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1、高中起点升本专科英语考试大纲 2002年高中起点升本、专科英语考试大纲 一、复习考试内容 语 音 熟悉英语音素的发音,知道英语字母及常用字母紫河车在单词中的读音。了解英语的基本语调以及使用语调的规则,并能在实践中运用这些规则。能在简单的日常会话使用比较自然的语音语调。 词汇 掌握2000个左右常用英语单词和一定数量的短语和习惯用语,对单词能认,会读、知道词义及其在语句中的作用。对在一般交际中使用频率高的单词和短语,会拼写、能正确使用,知道一些常用词的近义词和反义词。能够根据上下文或利用基本的构词法和知识判断语篇中生词的含义。 语法 较熟练地掌握下列各项语法知识并了在语言运用中借助这些知识进行语

2、言交际。 (一)语法1、名词的种类、数和所有格;名词分普通名词和专有名词。名词复数形式和构成 (book-books, bus-buses , radio-radios , tomato-tomatoes , story-stories, knife-knives, man-men , sheep-sheep等)专有名词 (John ,the United States ,Young Pioneer等)名词的所有格 (Toms father ,studentsdedroom, a map of the world等)不可数名词 (water , tea , paper 等)不可数名词量化表示法

3、 (a piece of paper , a bottle of ink 等) 2、冠词(a/an , the )的基本用法; 3、代词的用法;人称代词的主格和宾格(we , she ;us, her 等)形容词性物主代词 (my , your ,her ,hie 等)名词性物主代词 (mine, yours , theirs 等)指示代词 (this , that ,these , those 等)不定代词 (some, any 等)疑问代词 (what , who ,whose , which 等)关系代词(who, whom ,whose , which, that , as 等) 4、

4、“it”作引导词,非人称代词和强调句型中的用法; 5、数词的基本用法; 基数词的构成及其基本用法序数词的构成及其基本用法加、减、乘、除运算表示法时间、年代、年龄表示法 6、形容词和副词的用法;形容词和副词比较级和最高级的构成(+er, +est ;more , the most 以及特殊的形式)基本句型:-as +原级形式+as-not as /so+原级形式+as-比较级形式+than-the 比较级形式,the比较级形式 No sooner-than-the+最高级形式+-in/of-形容词的基本用法(作定语、表语、补足语等)副词的基本用法(表示时间、地点、方式、程度和频度) 7、动词的种

5、类、时态、语态和非谓语动词; 1)动词的种类(1)行为动词或实义动词(2)连系动词( be , look , turn , get , become, etc)(3)助动词 (be , do , have , shall , will , etc )(4)情态动词 (can , may , must , need , etc ) 2)时态(1)一般现在时He gets up at six oclock in the mornign.She doesnt speak Chinese.The earth gound the sun. (2)一般过去时He was in Grade Two last

6、 year.She got up five yesterday morning. (3)一般将来时Shall we go to your school tomorrow?They xill be free next weekShe is going to do her homework this evening. (4)现在进行时He is doing his homework mowWe are playing football on the playground now (5)过去进行时They were singing when I came hereThey have lived th

7、ere for five years. (6)现在完成时He has already finished his homework.They have lived there for five years. (7)过去完成时We had learned 1000 words by the end of last year.When I got there she had gone already. (8)过去将来时She said she would go to Beijing the next day.Tom said he was going to see his unchle. 3)被动语

8、态(1)一般现在时的被动语态English is taught in that school.(2)一般过去时的被动语态The song was was written by that singer.(3)一般将来时的被动语态The work has beed done already .(4)带有情态动词的被动语态She must be sent to hospital at once. 4)非谓语动词的基本用法(1)动词不定式的用法 作主语 To learn a foreign language is not easy. It is not easy to learn a foreign

9、l anguage. 作宾语 They began to read. 作宾语补足语 Jim asked me to help him with his lessons. Try to make him stay with us. 作定语 I have an important meeting to attend. 作表语 She went to see her grandma yeatrday. 作表语 She went to see her her grandma yesterday. 用在how,when , where ,what , which 等之后 I doht know how

