,询问不同标志的意义,从中引出一些新授单词和短语:stay away from ;在对学生进行评价时,引出always (You always did good jobs.) 4 揭题: T:带读标志 What are they? S: They are public signs. T: They mean differernt things. TEACH: public signs, mean different things5 呈现公园场景,师生对话 T: Where are they now? T: What does this sign mean? 呈现课文中的两个人物 T:

5、Who is the tall boy? T: The little boy is Bens cousin, Jack. How old is Jack? Guess! 引出He is only four years old. TEACH: cousin only years old T: Now lets listen to the tape. 6 听录音并回答问题Questions:1. What day is it?2. What does Jack see in the park?3. Whats Jack doing now?7 T: Does Jack learn a lot fr

6、om Ben? Now lets listen to the tape, then answer my questions.学生欣赏部分FLASH课文对话,回答问题:Questions:1. How many public signs does Jack learn?2. What do the signs mean?通过课件呈现第三个标志,引出 cage birds cage T: Now lets listen and repeat. Step3. Listen read and say 1 听录音,学习课文模仿跟读对话分组、分角色朗读对话,老师巡视并给予个别辅导。完成本课填空练习,并进行

7、检查。Step4. Consolidation1 Listen to the song .Step5. Homework: Make a short dialogue with your parter after Part A. Make sure that public signs mean different things.学生活动诊断与调整Greeting each other.Answer the questions.Ss answer the questions.Yes,I can.S: We are in the classroom. S: It means no litterin

8、g.Read in pairs.S: They are near the park.S: It means no parking.S: He is Ben.Read again and again.Listen and read.Practise with their partnersAsk and answerWork in pairsUnit 1 The second period (Date: )教学内容Unit 1 Public signsB & C教学目标知识和能力1 能正确地听, 说, 读, 写单词mean, must, should , shouldnt2 能正确地听, 说, 读

9、,写句型What does it/this/that mean? It means you/we must/should/shouldnt3 能正确地听, 说, 读单词及词组Keep off the grass. Be quiet. No smoking. No littering. No parking. No eating and drinking. Do not touch. 过程和方法演示法、游戏比赛,归纳法。情感态度与价值观1.通过学习,培养学生大胆地开口说英语的习惯。2. 能运用本课所学语言与朋友交流公共场合标志的意义。教学重难点教学重点:1.能正确地听, 说, 读,写单词mean

10、, must, should ,shouldnt2.能正确地听, 说, 读, 写句型What does it/this/that mean? It means you/we must/should/shouldnt教学难点:1 must, should ,shouldnt的区别和实际运用。2 在实际生活中的灵活应用。教学准备a 一些公共标志牌的图片b 多媒体课件。c 录音机和磁带 d 板书准备:预先写好课题6A Unit1 Public signs 教学过程:Step1. Free talkT: Excuse me. Whats your hobby?复习单词public, signStep2

11、. Presentation1 T: Please look at the public sign. Where can you see it?T: All right. Thank you. And what does it mean? It means we should smoke. (边做吸烟的动作) Right or wrong?S: No, it means we shouldnt smoke.T: Great! It means we shouldnt smoke. (边说边板书,并教授单词)mean, smoke, should, shouldnt2 让学生跟读句子并两人操练3

12、 教授其他单词和词组.4 T: Boys and girls, lets play a game: Whats missing?Step3.Look and sayT: Can you remember these public signs?Ss: Yes.T: Great! Youre good students.And Jack is a good child. He learned a lot about public signs, too. T: Please choose one and talk about it with your partner.Step4 .PracticeT

13、: Please look at the screen: The Summer Holiday is coming. Your cousin, Lucy will visit Nanjing. She is only 5 years old. Please invite her to go to Hongshan Zoo, please teach her something about the public signs.Please make a dialogue with your partner.Step5.Homework1 Practise the drills with your

14、parter.2 Collect and design some public signs.Discuss where they must be put and give the reason. 学生活动诊断与调整板书设计: Unit 1 Public signs A: What does it/this/that mean? B: It means you/we must/should/shouldntUnit 1 The Third period (Date: )教学内容Unit 1 Public signsPart D&F教学目标知识和能力1、能听、说、读本单元当中出现的句型:Can I

15、 ? Yes, you can. / No, you cant. You shouldnow. / You shouldnt 2、能够熟练回答我们日常生活中常遇见的问句。如:What day is it today? Its What date is it today? Its Whats the weather like today? Its Whats the time? It is3、能够让学生了解身边汽车、快餐店、服装、交通、电视台等等的图标,也就是说它们的 logo, 要能明白logo的含义,以此来培养学生们的合作精神和对日常生活当中出现的事物的兴趣。过程和方法演示法、游戏比赛,归纳

16、法。情感态度与价值观1.通过学习,培养学生大胆地开口说英语的习惯。2. 能运用本课所学语言与朋友交流公共场合标志的意义。教学重难点教学重点:能听、说、读本单元当中出现的句型:Can I ? Yes, you can. /No, you cant. You shouldnow. / You shouldnt 教学难点:能听、说、读本单元当中出现的句型:Can I ? Yes, you can. /No, you cant. You should now. / You shouldnt 教学准备英语单词卡片,录音机、图片多媒体课件 教学过程:Step1. Revision1.Revision: a

17、sk some questions about the text.出示Ben和Jack的图片。T: Who are they? T: Good, whats the relationship between them? ( 用brothers?来提醒)S: Cousins.T: Yeah, you are very clever! What does Jack know from Ben?T: You are so smart, thats right!Step2. Presentation and motivation .1、Pick out the public signs.2、Talk