10、to us a compuer. Do you know when to start? He didnt know what to do next. (2)动名词的用法 作主语 Seeing is belienving. It is useless arguing adout it. 作表语 Her job is looking after children 作宾语 I like sining. He suggested having a party at the weekend. 作定语 There is swimming pool in our sohool. This is a slee

11、ping car. (3)分词的用法 作表语 The situation is encourahing The boy was greatly encouraged. 作定语 Our country is a developing country. The car ran along the school gate. 作宾语补足语 I saw them waiting at the school gate. I saw the door cloed. 作状语 Hearing the noise,they immediately stopped talking. Seen from a dist

12、ance, the mountain looked like an elepant. 8、常用介词和连词掌握词汇表中所列介词和连词的用法。(二)句法1、句子种类1)陈述句(肯定式与否定式)They go to school at seven in the morning.Shr isns a worker.2)疑问句(1)一般疑问句Are you a teacher?Does she speak English? (2)特殊疑问句When were you born?Why do you study English? (3)反意疑问句He comes here one or that one

13、?Does she life maths lr Chinese ? (4)选择疑问句Do you want this one or that one ?Does she like maths or Chinese? 3)祈使句Come here ,please!Dont do anything like that! 4)感叹句What a fine day it is today!How fine it is today! 5)并列句I turned on the TV and we sat down and watched it . 6)复合句(1)名词性从句:主语从句:What he sa

14、id is rihdt.Whether she will come or not is still a quesrion.宾语从句:I dont know why he left without saying a word .He said(that)he would come.表语从句:That is where he was born.That is why he hasns come yet.同位语从句:Do you know the news that my father will come back from America?That is the reason why he has

15、nt come yet. (2)定语从句:The man who is reading the newspaper is Mr Li.A chemists shop is shop which selle msdicine.This is the room in which we lived last year.I still remember the day when I first come to Eeijing.The hospital where my mother works is in the north of the city.Huang Hong , whose father

16、is a doctor , studies computer sricnce in the U. S. . (3)状语从句:时间状语从句:When Tom returns , Ill give him the key .地点状语从句:He works where he studied and lived.方式状语从句:He didnt do it as I had told him.条件状语从句:Well go to Great Wall if it is fine tomorrow.目的状语从句:We cilimbed high so that we might get a better v

17、iew.结果状语从句:A TV set can be made so srmall that it may be easily placed in a watch .原因状语从句: Since it has st opped rlanned, the game will be held as planned.让步状语从句:He passed the exam although he has been ill for some time. 2、句子主语、谓语、表语、宾语、定语、状语、补足语、直接宾语和间接宾语。 3、倒装结构Hardly had I opened the door when wh

18、en he rushed in. 4、五种基本句型主语+连系动词+表语(S+Link-V+P)The bike is new.主语+及物动词+宾语(S+VT+O)Children often sing this song .主语+不及物动词 (S+TV)He sings well.主语+及物动词+间接宾语+直接宾语(S+TV+IO+DO)Shr shwed her friends her pictures.主语+及物动词+宾语+宾补(S+TV+O+C)We keep our classroom clean and tidy. 5、主谓的一致关系Jim and Mike have seen th

19、e film.There is a desk and two chairs in the room.Two and there is (are )five.Her famil is large.The family are sitting at the supper table. 日常交际用语 1、问候 GreetingsGood morning/afternoon/evening.Hello/Hi.How are you?Fine , thank you , and you?Very well , thank you. 2、介绍 Intrductiongsa.This is Mr/Mrs /

20、Miss /Ms /Comrade- Id like you to meen-b.How do you do ? Nice/Glad /Pleased to see /meet you.c.My name is- Im a (student/teacher , erc . )d.Im Chinese.3、告别 Farewellsa.Im afraid I must be leaving now.I think its time for us to leave now.b.Good-bye!(Bye-bye!Bye!)See you later/tomorrow.(See you)Good ni

21、ght. 4、感谢和应答 Thanks and responsesa.Thank you (very much).Thank a lot.Many thks.Thanks for-b. Its very kind of you to-Not at all.Its /Thats all right.Youre welcome 5 、祝愿、祝贺和应答Good wishse , congratlations responsesa.Good luck!Best wishes to you!I wish you good luck/success!Have a nice /good time.b.Tha

22、nk you .The same to you.c.Happy New Year!Merry Christmas!Harry birthday to you. 6、道歉、遗憾和应答 Apoiogies, rgrets,sympathies responsesa.Sorry/Pardon.Im sorry.Im sorry for/about-Imsorry to hest-b.Excuse me (for-)Im afraid of-What a pity/shame!c.Thats all right.It doesnt matter.Thats nothing. 7、邀请和应答 Invit

23、ations and responsesa. Will you come to-?Would you like to-?Id like to inviteyou to-b.Yes,Id love to(-).Yes, its very kind /nice of you.c.Id love to ,but- 8、提供(帮助等)和应答 Offers and responsesa.Can/Could/Shall I help you?Is there anything (erlse)I can do for you?Do you want me to-?What can I do for you

24、?Let me do/carry /help-(for you ).Would you like some-?b.Thanks. That would be nice/ fine .Thats very kind of you.Thank you your help.Yes, plsase,Here, take this /my -c.No, thanks/thank you.Thank you all the same .Thats very kind of you , but-9、约会Making appointmentsa.Are you/ will you be free this a

25、fternoon/tomorrow?How about tomorrow morning/afernoon/eveving?Shall we meet at 4:30 at-?b.Yes, thats all right.Yes, Ill be free then.c. No , I wont be free then .But Ill be free -d.All right .See you then.10、意愿和希望Imtentions and wishesa.Im going to-I will-Id like to-I (do not )want/hope to-b.I want/h

26、ope/mish to -11、请求、允许和应答 Asking for permission and responsesa. May I-?Can/Could I-?b.Yes /Sure /Certainly.Yes , (do)please.Of course (you may).Go ahsad, please.Thats OK/all right.Not at all.c.Im sorry you cant.Im sorry , but-Youd better not.12、同意和不同意 Agreement and disagreementa. Certainly/ Sure /Of

27、course.No problem.Yes , please .Yes , I think so.Thats true.All right/OK.Thats a good idea-I/We agree(with you)b.No,I dont think so.Im afraid motIm afraid I (really) cont agree with you.13、喜好和厌恶 Likes and dislikesa.I like/love-(very much).I like /love to-b. Idont like to(to)-I hate (to)-14、决断和坚持 Det

28、ermination , decision and insistenceI will-I have decided to/ that-15、判断和意见Judgement and opiniona. Well done /Good work!b.In my opinion-It seems-16、能力 AbilityI can -He is able to-17、肯定和不肯定 Certainty and uncertaintya.Im sure (of that).Im sure (that)-b.Im not sure(of thar).Im not sure whether/ if-c. P

29、erhaps/Maybe.18、禁止和警告 Prohibition and warningsa. You cant/mustnt-If you -, youll-You;d better not do it .Dont smoke!Dont be late!b.Look out!Take care!Be coareful!19、可能和不可能 Possibility and impossibitya.He can / may-It is possible that-20、预见、猜测和相信 Prediction conjecture and beliefa.He will-b. It seems

30、(that)-c. I believe that he is right.21、请求Reqyestea. Can will /Couuld/ Would you-for me?Willk/ Can/Ccould /Would you jplease-?May I have-?b. Please give / Pass me-Please wait (here /a mooment).Please wait (for) your turn .Please stand in line/ line up.Please hurry.c. Dont rush (hurry)/ corowd.No noi

31、se , pleasse.No smoking , please.22、劝告和建议许诺 Advice and suggestionsa. Youd better (not)-You should/ought to-You need (to)-b. Shall we-?Lets-What /How adout-?Why nou-?Why dont you -?23、许诺PromisesI promise-I will give - to you .24 、表示焦虑 Expressing anxietyWhats wrong ?Whats the matter (with you )?Im / Hes / Shes worried .Oh, what shall I / we do ?25、表示惊奇 Expressing surpriseReally ?Oh dear!Is that so?Good heavens!26、表示喜悦 Expressing pleasureIm glad/ pleased / happy to -Thats nice/ wonderful / grear.27、谈论天气 Talking adout the weathera. Whats the weather like

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