18、about the public signs.Language focus: What does it mean? It means What does that mean? It means you should / You shouldnt(在此过程中老师引导学生能够运用You should / You shouldnt的句型且板书。Teach the new sentences.T: Boys and girls, do you love game time?Ss: Yes!T: Me too. Now please tell me what time it is now? S: It

19、is T: Well done! Can I go to the park now? S: No, you cant.T: Why? (引导学生用黑板上的句子表达) S: You should teach us now.T: Yeah, it is my responsibility. By the way, can I sing a song for you?S: Yes, you can. ( 引导学生肯定回答)板书: Can I ? Yes, you can.No, you cant. You shouldnow. / You shouldnt (前面已经写好)1、 Dills of P

20、18.T: Jack is back from the zoo. What does he want to do?Lets try to make a dialogue between him and his mum.S1: Can I go to the park? S2: No, you cant. You should go home now.S3: Can I have an ice-cream? S4: No you cant. You should have supper now.S5: Can I watch TV? S6: No, you cant. You should re

21、ad books now.S7: Can I play computer games? S8: No, you cant. You should go to bed now.2、 Show the different time and make more long dialogues.a.Ask and answer according to the time on the clocks.T: (出现钟面10:00 a.m.) Excuse me? What time is it? S: It is T: Oh, I see. Can I play football now? S: No, y

22、ou cant. You should now.(出现第二个钟面p.m. 的时间让学生来问老师!)b.Let the students write down some time to create authentic dialogues.Step3. Homeworka.编 P18的对话一英一中。b.预习Part E&H部分。 板书设计:Unit 1 Public signs Date(1)What does it mean? It means (2)What does that mean? It means you should / You shouldnt(3)Can I ? Yes, y

23、ou can. No, you cant. You shouldnow. / You shouldnt Unit 1 The Fouth period (Date: )教学内容Unit 1 Public signs(E Read and match, H Sing a song)教学目标知识和能力1 能听懂、会说、会读和会拼写单词和词组take a walk, pick。2 能听懂、会说和会读单词和词组suddenly, a note, look around, nearby, quickly, pick up, a keeper, come up, point, fine。3 会唱歌曲The

24、 signs in the park。过程和方法演示法、游戏比赛,归纳法。情感态度与价值观1.通过学习,培养学生大胆地开口说英语的习惯。2. 能运用本课所学语言与朋友交流公共场合标志的意义。教学重难点教学重点:能听懂、会说、会读和会拼写单词和词组take a walk, pick。教学难点:能熟练地在情景中运用本课所学的句型和日常交际用语。教学准备英语单词卡片,录音机、图片 (take a walk, look around, pick up, come up, point to),多媒体课件。预习课文。教学过程:Step1. Greeting & Free Talk1.(T出示public

25、signs图片)T: Look at this sign. What does it mean?2. a .T: Do you like sing songs. T: Today lets learn a new song.b. 放录音听歌曲c. 领读歌词跟读d. 领唱跟唱e. 放录音齐唱歌曲Step2. Presentation1 T: Today well go to the park. First, I have a request for you. That is “follow my orders”. Can you?(T出示准备好的动词词组中英文正反面卡片:take a walk,

26、 look around, pick up, come up, point to,请一位S上台,看T手中的其中一张卡片做出相应动作)T(对全班说):Whats he doing? Hes taking a walk. Take a walk, take a walk.T出示该词组板书. (同法教学look around, pick up, come up, point to)2 T: Good. Now lets go to the park. (Ss看公园画面)T: Wheres the park keeper? (出示park keeper,带读)Is there any one near

27、by? (出示nearby,带读)Ss(T帮助说出): No, theres no one nearby.T: OK. Before we get into the park. Lets look at the noticeboard on the wall.(T出示告示栏)图片Keep off the grassFine 10No smokingFine 5No litteringFine 5No climbingFine 10T: Look, there are lots of signs in the park. Lets sing a song “The signs in the pa

28、rk”. Ss sing. Step3. Listen, read and say T: (引导Ss看屏幕)Look, whos he? T: What happened? Lets watch a story and answer the questions below:Q1: Whats Mr Smith doing in the park?Q2: Whats on the grass?Q3: Is there any one nearby at first?Q4: Can people walk on the grass in that park?Step4. Consolidation

29、T指导Ss分组、分角色(叙述者、park keeper、Mr Smith)朗读表演短文。Step5. Homework1 Read Part E. 2 Sing “The signs in the park.”学生活动诊断与调整GreetingSs: It meansSs: Yes, we do.(T出示答案, Ss核对)Ss: Yes.Ss 跟读并做出相应动作。Read together.学习fineLearn the new words.Ss: Hes Mr Smith.Ss 回答问题核对答案Ss给短文排序标号并朗读,T帮助核对答案板书设计: Unit 1 Public signs Dat

30、etake a walk 散步 Q1: Whats Mr Smith doing in the park?look around 环顾,往四下看 Q2: Whats on the grass?pick up 拾起,捡起 Q3: Is there any one nearby at first?come up 上来 Q4: Can people walk on the grass in that park?point to 指向Unit 1 The Fifth period (Date: )教学内容Unit 1 Public signsG Listen and repeat & Revision)教学目标知识和能力1.复习标志的含义,以及询问的对话应答,与此同时关注语音的学习,拟针对这一教学目标采用多个任务环环相扣的教学设计实现。2.了解字母ea在单词中的读音。熟练掌握句型以及

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